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i\!ajJo!eol/s Genltall Allies (.5)
The Hessifll/ Lal/ds The process of dividing inherited lands between all surviving male beneficiaries, which steadily reduced Germany to a trivial conglomeration of petl), principalities over a period of centuries, was responsible for the splitting of HessenKassel and Hessen·Darmstadt in 1567- The subsequent stOTY of acquisitions and losses over 250 years is too complex to describe here. Suffice it that both states fought against France in the Revolutionary Wars; Darmstadt, on her own account as part of the Holy Roman Empire, and Kassel as a result of the latest in a series of sub· sidy deals by which she provided troops for the English crown. In 1795 Hessen-Kassel made peace with France 31 Basic. Hcsscn-Darmsladt, under the Landgraf Ludwig X, made peace in 1801 at Lunevillc. In 1803 bOlh states were enlarged by a sharingout of previously J mperial free towns and churchstates lO compensate them for lands lost to France. In addition, LandgrafWilhelm of HessenKassel secured the covctcd title of 'Kurrurst' (Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire). In 1806 Hessen-Darmstadt was to grow even larger under the patronage of Napoleon. Joining the Rheinbund in that year, she received aU remaining Imperial possessions within her borders, and Landgraf Ludwig became Grossherzog Ludwig when his state was elevated lO a Grand Duchy by Napoleon. Hessen-Kassel's fate was very different. KurfLirst Wilhelm I enraged Napoleon by partially mobilising his army when france attacked Prussia in October 1806; and the following month the french dictator took his revenge by dissolving Hessen-Kassel and incorporating it into his brother Jerome's new Kingdom of Westfalia (see r.'IAA 43, Napo/eon's German Allies
C..t...pi..ce of • HUH.-K.....t officer'. lIors"t, (.,,sa; lIold support.. u and (ram., cotoured ....m ..1 c.... tr... orifi:inally mOUAted 0" a sil...... 1I0rs.. t. (Scltlo. . Friedrichst.iD
(J): Berg and Westfalia). In November 1813 Wilhelm returned from exile, resumed the nowempty title of Kurfurst, and set about trying to put the political, administrative, social and sartorial clock back to 1806. In 1814 the Congress of Vienna made further changes to thc borders of Hessen-Darmstadt, and accordingly Ludwig's title became 'Grossherzog von Hessen und bei Rhein'.
Hessel/-Darmstadt: Orgflliisatioll al/d UI/iforms,1792 Establishment of Infantry Regiments, 1792 Each regiment had two balta lions each of four companies of two platoons. A grenadier or musketeer company consisted or: I captain, 2 lieutenants, t sergeant major, 2 sergeants, I corporal, 3 lance corporals, I fifer, 2 drummers
and go privates. A battalion thus had I major (commander), 3 captains, I 'staff·captain' (who commanded the major's company), 8 lieutenants, I adjutant, 28 NCOs, 12 fifers and drummers and 360 privates. The regimental commander (usually a lieutenant-colonel) always served with the 1st (or Leib) Battalion, and the regimental staff included the quartermaster, padre, auditor, surgeon, armourer, musket carpenter, provost, regimental and baltalion drum majors. Company surgeons were ranked as NCOs and were super· numerary to the figures quOted above. DrilJllnd TllclicJ
Companies formed in three ranks; in the 1st Bn. the regimental commander's company (LeibKompagnie) formed on the right of the line, the battalion commander's company on the left. Apart from the Leib-Kompagnie all companies were known by the names of their commanders and were arranged in line in accordance with the relative seniority of thai officer within the battalion. When companies changed commanders they also changed position in line of baltic if an alteration in relative seniority had taken place. In the 1st Bn. the senior captain's company took place next to the Leib-Kompagnie, the junior captain's being third in line. In the 2nd Bn. the battalion commander's company was on the right wing, the senior captain's on the left wing, the others in the centre. In the spring recruits were trained for four weeks and then posted to their companies. During the summer each company was maintained at full strength for the annual training period which started with drill at company level (six weeks), and progressed through battalion and regimental (sometimes to brigade) exercises, culminating in a manoeuvre under the eyes of the sovereign. For the rest of the year most of the men were sent home (after having handed in their equipment and weapons - cavalry troopers often took their horses with them) to live as best they could without pay until the annual training cycle began again. Company strength was thus reduced to the officers, NCOs and about 30 privates. Garrison life in autumn, winter and spring was taken up \\lith guard duty and a short daily parade at guard-changing. Arms drill was simplified in comparison to
Cr~aU of ""sen.K.s..,l, Top, L...dgrarsch.rt, 1791' Cenlral shield, red-and-white ,nriped Heni.n lion, with golden crown ...d .word, 0" hlue ground. Peripheral shields, clockwise from. o'clock, six_ point .ilver alar 0" btack o..·er • soldell field CO....ly or Ziel'>..nhain; Iwo gold nllnpaoll..op.rd. 0 .. red field - CO....'Y or Di",,"; .nver-over-red .hield .urroundltd by Ihree silver nails .nd Ihree sih·erp.rtlor. netd.. leaf CO....lyorsch.wn.burg; q ..artered, red_.nd_gold heraldic ordin.rie. (Princi_ palily .. r H.nau), rc:d-...d-sold hori"o..tal bars (Co..nly or Rein ..ck), the ..enlr.l .hi..ld gold over red (Herrschafl Mii.."enbers); IWO eight-poi.. t .ilver II.rs On a black field ov..r a I'>0ld fi.. ld Counly or Nidda; ratnp.nt red Ii.... wilh blue crown, On red ground County of K.tzenelnb"8en; red
L::::i:~ ~:rp~~Ci;.Ii:~i~(f;l!:~f:'d. ;::h~;~:~p~cI::
Garler surround. Ihe cr..n.
Botlotn, EleClorate, .806, The field., Ihough r ....arr.ngltd, balic.lly •• '794 but wilh .ddilion OrlwOI.t I o'clock,. gold uprighl CrO.. On blue (Prindpality of Frit"'ar, .803); ...d a ..ilver central.hield - lignific.nce unknown.
earlier periods. Loading, in 13 separate movements, was usually carricd out from the 'order arms' posilion, but could be iniliatcd from the 'shoulder arms' as well. When firing, the front rank knelt. Fire was given by the pia loon of Ihe company, or Ihe battalion of the regiment, Ihe other half of thc formation reserving its fire in each case 10 cover those men who had fired and were commilted to the long and vulnerable re·
Each battalion had two 3-pdr. cannon, their detachments commanded by an artillery officer; in aClion these were normally posled on each flank. Re-organisation of May/November
.806 A Feld-Brigade and a Carnison-Brigade were raised in each of the three main provinces (Starkenburg, Oberhessen and Westfalen), the latter soon being retitled Reservebrigaden. These were a Iype of Landwehr, composed of the cadres only of two baualions each, and bore lhe name of lhe province. The field brigades were named and composed as follows: Slarkenbllrg - 'Leib-Brigade'; Leib-Regimcnl and Fusilicr-Balaillon (formerly Leichles-lnfanlcrieRegiment, see below); main garrison al Darmstadt. Oberhmtn- 'Brigade Landgrar; Regiment Landgraf and new Fusilier-Balaillon (formerly 2nd Leib-Crenadier-Bataillon); two bns. al Giessen, one at Alsfeld. Wtsifaltn - 'Brigade Erbprinz'; Regiment ErbTwo lunic.. appa""Ddy of Ir_P'I'"' of Ihe "useD-Kassel Garde du Corps, t.l7'!18 - white, crimsoD faci.ollS, silver lace prinz and Fusilier-Bataillon Erbprinz; garrisons ...d bUllons. Note sho"Mer slrap butlon on collar itself, aDd at Brilon, Werl and Arnsberg. p1acinll of Strap 10 ....ar of shoulder.... Ihe foretro"nd is Lhe Pallascl. sword c:arried by this rqim".. t' hrass hilt, 'WL' On 18 Augusl 1806 tilles were changed when cypher 0" baske!, black ...d Ilold-wi.... Ilrip. (Schloss FriedricbsleirlM"se,,:m) Landgraf Ludwig X became Grossherzog Ludwig I. The Leib-Bde. became the Leib-Garde-Bde., loading process. Another tactice used was the with the Leib·Garde-Regt. and lhe Garde'Heckenfeuer', in which an officer walked down Fusilier-Bn.; the Brigade Landgraf became Ihe the rear rank from the right of the line giving fire Leib-Bde., with the Leib-Regt. and lhe 1st Leiborders progressively to groups of three files (i.e. Fusilier-Bn.; and the Brigade Erbprinz became nine men). Live musketry practice was supposed the Brigade Gross- und Erbprinz, with the to take place during three weeks per year, but Reg!. Gross- und Erbprinz and the 2nd Leib· economy (or the corruption of company com- Fusilier-Bn. (At the same lime" the Chcvaulegcrsmanders, who paid for the ammunition) often Regt. became the Garde-Chevaulegcrs-Rcgt. reduced this. see under 'Cavalry', below.) The rate of marching was 75 paces per minute; In 1803 the infantry company cstablishmelll in 1793 a 'Doublierschriu' or double-march was was 1 captain or slaff-captain, 2 lieutenants, I introduced for changing position on the ballle- sergeant major, 2 sergeants, 4 corporals, 3 field. In 1808 the custom of re-arranging the drummers and fifers, 7 sharpshooters and 83 companies in lhe line for each change of com- privates: 103 in all. The staffofa four-company mander was abolished; and although the three- battalion was I major or lieutenant-colonel, I rank line was retained as the normal formation, subaltern, I senior surgeon, I clerk, 2 junior a two-rank line was introcl.uced and practised. surgeons, 1 drum major, 8 musicians, and one Light infantry were drilled like line infantry, provost. The battalion total was thus 428 all but also in extended order skirmishing tactics ranks. and field outpost duty. The totals for a three-battalion brigade were:
I colonel, I lieutenalll-coionel, 2 majors, 8 captains, 4 staff-captains, t2 first lieutenants, 16 second lieutenallls (incl. I brigade and 3 battalion adjutants), I staff quartermaster, t staff auditor, t staffsurgeon, I priest, 2 senior surgeons. 12 sergeanl majors, 24 sergeants, 48 corporals, I brigade clerk, 3 battalion clerks, 6 junior surgeons, 3 drum majors, 24 musicians, 36 drummers and fifers, 3 provosts, 84 sharpshooters, and 996 privates: in all, 1,291 all ranks.
Uniforms, 1792
All matters of finance and clothing lay in the hands of the company commanders - the 'chefs', or, essentially, owners of their companies. Uniforms, discipline, tactics and organisation were also closely modelled on the Prussian example. Hair was powdered, curled, and worn in a pigtail extending to the small of the back; moustaches were not worn except as specifically noted below. Officers' sashes and sword knots were silver and red. Black cockades were worn on black Prussian-style bicorn hats, with white and red plumes for officers and NCOs. The specifics of the various arms and ranks arc listed below.
Grenadier cap of an NCO, unidentified "essen-Kanet res-i. menl, .,65-1806. The front ptlOte is ..ilver, the doth head. piece or backing white wilh silver tace trim, the headband yellow edged wilh silver, and the top tasset red and while. (Sehton Friedrichste;n Museum)
N.B. For reasons of space the following abbre-
:::::: ~;:: ::; ~~°Co~; for Off's. "" Offi~ers ORs = Other rank.
HL = Hat lace (edging) CLR = Collar C CF
= Cuffs = Cuff8aps
= Hippocket8ap ~:':~~acks
= = = =
a~ve ..Sky blue coats and CF; red C, L,. CLR; silver ~lght-hand aiguilletle fastened to third L BTN; Sliver laced buttonhole - seven on each L, two under each L, three on each CF, two on each HPF, two in small of back. White W, B; boots, sword, as above. Cavalry Gmeral-Adjutants (ADCs) As infantry except: white plume, red base. The CLR bore sky blue patcl~es with a horiz~ntal silver lace in centre. No CI·; on each C a SlIver lace chevron, point down, and two more above the C. Three more chevrons extended down the tails, replacing H PFs.
the uniform with star, cockade, cords as
breeches buttons waistcoat facings
Major·Gtnerals, Town CommJIndants \Vide, scalloped silver H L & White cut-feather edging; silver star below cockade, silver cords, tassels redwithin-silver. Dark blue coal and CF; red C, L, CLR; white TB; silver BTN. White W, B; high cuffed boots; sword. Infantry Fliigel-AdJulanls (ADCs) Plain bicorn
bifantT)' offiurs
red CLR, L, C, TB; silver BTl\', right-hand aiguilleltc; buff W, B; high, cuffed boots. Black waist belt over W, silvcr/rectangular plate, steel· hilted sabre in black sheath, stecl fittings.
while, the long gaiters black wilh brass buttons. Coats were dark blue with red lurn·backs; an oblong of regimenlal facing clOlh backed the bulton fastening these. Ten sharpshoolers per company carried rifles. Drummers, and hornists orJight infantry, were distinguished by swallows' nests in facing colour with a boltom band of white lace. Drums were brass Wilh red and white hoops. Individual regimental litle changes and uniform dislinctions were as follows: Leib·Regimenl
Grenadier cap plat" or various uaid,mti61td He._-KasM'1 ~e"Ls, l1a~-IIIo6, lerl a ..d ce.ure are .... w1Li1e metal, rillht .... h~ss, with a 'WL' cypher .... the CC'Dtre field. (Sc:b105S friedrichste.... MUM'um)
Line Infantry - General Notes Officers' parade and duty bicorns had wide, scalloped lace edging and Slar brooches in 'butlon colour' (exeepi where otherwise speei. fled), black cockades, and silver·and-red cords and lassels. Boots wcre knee·high, those of grenadier officers having knee cuffs; waistcoats and breeches were white; coats dark blue; and gauntlets buff. They carried brown canes with gilt knobs and silver tassels. Corporals had silver lace al the 101' and front of the cuffs, sergeants and sergeant majors laced cuffs and collars. All NCOs had bulton-colour hat edging, and while pompons with red centres; red and white sabre knots; and carried rifles in· slead of muskets. They had brown canes wilh brass knobs and red and while tassels. On the black cartridge pouch flap lhey wore a round brass plale bearing the Hessian lion. Privales' hats had while edging; they bore a regimenlal bulton under a pompon in company colours, and white cords with red-within-while lassels. Their Prussian infanlry sabres had brown sheaths, and white fiSI Slraps with a companycoloured tassel. These colours were; 1St Bn. lSI (or Leib-) Kompagnie, white; 2nd, black; grd, blue; 4th, red. 2nd Bn. 5th, yellow; 6th, black·over-white; 7th, blue·over-white; 81h, redover·white. Belts, waistcoats and breeches were
I June 1803, Leib-Brigade, with 2nd FusilierBalaillon; 18 August 1806, Leib-Garde-Brigade, twO bns. Leib-Garde·Regt. and Garde-Fusilier. Bn.; 22 February 1812, Leib·Garde-Regt. of twO bns.; 1918, Inf.-Regt. Nr. 115. Red F, silver BTN. Buttonholes laced, silver for offs., while for ORs, with end opposite button pointed.
Rtgimmt Landgraf I June ,80g, Brigade Landgraf; ,8 Augusl 1806, Leib-Brigade, two bns. Regl. Landgraf and Leib-Fusilier·Bn.; 22 February 1812, Leib-Regl. oflwobns.; 1918,Nr.117. White F, gold BTN; 1803, light blue F, silver BTN. Buttonholes laced, tasselled, gold for offs., white for ORs except on L which bore BTN only.
Rtgiment Erhpriru.
A garrison regiment in '1792; 8 December 1794, Feld-Bataillon Erbprinz raised (1st Bn. ofregt.): I June 1803, Brigade Erbprinz, two line bns. (2nd Bn. being former Inf.·Regl. von Kleist taken over from disbanded Electorate of Kaln) and 1St Fiisilier·Bn. (ex-1st Leib·Grenadier-Bn.); 18 Augusl 1806, Brigade Gross- und Erbprinz, two line bns., 1st FUsilier·Bn. being renamed 2nd Leib·Fusilier-Bn.; 22 August 1808, Regt. Gross· und Erbprinz, twO bns. each of one grenadier, one voltigeur and four fusilier com· panics. Deslroyed in Spain; re-raised from rc· turned prisoners and new recruils 7 May 1814, two bns. each of four companies; 19[8, NT. [18. Pink F (1803, ycllow), silver BTN. Silver laced buttonholcs for ofTs., while for ORs. 1St
26 Novembcr '799, 1st FUsilier-Bn.; I June l80g, attached as FUsilier·Bn. to Brigade Erbprinz; 18 AugUSI 1806, 2nd Leib·Fiisilier-Bn.; 23 August
1808, amalgamated with line bns. into Rcgt. Gross· und Erbprinz; 1918, Nr. 118. Crimson F (yellow, June 1803), silver BTN. Silver laced butlonholes for oft's., with tassels. ORs wore while laced buttonholes; and silver flaming grenade badge on musketcers' bieorns in place of button, inclined left. 211d Leib·Gmwdier-Batailloll Disbanded 1803, most personnel to new FusilierBn., sec below. Orange F, gold BTN. Offs. had gold buttonhole lacing. ORs had white buttonhole lace, and brass flaming grenade, inclined left, replaced hat button. Depot Battalion No offs. HL; dull yellow F, unlaced buttonholes. Land-Regimwi A type of home guard. No oils. H L; light blue F, silver BTN. Only ORs buttonhole lace, and this only under each L (two), on C (three), and on HPF (two). Marxburg For/ress Garrison Yellow F, dark blue L, silver BTN. Oils. wore plain bicorn, silver right-hand aiguillelle. No bUllonhole lace.
Jnfan/rySlirgeons Plain bicorn with silver loop and button, black cockade. Green coat, CLR, C, CF, L; red TB; silver BTN; white W, B; black gaiters, sword. Medica! AI/el/dall/ Inf. ORs' bicorn, no edging. Dark blue coat, CLR, C, CF, L; red TB. Dark blue W, B; silver BTN; black gaitcrs, inf. sabre. Provost Bicorn with grccn edging and pompon. Grcy coat, CF; green CLR, C, L, TB, aiguillcltc; silver BTN; green W, B; black gaiters, inf. sabre. Light Infantry - General Notes Officers' bicorns bad narrow bUllon-colour edging, ORs' whitc cdging. Officers wore shon, light boots, and carricd curved sabres. Oflicers wore epauletles in button-colour, ORs shoulder straps in facing colour. Coats were in a light green; all other details followed line infantry practice, except where specified below. Leith/es /lifan/erie-Ba/aillon 26 November 1799, 2nd Fusilier-Bll.; I June 1803, Model ofHessrn.Kas"e1 howilzer, c.1785. (Schlo"" Friedrich. "lrinMusrurn)
Tll.D.ic: or a p ..h .. t". Husoe.._Darmuadt 1A.ib-R~mCDl, ,.17950 Dark bl"" c.... t raced roed, white lau. a;J~·"r b"ttons. Noc" th" ......." ..1 collar, indicati..! HUR.. _Darrn.tad!; lh", ....ar plad..! or t.b" .bould"r .trap ...d tb", lau a ..d b"no..s; Ht ~Iow tb" I.p"''' an al50 vi.ibl". Tb" SeMon Fri......ricb. n",in M",",,,m a"thoriti" wcn: in rad "nabl" to id".. tify t.hi. UUR.. _Darm.tadt ....uo......, which round it. way to t.b,,'" in aho.. t 'goo rrom t.b" Ka.,",1 th"at..", wb" .... rn...y it",rn. nOw in ch" m",","'" had~.. ,,~ ror co.c"m" pi~.! (Seblo.. Fri.,dricl..,c",iaM"_,,m)
[803, light green coat, light blue F, silver BTN. Offs. had short white gloves, DRs wore line info hals, NCOs with silver HL. Silver or white lace, according to rank, on L, CF, HPF, and other usual points of coat. JogerCorpJ Disbanded 'shortly after 1796' (Knotd). All ranks. plain bicorn with gold button, loop, dark green cockade. om.. white plumes with crimson bases, silver-und-crimson tassels: NCOs, white plumes \\,ith crimson tips, white-and·crimson tassels (silver-und-crimson for sergeant majors); privates, dark green plumes, crimson bases, dark green-and-crimson lassels; hornists ('Habmondbl;i.ser'), dark grecn plumes with three equal crimson stripes incl. base, dark green tip. The coat is described variously as 'green' or 'light grcen', but in Vol. IX, PI. 30fhis UllijormtllkUflde Knolcl shows a green which can only be called 'green, 10 dark green'. in lhe absence ora regimelllal history this matter is unlikely to be resolved. The coats were of infantry Clll Wilh crimson 17 shown al CLR, L, C, and shoulder straps; red TB with green hearts at intersections; green double·breastcd W; green B (offs., buff); all ranks wore short knee·boots. White belts and pouch bandolier. Brown leather satchel on brown strap ovcr right shoulder. Brass-hilted Hirschfanger, without strap, in brown sheath at waist. Sergeants and above wore gold-laced C and CLR, small gold epaulettes, white gauntlets; offs. wore white gloves.
atlached to Leib-Brigade as lSI Leib-FGsilier-Bn.; 18 August 1806, Garde-Fusilier-Bn.; April 181'2, Cavalry combined with 1St Leib-Fusilier-Bn. as 'Proviso· Garde du CorpJ risches Leichtes Infanterie·Regiment'; 17 June Officers' courl uniform Plain bicorn, silver star 18[3, provisional title confirmed as Gardc- brooch, black cockade, while-over-crimson plume. Fiisilier-Regt.; [918, Inf.-Regt. Kaiser \-Vilhelm Red coal, CF; light blue CLR, L, C, TB; silver BTN. White W, B. Silver right-hand aiguilleue; ('2 Grossherzoglich Hessiches) Nr. I t6. 179'2, black F, gold BTN; 1799, silver BTN; high, cuAed boots; sword. Offictrs' undrtss uniform June [803, field poppy red 17; 1813, silver chin- Coat durk blue, single-breasted, silver BTN and aiguillette. Hat, W, B, boots, sword as above. scales added to shako. Officers' JtTf:ict uniform Hat, boots as above. Buff FiiJilitr-BatailJon Raised 1803 from disbanded '2nd Leib-Grenadier- Kollet tunic; red C, edged silver; red CLR; buff Bn., sec above, and attached to Brigade Landgraf, TB; silver lace edging. Buffleather B, white knee later the Leib-Brigade, thus from 18 Augusl 1806 cuffs; heavy cavalry sword, gold basket hilt, this unit became 1st Leib·Ftisilier-Bn.; April black. sheath. 181'2, combined with Garde-Fusilier-Bn. in 'Pro- Othtr Rank.$ Bicorn with silver loop, white-belowcrimson plume, Kollet as offs., but edging white \'isorischc Leichte Inf.-Regt', see abo\·e. '0
with two red stripes. B as orrs.; red waist sash; red sabretasche, red and white lace edging. crowned 'LL' cypher in brass. White leather pouch and bandolier. edged red and white; brass pouch badge. Heavy cavalry sword, brass basket hilt, black sheath furnished with brass. Husam/-Corfu
This was more ofa gendarmerie force than a line regiment for field operations. White Fli.igelmi.itze, no peak; at front top a red rosette over light blue cord loop, silver BT;\!; red and white cords; off's. rosette, cords mixed red/silver; plume black for ORs, white-over-crimson for offs. White dolman, red C, CLR; silver BT;\!; laee and edging silver or white, ofTs. or ORs. Light blue pelissc, silver BTN; silvcr lacc, edging, grcy fur trim (ofTs.), white lace, edging, black fur trim (ORs). Waist sash red and white (red and silver, airs.), with white (silver) barrels. Light blue B, white (silver) decoration at sides and thighs. Hungarian boots, silver trim, tassel. Light blue sabretaschc, white (silver) edging, crowned gold ·LL·. White leather bandoliers for ORs, silver for ofTs.; brass-hilted sabre, black sheath furnished with brass. Offs. undms uniform Bicorn as Garde du Corps; light blueslirtOtlt, single-breasted, rnid-calflength, with silver BTN; red CLR, C; light blue CF. White B; plain Hungarian boots. Regiment Chevflu{egers (1806, Garde-Chevaulegers)
Black leather Kasket with vertical front plate cutout at right side, edged gold, gold crowned 'LLX'. Black horse-hair crest front to back. Skulls ofoff's. helmets covered with leopard-skin turban. At right side, white plume (crimson base for orrs.); under this red and silver tassels (offs.), roselle in squadron colours (unknown) for ORs. Dark green tunic, red CLR; black L, C, CF; red 1'8. On each side CLR, horizontal white lace (silver for ofTs.), silver BTN at rear. White (silver for offs.) lace on L buttonholes, also two under each L; white (silver) chevrons on and above plain C, and on skirts, as cavalry ADCs, see abo\·e. At junction ofTB, green patches for ORs, black with silver edges for ofTs.; red shoulder straps with white (silver) edges, centre stripe. BtlA~ double-breasted W, bufT B; Hungarian boots, black tassel. OOS. carried gold-hilted sabres in black, gold-furnished sheaths; ORs, sabres with steel hilts and fittings. Offs. had silver bandoliers,
ORs bulT leather. Offs. undms uniform Bicorn; surtout in coat colours but single·breasted and without embroider)'; white W, B; plain Hungarian boots. In about 1806 the helmet was replaced by the high, domed style worn by Bavarian cavalry. A false, curved front plate was added, with new cypher of crowned 'L'. Black woollen 'sausage' crest for ORs, corporals; sergeants and above wore black bearskin crests. On the left side was a black plume with a red base, above a red-withinwhite cockade. In 1806 the coat came to be worn with the lapels closed to the \,'aisl. Trumpeters were apparently distinguished by COlo......bear.,r of H.,••.,,,_Ka.RI La"dw.,hr, .8'J from 'FuiwiIliS.,,, 18IJ'. Dark hi..., Li'''wka, .;h,.,r bulton., .itver ed"lnS 10 collar and cuff. d.,,,oli,,,, Rn;Or NCO. Fad"". a~ "rim.on, i"di"atins .,ith.,r 1St or JM Bn. - ...,., t.,xt. Th., colour is red, with blue IMeld, ..lIver crOsl ;nlcribed 'Mit GOIt fUr Furat und Vau,rland', and sold wr.,.. th, corn.,r r ..y., crown .. nd I;p. Tbe black pike h .... iii Sold ahoe. The 5hako covn ;5 black ..... Ih a while Landw.,hr Cro.., 110., gr.,at"oat a ..d breecb" a~ grey, the .....IUI black and th., pa"k brow.. calf_ skin. J.... t "';slbl., ..nder the rolled ,,~alcoal al fronl ri"hl of th., .....1t i. a browtl pi.tol bolst.,r.
Train OO's. - plain bicorn, silver star brooch; singlebreastcd dark blue coat, CF; red C, ClR; white 1'8, W, B; silver 8T~; high boots. sword. \\'agenmeister (equivalent to ~CO) - silvcr Hl, 8T:\', and above BTX red-within-white .\"CO pompon; dark blue coat, two rows 8'1'1':, lapels closed over; dark blue W, B; red CLR. C, edged silver; red 1'8; high boots.
Eleclor Wilh..lm I of H~,.~, .806. A t ...ce of tri.. mph ill poeo:hapll vi.. ;bl.. i.. th .. co ce of Ihi.. ruler; he had tried. for years 10 aehie"" lllilI .. lal..... i.'·UIU.S e..ormous ..11m.. in a ...nl ..ecH..flll ..how of pomp u. '803 dHiS.ed. to i... pre.... the Impoerial rep~..lath·" i" F.....l
rcd plumes; no lace 10 l buttonholes; white l edging. It is assumed thcy I'ode greys. Brass trumpets, red and white cords. Harness was black with silver fitlings: the round portmanteau was green, edged red at the ends. The shabraque was green, edged \vith white lace having a narrow black central stripe. In the rear comers was thc crowned cypher in whitc; front corners, initially plain, had a white symbol added in 1812. Artillery As for line infantry, with dark blue coats, black F, gold 81':\, red 1'8. .\Iajors and above had gold laced buttonholes; all offs. had wide, scalloped gold Iil, gold star brooch, gold aiguillctles. DRs' hats edged white. White W, 8. Straight sword in place ofinr: sabre.
Uniform Changes After 1792 1803 .\Iusketeer oO's. received white-aver-red plumes; FUsilier offs. had no scalloped 1iL. SpolHoons and halberds were disc
while metal shield bearing Hcssian lion under red-wilhin-white cockade held by white loop and bulton. Chinscalcs were white meta] for the Leib-Regt., black edged with facing colour for other regiments. Black plume for parades. Above cockade was a company pompon beneath a red pompon with a red tuf!. ~COs' plumes tipped red, officcrs' plumes with rcd basco officers retained bicorn umil 1816. Company pompons wcrc: 1st, whitc; 2nd, black; 3Td, blue; 4th, red; 5th, whitc-ovcr-yellow; 61h, black-ovcr-whitc; 7th, bluc-ovcr-white; 8th, red-over-white. Sabre straps wcrc in company colours. French rank badges, service chcvrons, and elitc company badges were imrcxluccd. Prussian muskcts bcgan to be replaced by Frcnch 1777 muskcts and by captured Austrian weapons for musketcers. Sa bres werc now worn on a bandolier ovcr the right shouldcr instead of the waist bclt. Officers' coat turn backs were in coatcolour instead of red; the coat was closed across the chest and the sash worn over it. 1810 ORs' shoulder straps rcplaced by blue fringelcss contrc-cpaulettes cdged in facing colour for privates, in white and facing colour for ~COs. 1811 AUSlrian muskets rcplaced the fusiliers' Nothardt muskets. 1812 'Provisional Light Infantry Regiment' (see under Leib-Garde and Leib-Fusilier-Bns.) worc Leib-Gardc-Regt. uniform with scarlet facings and silvcr buttons, and white hunting-horns on turn-backs. Officers carried curved sabres, and silver cartouches, on black bandoliers crossing on the chest. Shako chinscales were white metal. Belts were black umil the unit became the GardeFusilier-Regt., Ihen white. 1814 Regiment Prinz Emil raised; disbanded 1820; dark blue Coat, pink facings, silver buttons. Contrc-cpauleues replaced. by straight-edged shoulder straps edged at sides and top in facing colour: Leib·GardeRegt., red; Leib-Regt., light blue; Regt. Gross- und Erbprinz, yellow; Regt. Prinz Emil, pink. All the foregoing details were theorctical; in
Gold Henen-Kassel officer'. sorsel, c''188j Ihe centrep;ece il blue whh a red_and_while Siriped lion. {Schlon Friedrich_ 'lII",in1\.1...", .. rn)
practicc such perfcction was rarely achieved, particularly on campaign. An extract from the regimental history of the I t8th Infantry (pp. 130--136 SCT\"es to show how thc practicalities of life disrupted theorelical distinctions: 'On 19 August 1808 Ihe Brigade Gross- und Erbprinz paraded in Gross-Gerau in order to be re-organised into a two-battalion rcgiment on Frcnch lincs - cach battalion of onc grcnadier, one voltigeur and four fusilier companies. This re-organisation took place there on 23 August under direction of the French General Boyer, especially sent from Mainz by :'\'Iarshal Kellermann. To form the elite companies those men with mOSt service were picked out from all twelve old companies. The tallest of these formed the twO ncw grenadier companies and the shortest became the \·ohigeurs.· Following Ihis operation the new companies presented a dreadful military picture, with greenclad cx-Fusilicrs mixed willy-niHy with blue'3
coated cx-linc battalion men. Thcre was no 'magic' instant issue of new uniforms, or of the red and green plumes, epaulettes and sabre knots for the elite companies. The motley regiment reo mained a thorn in the sartorial flesh for many wecks; and even after new uniforms were issued from French magazines they rapidly ,,'ore out during the strenuous summer campaign, and troops were reduced to making up their own trousers from requisitioned blue, brown or white cloth. Later in the campaign they even cut off their coat-tails in order to patch up the rest of their coats. In mid-August 180g an officer of the regiment was sent back to Bayonne to draw new uniforms for the men from French magazines. He cvcntually returned with the very welcome ncw clothing to Segovia, where the bulk of the regimcnt then scrved, in late December [80g.
Campaigll HistOJ]' Extmets The March to Trieste and Croatia, 1796-g7 Early in 1796 Britain asked that Ludwig X again provide a brigade of three battalions of infantry for service 'at any point' in the British possessions, continuing a long and successful tradition of Hessen-Darmstadt service to the British crown in America, Scotland, and on the continent of Europe. As the phrasing of this request might mean the fever-haunted death-trap of the West Indics all men enlisted in these battalions were voluntcers, and most were in fact non-Hessians serving undcr Hessian officers. The brigade was mustered at Buchen in the Odcnwald on 18 July 1796, with a strenglil of 2,248 all ranks. British rates of pay were paid, mueh higher than the domestic rates. It was expected thal the brigade would march to Trieste and there take ship on Royal Navy vessels for the colonies; accordingly the Hessians christened it the 'Water-Brigade'. The route of march lay through Swabia, Bavaria, Salzburg, Carinthia and Krain. The journey proved difficult, as despite the Landgrars diplomatic efforts these states sometimes refused right of access when the brigade reached their frontiers. Desertion was also high, particularly '4
among the 'foreigners'; 333 men had deserted by the time the column reached Ljubljana on 10 September and halted to rest. Many others had fallcn out from sickness, and on 1 October the allranks duty strength was only 1,843. Due to the unfavourable shift in the balance of naval power in the ~1editerranean, the Royal r\avy nevcr appeared to embark them. On 29 December Oberst von Stoseh, the brigade commander, received orders to place himself under command of the Austrian Feldzeugmeister AIvinzi. Due to their lack of field cquipment - the British had only rented horses and wagons for a march originally intended to take them to embarkation for foreign service - the Hessians served as garrison troops, two baualions in Trieste and the light battalion at Rijeka (Fiutllc), from March 1797. On 20 March the Trieste battalions were also withdrawn to Rijeka when Napoleon pushed Erzherzog Karl's Austrians over the Tagliamento and Isonso rivers. Early in April the Hessians were withdrawn once again, two battalions to Karlstadt in Croatia and the light battalion to :\"eustadtel in Krain. On 26 August 1797 Stosch received orders from England to return his troops to Darmstadt as quickly as possible. The brigade marched out on Furth..r ..",ampl" of 5r..oad.i..r cap platH wo.... by uaideari_ lied "uKa-Ka..el r~meau, 1785 .8o:J.. TheM .onaU platu would bn'" be<.a WOrD oa tb .. AU!;lrian"lyl.. Manki.o; bolb are white melat, Ihe lower e:Ut.mple Mari0l Ihe cro......ed 'WL' cypher. (Schlo.. Friedrichsteia M"seum)
October, but despite buying horses and wagons to transport their many sick, numbers of these unfortunates had to be left behind in local hospitals. Darmstadt was reached on '5 December, and most of the serviceable soldiers were 'beurlaubt' - furloughed - only about 200 per battalion being retained.
GliInpses of the Peninsular War French gcnerals' bulletins to Paris from the Peninsula werc hcavy with praise for the French regiments involved, but frequently omitted mention of the valiant services rendered by their aJlies, the German units of the Confederation of the Rhine. An example is a report from :\brshal :'\'Iortier concerning the baltic of. Ocana on 19 i\ovember 1809. The Hessian Regiment Gross· und Erbprinz, onc of many vassal contingents whichsen.·ed with the French army in this engage· ment, had onc officer killed and four woundcd, and approximately 70 men killed and woundcd. Mortier's report to Paris stung General von Schaeffer. then commander of the Hessians in Spain. to write the following indignant letter to his sovereign: 'The progress which the war in Andalusia makes is a result of thc battle of Ocana in which the Germans as a wholc and in particular the Regiment Gross- und Erbprinz played such a vital part. It is thus even more insulting that the part played by the French is so emphasizcd while the Germans receive a purely superficial mention. Some French regimenlS are lionized, who never even fired a shO! on that day. This is particularly the case wilh the e de Ligne, of which Marshal Mortier says: "It stood on the left wing, and distinguished itsclr'. I can assure Your Highness on my honour, that during the battle this rcgiment was 400 paces behind my brigade, never fired a shot, had no wounded, and only came up in line with my formation when the battle was over!' After this baltic the German division was aJlotled the despised task of escorting Spanish prisoners; this was too much for von Schaeffer, who promptly tendered his resignation in Ihe face of so gross an insult. The Hessians achieved a first·c1ass fighting reputation among their enemies, the Spanish
- - - - - " '-, t'lI<'i'fu·-----. _~
... _C-
He••"n_Ka".,,1 Cannon and howh""r, CalU in .8'4' Top to bollom: plan view, 6-pdr. cannon, with .. nd view and cutaway seet;on; .imilar view. or 7.pdr. howit"er. The princ;ely eypber 'WK' may be ,,"n, with tb.. date of C1I81m5, at the touch-bol... The narrow brfl'cb ..,el;OO orthe howit"er bar",) h ..ld tb.. propC!Uanl challle, insertC!d by haod; tb" projutile ...... then plaeC!d on top of tbi •. (Aflu a dia5ram drawn m
gutrrilltros, in the Toledo area. Onc officer was
told by Spanish peasants thaI a notorious guerillero chief, Camillo, had been waiting in ambush near them with 200 men. On being informed that a small detachment marching along the road from Almonacid were .Hcssos', Camillo turned to his officers with Ihe words: 'Gentlemen, we will leave them alone. They scll their lives for more than they arc worth.' The bitter nature of the war between the Spanish population and the invaders is horribly underlined, however, by an incident which took place on the road from Burgos to :'\'Iadrid in December 1808, just after the Hessians had entered Spain: 'On 28 December Crenadier Schneider was ordered to march with a cart on which wcre loaded the baggage and Schneider's heavily· pregnant wife. (This was between Baitrago and St. Antonia.) The cart had fallen about 200 paces behind the battalion when suddenly several shots were heard. They rushed back only to find
it is known that of the original 'h500 of all ranks some 2,500 were taken prisoner on 7 April. After the town walls had been breached and the surviving defenders were falling back on the castle, the attack was concentrated on this last bastion, which was held by the Hessians. Seeing that the situation was becoming critical, Oberst Kohler, commanding the Gross- und Erbprinz, sent two nderadjutants to Govcrnor Phillipon on the cvcning of 5 April to report the serious developments. When they eventually found the gcneral he was in the act of leaving thc castlc, togcthcr with his staff and scvcral mule-loads of effects, to flee over the river to the safety of Fort ChristObal! The castle fell aboul 24 hours later. During their subsequent captivity in Britain a report of thc exact sequence of evcntS during the storming and fall of Badajoz was compiled, and signed at Llanfylling on 5 August 1812, by three colonels, five battalion commandcrs, and 42 company officers of the former garrison. This report, reflecting nothing but credit upon the Regiment Gross- und Erbprinz, was handed in to the Frcnch War ~1inistry, filed, and forgotten. In Two HUKd-K.nel idr••ury IUft'''''' ("790 .806. They ..... 1825, however, Col. Lamare - who had been dark blue with red r.ciD!!" and white laee, .nd m.YJ>O""ihly Phillipon's chief of staff, and was one of the be or che Rq;menc Prin. Karl. The coac "-;ch che hi!!her collar ....ould be or che .806 period, che ocher or an earliorr officers who made his way to Fort Christobal 24 dale and with Iwo red .ho"ldorr Icrapl. (Schloal Friedrichhours bcfore the relevant events - published his Ite'n MUHum) O\\'n account of thc fall of the castlc, in which the both the grenadier and his wife murdered, blame for its loss was firmly attributcd to the hideously mutilated and lying in the road. The dubious loyalty of thc Hessians. Lamarc's book woman's stomach had been slit open and her was reprintcd, uncorrected, in 1837. breasts cut off; Schneidcr had been disfigured in One could be forgivcn for dismissing this disan even worse manncr which it is better not to pute as a case of 'six of one and ralf-a-dozen of relatc.' (From the regimcntal history of Infantry the othcr' were it not for lhe existence of an interesting document discovered aftcr his death Regimcnt Nr. liB.) The regimental history of thc Regimcnt Gross- among Oberst Kohler's papers. Thc original was und Erbprinz contains an extensive account of handed to the Hessian State Archives; and a copy the siege, storm and fall of Badajoz - the vital key was sent to M. Thiers, author of the widely read 10 the door from Portugal into Spain - and conHisto1J' of the Consulate and the Empire, who had siderable space is devoted to dearing the regi- repeated Lamarc's slander, and even embroidered ment's honour, besmirched by a dubious report by upon it, in Vol. '3 of that work. The document read: a French staff officer. 'Nous, general de Division, baron de I'empire, The fortress fell after bitter fighting on the night of 6--7 April ,BI2. British and Portuguese gouverneur de Badajoz, certifions, que depuis Ie losses are given as 72 officers and 963 ORs killed, commencement du siege de cene place jusqu'a 333 officers and 3,581 ORs wounded, and one la fin, Ie regiment de Hesse-Darmstadt, qui faisit officer and 62 ORs missing. Exact casualties panie de la garnison, s'est toujours com porte de la among the defenders were never established, but manierc la plus brave; il a, comme tOuS les autres
bataillons, fait preuve de valeur et de bravour; on ne peut que se louer de la conduite de ce regiment, etc. Lisbonne Ie 19 Avril IBI2 Phillipon' Impartial accounts of the defence of Badajoz may be found in the British works Journal oj the Sieges Undertaken by the Allies in Spain 1811-12, by LeCol. Jones of the Royal Engineers, who commanded the siege works there; and Memoirs oj Lieutmall/-General Sir Thomas Picton, whose division actually stormed the castle. Hessen-Darmstadt Campaign Summary 179'2 Storm ofFrankfun am ~1ain (Chevaulegers only) 1793 pper Rhine 1794 Low Countries 1795 Upper Rhine 1796 Trieste, Croatia (infantry only); pper Rhine (Regt. Erbprinz only) 1806 Haule ofJena (Garde-FUsiliers only) t807 Campaign in Prussia and Poland,JanuaryAugust IBo8-12 Campaign in Spain (Regt. Gross· und Erbprinz only) incl. battle of Talavera and siege and fall of Badajoz IBog Campaign in Germany and Austria 181'2 Russia (all regts. except Gross· und Erbprinz) 1813 Campaign in Saxony (all regts. except Gross· und Erbprinz) 1814 Campaign in france t815 Upper Rhine
C%arstllltlSffllltlartls Infantry Colours
From 17goto IBI3the 1St Company of each bat· talion carried an Avancirfahne or sovereign's colour, and the 4th Company a Retirirfahne or battalion colour. From IBI3 only one per bat· talion was carried: the regimental Leibfahne by the 1st Company (Leib·Kompagnie), 1st Btl., and a Bataillonsfahne by the other battalions. On 6 April 1790 Landgraf Ludwig X presented new colours to most existing regiments; painted on silk, they were fragile and thus relatively frequently replaced. Designs of Avancir and Retirirfahnen were basically similar apart from colour. All bore the red-and-white striped Hessian lion with sword. and crown on a central light blue disc, surrounded by a green laurel wreath tied at the bottom with red ribbon. Across the top a scroll bore 'PRO PATRIA' under a golden Landgrars crown. In each corner a smaller wreath and erown enclosed 'LLX'j centrally on each side was a silver·and·red flaming grenade. The cypher appeared on the pierced golden spearhead finial; a silvcr·and-rcd cravat hung down to the halfway poinl of the colour. The cloth, 1.3m square, was nailed to a regimentallycoloured pike with 40-50 round gold nails. The A\'ancirfahnen, and the Retirirfahnen of the Leib·Garde, were all white; other Relirirfahnen C..... lry we.po• .lI. The c:arbi.e i. of ....ide.ti.fied tn... ura<:lure, but probably Ha..overian, pre-.1lnJ (due 10 pinnmll of .Iock to barrel, rarl..er th•• uH ofrinll clamp.); Ihe pistol, of Fre.ch .Iyle, was probably from Ibe Solinlle.. arlftlal. (Schlolll Friedr;chsle;n Muse" .... )
The Regiment Gross- und Erbprinz took to Spain in August 1808 the Retirirfahne of the 1st Bn. and the Avancirfahne of the 2nd 8n.; both were captured at the fall of 8adajoz by Private George Hatton of the 4th Foot. and were laid up in the hall of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea. Subsequently the pikes and the few tatters of cloth then surviving wcre passed to the Regimental ~!luseum of the King's Own Border Regiment (4th, 34th and 55th FOOl). The RegimenlS Landgrars 2nd Bn. lost its colour at Wagram during bitter fighting for the key village of Aderklaa on 6July 180g. Camlry Standards
HUlii"n.Oarn'Sladt Ch"vaul"g"rs offic"r. '790 ,808 in th" r"gim"ntal history. S"" Plat" A.
a plat"
usually showed regimemal facings in a saltire. When furled the colours were protected by black oilcloth covers with brass caps bearing regimental designations. From 1803 only musketeer battalions carried colours. On t2 :\Iarch 18o{ the Regiment Erbprinz received the following new colours: one A\'ancirfahne, white ground, black-and-yellow halved saltire; three Retirirfahnen, black ground, yellow saltire, silver-and-red grenades; black pikes. Despite Ludwig's elevation to Grand Dukc in 1806 the colour remained unchanged until 18'4, when new painted colours were presented to all regimenlS re-raised at that time. Central designs were largely unchanged; the crown design was that of a Grand Duke, scroll:, now bore 'GOTT EIIRE VATERL,,-:,m' (God, Honour, Fatherland), and the cypher in all positions was a gold crowned 'L'. The colours were 1.12m high by I.ogm wide; the 2.g8m black pikes had 28.7cm gold finials, and silver-and-red cords and tassels reaching abOllt halfway do\vn the colour. Oilcloth cover caps bore the cypher and regimental title.
The Chevaulegers carried no standards. The Garde du Corps carried from 1770 a silver standard fringed with gold, bearing a blue saltire. In the centre was the great crest of landgraf Ludwig IX supported by lions and under an array of crested helmets. Below the crest was the star of the Order of the Black Eagle, above military trophies. In each corner crowned wreaths enclosed a reversed double' L' cypher, repeated on the gold spearhead finial of the dark blue staff. This standard was taken over in 1860 by the newly-raised 2 tcs Dragoner-Regiment (LeibDragoner-Regiment) ~r. 24, who carried it until disbandment after the First World War. C%urs
Pusmt~d in J 790
One. White ground & saltire, white pike.
Three. White ground & saltire; silver & red grenades; white pikes.
Landgraf One. White ground, halved red & black saltire, brown pike.
Three. Black ground, red saltire & grenades, brown pikes
Erbprinz One. White ground, halved (Feldbataillon) pink & black saltire, brown pike.
One. Black ground, pink saltire, red grenades, brown pike.
Colours presented in ,814 Regl. & Avancirfn/lllt11 Relirirfahnen dattoJ presentalion
LcibGarde 8.2.14 Garde· FusilierReg!. 8.2.14 Leib· Regt. 1 9. 2 . 14
Two. Whitc grollnd & saltire, black pikes. Two. White ground, red saltire, black pikes.
One (1St 8n.). One (~wd Bn.). White ground. Black ground, halved pink & pink saltire, black saltirc, black pike. black pike. Prinz One (lSI 8n.). One (2nd Bn.). Emitt White ground, Black ground, halved blue & blue saltire, 27.3. 14 black saltire, black pike. black pike. GrossOne (1St 8n.). One (2nd Bn.). und White ground, Black ground, Erbprinz halved black & yellow saltire, 1 yellow sahire, black pike. 31.7. 4 black pike. IThese colours originally intended for the Reg!. Prinz Emil; as the Leib·Regl. 's own colours were not ready by march-out dale they received these, which were available, and carried them until after the First World \-Var. lprinz Emil subsequently received the colours originally intended for the Leib·Regt., and carried them until after the First World War.
Husen-Darmstad': Priaa EmU •• General of the Cavalry.
~':o::'r1dr::~it:::~~:~~:a~~;.I;;'~i~t~~h·::::"-~: i" m05t marked.
Another plate from the resimenta.l history shows Obenll von Miinch.insen, we.rias the c_t I.pel. folded .<:ron • common practice, upeciaUy irl wirlter. The bandolier plate be.... the crowned cypher 'L', daLinS the plate to IBoB-ISo Amons the decorations al the thr_t the Le~on d'Ho .....,.... may be s.,en.
HesseJI-Kasse/ UllifOrms, 1792 Line Infantry - General Notes Muskelur and Fusilier Offiurs Scalloped BTNcolour HL, BTN, loop and brooch on tricorn hat with black cockade, white plume with red (crimson?) base, silver and crimson tassels. Dark blue coal, BTN·colour lace, long skirts. Silver gorget on black ribbon, gold trophies around
Hessen_Darmstadt infantry uniforms, .807-09' Bo,h are shown in fio:ld service marching order, w;th the calfsk;n pack in ,he 'new' posilion on ,he back ins'ead of slung on ,he right hip. By this date the pigtail had been cut off, and the white ha, edging removed; on top of the hat was a company_ "oIOlir~ pompon - see tex, for dell.US. Lef', the LeibRegiment, in dark blue faced with light blue; right, the LeibGarde-Regiment (or 'Leihgarde_Regt.' styles vary) in dark blue faced with red. The Fusilier battalions wore green coa's. (After Knotel, Vo!. XIV, No. '5 by kind permission W. Spemann Verlag, Franck'sche Verlllgshandiung, StUltgllM)
crowned blue disc with cypher '\'\IL'. Silver and crimson waist sash worn over W; gilt-hilted Degen sword, brown sheath, silver and crimson knot. Spontoon with silver and gilt decorated blade bearing black 'v\lL'. Long black gaiters with regimemally-coloured BTN. White gauntlets. Hair powdered, curled and queued to small of back; clean-shaven. Grenadier Officers As above except: black bearskin caps with regimemal from plate, bag and tassel; white plume, crimson tip. Short muskets with broad, decorated bayonets bearing the cypher replaced spomoons, and sabres replaced swords. \'\Ihite waist belt over \'V, with front central small cartouche with silver lid bearing cypher on crowned disc wilhin trophies. Senior lvJusketeer Jl/COs Narrow BTN-colour HL, excepl where noted specifically; crimson-andwhite pompon, tassels. BTN-colour lace on shortskirted coat. White gauntlets. Halberd. Brown cane, gilt knob, black cord. Rcd and white sabre
knot. Hair as oR's.; no moustaches. Junior NJuskeleer Jl/COs Privates' uniform, but with red and white sabre knot; brown cane with black cord. Grenadier Jl/COs As musketeers, but grenadier cap, and small black pouch worn front centre of white waist belt over the W. Red and while cap pompon; BTN-colour H L, vertically. Moustaches. Fiisilier Jl/COs As musketeers, but regimental fusilier caps. Musketeer PriMles Tricorn, regimelllal BTN and HL, red-and-whitc pompon, lassels. Dark blue coat with F at C, L, CLR; red TB (except Regt. Knyphausen, white). Regimental W, B. Black gaiters, regimental BTN. Red musket slings. Brown hide pack slung at left hip, white strap. Plain black cartridge pouch, while bandolier; Prussian brass-hilted sabre, while fisl Slrap, brown sheath, on white waist belt; both have brass frame buckles. Hair as ofl's.; clean-shaven. Grenadier privates As above except: black bearskin cap; regimental platc, bag, tassel; red-lipped white plume; moustaches. Fusilier privates As musketeers except regimelllal fusilier caps. Guards Infantry As for respective ranks in line infantry except: white/silver scalloped HL all ranks musketeers; white/silver right-hand aiguilleue, all ranks; yellow W, B; brass or silver pouch flap badge of crowned eight-point star enclosing cypher, and flaming grenade in each corner, flames to centre. Drummers Negroes in some regiments; wore turbans. Otherwise muskeleer, grenadier, fusilier headgear. Sleeves decorated with seven downpointing chevrons of special lace below dark blue swallows' nests edged and decorated with same lace. Drum bandoliers white, edged with relevant lace; brown sticks; brass drums bearing crowned, rampant Hessian lion amid trophies; white cords, hoops diagonally striped red and white. No aprons. In some regiments drummers' lapels edged with lace. Drum majors No definite information found; presumably NCOs' dislinctions with lace and swallows' nests. Regimental Distinctions, 1792 Guards Infantry: Leib-Grenadier-Garde Poppy red F; silver BTN; yellow W, B (white,
ISo.). While plumes, offs. with red basc, ORs with red lip. Silver grcnadier cap plates. Vellow pikes. Drummers, ncgroes, wore while lacc with rcpeated crimson oWL' cyphcr. Gardt-Grenaditrt
'Royal rcd' (sic) F; silvcr BT~; coat lace tassclled. Yellow \V, B (whitc, 1801). Muskctccrs had silverrrontcd mitre caps; on plale, rcd-and-white
"nM'a·DarmSI.dt .rtillery in wrrnany and A"Slria, ,Sot, durin!l Ihe A"p".....W.sram campa;!",. Tbe «unaeu ....'·e d.r" b ...e ,u.;rorms r.eed w;lh black, piped red j offi"en' raci.n«1 were unpiped. NOle ra .... diui.."rions in pane.... or plum" _ lexl. The !lunner.1 'erl we.". buffbric:o'e ror !lun-handH,,«. Two -dri"era in the bac"llround at lhi" period, h• .,in« ""rni-civilia" ".1101 we.r light b'ue coa.. r.c:ed red with sih'er bultoal, and red hal pomponl. The artillery equ;pmeat WAi painled grey with bl.c" metal 6nin!ll. (Arler Knolel, Vol. VII, No. 22 - by kind p"rminion W. Spemann V"r'ag, Fr.n,,"'sche Verlagshandlung, Slutl_ gart)
H~IISft1_o..rrnlitadt, mUliketHr prival~ of Ih~ LeibsardcRq;'ne.. t, 1808. Tlaill plate ill dal~ by the lack ofpi~aiI, aad the plain bieorll wiLb a colDpa.ny tuIt Dr pompo.; dark blue coal faced with r~, while lac:e,IIi1"er bulto,,1I. (After Wft1aJocl)
striped Hessian lion ovcr gold 'WL' on blue disc; silver hcadband, yellow backing, white lace, yellow tasscl. Grenadier bearskins had silver plate, yellow bag, while lacc and tassel. Yellow pikes. Negro drummcrs as Leib-Grenadier-Garde. Line Infantry: Leib·lrifanterie·Regiment 1803, Kiirfurst. Yellow F, silver BT~, white \\', B. Drummers' lace crimson, edged white. Regiment von Kospoth (Fusiliers) 1801, von Biesenrodt; 180j, Kiirprinz. Whitc F, silver BTN, 110 coat lacc; white ,",V, buA' B. Fusilier cap had buff headpiece, brass straps and top grenade, plate details unclear. Grcnadiers had black bcarskin, buff bag, white
lace and tassel, red·tippcd white plumc. White pikes. Drummers' lace, rcd-and-white dice. Regiment Erbprinz 1803, Kiirprinz; I80S, \'on Wurmb; 1813, vacant \'on \\'urmb, then Prinz von Solms-Braunfels. Crimson F, silver BTN, offs.' lacc rcmoved '.1792. i'\o plumes; hat pompons quartered crimson/white for all NCOs, ORs. Grenadier caps had brass plates, crimson bags, white trim and tassel, red-tipped white plume. Black pikes. Drummers' lace crimson, edged white. Regiment Prinz Kari 1805, Landgraf Karl. Field poppy red F, edged white; gold BTN; white W. No plumes; gold/white HL, pompoms white-within-red. Brass grenadier cap plates with rampant lion; red bag, white lace and tassel, redtipped white plume. Black pikes. Drummers' lace crimson, edged white. Fusilier-Regiment von Lossberg 1799, von Linsingen; I80S, von Biesenrodt; 1813, \'on Biesenrodt - one bn. only, altached GardeGrenadiere as Fliigel-Grenadier-Balaillon. Orange F, gold BT1\', no lace, white W. Fusilier caps had brass plate, details unclear; black headpiece, brass strips and top grenade. Grenadier bearskins black, brass plate, details unclear; orange bag, white trim and tassel, red-tipped white plume. White pikes. Drummers' lace dark blue with red zig-zag, all edged orange. Regimrot l,'on Ditfurth 1792, "on Hanstein; disbanded 1795. Yellow F, gold BTX; gold/white lace under lapels only. HL: offs. gold, KCOs none, DRs white. No plumes; pompons halved red and white. Grenadiers worc black bearskins, brass platc, dctails unclcar; yellow bag, white trim and tasscl, red-tipped white plume. Black pikes. Drummers' lace crimson, edged white. Light Infantry Uniforms as line except where shown below: Jager-Bataillon (or Feid-Jager-Corps) Green coats, crimson F, silver BTN; while righthand aiguillettes. White W, B, belts. Green cockade, white-and-green plume; tassels silverand-crimson, offs. and senior NCOs; green-andcrimson, ORs and junior NCOs. NCOs and DRs carried large brown leathcr satchel on brown strap, riAes, sword bayonets. Offs. carried sword
only, and wore high, cufled boots with buckle-on steel spurs. Hornists replaced drummers: brass horns with white-and-crimson cords; green swallows' nests with crimson lace edgcd silver. By 1794 all ranks wore silver epauleues. both shoulders. Ltichlts Itifanttrie-Balaillon Ltnl<. Raised 1788 from Feld-Jager-Corps and from among small men in infantry and cavalry. Headdress unknown. Green coats, scarlet CLR, L, C, TB. Silver BTN, cpauletles; white W, B. Initially with four companies, reduced to two, 1792. Provided a cadre for a two-company 'FlisilierBataillon', 1793, which re-combined with parenl regt. in 1]95, Ii tie changing 10 Fusilier-Bataillon \'011 Pruschenck. 1799, reinforced by the two depot companies of Regts. Prinz Karl and von Kospoth. the new four-company battalion taking name of commander, )"lajor ),,'larquand. 1806, lille changed to von Todenwarth, and later disbanded. Fiisi/itr-Bataillon Schlothtim Raised 1799 from the four depot companies of RegtS. Garde-Grenadiere, Leib-Infanterie, Erbprinz and von Linsingen; disbanded [806. Headdress unknown. Green coats, 'royal red' CLR, L, C, TB; silver BTN, epauletles; while W, B. Garrisoflltifafllry: uniforms as line except where shown below: Garnisons-Rtgimtnl Kohltr Offs.: Bicorn with narrow gold HL, black cockade, gold loop and BT:\', no plume. Dark blue coat, L, CF; white CLR, C; red TB. White W, B. Gold gorget, crowned cypher within Irophies. \\'hite gauntlets; black spontoon . ." lusktiur .NCOs: As line but with coat as offs., gold edged C, CF; red-and-white porlepee; while gauntlets; black halberd. lvlusketurs: As NCOs without gold lace; white HL, red-with in-white pompons; white belts, sabre straps. Grmadiers: As musketeers excepl brass cap plate with lion between grenades, dark blue backing. white lace and band, blackand-white pompon. White sabre strap with black lassel. Moustaches. Drummtrs: Dark blue swallows' nests edged and striped with red lace with white central stripe. Same lace edged C, CF. Brass drums, red-and-white hoops. Gamisofls-Rtgimtnt von Porbuk As Kohler except: rcd C, CLR; grenadier cap headband red, HL ycllow, white cloth backing,
black·and-white pompon. Drummers' lace dark blue, white central stripc. Gamisons-Rtgimtnt .\laUMas Red CLR, C; gold BTl'; while W, B. DRs' hat pompon red-within·white. Grenadicr cap with brass plate of rampant lion, red band, whitc HL, dark blue cloth backing, black-and-white pompon. Drummers' lace crimson, edged red. Garnisons-Rtgimtnt t'on Colson Crimson CLR, C; gold BTN; while W, B. ORs' hat pompons red-within·whitc; white HI.... Grenadier caps had brass plate, design unclcar; crimson band, yellow cloth backing, white, HL, blackand-white pompon. Drummers' lace crimson, while central stripe. Garnisons-Rtgimenlt·on Knoblauch Yellow CLR, C_ W, B; silvcr BT:'\, red TB. DRs' hat as \'on Colson. Crenadier caps had brass plate with rampant lion, yellow band, white HeSRn_Darmstadt troops, ,8" from th", A"'S"bu'lln' Hilder. Lf:ftto ri!hl' TroofH!", Clt",v...l",&",... bla"k helmet, yellow m",r.al 6ninll"; 1I,..,.,n coat wilh black lapell, coltar lablll and cufflll; red colta.., IIlhoulder ",raps and 'urn·hacklii green br",echu wilh red pipinll; buff leatber, Iteel Iheuh. MU$ke'"",,., L",ib-Re.t:" dark btue coal faced !iShl blue, while '"ee, "ih'er bunonll; black plu.."" red.and.whil" cockade, Illver chinscal",. IUIl.kef",,,,,., L",ib&tJrd",.RII&'. a" central fillure bu, red facings, red_and_white pompon. The abunce of shako .. bi",lds i" unesplained.
Drll",mtrs: Headgear as compan). ORs' uniform with dark blue swallo" . nesu edged wilh crimson lace, edged \\'hite; this lace on C, CF. Brass drum, red·and-white hoops. Krtis-Rtl",wll HfJllltl Thi wa H(;SS(:n.Kassd· standing contribution 10 the military effort of the Hal) Roman Empire. Uniform of garrison infanlry style \,..ith red CLR, C. L, TB, W, B; gold BTX Bra"'n offs.' ponloon. Grenadiers had Auslrian caps, brass plate with cypher within trophies, red.aver-white plume; white sabrestrap, black tassel; moustaches, Drummers' lace light blue, )'dlow centre stripe. Incaildm·Batai/iDII BuA Garrison infantT) t) Ie uniform, red CLR, L, C, TB, silver BTN. Dark blue W, B. No grenadiers; no H L for ORs or i\COs, the latter distingui hed ani) b) blaclc halberd.s, white glo\'t:S, red-andwhite porteptt. om: spontoons black. Drummen' lace crimson, edged white. Tilt DtjHJl Battalions :'\0 delails of uniform are known; taff and recruiu prababl)' wore the uniform of the parent regiments, as follo\\'5: 1St lin. von Porbuk depot unil fOl' LcibGrenadier-Garde, Garde·Grenadiere, Erbprinz, Prinz Karl regimenu. 2nd BII. Nn cllalltm depot n .. b..lm..t pl.11! or tbl. pldtelb be or the lBr.nll!ri.... unil for Leib-Infanlerie, von Lossberg, von R.......... Nr. ,,6 (c.... GanI....f ••i.l.i &ad I. Lelb-fi.lIl"'..... Kospolh and von Hanstein regiments, (These II_Mas doe N-,.ae-ic: ",..., __. . doe d_ eftrad.ili-...l eer- Hate HrUoIry '- doe ..u1itaT)' tnlppt.... ef .,'.' uniu ani) CXtsted 179'2--95.) _ ' " I .... '.u;""'" ",lfecc ef doe H.,..... Ii.- _.u.r. (Weiuohl.torisd'n M ......,...... Kasun) Artilltry Uniform of line infanlT) 1)le. Crimson CLR, C, cloth backing, black HL, white pompon. Drum. L, TB, gold BTN. Buff W, B, offs.' gauntlets, om .. I-IL gold; no plume; no gorgcl; black mers' lace light blue, "hite central tripe. Lnnd·Grmoditr·Rtgimmt for Garrison Infantry ponloon. ~COS' !-IL narrow gold, gold 8TN, except as follows: no loop, white-within.crimson pompon; gold Olfs.: Silver gorget, blue disc bearing gold cypher lace edging to C, CF; red-and-whiIC porlepee, under crown amid gold Irophies. Three pairs gold while belts. Cunnen' HL white, white-withinlace loops on L, one pair under L. thrtt on CF. crimson pompons; "hile sabre slrap and bando-Red C, TB; dark blue CLR. Buff W. B. Black Iier with brass picker equipment. Drummers' spontoons. Fiisilitr NeOs: No loops on L, F; lace crimson, edged )ellow. Dark blue swallows' gold·laced C, CF. Brus·fronted mitre caps. red nests edged and decorated wilh this lace, which band, dark blue cloth backing, while HL, red· also edged L, C, drum bandolier. \'en chevrons and-white pompon. Red·and-white porteptt; of lace poinl down on Itt',es. Usual drum. black halberds. Fiisilitrs: White cap pompon; red The Lond-Rtgimtnts shoulder lrap left" white sabre Slrap. Grma· Raised in 1794, and named aner the major lawns d,trs: Black Austrian· I) Ie fur caps, mall brass around which they were recruited, these wore plate, red-over·white plume. Red houlder strap line infantT)' uniform with unlaced dark blue (left); while sabre strap, black tassel, Moustaches, coals: '4
Ilessen·Darmsladl: I. Pri\'llte. 3rd Coy.. Leichles Infanterie·Balllilion. 1790 2. Obersl, Artillery. 1792 3. Hornisi. t'usilie .... BlIlllilion. Brigade I.lIndl:rllf. 1803
Ilessen-Darmstadt: I. Officer. I.eib-Regiment. 1807-09 2. Trooper.-Garde-du-Corps. 1809 :1. Sergeant, Foot Artillery, 1809
Hessen-Dann8tadl: I, Corporal. Grenadier Coy. Regt,'Gro85-und Erbprinz'; Spain,1809 2. Officer, Leib-Regiment, 1812 3. Trooper, Garde-Che~ll.ulege...., 1812
HeMMen-Dnrmstlldl: I. omcer. 1st C(ly.. FreiwilligeJager. 181:1-11 2. Omeer. Leih·Gard,-~Hegiment.1814 3. Pri,·ate. Re!:"iment 'Prinz Emil'. 181-1
lIessen·Klluel: l. NCO, Fusiliera,l,eib-HcKimenl, 1792 2.0tricer.Huullra,1792 3. Drummer, Regiment Gllrde. 1792
Hessen-K.nel: 1. Omcer. Light Inf.ntry. Ku .... Hessi.n Legion. 1809 2. Trumpeter. Kuabiniers. 1792 3. Om"er of Grenadiers. Gan:le-Grenadiere. 1792
Ilessen-Kassel: I. Officer, Regimenl 'Landgraf Karl'. 2, NCO or .'llger~, 1814 3, N(;O.lIor~e Artillery, 1816
!~ I
i M
Field poppy red Yellow
Silver White
(4 Bns. 1794, reduced to 2 Bns., 1795) ~'!arburg Silver Yellow (3 Bns. 1194, I Bn.1795) Eschwege Crimson Silver White (4 Bns. '794. 2 Bns. 1795)
lafa.aterie.OrdiDirfahAl!, HuseQ-K. . .et, ""792. Thi, d ip or colou.. had bee.. carri~ by the Ih.. iaal in the W of Amene... Illdep.md"nce. Appanntly each company in the rell:iml!nl aparl from tbe Le.ib-Komp'Jaie carried a .. ch II oolour, but oaly ~ry incomplete detaU. of the eolo,,", carn."f by each nllmalll ha.~ ... rvi",ed. SoID...imes l.be COraer 'flames' we .... of til.. _ e 0:0lou.... the l"oCl.ftd, so_eti...... of cDlllraal.i.a, colours. The celllraJ diK w •• blue,
red-a.ad_white, the Ira.. IrftR. the IIre"adea ...d ~wa. lold with .. eel n1lbion..,
I,,,nl w""th, ail"..., the
;~::dj=~f;:;~~l~',~~~ =i 'sucrr PVUCllU'
Regt. Hersfeld
CLR,C While
BTN W,B Silver While
Ziegenhain Rillteln
Silver Buff
Silver Buff
(2 Bns. 1794, 1 Bn. 1795) (2 Bns.)
(2 Bns. 1794, IBn. 1795) Hanau 'Royal Silver White (4 Bns. '794, red' 2 Bils. '795) Rheinfels -[\0 uniform details known. Disbanded 1794. Geismer - 1"\0 uniform details known. In ,800 became 2nd Bn. of Land-Regiment Cassel, whose original 2nd Bn. had been converted to a Grenadier-Bil. The Grtlladier Battalions Each was composed of the four grenadier com· panics of two infantry regiments; all were disbanded on I October 1795. They were often referred to by their commanders' names, and these are shown as well as their numbers: Hu....n.K••RI G.rd~Hupr..n, .S'S afl..r S,..inmiihl..r. From I..fc 10 riSbc. an offia:r, NCO and Croop"r. Black b..a~ .ki... whh whice cord d whic.......d-c.r;mso.. plumes. Dark blu.. dol......, ....Ii d .habraques; wh..il" 1&.,.., sih'er buClon.; ......t cuffs. collars, and lininS of offie..r'. ....Usse; black fur. Belts ....d are black with wh..i,~ O1.. 'al fiuLaS.' Th.. Offie..r'Oi _b OiCb.. is r..d d r, hi••h.braque edsias .ih-er. The NCO'••abre ebe i. red ....d wh..i,.. with tI... pria",..ly cypbu, bi•• babrtqueedsias.....L
Gml.-Bn. Contributing regiS. 1792, Nr. [ Garde, GardeGrenadiere
Commander Obs!. Prinz Carl von HcssenPhillipslhal (k.i.a. Frankfun,2 Dec. '792
1793,:\r.I ; Erbprinz. von 1794. :\'r. 2 Kospoth
ObSlh. von Eschwege
'792, :'$1'. 2 Leib-Regt., Erbprinz
Obstlt. von Eschwege
1793,.'1'1'.2; Garde-Crenadicrc, Obsiit. von Dineklagc, 1794, .'1'1'. I Lcib-Regt. Obsiit. von German, Major Lelong 179 2 -95, Nr·3
Prinz Karl, von Lossberg
Obstlt. von Wurrnb, Major ReUling
1 792--g3, :,>,lr·4
von Kospoth, von Hanstcin
Obs!. \'on Stein
Cavalry - General Notes The bicorll, larger than that of the infantry, bore a black cockade, bulton-colour loop and buuon, crimson-within·white tassels or pompons in the comers, and plumes usually according to rank:
offs., while, crimson base; NCOs. while, red tip; DRs, white, red base; trumpeters, white, red tip and base. Hussars carried sabres and used light wooden 'Bock' saddles; other regiments used 'English' saddles and slraight, basket·hilted swords. Shabraqucs were square, of facing colour trimmed with regimental lace (also worn by trumpeters), except for lhe hussars, who used long-tailed Hungarian shabraqucs. The Garde du Corps, Gensd'armes and Karabiniers were all Kiirassier regiments, and wore single-breasted Kolleu tunics hooked closed at the front, without visible buttons. The dragoons worc long-tailed, double·breasted light blue coats, and the hussars thcir traditional costume. Regimental Distinctions, ]792
Gensd'armes While Kallen, B; poppy red CLR, C; gold BTN; gold lace for ofTs. and senior NCOs, red with yellow edging for DRs. Plain bicorns, plumes as Garde du Corps. Cuirass black with red cuff for ORs; offs. had crimson and silver cuff, gilt rim and rivcts, gold crowncd cypher at throat. Brass shoulder scales. Red saddle furniture, gold lace, coloured Hessian lion cresls; black harness, brass fillings.
Karobiniers As Gensd'armes except: light blue CLR, C, saddle furniture. Silver BTN"; silver lace for offs. and senior NCOs, light blue lace edged white for DRs, and saddle furniture edging. Red cuff on offs.' cuirass. Shabraque corncr/holster cover badges were Hessian crest.
Garde de Corps
Plain bicorn. Poppy red F; gold lace for offs. and Buff Kolleu, crimson CLR and Swedish C; buff TB; silver BTN and lace. Scalloped silver HL; He..en-KaSSf'1 kib-D....So.. er-Rq{im~... 18'5 - .fter Steinplume white, red base, for all except trumpeters- miihler. From left 10 rillbc, an nffiC'"-r, NCO and troope.rL Tbe pl..me5, coc.kadu a ..d pompo....n 5boW<> •• wbite red tip and base. Steel cuirass, with crimson and and critn....., tbe cord••ih·er for tbe officer and white for tAe .... nlt.; the cltiaacalu an sold. Tbc lilllltt bl.e tllllics silver 'cuff' for offs.; white B and gauntlets. other h."'e red coUar.. red .houJder nrap.. and for the officer Saddle furniture crimson for offs., red for DRs; red •• nd"!:old Pr... i...."tyle ep...leue5; buno.....n sold, half-bail. Breechu are white for the officer, liSM blue with round portmanteau; silver lace trim; eight-point red piping for other r.nks. Sh.hraqUe5 are liSht blue with Guard slars in rear corners shabraque and on 5il",er edlllinll for the officer, red for the other ......k., i.. the ~::;:':::"i:r:I:~~'::~.:::r.i~~;:~.~PI.~~;::.Dsilver or white. holstcr covers; black harness, steel fittings.
White B, yellow Charivari; yellow boots for offs., black for DRs. Light blue saddle furniture with silver/yellow scalloped lace according to rank, and crowned cypher. Black Hungarian harness, white fittings. Moustaches except for trumpeters. Uniforms of the Kur-Hessischen Legion,
Charrnu.1II .a;~<...ludy of a privat.. of th.. H ........Ka.w FOOl Guards, 18t7-ofint..r"'l since It ia n ... r-e:ont..mporary. Whit ......d-crion_n plum.. and whil" hal lace; dark blu.. coat with ~ facinllla, whit.. lace, .ih·..r bunon•. Musk..t furnitur.., pouch badllles and belt plat....... brass. Points of "ont..ntion a th.. lonlll "oat tails - dIOse of oth.... ranks w ...... much .hon than officers' .ad th .. whit.. 'bee ~s' showinlll abo".. the black pit....s. (Oun H .. lms Collf:Ction)
senior NCDs, no lace for DRs; gold BTN. White W, B. Red saddle furniture, edged gold for ofTs., laced crimson with yellow edging for ORs. Round red porlmanteau, light blue capes, black harness with red fittings. Prin{, Friedrich Dragoner As Leib-Dragoner except: deep yellow F and saddle furniture, silver BTN, silver lace for offs. and senior NCOs, no lace for ORs, silver/white edging to saddle furniture. J·Jusaren-Regiment Black fur busby; white plume, red base; yellow bag. Yellow dolman, light blue pelisse; light blue CLR, C; black fur trim; silver/white lace, BT1\.
See commentary on Plate G3. InJanlry: Garde·Grenadier-Ba/aillon Black Austrian grenadier bearskins; white grenade badge on front above black peak edged silver; red bag, white piping, white cords and tassel to right side; white-over.rcd plume on left. Dark blue coat without shoulder straps; red CLR, Swedish C, L, TB; white W, B, belts; silver BTN; high black gaitcrs; rank badges as 1806. Leichtes Jnjalllerie·Bataillon Austrian shako, black peak and chinstrap, large frontal red·within-white cockade below redwithin.white pompon linked by silver loop and BTN. Offs. had falling black horsehair plumes; ORs, black plume with red tip and base; NCOs, red base only. Dark green, single-breasted tunics; eight silver BTN; red CLR, Swedish C, TB. Dark grecn B; hussar boots; black belts, silver fillings. Offs. wore silver conlre-cpaulclte and aiguillette on right shoulder, wide silvcr waist sash, silver thigh knots, white gauntlets, silver boot trim, silver-hilted sabre in steel shcath on black slings. The Regiments Ktirfurst and von Biesenrodt appear in the Legion's records, but never mustered more than a handful of men. Cavalry: Leib·Dragoner-EsKadro1/ Austrian heavy·cavalry pattcrn helmet, black leather with brass fillings, crowncd 'WK' cypher on front plate, red·over·whitc crest, brass chinscales. Lighl blue double-breasted tunic with field poppy red CLR, Swedish C, TB edging; light blue TB, shoulder straps; silver BTN. Buff gauntlets; grey overalls with silver BTN and black leather booting. White belts; Austrian heavy cavalry sword; whitc sheepskin saddle cover edged red; light blue holstcr covers edged red; black harness, silver fillings. Husaren-t.skadro1/ Infantry shako, red-and-while cords, whitc·over·
red plume. Pale yellow dolman, light blue CLR, C; silver BTN, white lace. Light bluc pelisse, black fur trim. Red-and-whitc sash. Grcy overalls, silver BTN, black booting. Black bandolier and slings; light blue sabretasche with white crowned 'WK', white edging. Steel-furnished Austrian hussar sabre. Harness as dragoons but black sheepskin, edged light blue. Hair was worn queued and with side-locks, and moustaches were worn. Artillery DetfJchnttnt Infantry uniform, dark blue with crimson F, gold BTl'\.
Hessel/-Kassel UllifOrms,
jim71 /8'3 Once again the Prussians served as the KtirfUr5t's model when he ordered uniforms designed for his restored army in IBI3. The exceptional detail was the anachronistic pigtail, an eccentricity which Wilhelm I rc-illlroduced not - as many sources suppose - immediately in IBI3, but as late as 1816. The theoretical uniform details are listed here: it goes without saying that for many months these ambitious and punctilious patterns existed only in the minds of the designers, and in practice the men wore a mixture of outdated uniforms, civilian clothes and rags. Guard hifanlry Prussian-style leathcr-reinforced shakos; white cords for ORs, silver-and-red cords for offs.; silver chinscales; fed-within-white pompon; plumes white with red tip for ORs, white with red tip and base for NCOs, white wilh red base for offs.; small Hessian lion badges in BTN colour each side of shako for offs., replacing Prussian eagles. Two loops Prussian-slyle Guard lace on CLR and Swedish C, silver. Double-breasted coat worn with lapels buttoned over. Senior NCOs had silvcr edging on C, or C and CLR. Offs. had red-and-silver sash and portepee. Belts, B, white. Black half-gaiters, black buttons; offs. wore short boots, straight at tOp. Eight-point silver star on pouch. French muskets, sabres. Drummers wore dark blue swallows' nests with red-and-silver lace; brass drums had red·and-blue striped hoops.
Distinctions: Schwei;:tr Leibgarde Light blue coat; field poppy red CLR, C, TB, shoulder straps; silver lace, BTN, right-hand aiguillelte. Leib-Grenflditr-Gflrde Black bearskin, silver plate with 'WK' under electoral cap; while cords, plumes of rank. Dark blue coal, field poppy red CLR, C, TB, shoulder straps; silver BT1'\, lace. Garde-Grtnaditr-Regimtnt J or .Regimtnl-Gardt' All delail as for Leib-Grenadier-Garde except only the two grenadier companies wore bearskins, the musketeer battalions wearing a shako with silver grenade badge. Lint Infflntry Each regiment cvcntually consisted of two grenadier companies, detached from thc parent regiments and scrving in four-company grcnadier battalions; twO musketeer battalions and a fusilier battalion, each of four companies. fusiliers wcre supposed to rccei\·c black bclts, but these wcre delayed. Facings were shown at CLR, C. shoulder straps; TB supposcdly red throughout, but report by Gen. ~1aj. \"on Gaudi, 29+ 14 suggests at least 'Kurfurst' had yellow TB at that date. )l"o lace, BTN, on CLR or C; dark blue CF, three BTN. Distinctions: Regiment Kiiifursl Lcmon ycllo\v F, gold BTN Regiment Kiirprin;: White F, gold BTN Regimml Landgraf Karl Red F, gold BT~ Regimml 'VfI({/1I1 von J,Vurmb' Crimson f, silver BTN (from 2.1.14, von Sohns) The Grcnadier-Bataillon von Haller was "esseo.Darmslad. officer'. gorge., .8'5; "nver wilh gold lion and wreath. Afler an e".. mple in Darmltadl Caltle Museum.
formed from the grenadiers of the first two silver chinscales; plume, according to rank, allen. Buff lunic, field poppy red CLR, TB edging, regimcnts, the Grenadier-Bataillon von Schmidt Swedish Cj buffTBj silver lace loops on CLR, C; from the second two. ]iiger-IJataillon silver BTN. White B, hea\')' cuffed boots, buckled As line infantry but dark green coat, red F spurs for parades; for olher duties, grey overalls, (Swedish C), crimson TB, silver BT:\", no lace. silvcr BT:\", red piping, short boots \,'ith screw-in Grey B; riflesj black belts. spurs. Offs. wore red leather bandoliers with Foot Artille')' silver lace, and silver-and-red waist sashes tas· Two and a half batteries. Line infantry style selled at left. ORs wore white crossed bandoliers. uniform, dark blue coat (Swedish C, : crimson F, Brass-hilled heavy cavalry swords, steel sheaths, yellow.laced CLR, gold BT:\". Brass grenade, white slings. Saddle furniture red, edged double crossed cannons badge on shako and pouch. white (silver for offs.) lace, with eight·point star in corners. Black heavy-cavalry harness, steel While B; black belts. Horse-Artillery fittings. On somc occasions steel cuirasses were Half bauery. As Fool Artillery, but short, worn, with brass shoulder scales, brass rivets, a straight-lopped baNs with screw.in steel spurSj red cuff edged white and a white waiSI bell. Those of ofl'S. had a gilt eight-point star motif high on light cavalry sabres in steel sheaths. the breast. Cavalry Uniforms, 1814 Trumpeters had red helme! crests and red Garde du Corps One squadron. Bavarian Raupcnhelm in black swallows' nests laced with silver; silver trumpets leather, silver plate and front band with '\VK' were fitted with red-and-silver cords. below electoral cap, over 'GARDE DU CORPS'; Garde·Husaren black crest - sluffed wool for DRs and corporals, One squadron. Black fur busby, red bag, white bearskin for offs. and senior ~COSj black chin· cords, plume according to rank. Dark blue dol· straps edged wilh silver chains, later perhaps man, five rows silver BT:\", sil\"Cr lace, field poppy red CLR, C. Dark blue pelisse, silver BTN and Hesse"-Kauel",r.,,try drum., r"78s- The body is br...., thl' lace, black fur trim. White B, red-and-silver boop. I'flI .... d whill'; "oil' the pri»cely ernl. (Scbl.... friedricb'lIei .. Museum) barrel sash, black belts and bandoliers; red sabretasche, white edging and ;WK' beneath e1eclOral cap for DRs. silver lace and crowned Hessian lion amid trophies for olfs.; silver buckles. Hussar boots, silver lace and tassel for olfs.; sabres with gill hilts, brass sheaths. Dark blue shabraquc, silvcr-and-red edging. Black Polishstyle harness, silvcr fittings; heavy decoration of while shclls for offs. Line Cavalry Leib·Dragoner-Regiment Four squadrons. Shako, red-within-whitecockade and pompon, plume according to rank; while cords (silver·and-red for olIs. and senior NCOs); silver peak edging, chinscales. Light blue double· breasted tunic; field poppy red CLR, Swedish C, shoulder straps; light blue TB edged poppy red; silver BTN. White or buff leather B, white belts, straighHopped boots with screw·in steel spurs for parades; otherwise grey overalls, silver BTN, red piping. Offs. wore white gauntlets. Brasshilled sabres, steel sheaths. Light blue shabraque
and round portmanteau edged red for DRs, silver with red outer edge for offs.; in rear corner '\VK' under electOral cap, all white. Black lightcavalry harness, slee! finings. Trumpeters' plumes red, swallows' nests red edged silver, brass trumpets with red-and-whitc cords.
Husoren-Regiment Four squadrons. Shakos as Lcib-Dragoncr, remainder as Garde-Husaren.
HUH.. _KasHI ... r&A'ry J..,o,ibr..... ~, c. IJ9II. TJU. rec..... Lion by Lh~ ,hor i. b.Hd on r~rnD""'.or....Cl.... ~x.mpl~ pre>ler...ed Schloss FriednchSl~"" ba' th~ coloan .re ... r.ded a5 to be .carcely recow:ni•• bl~. Th~ fi~ld is wh.il~ .ilk, ,h.. ~mb ....id..ry .pp.rendy gold, wi,h colo.. red e~otnl crn, .5 follows, cloekwi.... from I o'clock: .ix-poin' .il...er "'.r on black fi ..ld O...er gold fi ..ld; ,wo gold r.mpan' lions on red field; ..il.....r n.i1s .nd n ..tll.. I......... on r ..d field ro ..od • red-o 5il,·~r shield; red snd gnld b.rs .nd h .. raldic ordi ri~s .ro....d • gold-o",er.red shield; two eigbt_po"" .il.·~r stars On • bl.ck fi~ld o.·~r • gold field; red nmpant lion wiLh bl..e crOwn On red fic.ld; red cron of Lorrain~ 0" .ih·c.r field. The e~.. U'a1 cr..., i. t.h~ red.....d.whiu striped H.... ia.. lio.. o... bl .... field. n .. p..u.celycyph~r'WL'.ppe.n in Ibe corner med.Ili....5 ...d On the fini.1.
Landwehr Infantry
Gen.:\'!aj. von Gaudi's notes give following description: 'Each infantry and cavalry regiment will raise a Frciwillige Jager detachment of 200 men after the Prussian example. In each of the provinces Niederhessen, Oberhessen and Flirstenthum Hanau two Landwehr battalions will be raised.' (24· 1 1.13) These Landwehr wore simple shakos in black oilcloth coveTS with the Landwehr cross in white on Ihe front; dark blue Litewka double-breasted coats with full skirts and silver butlons; grey Irousers and black belts. Facings were shown on Ihe collar and Polish cuffs: I Regt., crimson; 2nd, black; 3rd, red. (Another source, 1. R. Worringer, Zeitschriftfiir Humkiinde Nrs. 40, 41, 42 in April 1932, gives the sequence as red, black and crimson.) Hessen·Kassel Campaign Summary 1793---95 Low Countries, Lorraine, Champagne, Westfalia, Upper Rhine 1793 Expedition [0 Ihe Isle of Wight (Gensd'armes, inf. regts. 'von Linsingen, !)rinz Karl only) 1809 Campaign in Saxony (Kur-Hessisches Legion only) 18'4-15 Upper Rhine and France
COIOll1J(IlldS!olld{mfs Practically no wriuen data has been found concerning the colours and standards of this army in 1792-1806. It is known that in the American War of Independence eaeh company carried its own colour; it is nOt known how many regimental colours were carried within each battalion. :\'Iany examples were described by Gherardi Davis in his Regimental ColO/IrS if lite Revolution, New York, 19°7; unfortunately he erroneously classed some as being Leib or sovereign's colours, but as all are non-white this cannot be so. In the new museum in Schloss Friedrichstein al Bad Wildungen near Kassel there is exhibited Ihe remains of a Hcssen-Kassel Leibfahne. Of
while silk, il bears in Ihe cenlre the great cresl of the Landgraf, held b)' golden lions, under a Landgrars crown and olher trophies of arms. In each corner Ihe crowned cypher 'WL' dates it directly to our period. The gilt finial of the white pike - a convincing detail - bore a lion with crown and sword. Regimental colours were painted on silk, with, in the centre, the red-and-white striped Hessian lion with crown and sword on a light blue field within gold laurel wreaths tied with pink ribbon and under a Landgrars crown. The crown rested on a pale pink scroll bearing '~£SCIT PERICULA' in gold. Small gold corner wreaths enclosed a gold 'WL'; in the centre of each side was a silver flaming grenade. The gilt finial bore the cypher, and the staff colour varied with the regiment. All colours were decorated with silver-and-crimson cords and tassels. Thalmann's excellenl work in the Marburg Archives gives a series or regimental colours, all dating from 1786, in detail, and smaller and much less distinct portrayals of white Leibfahnen. Some colours werc of solid colour, olhcrs had 'flaming' diagonal crosses in a conlrasting colour. Thalmann shows: All while Regiment Garde. Garde.Grenadier-Regt.. . All red Erbprinz Red, light blue cross Prinz Karl All dark green Leib-Regt. Yellow, red cross von Kospoth Black, bun' cross Orange, light green cross von Lossberg \'on Heymel All yellow Light troops and artillery carried no colours. Cavalry Standards Thalmann, and exhibilS in Schloss Friedrichstein, arc the only SOllTces found. Thalmann gives Ihe following overview. Each squadron would seem lO have carried a standard (hussars carried none). The Leib-Eskadron carried a white LeibEstandarte, thc others each having a coloured standard. No details of the relationship between squadron and colour are known. Examples are: Garde du Corps ... All white, in vexillum form, suspended on silver chains from a staff with solid silver Hessian lion finial; embroidcred overall Gcnsd'armes Red Karabiniers Red
Leib- Dragoner .. Red Prinze Friedrich Dragoner . . Yellow All were square, and bore in lhe centre the embroidered rampant Hessian lion striped in silver and while; fringes were of bulton-colour. The corners of the standards of the Gensd'armes and Leib-Dragoner bore silver cyphers (in 1786, 'FL'); those of the other line regiments are shown blank. Pikes were red. finials gilt spearheads; cords of silver and crimson. with tassels, hung about two-thirds of the way down the standards. Infantry Colours, 1814
Xew colours were prcsented to all existing regi· ments at the :\'laninskirche in Kassel on I :\'larch 1814. The design had altered radically since the period [792-1806. Although no surviving written cvidence has been discovered, exisling colours at
HUHrt-Da.. mstadt w .... try. '799- "fbi" KAotel place sho_ the men without pouchu in orner tn display the I.pel del.ib c1e.r1y. Lerc co righ!: lSI Leib-Bd. (crifDlIon radn8s, silve.. buttonlll 2nd uib-Bcl. (oran8e radngs, silver buttons); Leib_Regt. (red radngs, silver buttonll); R~l. L.ndgrar (while radngs, f>0ld bUIIOnl); Regt. Erbprinz (pink radngs,
Erhprinz note sash worn over coaC, a scyle adopced in Prus"i. sOn>ewh"t lace... With che ucception ofthe Depol_BeI. .11 rellimencs had dark hlue recl.nJl:ul.rcuffO"ps decoraced with thr~ la.,., loop"; ChOH or the Depoc-Btl. were pl..... (By kind pern>ission W. Spemann Verl.JI:, FraDck'sche VerbS5h ....dhulll, Sluttpn)
Schloss Friedrichstein give the following picture: Each regiment had (at least) two colours, a white Lcibfahne and one or more crimson Regimentsfahnen. The Leibfahne was square. On the obverse it bore centrally a red-and-white striped Hessian lion with sword on a light blue shield, below a light blue scroll bearing '''liT Gorr 33
FUR FURST U~D VATERl.ANO'; around the shield, golden oak and laurel branches, in each corner golden sunrays. The reverse was the same except that the central device was the golden cypher 'WK' under an electoral cap. The pike was 3.ISm long, light blue. with a pierced brass tip bearing the cypher under the cap. The silk was nailed to the pike with dome-headed gilt nails. The crimson regimental colours were the same as the Leibfahne except that the scroll bore 'GOTT SCHUTZT DEN DER AUF IHN BAUT' (God Protects Those Who Build On Him') on the colourls of the Regt. Prinz von Solms-Braunfels, and 'MEINEN TREUE:-; HESSEN' on that of the Regt. Kurprinz. No data has been found to suggest that cavalry standards were presented in 1813-15.
Ht:fllIt:n.Kal8el Ordinarfahne, Regiment Prinil von SOlml, .81'" CrimlOn field; gold finial, nails and corner ray.; !iSb! blue lIhield find pike; red.and.while lion, while Icroll, black infl\cription. From an example in the Schloll hiedrichstein Museum.
ThePlates A: liesst,,·Darmstadt: Officer, Chtvaulegtrs, 17901803 This regiment was eventually destroyed in a desperate rearguard action at the Beresina crossing in Russia in 1812. The figure, from a plate in the regimental history, shows an officer in full dress. The British inAuence is plain; the peculiar helmet, and the chevron decoration on the coat sleeves and tails, both approximate to late 18thcentury British light cavalry styles. The black leather helmet had a skull of truncated conical shape behind the curved front shield; the black crest extended in an arc from the back of the skull to the tOp of the front shield. The elaborate parade harness is dccorated with hundreds ofcowrie shells. B I: Hustn-Darmstadt: Privatt, 3rd Compml), Lticntts Infanttrit·Batailioll, 1790 After a plate in the regimental history. The
traditional sombre colours accord with the role of this unit, whieh recruited small, agile men. The hair is still worn queued, curled and powdered, a time-consuming and horribly unhygeinic practice. The blue hat pompon and sabre tassel identify the company. He carries on the left hip the calfskin pack and grey canvas haversack which indicate summer field service marching order. The weapon is a smoothbore musket- only a proportion of the unit carried rifles; note red sling. 82: Husen-Darmstadt: Oherst, Artillery. 1792
From a plate in the regimental history. The Hcssen-Darmstadt artillery were the only gunners
of the Grande Armee to bring their cannon back from thc Russian disaster of [812. Black facings were adopted by many continental artillery corps; mey had certain practical advantages in the days of black powder, when fighting the guns was an atremely dirty job. As a mounted officer this colonel wears jacked boots and buckled spurs. His gold-tipped cane with silver tasselled cord is a sign of office, but the important indication of officer status was the silver-and-red portepee on me sword hilt.
83: Hessen-Darmstadt: HQrnist, Fiisilier-Bataillon, Brigade Landgraf. June 1803 After a plate in the regimental history. The Prussian influence was strong in the armies of many German states; elderly men could still remember Frederick the Great, and by a process of 'sympathetic magic' it seems to have been boped that by copying Prussian uniforms and drill they could inherit his prowess. The small, cwo-flap bicorn worn by B2 and B3 is copicd from thc Pruss ian infantry of thc I 780s. The horn is of typical Gcrman design; its carrying nOte was used to pass signals whcn fighting in extended order. Drummers, hornists and musicians wore me 'swallows' nest' shoulder wing in facing colour, decorated with button-colour lace. CI: Hessrn-Darmstadt: Officer, Leih-Regiment, 1807-
°9 Aftcr Knolcl, and a plate in the regimental history. After about 1808 the coat was worn
Henen-K.nel, Leib·Gren.dier_G.rde .nd Regim.ent G.rde, ,8'4' A fikeTCh by Knotel in the regimentat history. The P .......i.n style of co•• m..y be seen here, with its coll.r I.ce; the two rOWfi of sih'er bUllo... were: spaced narrowly On the chest. The gren.dier's bl.ck belrski" is of AU5trian p.l1ern with red b.clt.ing••nd • si.l",er pla.e bear-in!!: • rampant lion hotding the 'Guards It.r'. CoII.r .nd c d lace, shoulder straps Ind bellS .re white, tbe musket .nd equipment .p-
met.t b.dge and chinscale., while cords .nd whit_.d.red coc"ade.
closed to the waist with the sash over it. By this timc the halcd pigtail had disappcared from most European armies, although Hessen-Kassel retained it from [816 to about 1821. There are several dcsuiptions of the plume adopted by the Hessians in 1806 after confusion with Prussians atJena. Some say red, others red with a black tip, others black, or black with a red tip. No final answer has been found, but red with a black base for officers and a black tip for NCOs seems likely.
C2: Hessen-Darmstadt: Trooper, Garde du Corps, 1809 This palace bodyguard did not comply with the 35
change in plumc colours. Kote also that although the sabretasche bears the new cypher of Grand Duke Lud\vig I, the sword hilt still carries (he old 'LLX' cypher. Members of this elite unit were drawn from the aristocracy, and ranked as officers even though nominally titled trooper or sergeant. After a plate in the regimental history. C3: HtSSin-Darmstadt: Sergeant. foot Artillery. 1809 After a plate in the regimental history. This unit was part of the Hessian force which fought at Aspern-Essling in 1809. The coat was of the pattern worn by all dismounted units apart from the Regt. Gross- und Erbprinz. Two loops decorated the red-piped horizontal false pockets. French rank badges had bcen adoptcd in 1806, but the contre-epaulettes were peculiar (0 lhis slale. They were edged in the facing colour for privatcs, and silver for NCOs. NOIC thaI the gaiter buttons are brass even though those on the coat arc tin. The confusion over the plumes worn He..~n_Ka I, Swin Lir.. Guards, 1815- AI Idl i. a private in rull dr - rfli ...d blu.. phunu, red a"d blu~ cockade, sold buuo"; blu.. lun.ic and breech.... wich red .cripe. edSed in wbile; .ilver and red baldric; .il"er, rfli ....d blue 1••..,1" to halberd; red .IOCkin&,,; red ...d blu~ Ihoe- oc •. In th.. centr.. i. a .. NCO in Hrvice d...... whice-o,· rfli plu..m .. ; dark blu.. coac wich red (acinS., .ilv..r lac.. aDd b .. nons; whic.. bree<;:h.......d sau.nl1..u; whit_nd-red ....ord knot; brown ea.... wich silt knob. Ac riSbc i..... officer in Hrvice dres. a. ror tb .. NCO .... e..pl ror a .lIver hat_brooch, .ih·er porlqH!4', and .purred boots. (A(cer Sc..i"mi/.bl.. r)
by the Hessians is reAected here. Four horizomal grenades decorated lhe turn-backs. D I: Husen-Darmstadt: Corporal. Grtnadier Company. Rtgt. Gross- und Erbprin<.; Spain. 1809 After Knote!' As a member of the Confederation of the Rhine the state was required to make a military contribution to ~apoleon's war effort: this regiment was Hesse's contribution to the Peninsular War. Re-organised and re-badged in the French manner, it saw much heavy fighting before passing into British captivity at Badajoz in 1812. The uniform shown here was probably the exception rather than the rule; resupply of clothing was very infrequenl, and the regimental history records that coat tails were cut off lO make palches for the rest of the outfit. The French equipmellt and armament replaced the old and varied designs carried before the regimcilt entered French service. D2: Husen-Darmstadt: Olfiur, uib-Rtgimtnl, 1812 After various sources. The Hessians provided six battalions of infantry, a regiment of horse and the associated artillery batteries (eight guns) for :.'l"apoleon's Russian adventure of ,812. They ser\'ed in the 4th Division, I Corps and the 34th Division, X I Corps (infantry), and the 30th Light Cavalry Brigade, IX Corps (Chevaulegers).
The sash had now been abandoned in favour of the silver gorget as a sign of office when on duty. The cut of the coat had changed in that the lapels were now cut straight across the bottom at waist level, and no waistcoat was shown. D3: Hesstn-Dormstadt: TroojNr, Gordt-Chtcau!egtrS, 1812 After KnOte!. The British light dragoon-style helmet had been replaced in about 1806 by the high, domed type shown here, probably copied from the Bavarians, although the chevrons on sleeves and tails were retained (sec MAA 106, Sapoleon's German Alii'S (4): Bavaria). It is not known how the French rank badges were incorporated into this sleeve deconl.lion. Dark green overalls with red stripes cover the white parade breeches. Wiped out on the Beresina on '27 November 1812, the regiment was re-raised in 1813. A narrow bandolier supported a small black pOlich at the back, partly hidden by the carbine belt; from the latter a small strap connected with a ramrod fixed along the top of the pouch. HtSstn-Darmstodt: Offiur, lSt Compof/)', Frtiu'illige Jager. 181j-14 After Knote!' As in most other German states, Hessen-Darmstadt raised volunteer companies in addition to conscripted line troops to fight :\apoleon in the 'wars of liberation' of 1813-15. Volunteers paid for their own uniforms and equipment, and were given better treatment than conscripts. They were concentrated into elite companies attached to conscript battalions for scouting and skirmishing duties - hence the Jager uniform and the rifles they carried. Their civilian jobs were kept open for them during their service, and it was promised that their later careers would benefit for their having served the Fatherland. While on campaign they wore an oak sprig (or fir, in winter) on the shako - a common practice in Austria, Prussia, and many other German states.
a red base inserted illlO a silver pompon with a red horizontal ring. :\ICOs had black plumes with a red tip, and red pompons with a silver ring. Privates' plain black plumes were worn from a pompon in company colour (see lext) and surmounted by either a red tuft or a red pompon sources differ. While on duty the silver gorget was still worn, and the French ranking was retained. In winter and on field service the \\'hite breeches were replaced by blue trousers worn over the boots. E3: Htsstn-Darmstadt: Priente, Regimtnt PriIU. Emil, 1814 Newly raised in 1813-/4, lhis regiment was obviously clothed, armed and equipped with the lhen-available French-pattern items. French rank badges were still worn, bllt the peculiar Hessian contre-cpauletles were replaced in 1814 by dark blue shoulder straps edged at the sides and rounded end in regimental facing colour. The while-and-yellow pompon indicates the jth Company. After Knotel - who omits the lapel laces, which were perhaps introduced late in 1814. Hidden here are three-point pink-piped horizontal coal pockets.
£2: lIessen-Darmstadt: Officer, Ltib-Garde-Regimtnt, 181 4 After a plate in Darmstadt Archives. Hidden here are three-point red-piped horizontal Coat pockets. On parades officers now wore black plumt'S with
FI: limen-Kassel: NCO. Fiisi/i"s, uib-Rtgimtnt, 179 2 The headdress of the fusilier companies within Hessen-Kassel infantry regiments resembled the grenadier's traditional mitre, but the frontal plate was rather lower, and the crown of the headpiece rose to a point and was tipped wilh a metal spike in button colour. The cloth of the crown was usually in facing colour. The metal headband was decoraled with grenades and trophies; the design of band and plate differed with each regiment. This NCO in parade dress carries a halberd; these, and officers' spontoons, were discarded for all except parade duty at about this period, and by 1803 they had vanished altogether. :\ICO status is indicated by the silver lace, the cane, the red-and-white sabre strap, the gauntlets, and the absence of musket and pouch. After ~l tiller and Carl. F2: IItsun-Kassel: Officer. Hussars. 1792 The dressy and expensi\'c uniform. complete with the yellow boots copied from those of senior
Turkish officers, may seem hopelessly unsuited for the campaign tasks of light cavalry scouting units even in an age of conspicuous military glamour. In fact, in this as in many OIher small German states, the hussars were more a gendarmerie in peacetime than a battlefield force. They were distributed over the whole country, patrolling country roads and borders in small groups of threear four men. and chasing deseners -afwhom there were many! This was excellent training far their tactical role in wartime. After ;"fijller and Carl. F3: Htsstn-KasStI: Drumnltr, Regiment Garde, /792 From contemporary platcs in the Darmstadt archives it appears that most infantry regiments employed Negro boys as drummers. The stylised turban is shown only vaguely in the original source, as is the exact pallern of the lace; but it seems thaI the rcd figurcs are miniature crowned cyphers - '\\fL' for 'Wilhelm, Landgrar. Each regiment had its own distinctive lace, and the Garde were the dandies of this small army. The waistcoat and breeches are yellow. After Muller and Carl. G/: Htssen-Kassel: OffiUT, Light Infantry, KurHiSsian ugion J /809 In thc wake of Austria's brave but foolhardy attcmpt to ovcnhrow .\'apoleon in 180g several Free Corps wcre raised in &hemia, among them the 'Black Brunswickers' and the Kur-Hcssians. The lallcr, although disbanded aftcr a few months, did scc action in a spirited thrust into southern Germany which caused much trouble for Jerome Bonaparlc, then attempting to secure bis position as king of Westfalia. Almost all items of uniform and cquipment were of Austrian dcsign or origin. The hair is un powdered but queued. After a contemporary plate by Hass in the Kassel Archives,
buR' lcathcr without front buttons, The leather breeches werc normally whitened for paradcs, T roopcrs wore moustaches, bm officers and trumpeters wcre c1ean-shavcn. After MOiler and Carl. G3: Hesstn-Kasstl: Offiur of GrinaditrsJ GardiGrtnaditre. /792 The fur on the Austrian bearskin was set pointing upwards at the frolll and downwards at the back and sides, The large 18th-century style of gorget was still worn. The officers' muskct, with red leather sling, was of fine workmanship, and had the sovereign's cypher engraved on the blade of the bayonct. The lid of the silver cartouche worn frontally on the waist belt is decorated with a gilt cypher and trophies of arms. After .M uhler and Carl. H /: HtsSt1l-Kasul: Officer, Rtgimtnt Landgraf Karl, /8/4
While officers, whose appearancc depended upon private means, probably blossomed into the colours of thc restored Electorate fairly soon after Hcsscn-Kasse1's liberation, it would have bcen many months bcfore any substantial numbers of troops could havc been fittcd out with thc prescribcd new uniforms. Prussian influence was again noticeable in the design of the uniform; note the small gilt lions at the sides of the shako, in the position occupied by small eagles on the shakos or Prussian officers. Officers worc no epaulenes, however, but carried malacca canes instead. Senior NCOs had their plumes tippcd and based with red, and wore silver sabrc-strap tassels; gold lacing edgcd the top and front of their collars, and the top of their cuffs. Junior NCOs had goldlaced collars only. After a platc by Steinmuhler (who was a Premierlieutenant in the GardeGrenadiere) but with altered hairstyle.
H2: Hessin-Kasstl: NCO rif ]iigtrs, /8/4 G2: HiSstn-Kassel: Trumpeter, KarahiniersJ /792 Thc ncwly-raised Jager-Bataillon had crimson Apart from the shoulder and sleeve decorations, facings, and SteinmOhler shows silver buttons trumpeters were also distinguished by their crim- and lacc, the officers' shakos bearing silvcr chains son plume tips and bases. This regiment had in and lions; other ranks' shakos were decorated fact abandoned the wearing of cuirasses a few only with thc red-and-white cockade. The straight ycars previously, but the cut of the tunic still sword-bayonet or Hirschra:nger had an antlerreflected their original armoured role, being of horn hilt. Privates' plumes were plain dark green,
officers' red-tipped. Once again, we have 'sent this man for a haircut' - Stcinmiihler shows an anachronistic pigtail, which was nOt in fact reintroduced for another two years. H3: Huun·Kass~/: XCO, Hors~ Artill~r;'. 1816 This corps wore black plumes, with the usual red rank distinctions. Leatherwork was black, the pouch nap bearing brass crossed cannons under a grenade. Officers' shako cords were silver', howe\"cr, despite the button and lace colour being gold. The plain round cuffs bore two lace buttonhole loops in gold or yellow according to rank. :\COS of Foot Artillery followed infantry practice - gold-laced collars and cuffs - but in the mounted branch the distinction was the replacement of yellow loops with gold on collar and cuff. The shako is the Russian 'Kiwer', but some personnel arc known to ha\"e worn a Prussian pattern. The pigtail of 181G--t-.1822 is shown here. Afler Steinmiihler.
Sources: Hessen-Darmstadt Bauer \'on Baller, G~sdlicht~ d" GrosshtT?oglich l'/~ssischen Garde·Unttroffidm-Compagnie, Darmstadt, 18gS Beck, Fritz, Guchicht~ d~r Grossh"?oglichen Husischen Fahnen und Standarten, Berlin, 1895 Beck, Fritz, GtSChichte des 1. Grossher?oglich Hessisch~1/ bifa1/terie· (Ltibgarde-) RegimentsNr. 115, Berlin, 18gg Beck, Fritz, Geschichte des "ifanteri~-Regiments Kais" Will/dm (2. Grossher?oglich Hmisches) Nr. 116, Berlin Beck, Fritz, Gtsehichte des Grossher?og/ich Hessischen Gendarmerie-Korps 1763-19°5, Darmstadt, 'g05 Beck, Fritz, Gesclu'cllte des ,. Grossher~oglich Hus;sd/en Dmgolltr-Regiments (Garde-DmgonerRegiments) Nr. 25, Darmsladt, 1878 Keirn, A., Geschichte des Infant~rie-uibregimmts Grossher?ogin (3. Grossher?oglich Hmisches) Nr. Ill, Berlin, 1903 Keim, A., GtSCh;chte des 4. Grossher~oglich Hessischen Infanttri~-Regiments (Prill.{ Karl) Nr. 118, Berlin,
,879 Hessen.Kassel 'Stamm- und Ronglist~ con Hochfiirstlich Hessischen
.. ,
ri 00 ..
'~ ..
HeIfH..-Darm.ladl infantry .hako of French pallern, '609'5; while-wilhin.red pompon, red.wilhin.while cockade, while metal Ifhield and chinlftrap bo... A.fler a .urv;vinll; example in Dar...."dl C••de Mu.eum.
Corps' for the years '794-1806, Kassel, 1856 Losch, Philipp, Die Kurhmischtll Regimenter, ~'lcI sungen, Igoo Carl, J. H., & MUller, J. C., Hochfiirstl. HmenCass,l;'s. Saemt/idlen Trou/JPtII, Darmstadt; a series of colour plates painted in about 1788. Thalmann, G. F., Abbildung uruJ Beschreibung des FiirsttS HtSsen-Cosulschm Militoir-StanttS under d" R~gierung Landgraf Friedrich des .(w~itell bis ~um Johr 1786; a collection of over 100 contemporary watercolours. Davis, G., R,cimmta/ C%urs in the RiL'olution, ~ew York, 1907; a limited edition of 125 copies
von Stcinllliillcr, Kllrhrssisdun Unijormbildrr 1814; a series of contemporary watcrcolours. Kossechi, Carl \"on. Grschichtr drs Kiiniglich Prrussischrn
J-/rssischm Husarrn.Rtgimrnls Xr. '4,
Leipzig, 1887 Dechcnd, Gtschichtt drs Fiisilitr.Rtgimtnts t;on Grrsdor.Jf(Hrssischts) Xr. 80, Berlin, 19o1 Has, Dr. W., Grschichtt drs I. Kurhtssischm Frld. artilltrit-Rrgimtnts Xr. 19, ~Iarburg, 1913 General Knotel-Sieg, Handbuch drr Unijormrnkundr, Hamburg, 1966 Knotcl, R., .\'1ittrilungrn
Weiland, C. F., Darslellung drr Stiirke lind Organisation dtr Kaistrlich Fran
NOle. liur Ie. planches en couleur
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E. Larompasn"", d."", ,"Olon ... ,,,,,,,d·tl,,c, q'" a,.,.,en, l'"mron..e"adi. II""n" J~S" <1 da fu";b. ""i.n, de'ach" aupr-tt da ba'ailloru d. ,ecrua d'infanteri"e" 'an'qu·tcla'...,u.... E2 Dopan...k>nl hle"'por'ka"-d...... d.. ho"...empla~a.. n'l.. culottad••...,""1 hlanchnp
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