Enfield Council SAFEGUARDING & QUALITY ASSURANCE SERVICE Charles Babbage House 1 Orton Grove, Off Melling Drive Enfield London EN1 4TU Tel: Fax: Outco...
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Enfield Council
SAFEGUARDING & QUALITY ASSURANCE SERVICE Charles Babbage House 1 Orton Grove, Off Melling Drive Enfield London EN1 4TU Tel: Fax:
Outcome of Child Protection Conference Details of Child: JULIA LEWANDOWSKI Family Name
Given Names
Actual DOB
Primary Language
*Main address
Telephone (Mobile Phone Number)
7508369906-Mr Lewandowski -father
07552 320 676
Case Number
Secondary Address
Temporary Address
Initial Child Protection Conference Summary Date Referral Received
Conference Planned Date
Conference Due Date
Conference Actual Date
Conference Location
Conference Minutes Completed
Multiple Subjects
G. Age
10 04POLISH years Dec-2003
4 07POLISH years Oct-2009
5 12POLISH years Feb-2008
Details of Child: ERYK LEWANDOWSKI Family Name
Given Names
Actual DOB
Primary Language
Primary Address
Telephone (Home Phone Number)
020 3539 5337
07552 320 676
Case Number
Secondary Address
Current Address
Details of Child: SZYMON LEWANDOWSKI Family Name
Given Names
Actual DOB
Primary Language
Primary Address
Telephone (Home Phone Number)
020 3539 5337
07552 320 676
Case Number
Secondary Address
Current Address
Meeting Attendees Attendee
Consulted Invited Attended Chair
School/Education representative
Cressida Black
Admin Support
No No
Yes Ros Williams
Allocated Case Worker
Reviewing Officer
Yes Yes
Police representative
Initial Child Protection Conference REPORTS
Police, School, Social Work
PRESENT AGENCY Anna Gzowske Mother Tomasz Lewandowski Father Aneta Rozmarynowski Interpreter Ros Williams Social Worker, Assessment Team Chris Hajitheodoulou School Nurse Kate Holland Houndsfield School Minaxi Tailor Police, CAIT Margo Goold Chair, Safeguarding Children & Quality Assurance Service Cressida Black Minutes, Safeguarding Children & Quality Assurance Service APOLOGIES Dr Kapila North Middlesex Hospital Janet Nicolaou Health Visitor Mary Owens Diabetic Nurse INTRODUCTION Agendas were made available to all participants. Everyone had the opportunity to read the Social Worker's
report. The Chairperson welcomed everybody and all participants introduced themselves. The Chairperson said the meeting is confidential and outlined the equal opportunities and complaints procedure. Family details were checked. Mr Lewandowski confirmed he had moved two days earlier and was living at 37 King Edwards Road, so was very close to the children. REASON FOR CONFERENCE The chairperson said there were concerns about tensions in the parent's relationship who are living separately at present. Part of the tension is due to Mr Lewandowski making allegations about Ms Gzowske's alcohol use. In the past when Mr Lewandowski has made allegations, investigations have been completed by Children's Services but there has been no evidence to support the disclosures made. However, in November of this year concerns were very evident when the social worker carried out a home visit to find Ms Gzowske in an extreme state of intoxication. This makes the children increasingly vulnerable as in that condition Ms Gzowske is incapable of supervising or meeting the children's needs. A particular concern is Eryk who is diabetic and insulin dependent. He has been noted as having erratic blood sugar readings which seem to increase when his mother is drinking. This would imply that Ms Gzowske is unable to prepare suitable food for him or that his stress levels are causing the blood sugars to rise. Ms Gzowske disagreed with this and said Eryk's blood sugars go up when he takes sweets without her or his father's knowledge. Ms Gzowske said Eryk's blood sugars go up and down when she is sober and Mr Lewandowski is unable to control it either. Mr Lewandowski agreed and said Eryk will sometimes get Szymon to take sweets to his room for him. The chairperson asked Ms Gzowske if she agreed that when she is very drunk it impairs her ability to parent adequately. Ms Gzowske agreed with this. POLICE REPORT - Minaxi Tailor 04/11/2013 - Anna reported missing by Tomasz on 04/11/2013 and she returned on 06/11/2013 leaving Tomasz to look after the children. She stated that the allegations made by Tomasz were untrue and that she was not an alcoholic. 26/01/2013 - Burglary reported at the home address although police were unable to make any further contact with Tomasz and Anna to progress the investigation. 16/11/2012 - Tomasz reported being the victim of theft (debit card) 13/08/2012 (Julia) - Children telephone father to say they were hungry and that their mother was asleep. Father rang police as he was concerned for their welfare and believed that Anna (mother) had been drinking. Police attended home address and found that Anna had been drinking but was in no way impaired. There were no concerns for the children. 11/08/2012 (Julia) - Tomasz called police after attending the home address and reporting that Anna was drunk and he was concerned for the children. Police attended the home address and found children in the care of an uncle and aunt. They confirmed Anna had been drinking and this was referred to SSD. 24/06/2011 - Anna reported that her son Adrian had slept outside the home address and started banging on the door in the morning to be let in. He drinks heavily and is violent. He has been arrested in the past for pulling the children by their arms and there is a signed agreement between Anna and their Social Worker that she will not let Adrian into the house or have contact with the children. Adrian left the location before police arrival. 20/08/2010 (Julia) - Subject was taken along with 2 other children from home address by mother to escape their older brother who was holding a knife and threatening mother. CRIS 2819987/10 refers suspect arrested at scene by police. The older brother/ suspect does not live at the address and should not be attending. 31/07/2010 (Szymon) - Police attended the subject's home address in relation to an allegation of crime, made by his mother and father. This merlin is being created purely because the subject and his brother and sister were at home at the time. Neither the subject or his sister and brother were involved or subjected to harm, they were just at home when the alleged offence was carried out. 31/07/2010 - Adrian made threats to kill his mother (Anna) (linked to CRIS above) 30/07/2010 - Tomasz was assaulted along with Szymon (scratched on the head with a fork) after suspect (who is Anna's older son) was staying with the family temporarily had been drinking and became abusive. Allegation unsubstantiated. (Suspect Adrian Gzowski, no dob) EDUCATION REPORT - Kate Holland Kate Holland said all of the children's attendance is below the required level of 95%. Eryk's attendance is 89.7% with three authorised absents due to medical appointments and 11 unauthorised. Szymon's attendance is 89.7% with eight authorised, 6 unauthorised. Julia's attendance is 82.1% with 9 authorised and 1 unauthorised. In addition Eryk has been late 9 times, Szymon 6 times and Julia has not been late at all. None of the children have any special educational needs. There have been no concerns in terms of risk of exclusion. There are no concerns regarding the children's educational progress. Both boys are slightly below with reading and writing but this is probably due to the fact that English is their second language. ERYK Eryk is working slightly above expected level in maths and at expected level in science. Ms Gzowske said that Eryk often forgets to hand his homework in and it stays in his school bag all week. Ms Holland said Eryk is a very independent boy who enjoys being at school, learning and playing with his peers. He is always incredibly polite and well-mannered, although does appear like he has a lot on his mind. Ms Holland said she spoke to Eryk in September just before the first referral and he seemed very relieved that someone wanted to listen to him. He was a bit tearful. Since then he has liked having the opportunity to talk. Ms Holland felt Eryk seemed sad, worried and stressed and thought he worried a lot about his mother. Eryk tests his blood sugar levels before lunch and they are very erratic. It appears that Eryk is controlling his diabetes himself and making decisions. Eryk administers his own insulin under the observation of the welfare officer. Eryk's blood sugar levels do not appear to affect his mood and he appears calm and in control much of the time. He is very grown up. SZYMON Szymon is working at expected level in maths and slightly above in science. Szymon's class teacher has reported a change in his behaviour recently. Szymon had been becoming slightly more disruptive in the classroom during lessons. There was an incident that led to a potential level four of the schools behaviour policy. This was wavered in light of the current home circumstances. More recently, Szymon has become very withdrawn in the classroom. Rather than fighting and fussing on the carpet, he often appears sad, forlorn and on the verge of tears. This period would coincide with the period when his mother was drinking. JULIA Julia has settled well into nursery and made good progress so far in all areas. The nursery teacher has commented that it would be useful for Julia to develop her independence when dressing etc. There are no concerns regarding Julia's behaviour. Mr Lewandowski said Julia does dress herself at home but very slowly so perhaps they need to give her more time. Ms Gzowske said when she tells the children they are going shopping they can all get dressed in about one minute. Recently there was an incident where Julia had fallen outside and got a piece of glass in her hand. Mr Lewandowski took Julia to the welfare room and asked for a pair of tweezers to remove the glass. The welfare
officer explained this was not possible and recommended Mr Lewandowski take Julia to hospital to have the glass removed. Mr Lewandowski took one of Eryk's needles from the diabetic box and used it to try and get the glass out. Julia was crying and Mr Lewandowski shouted at her and almost went to hit her. He left the needle and open boxes in a mess on top of the unit. When the welfare assistant went to tidy up she did not see the needle and pricked her finger. Ms Holland said homework isn't brought in consistently by any of the children. All three children often look very tired and pale. Eryk in particular, has dark circles under his eyes and his skin has a slight sheen. His hair is often greasy. Szymon always appears dishevelled and his hair is often not brushed. It is reported that although not immaculate Julia is relatively well-presented. Ms Gzowske said she disagreed. Eryk has issues with his skin because of the diabetes. He has special soap and cream to use as his skin gets very dry when his blood sugar level is high. The school has a lot of contact with Mr Lewandowski and he has been forthcoming in his appeals for help. The school has a Polish speaking member of staff with whom he speaks. Historically, the parents have not always engaged well with regard to Eryk's diabetic needs and have become slightly defensive over this. Ms Holland said the school are concerned about the children - particularly Eryk. Ms Holland said she was also concerned about Mr Lewandowski as on the occasions she had met him he looked very tired, dishevelled and unclean. Mr Lewandowski does most of the dropping off and collecting of the children as he has a car and school is not within walking distance. HEALTH REPORT - Chris Hajitheodoulou Chris Hajitheodoulou said she had met with Ms Gzowske once before in October 2011 when she met with her and the welfare assistant at Houndsfield to write Eryk's diabetes care plan. The care plan confirmed what needed to be done with regards to Eryk's diabetes at school on a daily basis. Since then the school nurse has not has any reason to see any of the children in school or carry out health checks. Eryk is seen at the hospital on a regular basis and has his height and weight checked. No concerns have been raised about his growth. Ms Hajitheodoulou said she did not have any records for any of the children but would need to do some investigating. It may just be that there are no records in the UK for them as yet. The family are registered with a GP at Eagle House Surgery. The school nurse has liaised with the health visiting service and Julia has not come to their attention. There have been no reports of A & E attendances or any health concerns. The welfare assistant at Houndsfield showed Ms Hajitheodoulou the record of Eryk's blood sugars. Ms Hajitheodoulou was concerned that the parents did not fully understand what can have an effect on Eryk's blood sugars. They have said Eryk snacks on sweets but he is not snacking whilst at school and his blood sugar reading is often quite high before lunch. Mr Lewandowski said he had health records from Poland including a record of immunisations. These were taken to the GP in White Hart Lane where the family previously lived and any outstanding immunisations were administered. Ms Gzowske said she did not think Eryk got enough help at school with his diabetes. Eryk had a diabetic review today and saw Dr Kapilla two weeks ago. Amendments have been made to Eryk's correction dose and the parents will bring the new instructions into school. The parents confirmed Eryk always has his insulin at breakfast time. SOCIAL WORKER'S REPORT - Ros Williams Ros Williams said she spoke to Dr Kapila today who confirmed she had seen Eryk and was concerned. Dr Kapila was concerned about the high blood sugar readings which is why she changed his correction dose. Dr Kapila is also concerned about the home environment. Mr Lewandowski has spoken to Dr Kapila about the home situation on so she is very aware of the children's circumstances. Dr Kapila made contact with Children's Services after she had seen Eryk with his father at the hospital. Ms Williams confirmed that Children's Services were involved and what the plan for the family was. Dr Kapila said she thought Mr Lewandowski looked dishevelled, tired and stressed with the current situation. Mr Lewandowski agreed he was tired. He works nights and also takes the children to school and collects them. Dr Kapila said if mother is drinking it is likely to have an effect on Eryk's blood sugar level as she will not be properly supervising his food intake. Ms Williams said the family dynamics are a concern. The social worker was only informed at conference today that Mr Lewandowski had moved in two doors away from the family. Ms Gzowske recently had some very traumatic news about her older son in Poland which she says started off her recent drinking binge. Children's services have been involved twice before. Mr Lewandowski has gone to the police or the school with his concerns but there has never been enough evidence to suggest that there has been an issue. All this has put a strain on the parent's relationship. Initially the police thought that Mr Lewandowski was making allegations because of their relationship difficulties. This was not the case however, and If Ms Williams had not carried out an unannounced visit and witnessed Ms Gzowske in a highly intoxicated state; the true extent of her binge drinking would have remained unknown. Ms Gzowske binge drinks and has periods when she is sober. When she has been drinking she is not capable of providing adequate care for the children. This worries Mr Lewandowski and he is extremely concerned for his children's safety and well-being. Ms Williams has told the parents they need to sort out their relationship as their friction will be having an impact on the children. Mr Lewandowski thinks that Ms Gzowske will always have an issue with alcohol. The chairperson said that Ms Gzowske's binge drinking will likely create an even further sense of unpredictability for the children. They will never know from one day to the next what they will come home from school to find. This will only increase theirs and Mr Lewandowski's anxiety. Ms Williams said on a positive note when Ms Gzowske is not drinking she meets the children's needs. Ms Gzowske has two older children in Poland which also impacts on the family. Her son, Adrian, recently attempted suicide and is in hospital. He has alcohol issues as does Ms Gzowske and her ex-husband. Mr Lewandowski is very protective of his children and wants nothing to do with Adrian. He has not allowed Ms Gzowske to travel to Poland to see her son. The chairperson asked if the parents are still in a relationship. They confirmed they are not. Ms Goold asked why then does Ms Gzowske not go to Poland anyway. Ms Williams said Ms Gzowske is worried that Mr Lewandowski will change the locks if she goes and she will not be able to get back into the house. PARENT'S VIEWS/FURTHER INFORMATION Ms Gzowske said she disagreed with the school's opinion on the children's appearance. Eryk's diabetes causes problems with his skin. She disagreed that Szymon's hair was greasy and the children looked tired and said they take after their father who always looks tired. Ms Gzowske said Eryk's problem with his skin could be confirmed by Dr Kapila. Ms Gzowske said she felt professionals were saying she does not look after her children. Ms Holland said she had been reporting her own and the three class teacher's observations. Ms Gzowske said the children have bed time routines and are in bed by 10pm. Mr Lewandowski said they play computer games in their rooms until then. There are four computers in the home.
The chairperson said that this is the reason they look tired as 10pm is far too late for children of that age to be going to bed. She advised that it is not recommended that children have computers in their rooms as they will play on them when they should be sleeping and it is not good for their brainwaves. Minaxi Tailor said it is important for the parents to set the boundaries as they are the adults. Ms Goold said we have heard that Szymon will only go to school if they he gets a treat. This is not a good idea as he is learning that if he plays up he will get what he wants. The adults need to be consistent and in control. It is clear the parents need help in setting structure and boundaries. The children appear to be running rings around the parents. Ms Gzowske said she did not agree that. Mr Lewandowski said he does not buy Szymon treats to go to school. He may not be happy about it but he goes. Mr Lewandowski said with regards to the incident when Julia had glass in her hand; in Poland the school nurse would have removed the glass and he thought it would be the same here. Chris Hajitheodoulou explained that in schools in the UK the welfare assistant is not a trained nurse although the welfare assistant will be trained in first aid. Ms Hajitheodoulou said the parents need to understand that stress can affect Eryk's diabetes and cause it to get out of control. Ms Gzowske said she did understand. The chairperson said the social work report says that when Ms Gzowske was extremely drunk Julia was pushing the pram around the living completely oblivious to her mother's condition. This would suggest it was a perfectly normal situation for her which is very concerning. CHAIRPERSON'S SUMMARY
Margo Goold said professionals had heard a lot of information today but there is still a lot we don't properly understand. The school has informed us of their concerns for all three children. In relation to Eryk the concerns have been echoed by Dr Kapila. The difficulty in the parents' relationship is having an impact on the children and Ms Gzowske's binge drinking is having an impact on the whole family. Although Ms Gzowske is not drinking all of the time the rest of the family are permanently anxious about when they will next find her very drunk and are waiting for it to happen. This is confirmed through observations of Eryk and to an extent Szymon who have been observed as being quite unhappy and in a low mood. Julia in some ways is not old enough to pick up on all the dynamics but more concerning is that she is so used to the situation it is normal to her, and she does not seem to react to the situation when her mother is intoxicated. Eryk, on the surface appears to be taking things in his stride. All of the children are doing well in school which is positive but Ms Goold said she is worried that Eryk is internalising his worries and feelings. Rather than sharing how he feels he is trying to be brave. Ms Goold said she felt he children were at risk of suffering from significant harm and agreed with the social work recommendation that all three children become subject to a child protection (CP) plan under the category of emotional abuse.
Minaxi Tailor agreed with a CP plan and said we have not heard today that Ms Gzowske appears to understand the impact her drinking is having on the children. Kate Holland agreed that the children are at risk if Ms Gzowske's drinking remains unpredictable. Eryk is at particular risk due to the lack of control of his diabetes. Ros Williams said that Ms Gzowske has begun accessing services and has attended one appointment. A CP plan should be put in place so the family can be monitored and receive the services they need to ensure the children are safeguarded. Chris Hajitheodoulou agreed the children should become subject to a CP plan under the category of Emotional Abuse. CHILD PROTECTION PLAN It was unanimously agreed that Eryk, Szymon and Julia Lewandowski should become subject to Child Protection plans under the category of Emotional Abuse. DECISIONS After further discussion the following recommendations were made: Please see attached decision sheet. NEXT REVIEW DATE: Wednesday 12th March 2014 at 10am at Charles Babbage House. Margo Goold Reviewing Officer Safeguarding Children & Quality Assurance Service
Decisions Meeting Outcomes for Child: ERYK LEWANDOWSKI CP Initial Conference Dates Date Referral Received
CP Initial Conference Planned Date
CP Initial Conference Due Date
CP Initial Conference Actual Date
Has the Child / Young Person been seen by the lead social worker within the timescales specified within the plan?
Child Protection Conference Outcome
Create Child Protection Plan Provision of Services Refer to Other Agency Complete C & F Assessment No Further Action
Child Protection Plan Start Date
Child Protection Plan Category
Emotional Abuse
Child Protection Plan Comments
The children are worried and anxious about their mothers drinking excessive alcohol; and this limits her ability to properly care for them and meet their needs. Of particular concern is Eryk who is an insulin dependent diabetic with poorly controlled sugar levels. The children are at risk of harm and a CP plan is required.
If no child protection plan what further action is recommended by the Children's Social Care Department* and other agencies. Proposed date of first core group meeting Proposed date of the next Child Protection Review Conference
Core Group Members Name
Osei Owusu
Relationship to Child
Allocated Case Worker
Relationship to Child
Key Agency
Relationship to Child
Key Agency
Relationship to Child
Relationship to Child
Outline CP Plan Planning Plan Revision
Plan Effective From
Plan Effective To
Child/Young Person's Development Needs
Goals to be achieved
Actions to be done by when and by who
At present the children are very uncertain about what condition they will find their mother in when they return from school. This will be having a detrimental impact on their emotional well-being and on Eryk's blood sugar levels.
Stability is essential for the children and they need to know they will not return from school to find their mother intoxicated.
Social worker to Starting: carry out Ending: announced and unannounced visits to the family home at a minimum of every 3 weeks.
A member of the Starting: core group to Ending: see the children at least every 10 working days.
All three Starting: children to be Ending: seen by the school nurse/health visitor for a health review prior to the next conference.
Parents to Starting: ensure Eryk Ending: attend all appointments for his diabetes.
Other than Eryk's diabetes clinics there is little medical information and the children have had no involvement with the school nurse/health visiting service.
The children's general health should be assessed.
At present the children's school attendance is below 95% although all children are reported to be doing well academically.
School attendance to improve to meet 95% expected level. This in turn will help them meet their academic potential.
The children to attend school and their progress to be monitored and assessed.
Starting: Ending:
Eryk was reported to be relieved when he was finally able to speak to someone about the situation at home.
The children should have the opportunity to express their views and feel safe in doing so.
A referral to be Starting: made to Ending: Barnado's Advocacy service in order for the children's views to be presented at the next conference.
School to refer Starting: the children to a Ending: learning mentor giving them the opportunity to have someone they can go to if they need to talk or have concerns.
Parental Capacity Needs/Strengths
Goals to be achieved
Actions to be done by when and by who
Ms Gzowske has periods of binge drinking which is not only detrimental to her health but the emotional health of her children.
Ms Gzowske needs to remain sober.
Ms Gzowske to meaningfully engage with Compass.
Starting: Ending:
The children are not going to bed until 10pm and are presenting as tired at school. It would appear the children make decisions themselves that should be made by the adults.
The parents need to set suitable boundaries and routines that are appropriate for children of this age.
A suitable parenting Starting: course or outreach Ending: work to be arranged to give parents advice and guidance on setting boundaries and routines for the children.
The parent's fractious relationship is having a detrimental effect on the children emotional wellbeing.
The parents need to find a way to put their differences to one side for the sake of the children.
Parents to attend a mediation service in order to discuss and resolve some of their on-going issues.
Family and Environmental Factors
Starting: Ending:
Goals to be achieved
Actions to be done by when and by who
There is some concern about the very little sleep that father has and the impact this may have on his health.
Father to ensure that he also looks after himself as well as his family.
Father to Starting: maintain Ending: regular contact with his children.
Father to Starting: consider any Ending: ways he can get more sleep
Meeting Outcomes for Child: JULIA LEWANDOWSKI CP Initial Conference Dates Date Referral Received
CP Initial Conference Planned Date
CP Initial Conference Due Date
CP Initial Conference Actual Date
Has the Child / Young Person been seen by the lead social worker within the timescales specified within the plan?
Child Protection Conference Outcome Create Child Protection Plan Provision of Services Refer to Other Agency Complete C & F Assessment No Further Action
Child Protection Plan Start Date
Child Protection Plan Category
Emotional Abuse
Child Protection Plan Comments
The children are worried and anxious about their mothers drinking excessive alcohol; and this limits her ability to properly care for them and meet their needs. Of particular concern is Eryk who is an insulin dependent diabetic with poorly controlled sugar levels. The children are at risk of harm and a CP plan is required.
If no child protection plan what further action is recommended by the Children's Social Care Department* and other agencies. Proposed date of first core group meeting Proposed date of the next Child Protection Review Conference
Core Group Members Name
Osei Owusu
Relationship to Child
Allocated Case Worker
Agnieszka Bartoszek
Relationship to Child
Kate Holland
Relationship to Child
Key Agency
Relationship to Child
Relationship to Child
Outline CP Plan Planning Plan Revision
Plan Effective From
Plan Effective To
Child/Young Person's Development Needs
Goals to be achieved
Actions to be done by when and by who
At present the children are very uncertain about what condition they will find their mother in when they return from school. This will be having a detrimental impact on their emotional well-being and on Eryk's blood sugar levels.
Stability is essential for the children and they need to know they will not return from school to find their mother intoxicated.
Social worker to Starting: carry out Ending: announced and unannounced visits to the family home at a minimum of every 3 weeks.
A member of the Starting: core group to Ending: see the children at least every 10 working days.
Other than Eryk's diabetes clinics there is little medical information and the children have had no involvement with the school nurse/health visiting service.
The children's general health should be assessed.
All three Starting: children to be Ending: seen by the school nurse/health visitor for a health review prior to the next conference.
At present the children's school attendance is below 95% although all children are reported to be doing well academically.
School attendance to improve to meet 95% expected level. This in turn will help them meet their academic potential.
The children to attend school and their progress to be monitored and assessed.
Starting: Ending:
Eryk was reported to be relieved when he was finally able to speak to someone about the situation at home.
The children should have the opportunity to express their views and feel safe in doing so.
A referral to be Starting: made to Ending: Barnado's Advocacy service in order for the children's views to be presented at the next conference.
School to refer Starting: the children to a Ending: learning mentor giving them the opportunity to have someone they can go to if they need to talk or have concerns.
Parental Capacity Needs/Strengths
Goals to be achieved
Actions to be done by when and by who
Ms Gzowske has periods of binge drinking which is not only detrimental to her health but the emotional health of her children.
Ms Gzowske needs to remain sober.
Ms Gzowske to meaningfully engage with Compass.
Starting: Ending:
The children are not going to bed until 10pm and are presenting as tired at school. It would appear the children make decisions themselves that should be made by the adults.
The parents need to set suitable boundaries and routines that are appropriate for children of this age.
A suitable parenting Starting: course or outreach Ending: work to be arranged to give parents advice and guidance on setting boundaries and routines for the children.
The parent's fractious relationship is having a detrimental effect on the children emotional wellbeing.
The parents need to find a way to put their differences to one side for the sake of the children.
Parents to attend a mediation service in order to discuss and resolve some of their on-going issues.
Family and Environmental Factors
Starting: Ending:
Goals to be achieved
Actions to be done by when and by who
There is some concern about the very little sleep that father has and the impact this may have on his health.
Father to ensure that he also looks after himself as well as his family.
Father to Starting: maintain Ending: regular contact with his children.
Father to Starting: consider any Ending: ways he can get more sleep
Meeting Outcomes for Child: SZYMON LEWANDOWSKI CP Initial Conference Dates Date Referral Received
CP Initial Conference Planned Date
CP Initial Conference Due Date
CP Initial Conference Actual Date
Has the Child / Young Person been seen by the lead social worker within the timescales specified within the plan?
Child Protection Conference Outcome Create Child Protection Plan Provision of Services Refer to Other Agency Complete C & F Assessment No Further Action
Child Protection Plan Start Date
Child Protection Plan Category
Emotional Abuse
Child Protection Plan Comments
The children are worried and anxious about their mothers drinking excessive alcohol; and this limits her ability to properly care for them and meet their needs. Of particular concern is Eryk who is an insulin dependent diabetic with poorly controlled sugar levels. The children are at risk of harm and a CP plan is required.
If no child protection plan what further action is recommended by the Children's Social Care Department* and other agencies. Proposed date of first core group meeting Proposed date of the next Child Protection Review Conference
Core Group Members Name
Osei Owusu
Relationship to Child
Allocated Case Worker
Agnieszka Bartoszek
Relationship to Child
Relationship to Child
Key Agency
Relationship to Child
Relationship to Child
Outline CP Plan Planning Plan Revision
Plan Effective From
Plan Effective To
Child/Young Person's Development Needs
Goals to be achieved
Actions to be done by when and by who
At present the children are very uncertain about what condition they will find their mother in when they return from school. This will be having a detrimental impact on their emotional well-being and on Eryk's blood sugar levels.
Stability is essential for the children and they need to know they will not return from school to find their mother intoxicated.
Social worker to Starting: carry out Ending: announced and unannounced visits to the family home at a minimum of every 3 weeks.
A member of the Starting: core group to Ending: see the children at least every 10 working days.
Other than Eryk's diabetes clinics there is little medical information and the children have had no involvement with the school nurse/health visiting service.
The children's general health should be assessed.
All three Starting: children to be Ending: seen by the school nurse/health visitor for a health review prior to the next conference.
At present the children's school attendance is below 95% although all children are reported to be doing well academically.
School attendance to improve to meet 95% expected level. This in turn will help them meet their academic potential.
The children to attend school and their progress to be monitored and assessed.
Starting: Ending:
Eryk was reported to be relieved when he was finally able to speak to someone about the situation at home.
The children should have the opportunity to express their views and feel safe in doing so.
A referral to be Starting: made to Ending: Barnado's Advocacy service in order for the children's views to be presented at the next conference.
School to refer Starting: the children to a Ending: learning mentor giving them the opportunity to have someone they can go to if they need to talk or have concerns.
Parental Capacity Needs/Strengths
Goals to be achieved
Actions to be done by when and by who
Ms Gzowske has periods of binge drinking which is not only detrimental to her health but the emotional health of her children.
Ms Gzowske needs to remain sober.
Ms Gzowske to meaningfully engage with Compass.
Starting: Ending:
The children are not going to bed until 10pm and are presenting as tired at school. It would appear the children make decisions themselves that should be made by the adults.
The parents need to set suitable boundaries and routines that are appropriate for children of this age.
A suitable parenting Starting: course or outreach Ending: work to be arranged to give parents advice and guidance on setting boundaries and routines for the children.
The parent's fractious relationship is having a detrimental effect on the children emotional wellbeing.
The parents need to find a way to put their differences to one side for the sake of the children.
Parents to attend a mediation service in order to discuss and resolve some of their on-going issues.
Family and Environmental Factors
Starting: Ending:
Goals to be achieved
Actions to be done by when and by who
There is some concern about the very little sleep that father has and the impact this may have on his health.
Father to ensure that he also looks after himself as well as his family.
Father to Starting: maintain Ending: regular contact with his children.
Father to Starting: consider any Ending: ways he can get more sleep
Proposed date of next child protection review conference
Signatures Name of Social Worker completing assessment
Cressida Black
Name of Manager Signature: