7he Cfjritish ~Jny ofthe @rimea Te\II))'
J. B.
Colour plales by'
MEN -1\ T -i\R
r3ritish ~my ofthe Grimea Text by
Colour plates b)'
PlllJli~lJcd in [~n by O.,prey Publi<:hin~ Ltd, 1'.0, l30x 2j iOi Oxford Road, J{cadin~, Derkshire (.... CopYI'i~ht J(IH O!)prey ruhli~hing Lid
'I 'hj~ book is copyright<:d under thc Bernt: CVJwcntion. All rights rc.:,-erved. Apart from allY lair dealing for Ihe purpose ol'pri\·ate study, n:'>l?arch, eriticislll or rc\'icw, <1" p<.'rmittcd under the Cop~righ( ,\ct. ll)jG, no part or this puhlication may he rcprodllCL"<:1. ,>tored in ,I retrie\'al <;r~t<.'m, or transmiut'u in nllY form or by ally mean'i electronic, dCClrical. chemical. mechanical. optical photoCOP) illg-, recording or nlhcrwiw, \\ itholll the pdor pcnni ..."ion of the copyri'{ht o\\'ncr. Enquiries . . houle! 1)(.' <'l.ddrC"ised to the PlIhli'Shcrs,
Printed in Great Britain hy Jarrolcl &. Sons Lid, .\"on\'ich
7he CJJriri.'/1 ~/ll)' oj/he Grill/M
("wnly :;.paced for a field-marshal and gelleral, in threes for a lictllcnanl-gCllcral and \(")) in pairs for .... m~~or-gcneral. The lining
Crown and star on the strap
Furthermore the fringe of the dress epau1cltcs was to be the same Ienglh as prescribed for regimental officers, i,e. lhree-and-a-half-inch bullion for colonels and lieutenant-colonels, two-and-a-half· inch bullion for majors; captains were to have a smaller hull ion t\,'O and a half inches clt:cp and subalterns a yet smaller bullion also t\\'o ;:lnd a half inches deep. The dress uniform was scarlct, double-breasled with blue collar and cuffs embroidered with gold oak-leaf paltCfll as was the \hrec-poinl scarlet slash on the cun', The buttons were nine per ro,,'
Her MajeslY Quccn Vlc;:lod:l and lhc Prince Consorl tll thi, charrl1inl{
lh(" lull rf;. 111c~'al.lU
modern standards. \\ould 1101 be won1 ill the '·'(,fling. Imd other piclure':) show Iii, Royal 1-1if:;!lnOll \\carin~ "hite kOl!l! hrl!'l:d\.... ~ ann "hilt' ~ilk \!()(kill\{' "ilh blark Ij:ill_huc-klt'('( .!l()r"'l.
I'IH: BIU n~1I .\R~1Y AT rill;: Ii.\ nu; Of Hlr, ,\DL\ Conlln3nt,kr.. in,t:hi«: Fidc.l-~Ianhal Lord Ha&l;,n ,be Hon. x'Ou Fu.iber Gu"rdJ. GokhlrTll.nl Gu;,rtl~. hluoy .I~lllo Henry ~mcoct , R,w'" ,"lrd O"'j"ion: ~lJjoc-Ce:ncl1lll ~ir Hkhard Engl.a.nd. htNff L,~: ~nd Di,,~il)ey [:"IIU. Kcttjnlrn~. 6c)lh Itq;:uncm,1>8lh R~"'lCnl. I.cfl Ilr;ltade; Ilrigadier-Genc:rnl l'mnerallu;:r. JOlh Regimen!. RIghI Urlg..<,le: ~ng ..
J~~giD7~:~~~I.~I~j~~G,;:~;~11l~\~ ~~~~thC2rl'
I.dl Urilpde: Urift;ulkr-Gc:nc:r.al UI,II!t:r. 19~ Hcgimen'. 881h RC'lt"llCfll,7i h.R<:lI: imem. :;~'IIt~~:~~~:, ~~;~,'~i"ri·'~;;I~..1 CooringllJfl, 71h Regimenl.
~(ilIfJ Luw:
III DI'lSivn:1.ieuICil.lIH-GcIlerull-lif !{ny,t11Iishne:loS
:~:hl):~~~~'~~~'i;~~~3~r-Geller ...' ~.r Colin C.'mpbell. 4Jnd ~~:~nB;:~ij;1~;di~G~~;,~~~~::k.Gmtadier Guarm.
t~~\r~l~j~~~_(~~c~~~~~~I~;.:~~::~r1t~:~~'::i lhe 1::"1'1 ofQoo;d'g:ln'41h LiJ;hl Dr"IIUOlu, 131\1 Liglll Dr:tgool\J:. lilh l..: m("n, ,\rlilkC): I Two!) 'I gum Honc::\rtilkr)".8 U:tlleria (0" guna) Fidd .\rlilkC)·. \OJ I" AcI""":,11Ie IIc,,-\')' C., .• lry Brig-.. de: lliigadier-Cencr:>llhe HOO.J;lmc:s ::l':llrkll, 4lh Drasooo Guards. 5lh Dr.lguun Gl).• rdJ. Ht l>rigdl.lIU, ~n(\ Dragooru. b,h Drng
C.. \\".\\.RY Rt-:GI».1J: ....- 'S I...... nw CI{J».JF.,\. 11.\llf.l:: liO='OCRS A:"O COI.OiJR OF 1>1 lhe Kin,(. Ih"lime11l of l)"-,,s"on GU;jrd~ Ilh ·Rn~",1 [rbh KeKimelll of I)rall:()(ln G"",rdJ lilL...kfa,,,, ',Ilt lhe l'rrn('.,. Clurl(>uc of\'.Ie-·. Regirnc," of I)..-alj:«"" Gu;urI~ lIalakl:l.H. blh K~lmCflt o{l)r;tl:;oon C".. «!> CUblllttn III K(\y...l Hqil\lcnt of 1),..,:lt~Qon. 1I.,lnkl",.. Jnl.! J{o)";ll :-:t.orth llr>lhh Hcg'tllC\ll f>ll)r..gvvnJ Jl.;,I..I:.I.w.. :tlh Quttn·.O"n R'lCilllctll Lighl J)r.Ig<:Klnf \11"... 1.Lilnkl:l''' Inl.erm,1ll 61h In"ifklllinll:l l,{CJtill\enl ofl)r\lSOO"~ ll.al..kl.l'.'
~11~b tI,'; ~;:~;; ~l~~lf~r~~,,:{~~mi~~~~;f~~::~~«,.,nf I~lh Iltc.I'rin(C:'lf,\ .. la·~ R<>\;J.fKcgime:o, "fl..:lnce:.-.
111h K.qplllrnl ofl.lghl Drag........ 171h RC\li","nl or Ughl Dr"J;;OQlIS uncenl I~I-.\~
S<:\"&.llnpoJ Sc''afl0l'0l SC,..... wpol Sc,'n510pol
.\lIn;l .\Ima
&bkl..", BahkL:",'Ol
Illkuol.ou Inke:rnUIl
S<:\MlOlX,1 Se\"llllopc,>l 5<:,.1.((11'01
.\110'" ,\lIn:l .\Jm:l. .\Im..
lnkr:rma.n Inkerman
."Im" .\lm..
II,ker",.. n Jllkcrrn:m
:~:~ ·~~:c~~~~h~~d,;;eL'n~i~~~~.~laFoCl\
~~~:' 1~I~i:':~~ ::~~~~~tt~r~t~:~1:1~t\;'~"~ilicn ~~~~ ~~lxl~~:lm~~:~::hi~cg~~~~~~t~~ulI'
jOlh IheC:ambrldQ;ahiTc: RCl;lmcmolFo(l\ 31$1 ,Ihe IlWllinp:clnmhir"l KCll:lffi(>l' o(Fo"l
:1:; g~~'':~:d1' ~';~~I\~i~n~~imcnl
3~lh lhe lJl Sl.lfford~hire Rcgilllclll of FOOl :)
"r FO"1
:~:~ :~ ~~~,,=lt:::~~:~;)o~~~~r:~:\::lr;~:IcC1rorrhhire
. RegimCfll0fFI'I('lI ·,olh Ilh~ Quccn', Own) Kcg:im(OI orFOQt ','lll lhe \\nlmorl~lld. Rcgilm;n' (>rl'-...OI ',bth lh( '\0'1 f..-c:o: Rcgi\llCfl1 (lr 1"001 ~7lh \\'0'1 ~hddlc:sc:o: \{cgnnCl\I nf FnoI ll:nd 'lhe \\il1WtI~ HqlilllenlOrFool ti,rdllhe\\'O'Is'uffi,lk/ Hegim(1l10rFlllll bllih \lh( ])urh:>U1 Regimen! nrFoot (I,illhl !nranlrr' 7111 !HI15hl:>.\dJ KC"lI:"imCt'11 of Fool (Lillhl Inr..lllr)" lind lhr: l)u~enf"lb.;o")"·$O"n lIighlandcn Rt'ltimcnlofF,.>! iilh Ihe EooJI »'hddloc:o: RClI"nctl' of FOOl
~~:,~ ~C:;j~:cr;;, ~/~:I ~~;'~~~~1(:(~~~I~~
\'ol"nlc:cn 881h Kc«;imcnl of FOOl Ihe l:vnn.Ulthl R1tngen !k,lh Rcgimcolnrl-'l,OOl tlOlh Regim(nl of Fool (I'CTI!uhire \'ohmu:c:n Lilthl Inf""lr~
~~~: :~h~I;~~b;~h~~~~I~;:~;,~01;_~~1 of Fl)Ol (Hlh Ihe I::arl of Uhler'. \{egiJl1c'lU ofFO'lI I{iHe Ilrig:ldc: lhe: Prince CoI",r,,.t". Own
~\;ulnp..1 Sc\oulOJpol !'o.<:,r.ulopul
lilh lhe LcicOle:nh.rc:c RC'II(lmcnlofFool 181h Ro)allr;"h Rcgiment ofFuOl "l"h llhe IJI Yorkshire ......orth HidiulI: HcgimCfllufF'.ll
Blue I.IJue Gr«n ,,'hile: Blue: l3Ioe
SC.,rI", Yc!low llIue Blue !o\ca{ICl Bulf \\hile
J:-: 'I liE (:Hl).IE.\, B.\I I'Ll:: HOXOt;RS \:-;0 COI.QCK OF F.'C1:-:r.S
Grrn30ir:r. '-""It Guan:b HCIl:imCflt of }'OOI Guardf Sc:'j!) ~usilier (.;u"rds Ul .,hcRoylOl Regil.nallofh'OI srd EotOl !'rnl K<:'gllllCl\1 .or Fum (The Botfs llh lhe Kmg'. Ownl Rcgllllcm off:'Il'l 7th J{q;imelU nr f"'ul (Ru)al F..,ilicn 'llh I thc Easl ~'orf,jlk R(:jt;'Hcnl nr f'on' lal
F.\CI:-;CS sf,:,;uwI',,1 Sc,-.utopol Sc' ..5\opol
.\Inl::t .'Ima Alrn'"
.\Im... .\Im..
lnkenn.. n Ink~rmJ.1l
Inkerrn;oll Inkcrm:on I"kerman lnkenruon
,'i.('v:uU>pol s.",""lopol Sc\.-as\opol Sc\'-asfOpol
llllle Blue lIlue llIuc BulT Blue UJuc: Yelluw Blue: Buff \\1lil" Blue Grce:o YcJIO\\' Ulue 81ue \'eUo,,' Ycllo.... flulT
lnkerm.. n
.\Im3 .\lm:t
Sc>,'iUlopol s.:-71tupol
~-;tilopul Sc>~"JlOpoJ
Ycllo'" U"ff
1,\kCTIJl"n "Ikerman
Stvaslopol Sc'-.ulopol
Gn:en Blue Greell l'urplc Yellow !lulT
.\lnl:O .\Im:t .\lm:l
I"ke:rm.. "
,\ln1;l .... 10l;l
.\hn::t .,In""
Inkcman Inkerman lukern",n
s.:..·,ulopol Sc.''llSlO(X>I Scv.mopol Se\';lJlopol s.,,-ulc>pol Sc";d!ol'ul Scvu:opol
Sc>.... topol
Sc."oISILlpt>1 Sc\-..:nopol
[nkerrn.. n
l\;I.b~lw" lo~erm"ll
~,,,,,'opol Sc<.·a~topd
s.e-...... lopol
$c-. ... ~l<'pol
Sc<.'llslOpol ,'ic'"3.Slopol Inkcrm;,n ~'35l0p01
"c\':r.slopol Se.""'lnpll
Yellow Yellow
G=, White
Ye:llow Crecn Ycll"w YcU",,' l3I;>.ck
"," Yc:!low \'ell(»~
Ydlow llJaek
which were Ihe same for all generals - a crown surmounting crossed sword and baton, the exccJHion being brigadier·gcnerals who had no insignia on the cpaulettes. The bultons for a fidd-m3fshal hore crossed batons within a wreath, those for generals having the crossed sword and balOn within the laurel wreath. These dress coatees can ha'"c been seen but rarely in the Crimea, although Fenton photographed Ceneral de Lacy Evans wearing his and looking less than spruce. The cocked hal was black with black diagonal ribboos on lhe front sides, double gold bullion loops with appropriatc button ,mel eight-inch white over red swan fcather plumes and gold and crimson bullion tassels ill the points. This W;:lS worn with the blue frock-coat as was the dress gold sash with crimson stripes ;lnd the sword-belt of crimson with three gold-embroidered stripes with gilt plate and silver V R, crown and motto 'Dieu et mon droit' within an oak·leaf wreath. The s,vord-slings matched the belt, and the sword was of ivory-hilled Mamduke patlern with brasS scabbard in the ficld, or black leather with gill mounts for levees, evening wcar, etc. The s\\'ord· knot was gold and crimson with an acorn. Ficld-marshals wore the white buckskin breeches and jacked boots for sLate occasions, but it seems extremely improbable that Lord Raglan ever wore them in the Crimea. Otherwise blue cloth trousers with two-,md-a-half·inch gold lace stripes were worn from 15 October to 30 April, or Oxford mixture, almost black, with red stripes for undress wear. For summer wear lhe e::lrlier white linen trousers had been repJ.lced by Ihe so·callcd lavender, but these, too, proved unsatisfactory and were in turn replaced by blue, The undress frock-coat was of dark blue with two rows of bUtions as on the coalee and plain blue vclvcl collar and cull\ a ficld-marsh;d having the gold aiguilletlc on the right shoulder and shoulder-cords 011 the lert, and the generals twisted gold cord shoulder-straps on both shoulders. The spurs worn by all were brass or gilt with straight necks two inches long,
embroidcrcd peak alld gold band of two-inch oak leaf lace. Cloaks were of blue cloth lined scarlet. The saddlery oCgeneral officers consisted of the following items: The Shabraque, which can have been seen rarely if at all in the Crimea, of blue cloth with two rows of gold lace, rounded front and pointed rca I' having the ctppropriatc badges of rank f'mhroidercd on the rear pointsFicld-marshal Crown above. crossed batons and three stars in the bottom and side angles of lhe crossed batons. The whole shabraque to be edged with gold bullion fringe. General As above but no bullion and crossed sword and baton. r.icllt.·general As above but t\\·o stars only. As above but one star only. M ajor-gencral llrig.-gcncral One star only.
l'hrc:c: officers on the 8Ulff of Lieutc:n:lDt·General Sir Ce
::~~Ci~~'r~:~I~C:~ ;~~t:'~r~(~C~~~'3 j~k~~~~OC:;:I~~~~:~i~~~1 :~...~~~
,••·"il1.111 'prPIX'r :ulIl qlt' "At\l''':lt :lod . Ll;.!;.dlt,;,· jacket"
The surcingle \\'as or blut, web, worn over 1he shabraquc, and the bridle blad leather with gilt huckles, etc" and gilt bosses with the appropriate bndges or rank. The bridoon was blue with blue rosettes, thc collar white and the black breastplate and crupper had gilt bosses ",-oel buckles. Colonds on th~ stalrhad single-breasted coatees wjth cmbroidc-r(;d blue collar and cuffs with gold ('paulette!;. without any device. The cocked hat had a gold lace loop anclthc while: ovcr red plumes W('l'C only live inchc~ long. The sword had a thrcequarter basket hilt with the devkc or crossed sword and baton, straight bl"lde and a brass scabbard for olher than levees, etc., when black leather wirh gilt mounts was worn, The sword-
U~utenant·Gcncral Barnard and I'Itaff nl~ vrm:ftll \\(':\1' all undr~ calJ "jlh oilskin co\"cr, black l U\"t11 ami ch-i1ian j3('kt'l. His undrMS 0"(',,,,11$ havc rc-d nripa and arC' slr:l.ppt'tl ~nd cuffcd wilh lJl"c-k Ic;uh~r, The office'f on llis ril{hl. :\0. 4, h ("\i
~~~ r;,'iu;il~~17Ir~I:~~~rf:;~~("c~~~ ~~i~hl~~;~~i(::r~~1 fi~r~lr~~~i
knot is or interest, having" gold and crimson bullion tassel with VR embroidered in gold on onc side and a crown on the other. The sash was plain crimson and lhe sword-belt similar to that or generals, but with only two instead of three lines or gold embroidery, Spurs \Vere as ror generals. The rrock-coat was singlc~-brcastcd with stand collar and plain cuffs. The collar was at times worn turned down showing the stock and \\,hite shirt, and sometimes a laced \vaistcoat with c1ose-scl bultons down the fronl which is not men· tioned in regulations. The rorage cap was similar to lhal of gl.;ncrals uUl with a narrower gold lace bane!. The' overalls ,,'crc also the same wirh gold or red (undress. stripes one inch wide. lncidentally
the leather strapping inside the legs and the leather cuffs are nO! mCJltloned in regulations, but thc)' werc widely worn as may be seen in the pholOgl'aphs. The saddle-cloth W;lS bllle, almost square ;'Inci with a one·inch gold lace border, the holsters having black be3rskin covers, or piltcm leather in the tropics. The bridle was black leather with gilt bosses and ollie brow-band and roseues, tbe colbl' being white. Officers of the Adjutant·Ccneral's or Quarter· master·General's Departments ,vore the same uniform as generals if of that rank except that the oak-leaf embroidery was n:placed by embroidered loops of chevron form on collar, cuffs and skirts, six on each cuff and sk.irt. If below the rank of general then a scarlet coatee wilh blue f;'lcings was worn, having nine buttons set in threes, ;'Ind six embroidered loose on skirt and cuff (three on and three above the cuff) :lJ1d embroidered collar for the adjutant or quartermasler·gencraJ of a force. For deputies the buttons were in tens set evenly and the loops on cuO' and skin four only. The loops had falling lassc!·c1fcct cnds except for deputy assistants who lacked this refinement. Deputies under general's rank had two· inch bullion epauletles with the Queen's cipher within ,10 oval. The button for ~dl (below general's rank) was a frosted gilt convex button with bright laurel wreath. The cocked hat had a gold loop and button and white over red swan feather plume, five and a half inches loog. The sabre with gilt threc·quarter basket hilt had crossed sword and baton within lhe cartouchr.. Sword-scabbards w~rc brass for dcputics and assistants, steel for deputy assistants. All had the black gilt-mounted scabbard for evening, t.:lc. The staff sword-belt was crimson with t\\'o rows of gold embroidery, and the sash of crimson silk. ,All were authorized the blue frock·eoat, .sjng1cbr~astcd and with collar of the same cloth and regulation buttons. The shoulder·slraps were embroidered with gilt crescent but no bullion fringe. Trousers were as above with scarlet or gold lace one ,md three-quarter inches wide. Spurs wcre brass, straight-neckt'd two inches long. ~b.jors of brigade had a uniform similar to deputy assistants but with b\ltlons bearing VR
BrC:VC:l.Major AdQlphu.ll WillIa.ru DClI1art Burto", 5th Drnt;oon. G.mrd.s I Ie "l!an br.'\ss h.. ll1wl "i,h01l1 phllJw. IJi,varlet ('O.altt lliU" dnr" j:CTn"" \d\rt ,:ollnr. guld l,"mhruilkn·d. and hi~ "hitl" ~.\ull'kl~ ('o"'r , Ill: r111ImJidl'n'ulu\lp, 011 rnrrMO'\. IIi, blur unun-u 'rOUl>l!'n a onc·;,nd·a·llalr·iru:h ,c.lrkt alld hi.s lJO(Jb ;'tn' nUll.rt'~lJlali(1). Th.... ~"lJnl· 101m! 1"11)1 h·I}f'II' :!rf" ,hc:
\!ll:~a~c~~~~:~ i~l~,~~:;~ 111·;~t::~:I~;~il:;;;n,,:::;:II;~~I~~\II;~i(\~abl'l::~~:
:"Oll' blrod,
Ih(' loC"U!<'l un1d'('lIlhmhlered \ali'\(' l.\rricd und""r tilt' plain lind th,· phlin bl'OI"l l(';,l.lhtr bridle. I,ith ~h~·('plkin.
,mel crOWll, and gold epaulellcs with bullioll fringe according to the officer's army rank. The sword·scabbard was brass and in common with all the above the sword·belt plale was gilt with silver crown VR, 'Dieu et mon droit' within an oak·lcafwreatli. Undress was as above. All had the blue rcd·lined cloak. The saddlc·c1oths for staff officers below lhe rank of general were plain blue with a onc-inch gold lace and no badges. The holsler covers were of black bearskin or IC
Major Burton and officers and no,,-eornntlllsioned officc.r. of I.be 5th (tbe Princess CbarlQtte of WaIn's) Dngoon Guards This 'off-dul{ group shows :l. wide range of :usoncd costuma from the compkte civilian garnishw with Turki h fez of :-';0.810 thc correct regulalion undrrM ofi\os, I and 13. ~o. 7 cOlTlIni,s the unspeakable Il\ilitary crime of wearing [l m.ixture of mili'al)' and ci"iJian <:os'umc. The sergeant, 1'\0. 10, "can his gold.lace<.! forage cap and searlel shdl or ~tabk j:\ckcl with green collar and cuffs :tnd gold lace and len small regimental buttolls down the (ront. 1\""ole the slllall pocket pouch for pcrcuuion <:aps on the righ, sidc. The Ihigh boots arc non-regulation, bul his o\'cralls apIX"3r 10 be- Ihe correct dark blue "ith r~ uript". The fi$ure 10 hIS Idt, 1'\0. 9, "can: ordinary regiment'll overalls, but IS conspil:uous (or having acquired a I:ummcrbund or w:li:u-Sll.Sh, pouibl)' of red :u Ihe colour appcan the 1aUle :u the jadet. II is worn in the 1tyle o( the Chasseun d'Afriquc. who were wilh the l"rctl<:h Arm)' and much :tdmircd, and from "hom il may ha ...:.
whclhcr Ihc gold.laced (Ir~n belt or Ihc while undress it is impossible 10 sa)'. Nos. 2, 3 and 4 Wl"ar 'Baladava' coats as ues<:ribed by Fenton ' ... whal wl"calllhc Baladav" livcry, all:re)' coat lined inside with (ur. ver), light and Cotnrorlable and of nQ particular shape: :\0. 4 .hows 111<:- lacl"d offiCl"r's shdl with two buttons under lhe cuff. The (ront has a row of \'ery Slnall pear· 1haped butlons $C:l close, rtnd fastcned wilh hooks and eyes. Thjt oniccr and ~o. 7 3pJXar to have undrNS OVC~]J1 with rro ~Iripcs.
each side of the collar, on the cuO'; and gold epaulcltes with bullion according to army rank, The buttons bore a crown,
gold-embroidcred blue collar and CLIO" slash, having buttons of froslcd gilt with burnished 1:wrc1 leaves set in pairs. The red and white plume in the cocked hat was sLiff and uprighL, five a.nd a half inches long. The gold cpauletles had an oval badge of th~ Queen's cipher, The remainder of the uniform was the same as for other staff officers. MiliLary secretaries and assistant military secretaries with the rank of field officer wore a
bttn 'ac9uirc:d'. The officc:r, ;';0. 5. is similarl)' accoUlrcd. All oAI<:C'f"lII 1"lIh Ihc exceptior)! I\Ok'<1 wear the foid-illced blue forage
~I~~) ~~~~ ~1::s~r~,id6c~:~I'c:;k\~;''1drl:~~~;l~t~~~ll~;~~~~:~f~~c~~
rrock-coal. Their 0\"(:raIl1 appear 10 be: gold-laced dress pattern.
~1~~l~hl[. \~~ r~::rtC::I)~S:ffir;;~inJ(~~r~lsd~;'~ ~:~;~o~e,~~. ;\;ol~~~;
double-breasted coatee with the single goldembroidered pallcrn on the blue collar and cuff as Ihal worn by ~,ssistant adjutants-general. The buttons had the crown and the epaulcltcs the Queen's cipher. The staff sword had a brass scabbard and the knot was embroidered with VR and crown. The blue undress frock-coal worn by staffofficers was dark blue, single-breasted and quite plain for oAkers below fidd rank, field officers having a double-breasted pattern. The swordscabbard with undress was steel. The. provost wore in dress uniform a scarlet single-breasted coatee with plain gilt buttons and subaltern's epau1cttes. The cocked hal had no plume. The sword was the normal infanlry pattern - gill three-quarter basket hilt with VR and crown all a cartouche and gilt-nlOllntcd black scabbard. The sword-belt "';"IS of ",,'hite buffalo leather with gilt plate, \\'01'11 over the shoulder, and had two slings. The sash was crimson silk wilh tassels. In undress the provost wore
straps with gilt crescents and" black sword-be-II worn round the waist. No forage c"p is mentioned in regulations, but probably one of ordinary non-royal infantry pattern W,IS worn. In addition to all lhe above stan' lhel-e were certain other persons ranking as officers but designated undel' civil departments. These come t)nder four different categories: !vh:dicaJ Commissariat, Pay and Judge-Advocates' or Legal Department. Regimental medical omccrs wore lhe uniform of their regiments with certain minor modifications as listed under various, branches of the service. fiut the medical staO" who were not attached to regiments had a double-breasted scarlet coalee wilh black velvet collar and cuffs, two rows of tell evenly spaced buttons and gold cpauleltcs with badges of their equivalent army rank: Inspector-general of hospitals as for a brigadiergeneral but witlt a crown and star. Deputy inspector as for a licuten:mt-colonel with all embroidered crown.
The Albert hclmet Tnis hdmet was aUlhori'lcd in IBy7. but not generall)' re('ci\'~1 throughout tne Dragoons or Dragoon Guards undl 1850. I I wa~ of brus or gile, Inc same for all fegimenl.~ cxc:epl fOf tnc regi_ menial tide on tnc S(;roll around In(' VI{ in tnc ('('nlre. All fegimenl$ had black plumd unlil 1855. bUI lhe lSI Dragoon GU3rd~ rna)' have arri,-ed "ilh Ineir n~....• red pIUIIIC'( if Ihc)' look lhem at ;0011_ Thc41h w~fe:aulhorized \vhite, the: 5lh fed and \,hite ,,'hilc tnC 6tn remained black_ In Ihat ),ear Ihc: dragoon helmel was ("hanged to wnile mc:t:ll and Ihe phulld' for the lSt femained black, (Courtl'Sy "-, y, Carman)
Officerlll o£ rhe 4th (Queen's Own) Reginunl o£ Light
Dragoons In this group four officers, :'\0$. I, '.2, 7 and 10 "tar Iht" clark blue frock-coat "illl black lace and olivets, :'\0. 7 for sOl)'le re:.son lhe loops f."blerwd back inslead of th~ normal fashion of drooplllg. as for f)(;\mpk, :\0. 10. Two officers "car;'\ dllrk blue black-braided p:il~ol jacket. :\10$\ ""car Ihe undn'U forage cap, hn\"jn~
~~;~k ~~~~r~i~~lr~lli~;k~~ar:{~I):l:\\~,~~~:t~::~n~I~(rr~eo~~r~~I;:
dark blue "ith ll'ilthcr cuff$ and
and yf'lInw (loublc 0) and 7 "l!'af
l1un-rf'KUI,llioll boo(s. So. 8 wears the double-iJrcru.lcd drw r~lce
"ltb scarlet collar and culTs and gilt
and Ihe
~~ll~i, ~~~dI7sC~~tfo; ~~~ r:~~i~e:Y;h~'~a~~o~tl\~~~il~ll;~lt~~~ ~~~\:(il~;~ ~~r~·1'1:\II\~d;::~~,.~rJ~~~~t:l~n~11~·:"~I~r.~li~;~t~\c~ sabre" IIIl steel .sc",bh;\rd amJ gold knot are clearl)' seen on the riKht.hantl figure.
stripocs, I"\('n thl!' ijf'lllkman in ·muft;·, and :'\0$. 3.
Staffsurgcon, first class ;IS for major with Slar. Stafr surgeon, second class as for captain. Asslslanl staff surgeon as for lieutenant. Purveyor of hospilals and apothecary as for li<:utcnant. Thc gill buttons had a crown and the words '.\ledic.tl SlaW. The cocked hat had a black silk loop and a black nelted button, and no plumes arc mClllioncd in regulations. The sword was of infantry pallcrn with gold and crimson knot and
black gill-mounted scabbard. The black waist-belt had a gilt plate with the silver "R, crown and oakleaf wreath as worn by staff. The undress blue frock-coat was single-brcasled with shoulder-straps as for the dress epaulcttc, ;l1ld the forage cap was blue wilh black silk oa.kleaf lace band wilh VR and crown cmbrojdered on the rront. The blue cloak was lined scarlet. J n the Commissariat OepartmCJ1l dark blue double-breasted coalees with collar and cuffs of black wlvcl wcrc worn, the lining and turnbacks
being white. The gold epaulelles had black velvet embroidered so·ups and the bUtlons were marked 'Commissariat Staff'. The cocked hat had gold loop and gilt bUlion. The ranks of commissaries were indicated on the same principles as general officers: Commissary-general, buttons evenly spaced. Deputy commissary-general, bullons in threes . .\ssistant commissary.general, bultom in twos. Deputy assistants had buttons spLiced t\\'O and one \"ith one only on the cufL The dress trousers were gold laced, but the undress trousers quiLe plain. The blue frock-coat was also quite plain, single-breasted, and the sword·bch of black leather, worn round the waisl uT/d~r lhe coat, had two slings. The sword was infamry pallern with black gilt-mounted scabbard and gold and crimson knot. The Commissary Department
k:tther. the pow:h plain bl:lek palent !ca,her. Cilrricd on II. str.. p o\(,r tbe rilj:ht shoulder i$ a binocular (aloe "hit:h can be; SCl':n under lhe kft arm ~ Lord Luran had iuut'd an ortierinJunc 1851 thaI 110 officer" itS 10 app'cII.r on dut~· "ithoul a ~pn(I:u~. watch llnd cOlllpa"$. Hi( triplt"-barn..-cl str:cl "Iord·hilt ha~ tht gold cord sword-kllot hound liJ;ht in infantry sl}'lc. alld 1101 JUQlK' as ,,;,~ u~ull.l in the ClII\'aJry "hcre it was actuallr USl:d t"i1It'(l round tht "ri~t. lIi~ hluc \ali:)(-" r'dll;w gold and cmbroider..d 1\'
LD j", IH.>rn undt'r ,II<" rrar of lhe scarlet ,;andyk.cd bbck lambskin • .-hik lhc- blue ;and S("ar!ct lined c1o:lk i c..rried undl"r 'hc ro~art. The soldier in ~hirt-slrl"'\'f" "t'aN regimental o'·cral1> and fa1igw: tap.
G."plilin B...own and ws S(!rvanl. 4th (Queen's Own) Regiment of Ligbt Dragoons ·1 hr onl}' regimental itcm ~hil>lc i) lh... blur yrllow-stripoo O\-eralls of tlu: Knanl. "ith leather !l.tn).pping and cuOi, tumm up Ix-c"usc: they are too long. The while sheClwkin coau ap!X'ar 10 be or sUJX'rior (Iwdity . .'\"01(" Ihe 'rus,ic' ~a'. doubllcss mack on Ih(' ~P()1.
who wcre below the cquivalcnl of commissioned olTicers. These wore, when overseas, a uniform similar to that of dcputy·assistanl commissarygenerals but without the cpaulettcs or shouJdcrstraps. The uniform of the Paym
Qu.arttrmaster John HiD of the 4th Light OJ:'agoonB
Ji.tincth· l1on-n'~lalioll and are ~ibl)'iea-boouithere appears to be a join at 1llJ(I·calf. Xotc the pillal holstcN "om al ,he fran! or,ho; ,addle 'lnd whieh an' rarcJ~' seen, lM:-ing normally cO"crcd b~ the latnb~kin. Tltc)' appear cmplY.
Officers of the Judge Advocates' Department wore the unattached uniform irlhc}' were military officers, that is the scarlel and blue dress of an infantry officer of their rank, with gold cpaulettes, and cocked hat with upright white [cather and gold loop and bUllon, and black leather swordbelt with slings worn round the waist over the coat and crimson sash. 1f not of military rank bur a mere civilian legal luminary a similar uniform was worn, but the cocked hal had black bUll on and loop and no fcather. The waist-belt was worn under Lhc coat and no sash was worn at all. The epauletlcs wcre plain gold. Thc undress uniform was the blue frock-coat, plain; militnry officers having the badges of I heir rank on the shoulder-straps.
The cavalry of the British Army consisted of the Household Cavalry, that is the 1st and 2nd Life Guards and the Royal Horse Guards, none of which regiments saw service in the Crimea, and seventeen line cavalry regiments, of which some thirteen did. The line cavalry was made up of Dragoon Guards, Dragoons, Lancers, Hussars and Light Dragoons with their own distinctive uniforms. The thirteen Crimea regiments are listed below with the baLlles in which rhey took part and the distinctive colour of their facings. How far the appearance of the British cavalry fell short of the elegant conlemporary prints may be gauged from Lord Lucan's rcmarks. Thus al Adrianoplc in August of 1854: 'The men arc not c1canly in their appearance or in their persons .. their clothes arc unnccessarily dirty ;lIld stained; their arms arc not as clean as they ought to bCi their belts l leathers and appointments, borh of horse and man, arc rusty and dirty. _ . _ In the infantry no such mislakl:Jl idcas prevail.' The Dragoon Guards and the Heavy Dragoons wore in dress uniform a brass helmet wid) upright railing black horse-hair plume which was not worn in marching order. As with the light cavalry this headdress was provided with a whilc linen cover in the East. This helmet replaced lhe earlier type of French cuirassier pattern with flowing horse-hair maoc worn about 1847. It was still worn by the 6th Dragoon Guards who were in process ofconversion to light cavalry, a process never completed} bUI the 2nd (Royal North British) Regiment of Dragoons, Ihe Scots Greys, retained their bearskin with ninc·inch white feather. The coatee was scarlet. single-breasted with short turn backs of regimental facing colour laced, yellow for men
Two oRice" of Ihe 't1h Usbt Dnloon. The: mO\.lnlOO officer .......ars Ihe: re:gimnllal foraRt' cap ofdark blue
~ ~~dr~ ~.~l~o~~~i;~~akl~~~:~d-e~:ll~r~~l:~u;d~~:~
there is II black palenl le/uhC'r chin,sI1ap. II'orn in Ihis c~ ove:r thc peak. His nabk jadC'1 of blue wilh (told lacc and Karlcl collar and cuffs is bound about lhc waisl \Ilth a cummerbund or ASh pcmibly of scarlet in Chasseurs d' friquc 51)'le such as we have: alrcOld)' ~n in the Dr;agoon GUOlnb. His cnormolU boou
arc non-re:gulation. Thc regulation undn:ss sword-btoh and ubrt:t:J,che IIC're bl:.lock le:llher. ~olc lhe: ury sljght curvc of the 511 and Ihe sword-knot bound t.i!{ht as remJlrkttl t'1~IIhcrc for
oro ~~~~:~~;;;~~~,~~,ih~:c~~~~_~~~~~~q~~~ i~h:';:~~~~: ~~~
oniler \\cars It 'Ualad,wa' jadt'l o\-er blue Olcralls ....ilh singk narruw stripe \\hie-h scc:nu to indicate an 81h Hw:sar.
front top and bottom to the line of the coatee shoulder.scam, other ranks having yello"" lace, so that in front the facing colour \Vas imperceptible. On the shoulders officers wore gold bullion cpauletles with straps ;;l.nd crescents embroidered (on velvet in Dragoon Guards) of the regimental facing colour, with the regimental badge em· broidered in sjlvcr within the crescenl. Other ranks worc brass crescents and scaled straps. Overalls were of <.lark blue, with officers having a broad gold lace for dress, officers' undress overalls having a red stripe. Other ranks had scarlet stripes. Officers' overalls wcre cuffed with leather except in the case of those worn by officers in evening or levee dress. BOalS were shari, ankle length with brass spurs. The sword c;;lrricd by officers was a pierced basket hilt of sleel with steel scabbard and white leather strap with gold tassel. The sword-belt was lwo-and-a-half-inch·wide gold lace, with an edging of the facing colour with a gilt frosted plate ,,,ith bright rim and the VR surmoullled by a crown and surrounded with oak leaves in silvcr. There werc three matching laced straps for the sabrcl
The Hussa", len 10 righI, a dismounlec..l officer of the lo!h "caring pelinl:', undrCSJ palcnt l~thcr sabretache and no plume. The officer beside him wears the blul;
'I'll(: c~nlre group here are, from
~~d;~':s~ =~adLJ~~~~I~~'c~~(:l~~~~r:l/i~lit~l~~~~~\\a~li~lr~e~~~r~~~~1 dUlid In The cavalry. j\,'OIC the black patcnt lealher ,hill-strap to Ihe blue gold-laced forage cap, anu worn under the chin. The n('"1(t mounted figure i$ an officer of the 8th in fuJI regalia. The and housinp for thos,' regiments in Ihe Crirn~ arc gi\C:n in gN:3ter delailln the Icxt. The ccnlro~ figure of an offic<:r of Ihe loth show'S Ihe ,cry daborate bla,k leal her headSl:IJI, dttoratl:t!"ith cowrie shells "om b}' OffiCl"fS in Ihis n:gimclli in full dros. :\'Ole !.hal the dres:i leop;ud-skill i.~ cd.ged "ilh gold fringe. 111ere is I\olbing rtl1larkabk about the !rooper behind
rinS" aIld slinS'- are ckarl}' hown. :'\olc that oth~r rallkJ: of British hussar r<.!l;ime:nts n~\'~r had dress s.ahret3ch('S as did 'heir confrhc::s in, for cx.ampk. the Prussiitll :servicc. At the top kf[ a PlITt)' of the: 11th a~ "'earing rC"iew order while the first figure below wcars Ihe scarkt shako of regimen!al p"llcrn \,orn by the 151h, a prh'i1cge cxtcnd«:t LO the loth II/hile Kr\'ing in India. The white [rousers had been abolisht.....t U)' Ihe lime of the Crimea, 011 the medical grounds dlat as they "ere nti,rl)' al"ap damp frorn being pip....- elarcd th...)' induef'd divers unrnilit3ry ailm... nu in the "caren.
face laced all round with gold and with the same device as the sword-belt plate embroidered in gold. On dress parades all ranks worc while gauntlet gloves and officers had gold crimson-striped sashes with gold tassels under the sword-belt. All the belts for other ranks were white buffalo Icather and their pouches of black leather, plain, with gilt regimental badge. The plain black sabretache docs seem to have been worn by some officers ... I have seen one with gilt Napoleonic eagle badge reputedly worn by an officer of the Scots Greys at the charge of the Heavies at Balaclava. For undress uniform officers had two upper garments - lhe shell jackcl or stable jacket of scarlet (blue for the 6th) with regimental facings., and the blue frock·coatloopecl and laced in black. Olher ranks had only the stable jacket, which for onieers was laced all round with gold lace. It fastened down the front with hooks and eyes and had a close-set row of small pear-shaped buttons sel down the front edge and gold-plaited cord shoulder-straps. For olhcr ranks lhere was no lace and the jacket faslened with ten regimental buttons. The singlc:;·breasted [rock-coat had sb: rows of black loops and four rows of ali vets, the loops hanging loose in the middle. Collar ilnd culfs had ornamental figuring in black Russian braid. \OVith the undress garments officers wore
The centr... figure of o.n officer wear.. [l,e ulldrd$ frock-coat, blue "i[h black braid loops and olheu, "orn in thl; 7th, loth and 15th with a roll collar and an uprighl dosed collar in Ihe 8th amI 11th. '111e t,,'o laue-r rcgilm·nl.$ were nOl officially authorized the gold.laCl.::d scarlet waistcoat wilh close-sct lmall bulton down the (ront prc:scril>«i for the three roll·collar regilllcl\\j. and which
ca~'I: ~t~~~~~~ni~l~~~~~rt~argin
jj it lrooper of the Bth. lie "cars the ondrcs:J blue cap witll ycllow band and bulton. The top seems to ha.\'e become wm... ,dllH \maJler by thc lime of "..... ntc;m·$ photogritphs jl\ 18,55. .\cross Ihe bollOlll of Ihe platl: 1\\0 unspecified regim<:n!s engage - [he one in combal, [he othe.r in Ceremonial. "'Ole how the saddle-c1otM arc lurned baek to prot eel Ihe embroidery. '1 hey wen: nOI worn in the. Crimea. III Ihl: right-hand rnargill the lOP (igurl: is 3. trumpeter of the
b~~d.i~r~)~;~~b6c7;~ili~~~T[lh~ctl~~)'~I:kr:~d'~~~,)'J~II~J senrlet except for the 8\h who had I,hite, and the 11th "i[h
~~:dr:~'I):~~o}j~~~;},~~~;ii: :,~I~ic::r~~:~~-~~r~a:~oe~
!X"culi:ilr to thc officers of the 11th. With them thc; undress belts and sabretllche were worn.
Office... and non·coollnissioned officers or the SIb Hussa.rs .\11 officers "car the bluc gold-l:l(,~ for"'8C' cap ",j,h gold bUHon and figure on the crown, except for fi~ure Xo. :I \.ho w~ars cil·iliau clothing and a Frcneh officer s kepi. The mounloJ figure, 1\'0. 5. wean: wh;\\ appears to be his rc,:"imenlal bJUI:: greatcoat (lined while in the !Jlh) "jthou! [he hip-knglh cape al1:l.ched. He w('aN a wai$l·bch. lie hilS no walku, pi(lol holSler or oth'l!f equipment and no shnbr:u:k. The hor$C appeaN 10 have lly headstall bu,' lllt'rcl)':1 bridlc.,,·ilh pOS!;i~I)' a bit an~ single rein. /'I\'C officers, :'\01. I, ':I, 4, 6 and 10 we:lr llaladal'a coati. The
d~~~:nbrJ1~hfacl:db'O\~~II~: .h:i~~ge~:~t_~~ja;r~cK~~:r;nde~
~~3C~~~g~i~' i~3g~I~~~~~~1~ :::~lt'~Jj~n~:~;, b~~. \;'ilt,h}:~;l~"~ I~~~ jacket - note the olivcu down the frOnt. No. g. ~alcd, wcars the !>eliSS(". while the slanding "flieee, No. 12, wears regimelll.,l blue
~~.~;;c:~;;'i~h'I~~I~;l;~~:'~dd~~~~~.~.~~,~1l rh~ l~ft, seal~d.
undress while leather belts and sometimes all to rcgulations, but I believe the 6th 10 have undress plain black leather sabl'ctache on two worn blue. slings only - the dt'css sabrctachc always had The rcgimental slafT consisted of thc adjutanl, three straps. The undress pouch was plain black who wore the uniform of his rank, and thc payand no badges arc spcciflcd. The undress c<.\P for mastcr, quartermaster, surgeon and. assistanlofficers was ofbluc cloth wirh gold lace band, gold surgeon and the veterinary officer who all \'lore Russian braid figure and bUllon on top and had a lhe same uniform as the other officers except lhat gold-embroidered parent leather peak and chin- they did not wear the sash and wore lhe cocked sirap. Olher ranks had a round pill-box cap, blue hat'inslead of the helmet. This had regimental with yellow band and bUlien (gold for sergeants). pattern loop and button in gold for paymaster Cloaks were scarlct lined whilc for all, according and quanermaster, the lattcr only wearing lhe
drooping swan feather regimental pluine of red .md white. The medicos' helmet had black loops ,md buttons and tassels fore and art but unlike the veterinary officer, they did not wear the rcgi~nental plume. On parade occasions the saddle was covered with black sheepskin shabracks, edged scarlet, and officers had in addition elaborately embroidered saddle-cloths of blue with square corners and edged with gold lace as worn on the dress trousl..:fS, two rows for Dragoon Guards and one for Dragoons, but slightly wider. Note that apart from the adjutant the regimental stan' officers did not wear the saddle-cloth, or at least such is prohibited in the regulations. The valise was of scarlet cloth with gold-laced ends for officers, matching the saddle-cloth, and with yellow for other ranks. The 6th Dragoon Guards had a while vandyked border. The regimental number in Roman oumerals, c.g. Vi was set over the initials D G or 0 as the case might be. For officers the brown leather bridle had brass head chains, bosses and chain hl·idoon. The face~ pieces had a regimental badge and the sleel bit had brass bosses. The head collar was of brown leather.
An officeI:' of lhe 1uh HlI~s:&rlJ He wcan dress jacket and .stun\) pdim, dress bdl.'> tint! bU$h)' wilh plumes (tho: "hit., lOp is lost againsl lhe background). [I would be intlT~lins know ror (:(,:rlaill In:)l is "'''';,ring the undrm black sabrclachc which is more probabh: than Ihal he wears rne riresl! ilem. :\Ole lhe crimson \':mdykinu: to the black htlJl~kin worn wilhout $."\ddk-dolh, alld lhe hf)~-hair lhroat
.l{arment. :-':ole how the cil.p·jinc$ pau under Ihc rilj:lll arm 10 be Joopl:d up 011 lhe JerI brcn.1.
The lWO regimenls of Light Dragoons still dressed as such were the ,ph and the 13th. The headdress was the black shako some eight lhe 4lh, with gold lace and figuring for officers of inches in diameler and seven inches deep at the the 4lh. The [3th were quite plain. There were front, eight at the back. The cap was bound in three buttons on each side of the \'esligialtails, the gold lace for officers, yellow for other ranks, and top buttons on each side bcing connected by a the brass Maltese cross badge worn by other ranks strip offringe, gold or yellow, the original purpose became a heavy gilt and silver plalt: for officers, of which escapes me now as doubtless it did the who had the edge of the peak embroidered in gold. wearers then. Overalls were dark blue with double Cap-lines of gold or yellow with acorn ends were gold or yellow stripes and leather cuffs and strapwrapped lwice round the shako, crossing at the ping of black for officers on service. Ankle boots back. The white plumes were of horse hair, were worn with ofT"1cers' spurs of brass and other officers having swan feathers for dress excepl ranks' of steel. Swords were the triple-barred in the [1'OpieS. Trumpeters of the 4th had red. sleel-hilled sabre with steel scabbard, and swordThe blue double-breasted coatee had lWO rows knot of gold or white leather. The girdle was ofgoldjyc1low with two crimson, of eight regimental bunoos, and collar, cuffs and, for officers and trumpeters, piping in the back scarlet stripes. Officers' waist- and shoulder-belts seams, of the regimenlal facing colour l nominally were leather oflhe colour of the regimental facings buffbul aClually white in the 13th and scarlet in -laced gold with a central stripe of the facing colour
in silk, the shoulder-belt having silver mounts and pickers (and chains) shapcc11ike arrows, Thc object of thesc, made of soft silver, was to ram them into the touch-hole of enemy cannon and to snap them off, thus eO'cctively 'spiking' the gun and rendering it lIseless until the touch-hole could be rebored. The belts of other ranks were white leather with brass mounts, and plain black pOllches, while officcrs' pouches were silver, chased and engraved, with gilt VR and crown for dress. The dress sabrelachc of officers was most daboratcly embroidered, but a plain black model similar to that of othcr ranks was worn for undress. In fact an ordcr had bcen issued in September 1854 i1bolishing the use of the sabretache in all regiments except the hussars before arrival in the Crimea although they were still worn at \'arna ioJunc of that year. The ammuni. tion pOlich did nol officially havl: any badgc. For undress all ranks had the stable jackc! or shell similar to lhat already described for the Heavies, but in blue with regimental facings. No mendon is made in the regulations of any piping in the scams for officcrs. Other ranks' jackcts fastened with ten button~, The undress frock-coat for officers was again similar to the Heavies, and the undress overalls were striped as those of the men, double stripes of white in rhc 13th, yellow jn the 4th. (:-.lote that the 13th had grey overalls of an experimental pattern,) For officers the undress itcm of particular interest is the foul-weathcr cap, a specially made headdress reproducing exactly the appearance of
the dress headdress whcn covered with an oilskin cover. These WCI'C taken on service ilnd worn with the gold caps· lines instead of the dress caps', the men illld officers h'H·ing their oilskin covers, and at Varna the linen tropical pattern covers. Officers' undress caps were of blue with gold lace h::tnd and figure with netted bUtlon on top and with gold-embroidered peak and plain black chin-strap. Other ranks had blue pill-box caps with yellow bands and buttons. Cloaks were dark blue lined scarlet with collar of regimental facing coloul'. The regulation undress. bells for officers werc white leather for shoulder-belts and black for waist-belts, no badges being specified. An undress sabretache was given in regulations , and despite the abolition orcln some ofTicers secm to have rctained them as may be seen in photographs taken by Roger Fenton in 1855. Regimental stafT officers wore the regimental uniform, but had no gold lace on the shako, no girdle and no plumes; ] believe that medical oOiccrs wore black-laced shakos and black cords although [ cannot recall the authority for this. Officers' dress saddle-cloths were very fine, of blue cloth rounded in front and fcar, Ihe front parts embroidered with \'R and crown in gold while the rear parts had th<: regimental badges and insignia. The whole was edgcd \",ith two-inch gold lace. Over this was worn the scarlet-vandyked black lambskin shabrack. The undress sheepskin had no vandyking, but was plain as was that of other ranks, whosl: dress saddle-cloths were
The Laneerl In the centre oilhis finc plate are lhe I ~:lIh (left). 16th (ce.ntre) and 17th (righl) Re.giments of Lighl Dragoons. (LanCI'f'$). ~\1I wear th{" drrn blue C"O:l.I{"e e.:-.;cept thc 16th, Wh03C coatto:: was red wifh hlue facings alld piping, and all wear the drc:u shabrock. The ubretache "<1$ i1bolis.hed for Iroo~f'$ in IB34 and only offiel'f'$ and non-commissioned officeN ret"joed them; $«' the cenlre figure and the sergeant, 10wI:'r right. The elegant dntlS caps worn by onieen. were nOI apparently laken on [he Crimean campaign, lhe foul-\"eather cap \,ilh dreu;lines being worn. In any case the 12th did nOI arrive until afler:!he Ihree greal hault'S of Alma, Balotc:la\'a and Inkerman. At the lOp righl a party of lancef'$ discharge their pi.~101s more in sorrow thall in anger $i,we lhe enemy arc wrll out of ran.I)"'. Thc)' wear oibkin eOI"(:rs 10 their caps, their shabF.l.cks lI.r<: folded back and Iheir lanca $lung. The lance could be slung on either the left or right side, and in the lap centrallrophy Ihe bucket$. of learher for thc lance butt (an Ix: seen attached 10 each $lirrup. :\t lap left iI similar group are engaged in a charli\:C'.
In Ihe left-hand margin Ihe lOp figure, a uoop<:r of [he: 171h, wean full drc1.'i, whik the centre figure shows. an officer in Ihe undres:~ frock-co..,.t \"ith black breast loops and roll collar $howing clearly thc:crossed R U1l:ian br;tid ;teron the top of the unurm for~gc cap. The WHom figure ora trumpeter is remarh.bk for lhe white· lopped forage cap, "hile Ihc ordinary blue cap of troopers is. $hown on Ihe [01' figure in the right-hand mll.rgin. The centee righl figure i$ an officer of the !J[h in full dress. The Ooltom figure is a $Crgeant in drill order l,ilhoUI plume. :\Ole the bla.ck lealher sabn:tache:. :\t l1H: bottom kft tht: r2th in watering ord"r I,ilh shell or $lable jackets and fora~e caps rille Oll blankets onl), wilhout "
scarcely less elaborate than those of officcrs, the gold being replaced by yellow and the forcparts having no VR and crown. It seems most improbable that saddle-cloths were worn at all by any ranks in the Crimea. The valise was blue with circular ends with Roman numerals over the
IV !ctlm LD, c.g. LO wilh an edging of gold or ycIlO\\.'. The cloak was carried rolled under the lambskin in front of the saddle.
THe HCSSARS The Hussars \'icrc by far thc most lavishly and expensively dressed corps in the British Army,
Licutc.na..nt John Vatu, Adjutant or the ntb HUI.ar8 He "car; hl, brown fur bu~h)' \\ilhOUI plume, dolman and sash. I lis ennuoll ovc:rall~ ha\'e Ihe doubl,. ydlow slripe introduced for undros in 1849 in lieu OrdlC former red. His sabrctache is the undrru palcnl lcathcr mock], I lis somewhat dispirited l\Or5C
and lwO regiments, the. 8lh and the lllh went to the Crimea. The Illh wcrc remarkable for lheir chcrry-coloured breeches, a sanorial treat thaI so overwhelmed a recent film pmduccr that he put the entirc Light Brigade into them! Their Colonel was the Earl of Cardigan, commanding the Light Brigade in person, while residing on his private yacht in Ihlaclava harbour. The headdress of hoth Crimea regiments was the fur busuy with scarlet bag or Oy and white over red plume in the Bth, white over crimson in the 11th. Chin chains wcre gilt for ofliccrs and brass for men with lion's-hcad bosscs, and the cap~lincs gold or yellow. These caps had, in the lropics, white linen bulton-on covers fastening at the sick, which were much in evidence at Varna. The dress jacket and pe1issc were very similar,
aplXars to he a grc)' and has the undr black lambskin roged c::rim.ron. His shin-slttw_-d soldiC'r ~r.·ant \\~an a regirilenull forage cal'.
Tbe Grenadier GU,ardli
\clvet co~t and black vclvet jockey cap traditional to the 11lusidans orlhe rO)':llltolUehold, and till "Onl 10 lhisday. The drum majoo. oftne Gu:trd howe long since returned to wearing gaiten irulead of the lrOlUe" worn h~re when in full dreg which hlU a 1(3$ curiom dfecl. The right-hand ftgure of a lmndsman ill full cras has lht: gold lacing "hich Ia,)'lro up to the &cond World
~r:u~isr:~i~: ~~ ~~rrC~~\~I~:I~~~c~~:~~r~~ll~~~/tt~t:~td'~la~d
\\"ar. On the kft a pioneer in drill order wears the while shell jacket worn until 1~'P4, muJ the blue undrcu forage: C:Iop ,"ith scarlet b;H1d and piplllg round lhe crown seam. On the lefl below lhe pouch can be ~en the 1Iollorn of the leather cover for Ihe curved billuook Cllrried Otl the W;liSl-bcll. The iruignia 011 the
the pelisse being edged with fur and slung by gold or yellow cords. Both garments were of plain blue unrelieved by any other colour save Ihe gold or yellow braid and lace. For officers Ihe gold loops were of dull gold interspersed wilh bright gold gimp, this giving an extraordinarily rich appearance. The jacket had five (OWS of bUllons, the centre row being full ball, Ihe other rows half ball, while other ranks had three rows only. The same applies to the pelissc which was fastened with hooks and eyes in practice. The pclissc was never worn over thejackct or dolman unless slung over tIle shouldl.:r, but was worn as a garment in its own right. All ranks had two gold or yellow
toggles at the back of the waist round which the cord of the barrelled sash was wrapped before looping lip the ends to the right front waist. This crimson sash with gold or yellow 'barrels' was never worn over the pc1isse. Overalls in the 8lh were blue with single stripe of yellow or gold for officers in dress, and crimson or cherry coloured in Ihe I nh with single stripes of yellow{gold. In levee dress officers wore richly laced pantaloons ""jth Hessian boots, but these would hardly have been appropriate in the Crimea. Swords were triple-barred light cavalry pattern with steel scabbard and gold or white leather knot
and strap. In levee or review order the 11th had a fine ivory.hilted Mamcluke-pattern dress sabre. The sabretaehe of the 8d\ was scarlet doth with gold lace edge. In the centre was embroidered VR upon which was superimposed the hon on a small crown and above this a large crown, all in gold. Below the small crown were the Roman numerals VIII and below lhis the [fish harp flanked by shamrocks in silver, and two scrolls with battle honours. The dress pouch was similar. The I I th sabretache had a crimson face on morocco leather, lace round lhesides and bottom,
but not the top, with regimental lace in gold. A gold-embroidered crown surmounted blue scrolls with the regimental title, beneath which VR reversed ::md inlcnwined was worked in gold thrcad. Beneath tJlis were further scrolls with battle honours and a sphinx in silver melal. The: dress pouch was of a special silver pallern with gilt metal mounts repealing the mOl if of lhe sabre tache and edged with gilt die-stampcd laurel leaves instead of lace, Other ranks had plain sabre taches. Officers' shoulder-bclts wcrc gold laced with
Captain Burnaby, Gren3d1cr GU;trdlll l with b..UI Nubian
.~rvant «ad ord~rly The gallallt Cnplain wean his regimenltll gn:alcoat of blue lined Icarlct.a.nd the undra.s folding bluc cap piped r«l with a grenade badge. He. SttrnJ 10 ha,~ a liglu-roloured blanket slung over the right shoulder. His SWQrd h3.'J gill hih and brau :scabbard, with
VR and a grenade on thc cartouchc. -nle orderly \,('ars maui\'c boots and a gl),)ukin (:0.1.1, .a fur cap and regimental erO»olxhs. The ,,"ubi:lll scn·,'"t wears a woollen cap and wh31 looks like .\11 old n:gimcntltJ grc'IlCO:lI without caJX'.
The ColdlJlream Foot GUllrd. In tbis print they sue SOO\'fl wilh tbe minimum of equipmcllt
~~l~i~~1:~'~li~\~~~hi~t~~~J:~~~~;~~~~11:~i~:d~e~::1~ London blossomed forth into momta("hios aod
im~J"ials after
Style of I\a.pol~on III. Ev".:nlUal1y the ere of a general officer focused IOllg enough 10 obser\'c Ihe phenomrnon and they "ue
buckle, top and slide of gilt in the 8th and silver had a gold regimental lace band for officers with in thc I I th, the latter only having pickers and gold ornament and button on top and a line of chains, while the belts for othcr ranks werc plain gimp on the crown scam. Officiall)' it had a goldwhile and the poucnes black. White gloves \'Jere embroidcred peak, but some officers seem to have favoured a pcakless modd similar to the men's, worn by all in dress uniform. Note that in the 8th the sergeant-majors' which had yellow worsted braid and bulton. The chevrons had a harp in white metal belween the men's stable jackets were also braided aU round) chevrons and the crown above. Trumpeters and on the collar, and had a looped chevron on the bandsmen in the 8th apparently had the cording top of the cuff. of their garments of mixed yellow and scarlet, It may be nOlcd that officers sometimes wore while the 11th arc shown with grey busbies. the pelisse with forage cap, dress-belts and pOUdl, All ranks had an undress stable jacket, blue, but the undress sabrctache. Officers' undress belts single-bl'castcd and laced all round with gold for \""'cre black patent in the 8th, morocco in the I I th, officers who had gold olivets. [n addition officers and with a matching black pouch. had a blue black-looped frock-coat with figured As for all the army, the water-bottle or canteen collar and cuA's. was blue-grey, and the haversack whitc linen. The forage cap of blue (crimson in the 11th) The dress shabraqucs were most elaborate, of
, Starr Officf:r in undrcss 2 General Ofliccr in undres 3 GeOl'raJ Offico:r in full dress
Officer, 4th (Royal Irish) Rcglml!.nf of Or";3lsoon Cuard., full drcSlf
l~ B
Troopcer, lith (or Princce Albcert's Own) Regiment of HLlIIlI:;trs, ·Unlad:a~... drClIlI'
I Sergeant, Ro)oal Engincer., full dre8. '2 Officer, RO)'lIl1 ArlUlery, fuJI drell. 3 Officer, Ro)<;a\ Artillery, Horofe Brigade, full dren
Officer, lilt (or Grenadjer) Regiment of Foot Guard:J, full dress Privale, 1$1 (or Gre.nadler) Regiment of Foot Guards, full dress J Drutnmer, Hit (or Grenadier) Regiment of FOOl Cuardti, CuU drelf~ I
, FiC'1d Officer, 77tb (E:ua Middluu) Rcgirncnl or FOOl, undn:lhl IIhell jacket Grenadier ColD(Y.lOY, 77th (EaSt Mlddlcn,,) Rc!'imcnt of Foot, full drell~
:1 PrJV1lt~1
J Sugcan.t M"Jor. 68th (The Durham.) Regiment or Fool (Light Infantry) dress wilh (01"911': c:J.p
I Bandsroan, 68lb (The Durham) R~"lr,..ltPl of FOOl (Ughl Jnfanlr)') full dress 2 Piper, 9Jrd (SUlh~rbnd HilbJandcrs) RCI';nl~nl of FOOl, fuU dr~.s J RlOeman, The NOe Brlpdc, driU ord~r
Corporal, 9Jrd (Sutherland Hi§hlanden) R~&inu~ot of Fooe, mar-cMoS' order
2 Trooper, 17tb Regim.ent of Light DnlgooD.liI (Lancers), guard order, hot dln.•:!.te
3 Officer, "2nd (The Roya.l Highland) Reghnent of Foot, drHI order
blue for the 8th and of crimson for the 11 tho The Bth had a design similar to that on the officers' sabrctachc in the rear corners, not quite so elaborately worked for the men, with VR and' crown on the forepart. Over tJlis oo-ieers worc a dress leopard-skin edged with sCilr!ct and other ranks a plain black lambskin, a pattern worn by
leather with gilt bosses and face ornaments, the bits of all ranks being steel. Chains do not appear to have been used by officers but only by other ranks. .
officers in undress.
th had crimson saddle-cloths, t he V R and crown on the forep;;lrt h
below surrounding a silver sphinx. In the rear
corners the sabrclachc design was repeated and fitted to the tapering shape. The crimson valises . Xl 1C • wuh the II were Cit aboard when landmg and were not recovered for some two months. They contained all the men's spare clothing.. , , Officers' chargers had horse·hair throat ornaments, scarlet in the I [th and black in the 8th, The dress bridles of both regiments were of brown
lnfaatry of the Uae Thi~ print was produced in the mid 16,\OSjUSl before the abolitioll of lhe while IrOIl!oen. III Ihe CC111rC IS the I\llh (E:ut Suffolk)
~~tt~:IIII~\~rl~t~:~~~~ei:',~:,4I;~~~nnJ~~:T;.rlh~ ~~~r~~:~ i:o~;~Jli~ a field officer wcaring the bullion-fringed epaulcll of hi, rank and the:
of the colour of thc
rc:gim~lIt:l.1 faeillp"
~~:~~'k~d~~~~; ~ro1t~1 ~~1~1c1~a~~r::~ :~~t I~Pq~~r~r\~r:~I~~~h
on either ~idc. Thc pistol hols'en were covered with black bearskin except ill the lropics, whell patent leather was used. Of the thrce di.mloullted officen on the len, the centre figure is a «ntre compan)' oflieer, dislinguishablc by the epauletlcs and fhc red and white ball fuft on his shako, 'he lack of altachmeots on his shoulder-belt, other lhan Ihe belt.plate, and fhe simple crimson wais.-sash. The lxII-plates were different for each regiment, sometimes being most compkx in ddign, of gill, sil...;r and enamel, and costly. The Olner twO onken are from the nan!.:
~fl~.~k~~h~I~:~~·~~ddl~bcr,,~;;:I~~' i~l:~~I~~~or~ec~~~~ and the white hanlun of the Grenadier comp311)', while fhe .hird
~r:h~ t~I:I~eo;;l~~:rn;'~~:;eg\:~~'I~a;ln~~1~7~~:::$~lboal:~o~:ll~~
Grenadiereompany offittn and KrgcanU ofoo.h Alink cOlllpaniet. t\1J three h:we the bbck gilt.mounted sword scabbard. Field officers when mounted had a br:us scabbard. In the foregTound are two drummers of eelllre corup:lniel. lI'ote the while pouch which is also shown ill the troph)' at Ihe lOp. The regimcnt is drawll up with th~ light company for rome reuon at the bact. At thc field officer's rigJlt foot is a cenlrc company sergeant seen from the back and showing eh:arly the ......ord, sash and three chevroru, while to the left of the pictu.re is a !oergeant-rnajor with four Che\'TOIIJI but no crown above. i\"otc that in {usilicr and lighl infantry regiments all offic!:rl below field rank wore winlrl, field officers :InJ the R.S.~1. ba"illg epaulellCS. At the top left the S8th Regiment is seen in action in eold-
Only two regiments wearing lhe lancer uniform went to the CI-ime3, the 12th and the 17th. The dress was very similar to that of the Light Dragoons except for the Polish type lancer cap. The officers' dress cap of the Lancers was the square-topped cap of black leather, the top for the I '2lh of scarlet and in the 17th of white cloth, the distingwshing colours of the regiments. The patent leather peak was embroidered in gold and the neck orthe cap bound about with a broad gold lace with a blue stripe. The corners of the lOp had a line of gold cord which crossed in the centre of
97th prc:scnlS arms, anJ bt:low is a sergeant in gr~y gfea1cOat with Ihe yeUov.· facings of the 45th. 'rhe bottom figure ofa pri"lIte of the :2:2nd wearl lhe SCilrlct shcll with buO·f.u:in81 :lIld the blu~ undrw cap \\;th blu~ 'Iouric'. AcrO$! the bOllOtn m:,rch the 8th (.he King's) h~aded by thcir pioneers ill brown lc:tther aprons _
embroidered sash heading the band in their white eO.1t. \\-ito blue facings. Atthe top right is a bandsman of the 44-th ill white 'dth yellow facings. Regimenlal bands all \\'orc the while C03t "ith rcgi. mental facings. The drums and fifd, or buxla in light infantr)· wore scarlet. The e~nlre right figure is an 001l:('r of lhe \I ,th Foot in undress blue frock.roat, single-breasted and 9.uite plain except for the br.us shoulder-scales" ith CT(S(;ents. 1 he black pall'nt leal her helt had a sliding frog [0 hold [he liword, field omeeN having slin/p. Th~ undress cap ha:s a black oak-leaf pallem la(c
embroidered in gold on the front cxcept in thOle rcgi:menl.$ aUlhorized to wear a special badge. The bottom figurc on the right t110\\'S a pri\'atc: of a centre company of Ihe 36th with IVass·grern f."\C.ings. The rank of non-commm-ioned of{iccN was indicated by iruignia worn on Ihe right am1 onl)' cxcept in fusilicN. gren:tdicr and light infanlry regimenu and comp."Illics who wore them on both arms, :u follows: Scrgeanl-major An embroidC'rw erOWll :..oo\'e a four bar
Sergeant Corporal
four gold chc\'rons on blue doth, th~ red COl'lt showing between the: chevrOnS. A (TO\I'n above a. re\;\:imenlal colour under which 1"0 crQUC(1 .\\ord. :..11 cenlrC'd UpOIi ll1ree golJ chc\'ron on blue cloth, the red coat )howing betwccn thc ehc\'rons. Three: gold chl:\'rolu upon bluc dOlh. Two ,,'hite chC\'rolls on bluc dOlh.
The Albert Shako This hcacldrcn ..... 01$ inlrooucro in 18.H having becn authori1.ed in J}(:Cellllx'r 1143. FrOIll 1855 onwilrds il was replaced hy a. French model. II .....as actually "orn at lhe U.... ule of Alma and also at Inkerman. The ball tufts \,cre "hile for grenadiers and fU$iJi~, ",hile over red for centre companies, gr(:en for light infantry and black
for rifles.
the lOp. On the Jeft front was a gold bullion roselle with VR embroidered in gold on blne velvet. Gilt chin-scales of curb-chain pattern were attached by lion's-head bosses. The ll1llgnifiecnt gilt plate was mounted with the royal arms in silver and for the J 7th the famous skull and crossbones also in silver. Gold cap-lines wilh rich plaited 'noundcrs' and bullion tassels were attached round lhe neck of the cap. Other ranks wore a similar model with yellow lace and cords, which was provided with a white cloth cover for the tropics and an oiled-silk cover for foul weather. Officers, as in the Light Dragoons, had a special foul-weather cap, and this was worn by the 17th at Balaclava. The plume was black cocks' feathers for officers, black horse hair for other ranks, red for trumpeters. The dress jackel was double-breasted with white or scarlet collar and poioted cullS, turn backs and piping in the back scams, and had two rows of nine buttons. Up 10 1853 officcrs l collars had h;'\d two gold-embroidered buttonholes 011 each
side and gold-embroidered edging to the poinled cuITs, but in 1853 the embroidery was ordered to be removed, leaving the jackets of all ranks quilC plain if not 311Stcrc. As in the Light Dragoons there was a strip of gold bullion fringe or yellow worsted fringe at the back waist centre for other ranks. Officers had gold-embroidered epaulettes while other ranks had brass scale epaulcltes with brass crescenls, the 17th having the skull and crossbones on the crescents. These were worn at Varna but not apparently in the Crimea. Over this jacket a girdle of gold or yellow wilh twO crimson or scarlet stripes was worn. The overalls were dark blue, with double gold lace stripcs'for officers in dress uniform, and double white stripes as for the rank and file in undre!lS. Officers had leather strapping and cuO's on undress overalls. In the spring of 1854 the 171h were onc of the units selecled to have the experimental grey overalls together with the 13th Light Dragoons. The sword- and pouch-belts for officers were gold laced with a central stripe of white or scarlet,
BrIgadiC!r-GCDC!raJ Van Slraubcn1C!t; and office" of tbe
w~an ~suJation
gencral lJlldres.s with coll:ar rolled down "i!Il, m~1 prob.1bl}', l' K"rll:t wai..ttco:'l1 ,~ith IjiSl:h collar $howing, The s"ord is nOI that Or:l. general hilt prouably I,is reginu:ntal inrant!)' sword (he was a Buff, had served in India and commanded the 39th). ~o. '2 w'can whal appe:,n to be: a non·rcgulillion doublc-bre:uted rrock-coat or civilian ~lIe:rn, "ilh Lhe undros cap or the 13uffs, blue" itb black lilk oak-karlace band, p..1lent peak and chin-slrap and thc
~~~~:s~~~31:C~~~est~p\~taf~~h~~~I~~~d:;:ri~w~O~1nc~~: I\·o. rand 6, wear the: undress scarlet shcll jacket with. burr r"dngs, (laId thoilider-cords and gilt buttons. The len-hand
~:~~c~~~~~~':r:~t~lt~ ~~a~i;j ~~. o~~,~~ 1;~~:l~~:\'~;J:
Kabbards. I SlJspt."C( Ihat AO. I is a field officer I,ith brau5Cabbard and ;\0. 6 the adjulant with one in sled. Xo. 6 carries his ocarlel_
linn! bluc do,,!.: ill :t ICI)' dashing and nonchalant style ,lung OH.:r the len shotllder. His s',ord-knot han(I;'C 10050', and he "cars lIl
IS~~~'~IJ;~~I~;rd;:~_~~~~~,\I:\~~'~~~;;li~~::~~~e !~a~hr~n~~ath~
"hile buffalo leathCT waist-bc:lt "ilh b~ clasp. The bugler, "ell ,'rapped up, wears Ibe umlr<:$5 cap "ilh the br.us numenl ':3' which also .'ppc::arJ on the shako plate, and not 01 dragon as might be tl'1ptcled. lie wears his grey gre:Ucoal, "illl whill; waisthelt ror lhe SWQrd and white ha\crsack slung ol'er the right shoulder under tile cape. TIle bUKk ~lIlS solllewha! large by modern SI .. ndan:b. 'nlc bugle cord should be dark green.
Officers and other r.ln,k. or an infant,.,. regiment Both offio::n: "ear Ihe IClIrlet s.hell jacket wnh whal appeir to ~ lal"elKler lrousers. Thejacket of 1\'0.5 h.1$ s.houlder-slra~ wj[h a
~~~~r~~;;::lla~l~dc~h~~I\~';r_~~~~"~llll:i~ ~fnr~ fic;;: I:~~enth~ grenadier compan)' grenade (:'\0. oS) and light company bugle
bell ",,·jlh bras.s buckle and black. pouch, white shoulder-belt with
~!~~~ k~~l)h:~~';;C\~~y,~.~~~ c::;~~t~~~h:hsen;~J~~-r~l~dT~~ ~h~t~~~:~~~~I~:db;~d,·~~~a\~?h~~eS\~:Ft~~'~r;~'~ ~~~~:~~~:n~;~~
The rhrcc privales in drcss s.hakos wear the scarlet full-dros COflt« II i[n while il:luare-ended lace loops in pairs, while: waisl-
~~~:; t:bo~e1:~it~l:5.ll\~~~~bi:e~~:~:; ~~ \~~~i'ct\f~~:~
Nos, 3 and 4 the ,,'illgl and white ball tuft of the greoadicr comPlUl)', and the grttn of the light company, So, I is a centre company lance.corporlll wcaring forage cap and grt)· greatco,at and cape; note how the cape is. worn ol'er the equipment.
sword and sabrctachc slings matching. The waist-belr and pouch-belt for other ranks were white leather with brass mounts. No carbine sling was worn as lancers were
The stable jacket was blue with white/scarlet collar and cuR's and piping in the back scams, and lace as for Light Dragoons, and wiLh gold shouldercords with small rcgimental bUllon. The blue frock-coal had black braided loops, and the forage cap was blue with gold lace band, gold-embroidcn::d patenl leather peak and gold gimp forming a cross on the top with a gold-nCllcd purl bUllon at the crossing, An oiled-silk cover could be worn. Other ranks had a blue cap wilh white band and gimp in the crown seam and no peak. Trumpeters of the 17th scem lO have had a white cap with yellow bltnd, Spurs \vcrc yellow metal for officers in dress,
steel for other ranks al aU times and for officers in undress. Officers seem to have had no undress belts. Cloaks wcrc blue lined scarlet with while collar for the 17th and were carried rolled under the lambskin shabrack in front of the pislOl holster. The regimcntal staff worc the same uniform as other officers except for the girdle and the cap having no gold ornament. This presumably refers to the lace only J.od not to lhe plate and chinscales, unless a foul-weather cap is intended. The saddle-doth is llot prohibited as for Heavies. Full-dress saddle-cloths were blue wirh rounded fore and rear corners. Officers had the crownc;d VR in the foreparts and Ihe same above crossed lances with, in the 171h, the skull and crossbones with the label 'Or Glory' in silver on the crossed lances. The cloth was bordered with a broad gold lace. The pennants were in I'ed and silvl.:l", Ihe same device being borne on the blue circular valise ends. Over all was the plain black lambskin, which, unlike lhe undress item, had no white vandyked border. Other ranks' saddle-cloths had no crowned VR in thc foreparts, and in the '7th thc valise ends had not Roman numerals but t7. As with the rest of the cav::llry, lhe 17th's valises were lerl aboard on landing, and only the sheepskins were taken. They were recovered some two months laler. The swords were the usual stcel triple-barred pattern with gold acorn knolS for officers and white leather for the men.
Aprlvateoflbe 28th (the North GIQ",cntershire) Regiment of Foot This private: of a centre compan}' WCttrs full milrching orde-r. His
jdaa;:Ctb~~i~~o;~~~,~arac7J~~tJ,~1~u~~~~uc'~d~'1~~;iJ~;sh~nS~~~~~ A good conduct stripe is worn on the right :lnn. Walst-bdt and single cross·licIt are white buff.:'llo Ic.'llher. The w:),Icr'Cilntcen is blue-grey and the haversack \"hite liuen. l'rcsumabJ)' thc shells at his heds h:wc been defused! Xote how Ih~ toP$ of the tents were painted red.
RANKS IN THE CAVALRY The rank insignia of cavalry l\.C.O.s and olhers were as follows:
Sergeant-major Crown above four chevrons on forearm. Gold-laced uniform. This branch of the service was still under the Troopscrgcanl- Crown over four chevrons point Board of Ordnance and subject to separate down on upper arm, gold on regulations which do not appear in the dress major regulations for the rest of the arm)'. However lheir facing colour. Three chevrons point down. uniform was based upon the Hussars in the Horse Sergcanl Two yellow chevrons point Artillery and on the infantry in lhe Foot Artillery. Corporal down. The Horse Brigade wore the blue hussar uniA horseshoe in yellow worsted. Farriers form with scarlet collar and culTs, gold 01' yellow A spur in yellow worsted. braided, and the black fur busby with scarlet fly, Roughriders Crossed trumpets in yellow gold or yellow cord and white plume; an oiledTrumpeters worsted. silk cover was provided. The cap-lines for other
Captain Walkr.r of the 3Ot.h Foot with two N.C.O.• aDd
of the (the Cambridgt'1hire) 1{egimcnt of Foot shows an officer, 1'\0. 3. a private of n rentre company, 1'\0. I.
scrgCftllt wears h.is drl:).J doublc-urell.Stcd coatc:e with collar tunlcd
lighler material. The pri.
has a ~akw cap, blue "ilh black 1».00. He docs not appear to be "caring a sash. i\otc the lefl cuff undone and the buUOIlS on coale(' largo- than thtllC ... om by lhe sergeant. The skirt omamemcanjust beK'Cn bul nOI sufficicnllyckarly todcscrihc:. Tbc adjutant ,,~ his scarkl shell ~,ill:J gold shoulder-eords and the llcel scabbard prescribed flK adJuu.nu.. XOlc $C\cral bultolU oflhc: shell arc undone.
~:rg.<;~;co~r:~~t~i~~~a~~~~~rl~tO~:~I~~~ ~d~r~~:~~C~~:: ~~II;a~t;~,~o~~ca'~~~~~;~li,~s~~~J.t ~~~o~~~/~I~h~~~I~c ~~I~~~li~~~ bUI tte facings, which should Ix yellow, appear darker than the :~:;t~~ea: :~~~~~;'b:~~m:i~~~l~ 1~~~l~rc~:.~~~e ~~~;i't~ searlel cO:l1tt. This mOl.Y be:: due to Ihe phOlogr
ranks are shown as scarlet in numerous old prints. Ovcralls wcrc blue with scarlet stripes, officers having gold in dress uniform. Officers' belts were gold laced and had gilt buckle, tip and slide, the dress pouch being blue cloth edged with gold lace and embroidered wjth lhe royal arms and a gun, \vith the single modest battle honour - 'Ubique'. The undress pouch was similar to that worn by other ranks, plain black with a gilt metal gun. The dress sabre tache was similar in design to the pouch, and the undress model plain black with the royal arms in gilt metal. No sabretache was worn by other ranks, who had white sword- and sh.oulder-bells. Swords were of light cavalry
pattern, triple-barred hilt and stecl scabbard. The hussar barrelled sash was worn round the waist. For undress a simple blue stable jackct witJl scarlet collar and cuffs braided in yellow was worn, officers having lace all round and small buttons in cavalry style. With this was worn the undl-css forage of blue cloth with scarlet band, and for officers. embroidered peak. In addition officers had the undress frock-coat of blue \vith black loops and olivets, latterly worn open and the collar rolled to show the scarlet 'mess' waistcoat. In the [oat batteries thc dress was similar to the line infantry except that it was blue wi.h scarlet
Lieutenant-Colonel Munro and officers of Ihe 39th, aDd a private in winter drea8
All officl!l"l wcar the ulldrC$.'l cap, :'\0. J having possibly a grenade above thl! numeral. Note how the caps vary in mapc. Three arc ,,'caring 'Bl\lac1a"a' coa1$ and Colonel Munro, Ko. 2, carries a large havel1'ack and a binocular case ovcr the kft shoulder and a water-bottk over the right. KO$. I, '2 and 3 "'car black undress belu ovcr their coau. Ko. I al$£l carria a walcr-bonle and Icanj. nonchalantly upon his dr;I,,'l1 s,,'ord. Ko. 4 has a fille pair ofbool$
and a similar pair
~~~a~~~7~C;I~n~a~ab;'t~':neub~d'~rn~~:sb~';~~c~::~hbb~~~t-bdtand 31
Officers of tbe 39th (the Dorsetllhire) RePjlrucot of Foot All in this group wear the $Carlet .shell piped with white and wilh gre<:n collar lind cuffs and the tW~lcd gold shoulder-cord . Undress lrouscn have red WdLl. All wear the unures::s black leather belu lind are wearing or can)'iuFf white: glo\'o, and aU
~~~I~~~Cba~d·.e~~~l~~f~~~to~I~~;. :~u~jl~~~~( b(:'~~~O~
that the colon!!'1 and No, 1 \,'ear 'BaJada\'a' jack.::u. Their forage capt of blue with bltlck biUld and peak of patent l~ather )las
;J~il\l~n~yl~ad;e,ll~ibJ;' tl~~'~i~~hc~~Opa~yS~:ie ~o~a~~:~ lhe numeral.
facings and the lace for other ranks was yellow. fusiliers, light infantry, Highlanders and RiAes. Officers had gold-embroidered collar and cuRs, All, with the exception of the RiOes, wore the The plume in the shako was a stiff upright one and traditional red coat, In the Guards they had long not the ball tuft. Undress W:lS as for the Horse since adopted a double-breasted coatee similar to Brigade. Ihat worn by officers and without the white lace across the brcast which was so conspicuous a feature of the line regimcnts. A similar plain double-breasted coatee was worn by non-commissioned officers in line regiments and by all ranks in the Rifles exupt officers, who disported themselves in huss",r costume, even including the The lnfanlf)I of the British Army consisted of Lhe pelisse, All worc the Albert shako except the three regiments of the Urigade of Guards} and the Guards, who wore the bearskin cap from 1835, Line infantry regimenls which embraced a number and thc Highlanders who wore the feather bonnet. of different types - ordin:llY regimenls of root, The Highland Light Infanlry, the 71St, and the
'Ilze /;;flll/IJI
74th, wore a diced shako of bell-topped shape which had a curiously old-fashioned look by mid century. The 72nd, who wore the trews with the 71s1 and 74th and not the kilt, wore the bonnet. Trousers \Vere black wilh a red welt for winter, "'nd blue for summer, the indigo COIOUf having replaced in 1850 the lavender which had in fact been adopt.cd for summer wear in 1845 on Ihe abolition of the white summer trousers. 'vVe can now enumerate some recognizable features lor the infantry, The Foot Guards arc unmistakable in bearskins, the line regiments' grenadier companies and thc fusiliers having long sincc given up their special headgear. The grenadier companies wcrc to be abolished, but the fusilieTs would shortly recover their special caps. The Grenadier GU:lrds, as today, had a white plume on the lert side and their buttons evenly spaced, the Coldslrcams a red plume on the right and their buttons in twos, while the 3rd regiment, the Seo{$ Fusilier Guards, had no plume and their buttons in threes. The Highland regiments were distinctive in their tartan kilts or trcws as wcre the Rifles in their riAe-green uniforms. This latter colour is so dark as to require an uncommonly sharp eye to distinguish it from black. The remaining regiments could be distinguished by their facing colour, that is the regimental colour used An officer of the ":lad (Royat Hilhlaad) Rellm.eat of Foot for collaI', cuffs, etc., and the special badges worn nlis officer wears the undra.'l for~e cap of blue wilh regimental on shako and cross-belt plate and, of COUISe, }:;~~~~~i~~a:~st~Wi7:~r~~dc:llarSaln~~~flr~:;~~d~:u~dl;r~ any numerals visible. Thc colours of the facings of cords. What ;l.ppe
~~.: ~~:1;t~I~:;~,~nh:\~~ ·:;~lifiC"dlion 'l1~;~l1i;~r~:;~~~Ih~ "'(3rt hi
for all
ccnmdoublc-brcastttl blue frock-coal :lccording 10 regulation!, hUllons spaced ill threes for a mll.jor-gcncr"l, ;and gold cord shoulder-straps. ='01<: the sm~l1 single button on Ihe sleeve aJ)()IC the back o(lh<:: culT. The crim-
~~ ~~,~~\~\h?~-i~ll~il~'~~~::~~,:h:p~~~IC~~I~l~I:~~CC~~~~~
the left. The cocked hal is without plume. The undress overalls do nOl hll\'( k:uhcr slr:l.pping and cuffs and the broad Karlel
~li~jibf:}P~uCt~:r~; ~;:~"rr~d::~~nl;~l~c~I~~~~~\~6~1~~c:,\\;~r~oj~
fa~~~i~:~~rl:~ ~~~rd~, ':i~~n~la~~l~~~l~C~il~I~~111 ~nprt~ba~:;c;~
orderly. Hj~ falil\"ue c:a.p is rifle grt'en with black band and ·tourit'. The two officen to the right of the piclUrc, Sos. 7 and B, C.aplains i\oIarklJalll and »on$Onb)', wear the slafT cocked hat "ilhoul kalhc-n and Caplain Markham wh'\1 apJX:an 10 be the ~tarrcrirruon and gold belt. Capltlin Ponsonh}' \,can lin undras
looped frock-coat:s "llh olin~U "hidl arc '101 Ihe correct "afT pattern and arc evidentl)' regimental. l'OS$ibl)' the}' did not have time to hase new ~lafT.pa1tern eOOlts made. II IS nOl pouibk 10
Ke the pallern on Captain ronwnby'$ sword nor to tell whether the scabbard is brass or sted. FrO<"b with six rows of loops arc prescribed for hunan. ~a. 5, ~lajor 1-laJlel\dl, "can a singk·hre:aslcd infantr)' fruck-coal O\'er It scarle:t gold·liu,'oo waistcoat" ilh clOJC oKl small gilt bUllans down the front and ,,'hat llpPC:U'S la be a Slar on lhe collar, a Slar being the: badge of a major but worn up to 1855 on the shoul
tOP, which was of patent leather, and a band of the same surrounded the top. The peak was of patent leather t\'olO and three-eighth inches in front and one and a quarter behind. Officers had a great star of eigh points with a crown above, on which was a garter \'..ithin a laurel- and palm-leaf wreath. On thc garter was the regimcmal title and the number or badge in the centre. while such battle honours or distinctions as might be authorized were borne on scrolls. The coatec for officers was the double-breasted pattern of scarlet with regimental facings and white lining and Iurnbacks, laced or embroidered in gold. Other ranks had a red coat which was more of a brick red than scarlet, sergeants having a doth closer to that used for officers. Officers' rank was denoted by their cpaulclIcs, thus: Ficld officers had a plain gold strap. solid crescent and the Queen's cipher within an ovaJ, the fringe three and a half inches for colonels and lieutenant-colonels and three inchcs for majors. Captains had narrow silk stripes in the straps of regimental facing colour, metal crescent and twoand-a-half-inch bullion fringe. Subalterns were as for captains but with a smaller and less bulky bullion. Flank company officers wore wings as for light infantry Or fusiliers with the bugle hom or grenade, but field officers of fusiliers and light infantry wore cpaulettes. few regiments had embroidery, but the Royal Fusiliers had for a time superb embroidered cuffs for omcers with an intricate patlern of rose, thistle and shamrock, but Ihis h,sted only a short time due to the expense. Trousers were specified as Oxford mixture from 15 October to 30 April, the 'omcial' winter which did not always coincide with the actual \'oIeather prevailing. These trousers had a scarlet welt in the outer scam. From I May to 14 October, the 'official' summer blue trousers had replaced the white of the regulalions, but some of the grey lweed authoril:cd for usc at home and in . 'orth America may have secn lhe light in the Crimea. This would account for some otherwise unaccountable but obviously military nether wear. The sword was a half bask.et-hilled sabre with slightly curved blade with VR and crown in an oval cartouehe. It had a brass scabbard for field officers, steel for adjutants and black leather with gilt mounts for other dismounted officers, or for
m,hland Hldien at .Edinbursh in tbe I8.tO. Th" e:uly phologrnph show.. a nauk ~(l
field officer in evening or levee dress. Rifles had steel hilts and scabbards and the badge was a bugle horn, The patterns of sword arc well illustrated in our two figures. Tl is interesting to notc that the price or a staH'-sergeant's sword and scabbard immediately after the Crimean War was £1 t 2.1. 6d., whereas drummers' complete were only 12I. 6d. and in the rines which had steel instead of brass, only I II. 6d. Officers had the gold and crimson knot wound tight round the bars, except for mounted officers who should ha\'C had thclIlloosc. The rcason was to permit mounted men to slip the hand through the cord and give it a twist before grasping the s\\'ord-hih thus ensuring lhat the sword would not be lost but merely hang from the wrisl if let go. The waist- or shoulder-belt was of buffalo
BrigadJer Garrett nnd of6<:ertl of the ",6tb (Soul.h 0_00.hIre) Regiment of Foot Th~ figure on Ihe kft. :'\0, 1 iJ \"illiam Russ.:::ll, lhe famou$ Tinus correspondent \"h~ reporu had so profound an dfttl upon public opinion "I honll.", The main illlcr~t of this picture is the'
clear back \·iew of the officer in scarlet shell .... ilh yellow facings and the black. Wldreu sword· belt. The figure on the. righl in :1 IOrl of white linr:nj3ckel $Cr:m$ to be a d\·jlian $Crvanl,
leather with platc of rcgimental pattern, the waist-belt (fidd officers) having a gilt platc \\lirh silver VR, crown above and regimental numer::lls below. The sash was worn round the waist and had tassels on the left hip for other than light infantry regiments and companies and fusilicr regiments or grenadier companies, These wore a pattern with cords and tassels looped up to the left breast. Highlanders wore a shouldcl'-sash, and all were of plain crimson. ndrcss uniform conslsrcd of a scarkt shell
jaeket with regimental facings or a blue frock-coat, quite plain, with a single row of gilt regimental buttons and fringeless epaulencs. With these were worn undress belts of black patent leather with a frog or, for mounted officers, slings, and the blue forage eap, This had a black band except in 'Royal' regiments whac the band was red. The undress cap worn in the light companies of ordinary line regiments, the normal regimental blue cap and not the light infantry green, and the whistles and chains worn in the light infantry and light and grenadier companies by officers and
Non-CoO'JaU1I8loned officers and men of the 6Sth (the Durbam.) R~g.lm.~Dt of Foot (Light InfaDtry) All mnks are w('aring the scarlet dreu eoatee with eoll:\/" and
sashes cannot be: distinguished. The whi!tlcs wt:re also worn br
breuted unlaced eO:ltet:S.
senior N,C.O,s were gilt or brass, those in the Rifles being silver or whitc metal. The light infantry and thc fusiJiers worc, as already noted, wings and not cpaulcttcs, except for field officers, and those worn by officers had fringe varyjog in bulk on the same principle as epaulettcs, The straps were ornamented with diminishing chain in gilt , three rows being connected at the point of the shoulder to a ring beneath which was a gilt disc upon which was worn a bugle or a grenade. The 5' st and Bsth Regiments had a specially embroidered pattern
without the chain. The special badges of the fusiliers arc noted in the table on page 40, but a further and unique dislinction of the 23rd was thc \\fcaring of the 'nash': black ribbons worn on the back of the collar hanging down the back and reminiscent of the long obsolete pigtails. The 5th Fusiliers had embroidered grenades on officers' collars on both coatee and shell jacket, and as a countcrblast to the 'flash' wore a ball tuft in their shakos of red over white instead of the normal fusiliers' plain white. The Highland regiments also favoured thc
Men of tbe 68tb (tbe Du.rham) Reginlent or Foot In wLnter dreu This astoni,hing group of lI.'longolian brigands ate id~ntifiabl~ only by lhdr arms and ~quipmellL They have a. curious al:liort· ment ofhcadge:tr from the cll:erslalker ofX'o. 2 to th~ sou'w~ler of 1'\0. 6, while Ihe coats \":"1' from 101\8 goa.t:lkin worn hair outward of No. 3. to the Ile'.lt sheepskin ofKo. I. The hide would be in wlr)ing $had~ of rellow. liolh the reKim~ntal surgeon and parnla5lcr had ~ef\cd in Afghanislan and Ihe)" at kasl "'ould Ix:
wing for their nank companies, but with a thistle in lieu of grcnade or bugle. The bonnet according to regulations had six ostrich feathers in all rcgi. mcnlS and a rosctte of black silk with a regimental bullon on the left side. The plume of vulture fcathers was cight inches long for officers, and plain scarlet in the 42nd and white for oLhers. The notablc distinctions in Highland regiments were the plaid, the sporran, the dirk and, of course, the bclt.plates. In dress uniform officers' sporrans had gold bullion tassels, the undress models having horse· hair 'brushes' set in metal holders.
no .tran.gcl"'l to the 'poshteen' coat. The ~rgeant, NO.2, wears hi$ whistle and chain from one crou·belt 10 the other, as dOd
~~~~~i~~~:~~:'r~Z~;d ~~ ~~~~.o;l~t:~h~;':~~~~~c~~ = non-regull1lion belt 10 faslen his eO:lI. There is a line :u:sorlmcnt of boou.
{2nd \\'hite sporran, five tassels of black two above three. Trews: Tartan no stripe. i I st Trews: White stripe. 72nd TrcH's: Scarlet Stuart. 79th Black sporran, five whitc tassels two over three. Trews: Cameron of Erracht. 93rd Officers, badger with six rcd over white tassels. Trews: No distinctive stripe in dark tartao. Other ranks black with six. whitc tassels. The Rifle regiments had as alrcady remarked a distinctive rinc.grcen uniform, with officers
dressed virtually in full hussar costurnc, grecn braided black and with black braided astrakhan edged pclisse. The bunons were black and nOl, as they so ohen appear to be in photographs, silver. The Rifle Brigade had black facings \\'hieh dis· tinguishcd them from the 60th (did not serve in the Crimea) who had fcd facings. The belts and accoutrements of Rifles were black. Officers wore waist-belts wilh slings for tbe sword and plain patent leather shoulder-belts and pouches of cav.1.lry pattern with solid silver badges, whistles and chains. Infantry regimental staff officers wore basicalJy their rcgimental unifonn with certain minor
variations. The adjutant worc the uniform of his ra.nk, but the sword in a steel scabbard hung on slings from the shoulder-belt. The paymaster, quartermastef, surgeon and assistant surgeon WOfC the uniform of thcir rank with appropriate epaulettes, black waist-belts with slings worn under the coat, no sash and in licu of the shako a cocked hal. The paymaster and quartermaster had the normal cocked hat with gold loop and bulton, the latter only having a live-inch hackle fcather of the same colour as the ball tufts of the regiment. The medicos had black bee loops and no feathers. These then were the splendid uniforms laid down in the regulations, and as with the cavalry
Officer. o( tbe 90th Regiment of Foot (Pe,.tlubJ,.e Volun.teers) (Ught [n(antry)
are cvidently lirld omeen, or one Ihe adjutant, and the eXIl'(Crnc righl figure sho\. dearly the :un.illl gill h;.lsteO:H buttons. Xote
~~h ~17~ r~~f,~r_~:~dl fi;'~bc~a~~~~;~f~~b~~r~~e :~IlSlpi~lrsg~:~d
lIon-~gulation boou and bre«hd wilh bullons below Ihe knee. The red Stripes on the t!"O\l$C", Cim just he-; ~een all the: original photograph. 111e lrousc.rs of th..: second from the Icfl llp~ltr lighler lhan Ih..: remainder, and may have been the ·lavend",rs' introduced inJa"ultry 1845 irutead ofwhitc.
cords. Th6e shdls ,,'en often of lighl alpaca in the tropia. !\otc :'\0.5 who alllkipatC' the tncu dress of later years by "raring his shell open with the collar rolled and his w;'\istco,u, apparently scarle:l, __ ith collar turned do"n also. The fatigue caps are Ihe light infanuy grttn with black oak-leaf lace bMd and the bUll:lc
and stair we can see from the accompanying pho(Qgraphs to what state a winter in the Crimea red uccd I hem. SPECIAL
AND SHAKO PLATE. J st or Royal Regiment 2nd or Queen's Royal Regiment 3rd or Buffs 4th or King's Own
and the four butlon$ in the cuff plait of No. I, who !la! his broadsword on lhe. undreu black leather belt. No. :.I with dirk and crinuon silk sash is probabl~' order1}' officer of l.hc day. NO.3 lI'l'!ars a 'Balaclava' jackd as dOd No. 4, while No, 5 weaN a civilian donkq' jacket. All hIIvc the blue undress forage cap with red. blu~ and white diced border, bot d=ibcd as red crosses with blue squ:tr~ on the Cl'!nlrcs,. TIle gold·embroider~ cap-badge is a thistle: abo\'e a light infantry bugle.. \11 wear tanall trews of regiment:\l p:\lIern, blue, green and black. with while stripe, but note the variation in colour, those of 1'\0. '1 having a very prominent pattern.
The The The The The
Lamb Dragon
Lion Antelope '·\,hite Horse Britannia The Harp and Crown A Castle A Grenade within the centre of the ball St George and Dragon 5th Fusiliers The Rose 7th Royal Fusiliers 'lIst Royal North British The Thisdc 23rd Royal Welch The Red Dragon Fusiliers 8)lh Royal Irish '87' FUl'iliers Highland Regiments An embroidered thistle with the number in the lower part except: 42nd (Royal Highland) Regiment 5t Ancln:w 6th 8th or King's 9 th 18th (Royal Irish) 2)th (Inniskilling) Fusilier Regiments
Officers of 'he 7I8t (Highland) Regi.rner;lt of Foot (Light Infantry) These offic~n all wcar Ihe scarlet shell jack,et pip<=d :tU round
SI Andrew
Men-at-Arms Series TITLES ALREADY PUBLISHED JAI'A..'\"E.Sr. ,\R~l"" Of WORLD W,\R II fill. !\IO:\l.\\,\I.T. 111UG.\DE 101m Stlty Phl1l!J WPM'" MO!\TC.\L~t'S AR~IY Mo.tllf W ~
Till:, U1_\CK WATCII CJu"luGTtIlfI tR ..: ,'CIIIORI:IG;\ I,f.CIOX MUtlm Wun:inJw 100'1 CRLSADltRS OF TI-IE Ca':.\RD CM,lts (;'dlfl TTTl. IRO:\ URIC,\!)E ].hr
CII.\SSt:LKS OF TIl£. Ct.:.\RD I'dn J-., M",'iJr U'iJIdtw&, TIlE COl.T)'5TRr_\~1 Gl.:l\RDS C/uulu C'aR' l' .S. c.\ \'ALR \' loAlf ,';,/6J Til., ,\RAU I.EGIOX l'rltr r-.r ROY.\!. SCOTS GRF.\'S CAUtW (j'1Vt1 \\.\FlI",:"-SS
.\R ;VI.I, A:\"D SUTIIERI..,\:-;O HIGH1~\;-';D1~RS
WIl/UI11l ,\f(EJlJ;tt:
'111E: CO:-':\"AL'GIfT RA.:"G£:RS Al_ SJrtf1xrtJ
30111 PVX.J;\U1S }tD1ItS l.ArrflmJ (a:QRGE \\'ASllli\'GTOi\"S ;\R~IY I'tln roun( TJ IF. BUFFS G"Iar:t Blaxlond I.Ut-T\,'ArFE .\IRI}QRXE Ai\'D FIELU L')\ITS .\Jtz1tin U'ilH/tOlU TIlE 50\'I[.T ARMY ,-tl6nt &a/olr U:XIIED ST,.\lr:s ~IMU:\'E COKfl:S ]oJ/ltSr:/by ·IIIE COSSACKS Albn! Stoltm m.OCIIER'S AIU1V I',t" TilE rAi\'Z~R I)IVI810:\,S Ma"in U'intJrvw ROVAL ARTII.... L1~RY W. 1'. CtJrmo"
TI-II:: KIi\'C'S RECI~tE:-'T At..tr S1Itp1Nrd -I HE Rt;, IAi\' ,\R~IY OF TilE i\',\POLEOXIC ,,'ARS ,-I1Mt Stotq,f 1m: [:\GUSII CI\'IL WAR. AR!>IIES Pttn) __.t TilE RLiSSIA::\' AR!>IY OF TIlE CR1!>tE.\ ,UlwtSttztM
THE 81J\CK BRl,;XSWICK ERS Otltl_ Puu AuSTRD-HUl"G,\RIAi\" ;\RMY OF THE XAroLEO~IC W"RS Al~l &• • TIlt: AMERIC.\~ j'ROVIi\'CIAL CORPS Phil,pK.td:o WELU;-.;GTO:\'S £'E:-lI:-:SUJ_o\R. AR!>IY ]anuJ Liru-forli THt: AUSTRO·IIU:\C,"RI.\N AR~n' OF THE SEVE.'\" YEARS W.'R Almt Stoton 1 HE ARMY OF TIIF. GER~1Ai\' 1::~fJ'IRE 1870-1888 Albnt S~o(.Qn FREDERICK TI-IE CRE.\T'S .·\R~IY Albnl Stlllim TilE RO~1A:" ARMY FRO!>I CA[.S.\R TO TR:\JAi\' Midultl Simkins TI-IE BRITISH ARMY OF TilE CRI~IEA
]. n.
Otto ~'llll 1';'*0 WOLFE'S AR:\IY
Robi'l May
FUTURE TITLES INCLUDE ~.\POL£Oi"'S "OUSII 'I ROOI'S TI-IC IlRIT1SI1 ARMY IN i\'ORTT-l 0110 'Oil Pltko I\M~RICt\ 177~178~ Rolii" Mtl,1
llh~I~~A~~~/~i£~I;o".s nQRDERERS
TilE ARMY OF THe I'OTO~1t\C PhilIp Irakhu
TilE ARMY OF ~ORT"ERj\'" \·IRGI;\'tA PhiliP KOlehn
TilL .\~lI:Klc.\.'\" WAR 1812-1814 I'hlilp "auk"
LIEUTENANT-COLONELJ. B. R. NICHOLSO (Re.d.) was educated at BCilumont, followed by the Royal ~llililary College, Sand hurst. He sef\-cd with lhe 18th Kin!; Edward Vll's Own Cavalry and was invalided oul allhe end of the Second World 'Var. He is now editor of the military history magazine, Tradition, and ha'S wrillen prolifically on military costume, wcapons and allied ~llbjeels. He is a prominent member of the Scaled Knot.
£1·95 ne' (in e.K.
158:'1: 0
226 0