EffortlessEnglishClub.com 1Attractor Factor POV TextHello, welcome to the POV (Point of View) mini-stories for “Attractor Factor.” Let’s begin. Since ...
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Attractor Factor POV Text Hello, welcome to the POV (Point of View) mini-stories for “Attractor Factor.” Let’s begin. Since starting 10 years ago, Eve has felt bad. She has felt tried every day. She has had no energy. This started 10 years ago. Before 10 years ago she felt great, but since 10 years ago…you know until now, until recently…she has felt very tried. She has not had energy. She hasn’t had energy. In fact, starting 10 years ago she has gotten sick all the time. She has frequently gotten sick, since 10 years ago until recently. And during that time she has tried many different things. She tired exercise one time, it did not help. She tried various medicines and drugs, but none of them helped. So, since 10 years ago, during this time she has been very frustrated. She has been frustrated because she felt bad. She has been frustrated because she couldn’t find a solution. Until one day she decided to abstain from eating mice. So on that day she decided “no more mice.” She was surprised. After a few days she felt better. And she felt better, stronger and more healthy, it was amazing. And so, she forbid her kittens from eating mice, too. And they began to feel healthier and stronger. She thought “wow!” And this became the springboard for a whole new healthy life. It was the sudden beginning of a whole new healthy life. Abstaining from mice was the springboard to a whole new healthy life for Eve and for her kittens. And so next she abstained from eating fish, too, and she felt even better. So, she forbid her kittens from eating fish and they felt even better. Wow, she was feeling great. So finally, she decided to abstain from drinking beer. She stopped drinking beer, no more beer and she felt outstanding! Now, of course, she did not forbid her kittens from drinking beer because we all know that kittens need beer to grow. So her kittens continued to drink beer, but they abstained from mice and they abstained from fish and they felt great, too. And so, as a result, Eve and all her kittens became healthy and happy and had lots and lots of energy. All right, that’s the end of our first story.
Next, we’re going to the future. This is an idea for a future story. I’m going to tell you about a story that might happen in the future. For example, there will be a cat named Eve. She’s going to be sick all the time. In fact, she will have been sick for maybe 10, maybe 15 years. So she will have been sick that entire time, staring 10 years in the past and then going into the present. So, she’ll have been sick for a long time. But one day she’s going to decide to abstain from eating mice. She will stop eating mice and she’s going to feel better. She’ll feel healthier. She’ll have more energy. She’ll stop getting sick. So she’ll forbid her kittens from eating mice also and they’re going to feel great. They’re going to feel stronger and healthier and have more energy, too. This will become the springboard to a whole new life for Eve and her kittens. The beginning, the sudden powerful beginning of a whole new life, the springboard. So next she’s going to abstain from eating fish, too. She’ll stop eating fish and she’ll feel even better, more energy, more health, feeling fantastic. So, of course, she’ll forbid her kittens from eating fish and they’ll feel better, more energy, more fantastic. And, finally, she’ll make a very difficult and big decision. She’ll abstain from drinking from drinking beer. She’ll stop drinking beer. Now, of course, she won’t forbid her kittens from drinking beer because kittens need beer to grow, but Eve will stop, she’ll stop drinking beer. And, the result? Eve’s going to feel super amazing, outstanding! Her kittens will feel outstanding! They will all be healthy and energetic and have a lot of energy and just feel fantastic! They’re going to be super fantastic healthy cats. And, that is the end of the POV stories for “Attractor Factor.” I hope you’re feeling strong and healthy, too. Deep breath, move your body, big smile. See you next time.