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CREDIT NOTE Credit Note Date: 23/10/15 Credit Note Number: EUVINS1-VCN-GB-21970783 Original Order Number: 203-2883246-6641908 Supplier Name: Amazon EU S.à r.l., UK Branch Supplier Address: 60 Holborn Viaduct, London, EC1A 2FD, United Kingdom Supplier VAT number: GB727255821 Customer Name: Katarzyna Zajac Customer Ship To Address: 20 St Georges Road, Southsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO49PL, GB Customer Bill To Address: 20 St Georges Road, Southsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO49PL, GB
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EDC by Esprit Women's Open Long Sleeve Cardigan, Dark Purple, Size 12 (Manufacturer Size:Medium)
Unit Price VAT (VAT Rate Exclusive) -£36.67
Total Price (VAT Inclusive)
20.00% -£7.33 -£44.00
TOTAL: -£44.00 Total VAT at 20.00% = £7.33. This is the total of all VAT amounts refunded less any deductions and promotional discounts. TOTAL AMOUNT OF VAT RE-PAYABLE: £7.33
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