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BritisA ubrsfj Calsloguillg ill Publica/ion Dala
HaYthor!lthw;\itc, Philip J. 'Ille Russian ann)' of the ~apolconic Wars.(:.olell-al-arms series; t85) I: Infantry, t]99-18t4 I. Russia. Amliia-Equipmcllt-HislOry 2. Russia. Amli,iJ-Unifonns-HislOry 3. Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1814-uluipmcnt and supplies I. Tilll' II Series :iSS·Woll}] UC4 65· S65
Filmsct in Greal Britain Prillll.-d through Bookbuilders Ltd, Hong Kong
AclmowledgenU!:DlS, and author's Dote:
Phonetic translations of Rossian proper names from the original Cyrillic SCripl ~uh in considerable variations, often dependent upon the language into which the Russian is ~ndered: hence 'Tula' ma)' be found as 'Toula' in French. In this book the most common usage has been adopted, C\fen if the resulting translation is not philologicall}' perfect. For example: the Russian generals Wittgenstcin and Miloradov;ch ('Miloradowitsch' in German sources) would be mOSl corrcctly rendered as 'V'itg'elisti'cjn' and 'M'iloradov'ic' (cvcn though the fonner was of Prussian descent); but such translation would be tedious, and not in accord with the vcrsions usually found in Westcrn sources. Many sources on the Russian army arc in French or German, but English translations have been givcn where possible; e.g. 'Little Russia' is preferred 10 the 'Klein RussJand' which iJ found e\·ell in English-language works; though from common usage the Russian ·Litovsli' has been preferred to the translation 'Ulhuanian' in the title of one of the Guard regimenls, The author wishes to exlend special thanks to John Cox; Thomas E. DeVoe; and to H. V. Wilkinson for his help in supplying copies of carly sources, As usual, errors or omissions are the author's responsibilit)' alone.
The Russian Army of/he Napoleonic /fan (1 Tile Russioll Army The Russian army thai entered the French Revolutionary Wars had recently undergone an unusual change. In the later years of Cathcrine the Great (1762"""'96) it had been imprOVed by a process of modernisation instigatccl by her favourite Prince POIcmk..in; but when the unstable Czar Paul I acceded to the throne in I 7g6, this work was undone. Ilaul had for some years maintained a private army on his estate 31 Gatchina, which he had dotht.'Cl. and drilled in the style of Frederick the Great's Prussia, some 25 years oul of date. Driven by halred ofeverything associated with his mother, in 1 ovcmber 17cfi the Czarordcrcd the enure army to adopt the methods of Gatchina-a reLUrn to automatOll 1ikc drill and OUldated uniform. Among his most outrageous attempts to 'beaulify' the army was the lilling ofsted plates around the knees, to train soldiers to march stiff-legged; and the filling with shot of hollowed musket-butts to make a raule whilst drilling. Enlightened commanders were replaced by parade-ground martinets; even the vcteran Suvarov was disgraced, and employed only from nccessity. The Russian army which embarked on the European war in 1799 was thus hopelessly outdated; only on the Turkish /i'ontier was an clement ofpracticalily maintained. The murder of Paul I in 1796 by a coun conspiracy, and the installation of his son as Czar .\lexandcr I, allowed the modernisation of the Russian army to recommence, though for some time the tyranny of Catchina was prolonged by Alexei Arakcheev, Paul's favourite, who cominued to exert influence. He became minister of war in 1808, but fortunately resigned in ,810, when he was replaced by Barclay de Tolly, an officer ofScouish descent, who became the Russian army's greatest inAuence for good. 4
The Russian army was as vast as the ten'itory from which it was drawn. In 1795 the College of War calculated that the regular ann)' amounted to 541,741 men, plus 46,601 enrolled cossacks, and at least a funhcr 100,000 irregular ca\'alry which could be mobilised in time of war. The infantry unilS existing at this time included: II regiments of grenadiers, 4,075 men each. and 3 regiments of between 1,000 and 3,000. 5' rcgimenlSofmusketccrs, each often musketeer and two grenadier companies, each regiment numbering 2,424.
M"lI:-.a1 (left) ....d officer (riShl), Gre_din... C,'7» The Hrtn..>1 wnu hi~ carlridge be. 0.. the f.... nl of hi" wa..lSI bell., as carried by IhoH NCO" ,orn>", wilh n>u"keu.. (EagraviDg diU Vi.....ovatov)
uft Grenadier. Lifeguard
c.Bo •. This
iU .."tra'es the "ery Pruss;a"_'''yl.. uMorm ord..rrd by Czar Paul t, the b... lI\s-f....... ,ed CIlp haviog an ....am..lled eagle device. Colouring as for Pla.e A,. (Engraving afte .. Viskova,ov) NiX}" Infantry, .:.1Iloo; a contemporary popular print. While nol 1I."cu.ra." in e..ery detail,;' shows such int"~Sling ru,ures as the c:alfskin knapsack used on campaign, aDd (!i~ond righ.) a
cartridge hoI on the fron. of ,he waisl ~h. The officer (,..:Ireme ler.) wl'.. r ...he large gorge. and gauntl...s, and carries a sponloon Or half-pike; at ex'rt:lIle righ. th.. gllunLl.. ted figure is an NCO who carries the pol.. ofa company fanion or mark.. r Rag. Note theil'll metal Canleen positioned at ,he 'I'n bol1om corner. (Engraving aft.... L Ebn.... )
7 rcgimcnLS or musketeers without grenadiers, and one 4-banalion musketeer regiment of 4,143 men. 12 muskctcer baualions of 1,019 men, and three of ',475. 58 garrison battalions, tOlalling 82,393 men. 9 Jager corps 3,992 strong, and three Jiiger corps of 2,994. 4 regiments of Polish infantry, each 1,447 strong.
Recruitnlentj and Character Atthe time ofAlexander I's accession he ruled some 43,785,000 people, and thus possessed unlimited manpower. Over half the male population were serfs tied to agricultural estates-virtual slaves to be bought and sold, in 1777 only three per cent ofRussians lived in towns. Treated as chauels, the serfs provided the army's recruits, serving on 25-year enlistmcnt (lifetime enlistment prior to 1793) and garnered by conscription; with no leave permilled, they rarely if ever saw their families again after enlistment. Conscription was by a levy on the 'souls' entered on tax rolls, a quota which might vary from two men per 500 souls in peacetime to one in 20 at time of crisis. I n some years no levy was made, whereas in 1812 there were three levies, each of up to five men per 100; the 1805 levy offom per 500 produced 110,000 recruits. As substitute conscripts could be bought, many landowners surrendered only their most inefficient scrfs, resulting in an army which was totally illiteratc. His civilian standard of
living being wretched, the Russian soldier was content with the most miserable of rations and conditions, and thus a huge army could be maintained at minimum COSL Excluding his grain ration, in 1805 an infantryman's annual maintenance (g! rubles) cost:d rubles less than his clothing! The Russian soldier, ho\\,e\'cr, POSSCSSf..'d unique qualities. Though 'born to endure every kind of oppression and misery, they arc liule more than beasts-lumpish, rap....cious and insatiable beyond belief, according to one contemporary opinion, they possessed extraordinary steadiness, stubbornness and loyalty to their officers, their Czar and their religion. Sir Robert \Vilson, who campaigned with them, is often quoted: 'The infalllTy is generally composed of athletic men bet\\'ccn the ages of 18 and 40, endowed with great bodily strength, but generally ofshon stature, with marLial countenance and complexion; inured to extremes of weather and hardship; to the WOfSt and scamiest food; to marches for dap. and nights, of four hours" repose and six hours' progress; accustomed to laborious toils, and the carriage of hea\'y burthcl1s; ferocious, but disciplined; obstinately brave, and susceptible of cnthusiastic excitements; devoted to their sovereign, their chief, and their country. Religious without being weakened by superstition; patient, docile, and obedient; possessing all the characterisLics of a barbarian people, with the advantages engrafted by civilization' . A French view that 'lis S01l1 des biles, mau 0" peul fllfr 1111' bitt' ('They arc animals-but animals can be killed') gave way to grudging respect. As Marbot noted in amazement, ' ... the Russians had to be beaten down man by man. I sa\V individuals defending themselves as confidently as if they had been in the midst of their battalions. I noticed others, ready to collapse from multiplc wounds, loading their muskets as coolly as on the drill square'. Inspired by the icons paraded b}l thcir priests before battle, the Russian infantry were capable of astonishing feats and lotal, blind obedience to orders. Marhet recalled that at Golymin in 1807, '... our soldiers fired upon them at twenty·five paces, they continued their march without replying . . . every regimcm filed past, without saying a word or slackening its pace for a mOIllCIH. The stn=els were filled \\~th dying and
Lia.. iaf.... try, .".1100, from • «l.u..mporary ....,;raviog. Grno.adius (Iefl) ......d ....tUi..d by Ih.. ir miln alp'" .rod th.. g.......de bad,;" ia the "0'"-" of the eutrid,;.. bo::o: flap; .... of!i.,..r (right) ........" a ... igum.... l .. 0" his riShl shouldu and earri... a spo.Uooro. Th.. _au on b;,. imm..dlal.. oiShi carriK a fotIitHt or battalion marker Oas.
wounded, but not a groan was heard, for they were forbidden. YOLI might have said that we wcre firing at shadows. At last our soldiers dmrged the Russian soldiers with the bayonet, and only when the)' pierced them could they be convinced that the)' werc dealing with mcn'. When desperately wounded the Russian soldier \vould drag himself eastward simply to die a few yards nearer his homeland; well might J. S. Stanhope rcmark that 'They really seemed to be made of differem stuR' from other men: their frames and sinews were, apparently, as hard as their minds. . thcy only want a liule more activity to make them superior to all othcr troops ... a little more educatioll, tOO; for now they arc merely machines. Much of this loyalty arosc Ii'om the almost feudal organisation of regiments in the earlier years; as the Russian-born Pomeranian officer friedrich v. Schubert remarked, it was usual for a commanding officcr 10 remain wilh his regiment for many years, 'so that his name became idcl1tifif.."
will, out or attachmcnt to him, gladly cndure privations, which would not he tolerated oul or mere obedicnce', The casualties and expansion or the army in 1812-14 led 10 the cxperienced officers being distributed thinly, so thai the reudal character was losl: '... Ihe generals and officcrs became more knowh..-dgeable . , , and bit by bit thc whole army took on Ihe character orchessmen', But the abiding image orthe Russian soldier is that described by the colonel or the Izmailovski Lireguard whilst losing 777 men at Bordino: '. , , the enemy fire destroyed our ranks, but railed 10 produce any disorder among F usllier (the ·ord ..,.. eompanie. of. Cren.dier reP-ment)' in th., uniform nf p Sos- The f..511ier cap _5 K5e1>tiaUy • more squat ..·ertlio of 1M ..utn>, in th., 5.LlDe eolOUJ"inJl: and m.,tal •• the taDer cap or Ihe rqiment'. Ire....dierL (Priat puhlished by Edward Orm" i. '107)
the men. The lines simply closed up again and maintained discipline as coolly as ir they had been on a musketry exercise', Officers By general consent, Russian officers were the worst in Europe, 'very deficient in intelligence and activity, , , little betlcr than scmi·barbarians', according 10 Bunbury, Linc officers were rccruited rrom the minor gentry, and though supposcd to leam their trade as NCOs most wcre promoted in absentia, and thus joined their units scarcely literate and unfit to command, The higher ranks wcre occupied by the nobility; so, with limited promotion opportunities, Line officers lived a lire or obscurity, and usually 'spent their time drinking, gambling or sleeping', Even Ihe pro-Russian Wilson thought them 'disqualified by the neglect or education, and the absence orthosc accomplishments which should distinguish officers', An Austrian commelll is C\'cn more critical: 'They are absolutely useless ror anything that has to do with manoeuvre, and in this respect the ordinary French soldier is worth more than all the officers or the Russian army put together. The Russians are brave enough in combal, but their gallantry goes ror nothing because they do not know how to direct it or usc it to strike home, They charge with the bayonet, , , but they are so clumsy that they never manage to catch anyone', The higher ranks were riddled with ineptitude: Adm. Chichagov dismissed Gen. Markov in [812 because despite being 'bedecked with ribbons and covered with stars, , , on maps he conruscd roads with rivers', A more extreme case was that or the seplUagenarian Irishman Gen. Lacy, commanding in lhe Mediterranean theatre in 1805, who 'showed no trace or ever having been a man or talent or inrormation,., At the councils orwar ... he used to bring his nightcap in his pocket, put it on, and go to sleep while others discussed the business'. This quality or Russian officers rt"Sultcd in the employment orroreigners in increasing numbers, as officers migrated LO Russia arter the dereat or their own countries, They were generally disliked and distrusted; even the Czar's brother Duke Constantine explained the retreat in 1812 by saying: 'What can we do? It isn'l our rauh ... It is not Russian blood thaI flows in the veins or the man
who ommand u .
Discipline Oi iplin "a nfor d with barbarit and a tb rfi w r inur d to flogging baling b the ane fth ir CO w I' quit a pt d. Paul I Tactical
..OM F
Russian infantry battalion in column: lhree varieties. Each block represents a platoon (half-COlDpany), i.n three ranks. 'C represent lhe position of the Colour-e cor.., 'D' the drUIDIDer and 'M' the lDusician . In each ca e lh usual gap between platoons was one ar.~"in (28 inches). Top left:' At'tack CoIUIDD'; fOp right, 'Closed column by platoon ; !J"t/om: Closed colmnn by division'. The latter could be varied into a doubJe column' when the gap between the two columns would be wi.dened and the Colour-escort positioned between the two leading platoon.
RllleJ r 1797 laim d Lhal lh· 'oldi I' wiIJ do morc for an officer who treat him w II and wins hi trust than on h imply fear . Bar lay tat d that Lh Ru. ian .oldi I' P . . s all th high r militar virtu . H rav k n doted and r liable. e ha e no need to resort to cruelty . n equentl and KULUZOV xhorted hi offie r to in rill di cipline by warrior spirit and patriotic fervour in t ad of brulalit . But alLh ugh th cru Ity wa thus reduced the Ie el of violence continued to appal foreign ob er r. The brutish existence of the Rus ian serfma explain the atrocities committed in 1812 (though the e were p rpetrated mainly by partisan band ), and the Ru sian oldieI' habit of lootin hi n m . though wedi h I' pOl' of depredations again l them in 18 8 laimed that the
Ru ian inIantry battalion drawn up in line, each company in lhree rank , two platoon per company. Ke): I = Cst Company; 2 ~ 2nd Company; 3 = 3rd Company; B = Battalion cOlDmander (mounted); C = Captain; 0 = Drummers; E _ EnBign with Colour; F = Fifers; G ~ Gr nadier platoon of Grenadier Company; L = Lieutenant; M = Drum major; N = NCO, S = Second lieutenant 'cadet officer; T Tiraill ur platoon of Grenadier ompany.
Russian infantry company drawn up in line, lhree ranks deep. Key: A = Captain; C -= Cadet; DF = DrUlDlDer IFifer ; L = Lieutenant, = NCO; M = Sergeanl Major; = Second Lieutenant.
• • ••
four major fi e captains e en aptain 2nd class 12 lieutenants [2 2nd-lieutenants 12 ensigns 12 cad ts 12 erg ant-major, 12 t ndard-b ar I' 1'2 aptain -at-arm ( ompan arm ur r ) 72 I 2 gr nadier nin musician, thr drum-maj I' 36 drummer ei ht fi~ a quaneI'm t I' and a tr a urer (b th lieut nams) an DC 01 nel-in-chief. three battalion three pI' , a pri t and two altarboys se en urgeon 13 ho pital staff. 1'2 barber 51 craftsmen and 54 train personn I. usketeer regiment w r imilar ex ept that they had 564 grenadier and 1 I 8 mu ket er and eight musician' Jagers similar but eight captain and four 2nd aptain' n aptainat-arm gr nadier or I' Ijgiou talf: fiv mLl j ian 24 drummer fiv horni t· in t ad fiCi I' , lIin admini trati staff, 19 medi al ta(f 41 train p rsonn I and I 120 Jag I' . nd I' Paull, th Rus ian army copied the Pru ian tyl of naming its regim nt after the olon I' A1 xand I' I retumed to the pra tice of naming ach I' gim nt from its [Own or pro inee thu gi ing ontinuity of tid and a n of 10 aJ identity. mil 1806 regiment continued to be group d in In pection' or inspectorate a h In p tion having its own fa in olour' th I' wa no p rman nt organi arion larg I' than th regim nt whi h I' ated appallin probl m when an army took to the field. In 1805 the infantr comprised 77 regiment and two battalion of mu ket er 13 I' gim nt of grenadiers and 20 of Jag rs (ex fuding th uard and garri on battalion)' the ilitary R form Commi ,ion pIa ed aU I' gim nts on a uniCi rm establishment of 2,'256 men for mu·k t ers and grenadiers, and 1,385forJag I' .In 18 mo t fth Inspections w I' aboli h d and I' pIa d (for th fir t time) by onventionaJ Divi ion num I' d 1-18 a hOi i. ion ha in tw mu 'k t I' and ne Jag r bri ad each bl;gad f two I' gimenl.. In IS 7 d1 auc u In pe cion b cam th 19th and th Divi in, and new 2 I t and 22nd Divi ion w I' ~ rmed. In 1808 the lasl In pections, I' mburg and iberia be ame lh 23rd and 24Lh Divi ion resp ti el . and in 18 5th Divi ion wa formed with a third brigad' w ak I' than normal.
Ru sian infantry battalion in square. Each long block repre enlS a platoon, and each short hlock a half-platoon (or qu.a.rter-company) each three rank deep. wnbers indicate the company from which each platoon was drawn; 'C' indicate the position of the Colour-escort. Left: 'colwnn fortned hehind the centre of the battalion, adopted when there was insufficient titne to fortD a true square. RighT: a proper quare, with each .de facing outward . The 'long' ide of the square were thus three ranks deep and the short' sides six ranks deep.
whol Ru. ian nation w I' 'hard f barbarian. and savag' [from whom] v I' inhumanity that can be nam d or even thought r. rna be expected' mo 1 for ign b ervers I' I' ed thi critici m for th co a '. t a higher Ie el, di ciplin could be nIi reed b public di gra : for xampl, an ina curat r port from tb th r1and eampai n in 1799 I d to som regim nt bing puni hed b bein forbidden to play th ' r nacli I' ' ar h , hi h ha driv n th m ro de pair' th re t r cI the privileg aft I' th Ouk f 'I: rk tran mill d th true fa t .
OrgtlJzi a/ion t th a e sian of Jexander I in 18 I thre type of infantry regiments exi ted: grenadier muk t rs and Jagers (light infantr ) each regiment ha ing tw ballalion' on 3 pri] 1802 ea h was aLlocat d a third battalion. Ea h gr nadier and mu k t I' I' gim t had on gr nadi I' and two mu k t I' battali ns (th mu k t - I' or ordinal' Line infantry w I' t I'm d fu ili I' in grenadi r regiments). Ja r I' gim nt h d tw battalion of Jagr and one of carabinier (th latter term de ribing the grenadi r of Jager c rp ). Each mu k te r or fusilier battalion e mpri ed on n di r ompan and thre of mu keteer or fu iIi rs' ach Jag I' batt Ii n had n> carabini I' mpan and three ofJa . I' . In 1802 ach grenadi I' regiment comprised a olon I-in-chit>f. a e Ion I a lieu enant-col neI, 3
Th", 'Pol",-",kin' uni(or", .bolish~ by Culr P.ul I u..dud~ a ,hl and Ila., dilllu..eti"e ClIp willa PalilOh"lyl", Ir&as~'""''' ernl, • "., ioa o( which wa. retai.. ed (or so"'e linl., tim., hy th., Gu.rds. This eOluemporary prilu also sho_ Ihe cylu..drical valill'" or ........p ••ek, ..·0.... by the 6prn u.. Ilac bau.lroW>d.
.""",It.,1 ("
Reorganisation, 1811 Barclay de Tolly instituted major reorganisatiolls in t81O-11, by which the infill1tl)' was organiscd into Corps on thc French model, each Corps comprising t\\'o Divisions with a regimellt or brigade ofcavalry ami one or more artillery companies. I::ach Division was composed of two Line and one Jigcr brigade, cach brigade 01" two regiments of threc battalions each. Henceforth, 't:lite' slaws was no longer dependellt upon physiquc; inSlead orthe tallest men becoming grenadiers and thc smallCSI jagers, these appointments were made on mcrit: 'The slightest fault will deprive thejager and thc grenadier of his distinClion . , . not only carelessness in drill and similar mistakes, but any offence which is inconsistcnt with the good conduct and honour ofa crack soldier', In each baltalion, the firsl company was termed 'elile' (grenadiers in Infantry regiments-lhe term
G .... rdsme.. o( the Preohraje..slti, Semeno~'s'" aod bm.ilo"",ki Resimnus (lrft to "Kilt), C,I84t. The uaiquely-sbaped helm"l willa 1.r&DSVe-rse eresl .nd rear 'b." was • liller .-e....io.. o(lhe dassie 'Polemlt..., helmet abolisht!d by Paull; il was abandoaled by the Guard by 18o.j" Ilaou!;h wali Worn (or parade unlillhe (ollowiD! year. Note al_ I.he 'G..... rd' loops 001 Ilae collar and cuff ftap,,- (Eagravins a(ce... Vililtovaro")
'Mus~elccr' was replalcd b) 'ltllantry' in tSt l and carabiniers injagcr regiments). All companies had twO platoons; the plaloon of the elite company which stood on the right oftlte batlalioll was termed grcnadiers (carabiniers in lhcjagcrll), and the elite pilitoon which stood on lhe left was styled 'tiraillcurs'; the ra nk-and-filc of the remaining three companies continued to be termcd musketeers in Infalltry regiments, fusilicrs ill Grenadier regimellts, andjagers injagcr regiments, Thc prcvious mixed nature of regiments changed, Line regimellts no longcr possessing a grenadier battalion as they had before. Grcnadier regiments were taken from their original Divisions and formed illto elite Grenadier Divisions. The 1811 reorganisation left the internal structure of Infantry regiments largely unchanged and much as already described. Ihough captains
In each regiment th 2nd Bn. wa designated as a d pAt or I' s rv , th 1 t and 3rd Bn.. rving in th fild (the 3rd Bn. auld I b I' fi rr d to a the 2nd i.. th c nd field battalion). Th e d pOL battali n were kn wn as the upply 'm; in adcli ti n in 1808 training centres were establish d which could pro es 50--60 000 recruits at a time. The upply rmy wa not simply are 'erv ; hartly before th war of /8/2 it wa r organis d as an a tiv upport fore of thr ca all' and ight infantry clivi'ion' (106,000 infantry). In Mar h [8[2 the uppl rmy was mobilised (118 00 m n) and with 60 000 I' cruits, orne wont to form n w line regim nts in May and ]un . Th elite companies of depot battalions were detached and regiment d into on rg-d' I' ombin d gr nadi I' battalion a han. i till flhre ompani ofdifferent r giment but k ping th ompani of a Divi ion t gether; th combined grenadier wer alia at el to th fi lel army at two batta]j ns p I' Divi ion. Grenadiers, ... ,804' Both wear the ,8th century style of mitre cap, which was replaced by the shako for all except the Pavlov Regt. in 1805' ote the cylindrical knapsack with ntess tin strapped on; and the cartridge box bearing both the universal brass plaque embossed with a double eagle, and the eparate grenade in the corners, the distinction of grenadiers. Grenade badges were also always displayed upon the headband of the cap. (Engraving after Viskovatov)
long I' includd in th giment . In addition to a wagon-rna tel' and I train personnel th regim ntal transport ompany in luded an 001 er and fiv and a t rinary om er' the train compri d 12 amhulan 12 wagons 12 rationwagons, a I' gimental orR e-wagOIl and a toolwa on a h with fI ur horse; plus a regimental ch Sl, an apoth cary and a prj t s wagon with thr e horse each-part ofth hu baggag -train which were infam u for lowing th progres of the army. 1 hough th axon von hI' ken t in noted that the Russians 'haY !hi peculiarity that th y do not willingl relinquish a single wounded man ... ind d ifit i at all pos ibl the carry rh bodie of their ollicers away with them the mall number of medical staff and poor Ie el of treatment weI' -x mplifi d by Platov' r ply to the Czar s offer f m r urg on : ' d and our Majesty forbid' th fir f lh n myis not halfso fatal as one drug.
e tabli hm nt of lin
The grenadier mitre cap, retained throughout the '9th century by the Pavlov Regt. This illustration shows the uniform of ".,806, before the addition of chinscales at a later date. (Engraving after Viskovatov)
33rd Jagers: previously Lithuania Regt. (re·raiscd frOIll 31'd Gan'iSOIl Reg!.) 34th Jilgers: previollsly Vilna Regt. 35th jagers: previously Sofia Regt. 361h jagers: previously J)odolsk Regt. (re-raised from 4th Gan;son Regto) 3ith jagers: previously Voronezh Regt. (re-raised from lSI Garrison Regt.) 38th Jagers: previousl)' Galitz Regt. (re·raised from Imh Garrison Regt.) 39th Jagers: previousl)' Briansk Reg!. (re·raised from 2nd Garrison Regl.) 40th Jagers: previously Odessa Regt. 41St Jiigcrs: previollsly OrlO\' Rl·gt. 42nd Jagers: previously £Slonia Regt. re·raiscd from 6th Garrison Reg!./ 43rd Jagers: prcviously :\'ovgorod Regt. 44th Jagers: pre\'iously Veliki-Lutsk Regt. (re-raised from I Ilh Garrison Regt., 45th Jagers: previousl)' Penza Regt. (rc-raised from 12th Garrison Regt.) 4.6th Jagers: previousl), Saralov Regt. (rc-raised from 131h Garrison Regt.) (The 20thJagcrs was formed in 1803, 21S1 and 22nd in 1805, and 23rd-:J2nd in 1806). The 47th-49thJagers were formed inJanuary 1811 from the 5th, 7th and 8th Garrison Regts. respecti ....e1y; the 49th was cOll\'erted to a new Sofia Infantry in March 181 I. but re·raiscd wilh a new 50th Jagers in October 1811.
Supply Anny units were gcneraJly much weaker than fina·line unils, the depOt battalions having Iirsl sem drafts to their regimelll's field battalions as well as losing their elite companies to Ihe combined grenadiers. In 1812, for example, the 32nd Division was formed from the depOts of the 1st (Grenadier), II th and 23rd Divisions, numbcringonly about 300 per battalion (i.e. kss than halfstrength); thc 32nd's ninc ballalions were organised into thc 1st and 2nd Combincd Infant!'y and a Combincd Jager Regimcnt (depOts of the 1 nh, 18th and 36th JagcI'S). Being so much weaker in strength, a Division's combined grenadier regiment (one company from each of six battalions), forming two battalions of three companies each, was used as a reservc brigade in the Corps 10 which they were allocated (thc 32nd's grenadiers served with J Co,·ps).
Some changl"S of !'egimental designation occurred during this period. in OClober 1810 the regimel1ls lisled in Table I were converted to Jagers. with most of the Jnfantry being rc·raised in January 1811 from the previous Garrison Regiments. Also in October new Vilna, Odessa, Simbirsk and Tamopoll nfalllry were formed. Jn November
1811 many regiments rt.'Ccivt.'(\ a 4th Bn., known as a 'reservc' baualion, which in ~Iarch IBI2joined the 2nd Bns. in the 30th-471h Di\'isions of the Supply Army. In January 1811 the RoslOv Reg!. was converted 10 the Arakchccv Grenadiers (the only unit to bear a personal name); and in 1813 lhe Kc.xholm and Pernau regiments were cOIl\'crted to grenadiers, replacing the Pavlov Grenadiers which had joined the Guard. In April 1814 the 1st, 3rd, 8th, 14th, 26th and 29th Jiigcrs were designated Grenadier-Jagers, but relained their numbers. On active service strengths fell far below tbe eSlablishmellt of 738 eflcctives per battalion: al the beginning of the 1812 Ciunpaign, for example, infant!)' battalions averaged around 600 each, whieh dwindled as the war progressed. As Lord Londonderry reported in 1813, "rlle baualiOllS were so weak Ihal tlu'ee or four scarcely formed a regiment, and seldom exceeded 250 or 300 men'. Drill and Tactics Initially, training dcpcnd(.'(\ upon the command.ing officer, so that a regiment with a bad CO might be useless. Manoeuvres conformed to Ihe t\tili/ary Codt Concerning lhe Fitld StnJice of Infanl':.' (I ;96) and Tactical Rula for .\lilitary E~'(Jll/lio"s (1797) which.
being inspircd by Paul I, stressed appearance, the soldier marching with motionlcss right arm and the left cxtended, holding the musket upright, with no bending of the knee in a goose-step. Rate of march was 75 paces per minute, Arakcheev introducing a 'quick' step of 110, and later a quicker one of 120-160. Paul's 1796 Code sought to impose Prussian-sryle linear tactics, with emphasis upon the firepower of the three-rank platoon and rolling voUey, wilh platoon column the basis of manoeuvre. Dismissing the Code as 'a rat-eaten parchment round in the corner of an old castle', Suvarov rejeCled linear tactics in ravour or a mass attack with the bayonet, and in practice the 1796-97 Codes seem to have been less significant than the ideas orthe individual commander, Suvarov's theories having influenced his subordinates. Kutuzov staled in October 1805 The brass.fronled m;tre cap relained by the Pavlov Rrgl. was a unique headdress, the I;lyle having been abandoned by all olber annieS;;1 was therefore a favourite subjert wilb foreign arlists. This engraving purports to show Ibe Pavlov Regt. a, Friedland; the uniform ill generally weeurale bUI it demonsln""" the ;n'pn!ss;on erealed hy the uSe of Ihis anliqualed headgear. (Engraving by P;geol after J. F. Swebaeh)
that 'We shall orten have to exploit the particular prowess orthe Russians in bayonet allacks'. and in 1812 Bagration procJaim(.-d the maxim that 'The cannon-ball is a roolish virgin and the bayonet a wise virgin'. The great rerormer Barela)' stressed the importance or target-practice in 1810, and in IBII issued Instructions for Target Practice and Code of Infantry Service, tbe latter again advising moderation in discipline: 'reserve chastisement only ror occasions or earcJessl1('''-~, though even bere you must proceed with moderation and prudence'. Upon the expansion of the anny in 1812, training was reduced to a minimum; as Kutuzov wrote, 'Teach them to turn and to march as a rronl in platoons and in sections. Do not look ror any kind of beauty', or burden the men with anything which might detract rrom 'the essentials of the business'. The three-deep line was the accepted rorlllation ror maximising firepower, but manoeuvre was conducted in column, either a double column or platoons or ·sl."Cuons', or a single column or 'divisions', each company being termed a 'division' for the purpose or manocuvre. Ideal ror charges, columns were
1..r"..II')' officer, ('.I80s ..,. The bico.... hal wilh bl"ck plume ...d sold loop conti..uftl in use even .rler the introdacpon or the shako, roO' WUr in und",u and even on canJpa1gn (....officially). NOle the la«-edged .houlder strap.., _hich _ere repLacftl by epaulel1" io '1107. (Eagravi..g .f'u Visko..... tov)
'80s..,. Most obv;o..s is Ihe enormou", plun:lt:, .....owa hy il" Germ.... term iHtJc"A; hut nOte also the g ..e...de badge, the ...t;o...1 eockade (with a loop behind it, or lhe IWIme maleria!, almOin hidden by Lbe pompo
extremely vulnerablc to artillery fire, and after horrendous casuahies had been sustaill(:d at Borodino there was an immedialC change to longer and thinner formations. Ostensibly light infamr}'. the Jagers comprised almost a third of the infantry, blll in practice seem to have differed lillie from Linc units, though trained to a greater degree at marksmanship and traditionally possessing higher morale. The extent to which they were able to act as skirmishers is undear; certainly prior to 1807 their skills were extremely limited, much probably depending upon regimental practice, as no light infamry manual existed until 1818 except the Guard's own Principles for the OjJtra/io1/s of Tiraifleurs. As late as t833 the manuaJs in usc werc so vague that full scope was permitted for the ceccmricitics of regimcntal commandcrs, so that tactics u.st."d during the Napoleonic era must have been e\'en more une\'en. Each platoon had an NCO and 12 marksmen
originally armed with rifles, who could be detached as skirmishers. Initially skinnish·formatiollS were in two lincs, though later a reserve was provided, and when required apparently whole regiments cOllld be deployed in sllch a role, the carabiniers forming the reserve. The ability to skirmish was n,r below that of the French, and many oflhcJiigel's deployed as skirmishers al Borodino performed remarkably badly. Whereas Line units formcd square when threatened by c.·walry, skirmishcrs engaged the enemy with musketry at 150 yards and then gathered in small knots to hold off the ca"alry. Apparently Line regiments also received some training in skirmishing, with the tiraillellr sections of grenadier eompanic.;s filling the primary role.
G~dier ~h.ko,
The Guard The Czar's Lifeguard was the ornament of the Russian army; foreign obscn'ers were unanimous about their excellence. Wilson noted that' ... there
cannOI be a nobler corps, or one of more warlike description, and lhe simplicily of lhe dress givc.~ 10 lhe man the full character of his figure and miell'. Londonderry reponed " , , a wide diflcrcnce between the staple of lhe Russian Army and lhe Emperor's guards, The laller arc very select .. nOlhing, indeed, can be superior. The grenadiers of lhe guard are generally very mll men . lhe discipline and well-dn."Ssed . stalC of these men arc vcry imposing, .. Lady Burgersh thought them '. , , a sigh I too lllagnificelll to be described! The exlreme care and cleanliness of their dress is quile beallliful ... the Emperor's lootguard are all picked mcn, lhe handsomest of the empire ... all gigantic; thcy arc Will posed of the taJJesllllell in Russia; their «lats an' all padc!t.·d to stun' out their chests and J
Grenadier drununer (ten) and NCO musician (righl), wearing the original shako (,80507)' NOle thai the NCO has the usuat distincdons of rank: cufT_ .. nd coll......lace, gtoves and can.,; he .. Iso has a roo plun,e with white lip, ..n exira ehevron on each sl~ve, and laced se'''nS on the eoalee, Bolh .....ear the winler bools. Note the point.,d lace loops on Ihe right breast of the eoalee, and similar loops on each cufT nap. (Engraving afler Viskovatov)
widen their shouldcn;, and therefore the)' really look like statues. . Don't think I exaggcrate, for everyone raves of them'. Even Napoleon remarked lhat 'I was surprised at lbe precision and assurance of this infantry ... an army so well disciplined and of such extraordinary firmness would be the firsl in the world if, 1.0 these qualities, it unitcd a little of lhe cleco'ic enlhusiasm of the French'. Officcrs were drawn Ii'om thc nobility and were probably no more proficient than those oftbe Line; von Schubert nOled that they were 'the local poim of the balls and evcry othc,' kind of sociclY. They were nOlable lor their education and good manners, if not for their morals, and the general ellcct was probably enhanced by lhc presence of large Hum bcrs ofemigres of the lcading families of France who werc serving lhnc·. 1111prcssi\"c thouJ4h t1wy Grenadi.,rs, ,808 09t show;ng Ihe s.,eoDd pall.,rn of knapsack. The shako is as re-slyled ,. ..ith leather reinforcing in '1lo7, wilh the triple-f1an,ed grenade hadge of ,808; Ihe "'Iu;pm~nt predales the introduction of II breasl Slrap conne.,t.ing Ihe knapsllck straps, ordered in April .Bog. (Engraving after Viskovatov)
Subahcrn (1"",) and firld olli"",.. of r;rcnadic'l"S, .Bog II. The ,808 shako with ,riple-O.....ed S"raIadc bad".. (panl)' o ~..ed hn-e by,"'" cords) has .he cord. adoplC!d u. .8og, ..';Ib th" nUl"
_lell plume rtpl..,,1NI ....8". 111.. field offiu.r
rpaul"n-,; aoll! ..1_ the officers' cockade, bean_" the Imperial cypher. The ....bah..m'• •hako has .. foldi..!: oeclo:protector, wkic" wali .boliliihed in .8.'L (En5raviar; an"..
Viskowa.o y )
Officers i .. Undrtli uniforn,. wr.oriog singlc-bne-_.ed coalees aad ridial!: boot... The uadr.. 't1 ooatee i. devoid of ...... usual ... nk iasill:nia, bu. the figure :1.1 ler. wr.ou lac" loops on .b" rolla .. and ClifT... the dis.i.."t;"" insignia of only 00"' line r,"!"imrn" '.he Lir.. Grtnadicrs (whkh became pan of .he Guard in April 181]~ (Enllra..in8 .fter Viskon,oYj
Hi!:11l Gr..nadierli, Ekal .. rinosl... G .."nadj"r Rest., 18.~ '4. This illustra ...... h .. "hapo: of .h.. c:onc:u·~lopped .8'2.pallu'fI ~';""n, willi ils I.riple-Oamed grC:Dad.. badg." bras!' cbillscal.,. and cords; Ih., IDw.,r, closed collar; and Ih .. r"/lim.,nlal should.,r sirap b.,aring Ih .. id.,nlifying inili ...1 'E'. (EnJraving arlu
appeared, howcver, their habits wcrc disconcening: whcn they were givcn a banquet by Napoleon's Guard at Tilsit, Coignet was appalled to see them tcal" the meat with their hands, swallow goblets of wine at a gulp, and finding thcmselves unable to clear the tahle. making themselves vomit so as to begin again: 'thus they made three meals at olle dinller', Sueh behaviour (like that ofthosc Russians temporarily quartered in the Isle of Wight, who drank the oil out of the public lamps) was the cause ofother nations reg-arding the Russians as but scmicivili...cd. The Guard infantry OIiginally consisted of three f."lmOliS regiments: Ihe Prt..'Obrajenski (four battalions in I Boo). Scmenovski and 1zl11ailo\'Ski (three batlalions), and a baualion ofJii1{ers, all hatlalions
being offour companies. A Sl.."'Cond Jager battalion was raised III 1806, and the unit thus becamc a re~iment. In April 1808 an Imperial i\lilitia Battalion was raised from peasants on the Czar's estates; a second battalion was raised in ISo;. and the regiment was l'c-n;lIncc! the Finland Guard Regiment. In Febmary 181 t tht, Guard was reorganised similarly to lhe Line: all had Ix'ell grcnadit.,r.; before, but now the Preobrajenski, Scmeno\'ski and Izmailo\'ski changed the names ofthcir companies so that cach battalion comprised olle gn:nadier and three fustricr companit:s, the grenadier companies being di\'ided into platootls of' grenadiers (carabiniers in the Jiiger Reg!.) and tiraillcurs. In November tSt I a Lithuaninn (LilO\'ski) Guard !In. was raised as light inf~ntl'Y like the Jiigers, and became a rcgiment at the end 01" the year when a second battalion was raised; at lhe samc time the 4th Bn. of the Prcob.-.Uellski was transfcrrcd to the Finland Regt. to make il a thrt'e·baltalioll corps, Also in t811, the Guard was organised into a Division of' three bl'igadcs, the tSt lkle. being tbe Preobrajcnski and ScmcIlovski, the2l1d Izmailo\'ski and Lito\'ski, and the 3rd Finland and Jiigers. In April t813 the Life Grenadiers and Pavlov Grenadiers wcre raiSI.:d to Guard status, and retitled the Lifeguard Grenadiers and P"vlm' Guard Grenadiers, and the Cuard was then split into t\\"o Di\·isions: IS/ Div.: 1st Ikle,: Preobrajenski and Sel11l'l1o\'Ski
Guard regimellt \vcre nOi hastily-assembled 01' halrtraincd: Cathcart notcd inJanllar), 1814th
Ullif0171ZS: Patti J (179 6-1801)
Officers in win'er field uniform, ... ,80S' The grelllC:oal (left) is a longer w,,.,,ion of ,h... usual frock...,.,al; Ihal al righl is a larger garment wi,h cal,e. (Engraving ..fler Viskovuo,')
2nd Bde.: Izmailovski, J5gers and Guard Equipage Un. (marines, formed :\'1arch 181 '2) :md Dil!.: 1St Bde: Lito\"ski and Lifeguard Grenadiers 2nd Ikle: Pnvlov, Finland and Guard Sapper Bn. (formed 1812) Establishment ofa Ihree-battalion rcgiment was as follows: a eolonel-in-chief (the Czar), a regimental commandcr, three battalion commanders, six colonels (as majors in the Line, bUI ranking higher in the Guard), thrce captains, nine 2nd captains; 12 each of Iieulenants, 2ndlieUlell
iments, whose batlalions had '20 i'\COs and 400 .lagers, Unlike some reinforcements sent to the line, those despatched 10 Ihe three field battalions ofeach
Prince Potemkin'S rc!orms during the last dccade of the reign of' Calherine the Great produced one or the mOSI rllllctional uniforms in E.urope, abolishing the typical features of the 18th century, The cocked hat was replaced by a peaked helmel, the tail-coat by a Polish-style shonjackct (kuflka), and breeches and gnilers by reinforced, loose trOllsers: hail' powder and queues wcre abolished. 'fhe 'Potemkin uniform' was itsclf'abolished by Pallll's regression Grenadier o£fic.. r (/,j,) and sergeant, .8'
to 111(.' styles of FI'edcrick the Great: back camc
pipt.'clay. 1>O\\'dered hair and outdated costullle, a retrograde Stl'P viewed with a~;tonishmclll by military theorists in other countries, To Sir Henry Hunbury, who served alonb"Side the Russians in thc Netherlands in 1799. the)' appeared to havc stepped from the pages of history: '. , . exactly the stin~ hard, WOOdCIl machincs which we ha\'e reason to figure to ourselvcs as thc Russians of the Se\'cn Years' \\·ar. Their dress and ccluipmcl\ls scemed to ha\'e rcmaincd unaltered: lhey waddled slowly forward to thC' tap-tap of tht'ir monotonous drums: and if they werc beatcn thc) \\ addlt:d slowl} back again, \\'ithout appearing in cither casc to fL'C1 a scnse of danger, or Ihe expediency of taking ultra tap-tap su'ps to bellcr their condition'. Thc re-introduced 18th-cclltul)' st)'lc included a co.lt in the traditional Russian dark green, wilh facings co10llred according to the system of "Inspections' which grouped regiments upon a gL"Ographical basis. The double-breasted coal had a falling collar and was closed to the waist. though could hOI\'(' coloured, lumed-back lapels; turnbacks and skirt-lining were scarlet. ~lusketcrrs wore the bicorn, grcnadiers wearing metal-frOIllt..'d mitre caps in Prussian style, and fusiliers lower mitre caps. Guard regiments wore an open-fronted !,'Teen coal dosed at the top by hooks, and lace loops 011 the collar and sleevcs; all had red cuffs, with rcd collar for the Prcobrajenski, dark green for the Izmailo\'ski and blue for the Semellovski. White breeches and long gaiters were re-illlrodueed, the gaiters usually black (white for Guard regiments in summer), Officers' rank was indicated by metallic lace on the hat and cum, lind tht' uni\'ort on Korsakov's Corps in Switzerland in '799 notes . one canllot help laughing becausc of the quilt work ofp
R ..ssian pri_n,,", ..ad".. ~O", .8.1l. Am;d ,b", c _ d... aad a~ a aumb
hats arc bordered "it 101 Saint-Germain", The grenadier caps arc in the form of sugar loafS, while others arc like the papal tiara. The infiumy officers are dressed in a morc uniform colour than the soldiers ... All the Russian soldiers arc obliged to powder themselvt.'S daily, e\"Cll while on campaign. The grenadiers have good muskets and long bayoneL~'.
Ulliforms, Alexander1: Line htjt'lttIJ' The accc.:ssion of Alexander I in LBoI saw the beginning of a lllodcmisatioll or the infantry uniform, though as throughoullhe period there were usually considerable delays between the aUlhorisation and implementation of a change in unifonn. The infantry jacket was dark green, closed to the waist, with collar and cllirsofthc 'I nspcction' colour as before, and shouldcrstrapscolourcd according to the seniority of lhe regiment; all had rL'd turnbacks
replaced with a shako like thai of muskcteers, but bearing a brass grenade badge below lhe cockade, a white pompon, and a 20-inch-high, very bushy black plume. The queue was retained, bound with black ribbon, bUI was powdered only on speeial occasions; it was discontinued for other ranks in 1806 and made optional for officers, who abandoned it completely in 180g, Table 2 lists the regiments existing in 1805, in their Inspcctions, with their distinguishing colours.
Infanlry r~cruils, ( .•8.2: ....rfs w~aring p_sanl clothing ar~ inspecled by two offic~rs, bulh of whom w~ar th~ frock coal. The central officer wears the peaked c10m forage cap; Ihe olhcr relains the undress bioorn. In mc backgrOllDd al exlreme righl is a grenadier Ilergeant wearing Ihe .8111 ki"'('r shako, (Engraving arter liorace Vern.,l)
and lining, Two rows ofsix brass buttons (usually of a copper shade) were on the breast, with three buttons on each dark green culTftap, one button on each shoulder strap, and one to each pair or turnbacks. The collar was now upright, very high and cut opcn to expose Ihe blaek stock. White breeches were worn with black shoes and white or blaek gaiters in summer, and with high black boots in wimer, the laller below knee-length, unlike the cumbersome boots observed by tbe British soldier Surtees in tile Netherlands in 1799:', . ,shod with boots very much resembling those of our fishermen, coming up considerably higher than the knee; thus rendering thelll. incapable or celerity of movement', The bicorn bat worn by musketeers was replaced in 1805 by a black fell cylindrical shako, widening slightly towards the lOp, with a black leather chinslrap buckling by the right car. On the front it bore a black cockade with orange edge, fastened by a brass button; alld on the upper edge a woollcn pompon whieh was white for a regiment'S 1st Bn., yellow for tbe 2nd and red for the 3rd, wilh a regimelllally-coloured centre. Above the pompon was a small tuft or the same battalion colour, sometimes shown with a regimemally-coloured centre to tbe tip, Prior to 1805 grenadiers retained their mitre caps, the back in the Inspection colour and the hcadband in the shoulder strap colour; but lJl February 1805 the mitrcs werc ordered to be
Table 2: 1805 St. Petersburg Inspection (collar and cuffs red): Hfgilllmi
Lit;.. Gr('lwdiers I'al'lo\' Gn;nadil'rll .Jdelz Kl':'
rl'd white yellow r:ospllc;rry tur(llJoisc pink li,ll"ht grecn
dflllll.rlirh yellow )'ellow blaek
red white turquoise colle,yellow light green black pink colle,' light g-rccn COlTl'<:
Livonia Inspection (collar and culTs turquois.,): I'etcr.lhurg GrelH.dicrs red rt11 )'.:lIow Tauridl' Grcn"dier.l white whitc >'cllnw Sicvsk ycllow 11Irqllois" hlack Sofin raspberry grt')' colli'e Revel lurr]lloise light gTl'cn while Tobolsk pink light green I"hile Dnieper lighl grten pink >'cllow Tchernigol' grey yellow black Kopol"sk turquoise Kalu,l:"a l!i.mnl11 IB06) lilac Lithuania Inspection (collar and Ekaterinoslav GrcnaditTS red Tub whilC Pskov yellow 11'Iurma"sk nlSphCl'ry turquoise Rostov Nisov pink Archangel lighl gt't'ClI Volhynia grey '\'Iohilcv (formed Iflo6) grey Kos1l'oma (formed 1Boo) lilaC'
culTs light red light greell whil<' light grl'l'll yellow pink turquoise
green): ydlow coll~.,
ydlnw (:oOct'
coHix white hlnck
Ukraine Inspection (collar and culTs pink):
Little Russia Crcnadicl"li Kiev Crenadier.l Smolcnsk Bri;tllsk GaJitz Estnni,t (fnt'llIed If\tJii\
red white yellow raspbcrry lunllJoiSt" 1111'(IIHlist·
white white yellow light grcen
hlack whilt' yellow colle.. .
Dniesl~r Inspection (collar
and cuffs dark green; before 180j., lilac; laler, red cuffs): Uq,il/lfnl
,1"'1" Khnwll Grcn:l(lirni Siheria Cl1,'n:.diCni l..adoga \"I;ldimir :\C"\\ Ingcnnanland Alexopol Ko;I.lo... Jarosla,· :\~or...d CrimrOl Od,~ raiSl"d ,806
~', II hile' )'e11011
'I hile pink raspbclT) turt:luolsc )'e110\l ~~
lIufbml, dm11lJlirtJ l1I,u:k nd whilt· "hile pink b1:lck light gt"":11 \\hilt· lilac
dark blm."
Caucasus Inspection (collar and Colucasus Grelladicn Sou..dal ... hilt" Tilli. )'ello... Kahardinsk r:osphc1T} Ka7.an tIIrt:luotse lil::hl ~rn·1I \'oIos da
cuffs mediwn blue): ... hile ycllo\l rell(1\\ liRhl grL'C1I black while lurquoi~ \lhile )'dlow
Srnoleask Inspection (collar and .\h..scml Grclladicn rn:l F:magoria Grcnadien \I hilt" l'ololSk )dlo\l I'enn rasplJcl1) Omrlitz 11lrt:ltloi5C Kursk pink \'unmczh lil;llIl{rcen
culTs while): red }dlo... \lhitc \lhile light grn-Il black rello\l while 11ln:IUolSC ydlo\l pink black li'lhl grn-" \lhilc
Moscow inspection (coUar and culTs orange): .\Slrakh:m GrcnadicN ~~ ml whitc X:llajinsk ... hile lighl gn'o'n yellow T:Ullbov lighl grL'en black )'ello\\ while L'kr:line r:lsph•.:rl') grt) Schlussdhur~ lurquoiso· Ilhile black pink :\aeheburg )"c1lrm COlTL'" OrlU\ liglll green lurquoise )'('lIm~ Sal',\lo\, whil{' lilac grey Swnoskol while lilac pink O)ilIl!'l7. dark blue dark blue white Finland Inspection (collar and cuffs yellow)l Veliki-Loul7.k red red black NCI'.1 "hile )t"Ilo" blaek Ri:r7.<1n yellow "hile while BreSI Inspection (coUar and culTs straw yellow)l while yellow Old I ngcrm'l1llalld ~~ Riask \lhile Hlnluuisc bla<:k \·il....1")l while )"dlo\l oolfL"C ·\Il(:hl.Tllll r ...~pbCI1) lighl green black .\1.01 rello\l lunluoisc '
fonlloo 1806
lnfantry in campaisa uniform, .8.2 .+ Tbi" dqoiets oa~ofth~ conunOftesl .ppe....... CClI of th~ RUllIiall soldier, including Srnolcoal .Dd fo..,.S" ClIP. Th.. CIIrt.ridS" box..... ppear 10 be ouldalftl il ...ms sliIl ill UH, wit" I.... pr.... ,808 circular plaque, which oth..r _ure..... llbow ,Hill in UIIC at< Ial .. u .8 ....
(EroS""""'S afJ... r
G...ors Adam)
Crimea Inspection (collar and cuffs light ochre): ,~I coner I~ielov ~c1lu" lighl gn·clI blark SrhaslOpol whill' TroiLsk rt"(t )"el1o\\ ~elJu" \'ilcbsk II'hilC whilr ra~pbcl1) Kiev Inspection (collar and cufTs raspberry), nod i\loscol\' Wllill.' rl·d Boulirsk 11ll"(1 uoisc bla...:k " hilr while Kolyvan yellow pink whilr :\'ovgol'od r'
culTs buIT-'camel'}l rl."(1 ro!f{'C' "hile blaek )'ello'\ ....ofli:t-
Siberia lnspec1.ion (collar a.Dd cuffs grey): Shir... n rrd rnl Tomsk \lhite "hite "'I"\:lIim],; ydlm, ydlo....
\lhit( roIr~
(nfantry, .8.2 '4; an engraving afler Georg Adam. The officer ""cond I"fl w"ar/l the frock coat and undr""" cap. In th" Cfl>tr" is a Pavlov Gnnadi"r, and third righl a grenadier wilh the ,8,2 A'jwt'r, lik" the officer extreme lefl, At exlr"m" right is a figur" in gr""n with sky blue facings and black bell..-if nol a colouri"t'.. error, conceivably a Jager in all old unif.,rm?_nd appar"ntly a »"ak.... fur cap, probably a captur.... item.
t806 regiments,
CIIJJ5 & J!/l/~'
S!wll!dfl' j(mp;
n'd, whil\' ~ky hltH'
Kallwh:llka I.ihau :'Ilillf{Tciia
whitt' ~ky him' yellow
Brt';;t Kremcllchllg :'II insk
whitt· rellt)w $k}' blue gr,...n sky hlue
Ilhile red rcd red ydluw. !'I·d !'I,d lh'lll; tlhile, rcd piped red yellow r"d rt~l yellow I"t"{l whilt" ,,~ while sk} blue. red rnl n"ps
Infantry equipment included a black leather cartridge box suspended at the right hip from a wide white leather belt over the left shoulder; the box bore a brass circular plate embossed with a double eagle, with a separatc grenade badge at each corner for grenadiers, the flames pointing inwards. A whitC' leather belt with rectangular brass bucklc was worn around the waist, supporting at the left 20
side a short, sliglllly curved, sabre with brass hilt, in a black (or dark brown) leatherscabbard with brass throat and chape; the white fabricsword knot had a 'bell' in the Inspection colour and fringe in company colour (white, red, sky-blue or orange). The knapsack was a black leather or canvas cylindrical valise, worn at an angle on the wearer's back, on a white leaLher belt worn over the right or left shoulder (both methods are depicted), wiLh a white-metal mess tin attached to the back by white or black leather straps, The greatcoat (or sflinc!), being looser and more comfonablc, was popular for wear instead of the jacket; single-breastcd, it was made of brownish-grey cloth of differing shades, usually with collar and shoulder straps coloured like those on tbejackel. The undress cap resemblcd the French bOlI1le/ de policc, a dark green doth stockingcap with headband in the Inspection colour, piped in the shoulder-strap colour, and a tassel of the company colour with a fringe of mixed dark green and the Inspection colour. NCOs' rank distinctions comprised gold lace on the front and lower edges of the collar, around the tOp of the cuff, down the forward-facing edge of the cufl"flap, and on the upper edge of the shako. Their shako pompon was quartered, the sides white and the upper and lower quarters mixed black and orange; for grenadier NCOs the LOp or the plume was white with a venical orange stripe which extended over the tOp. A cane was carried as a rod of office, which could be suspended from a button 011 the breast. Most NCOs carried a 'halberd', a polearm wilil a partizan-style blade and a staff in the regimental colour.
Officers Officers' uniforms resembled those of the rank-andfile, though their coatees had longer tails, buttons were gilt, and shoulder straps were edged all round with gold lace, The bottom bulton hole of the cuff flap was usually a dummy, the button unfastened and half concealed by the flap. They retained the black bicorn with a black and gold cockade, secured by a gold lace loop and gilt button, silver and orange tassels and a black cock-feather plume. A silver gorget was worn at the neck (gilt for field officers), bearing a gilt centre ofa crowned trophy of arms with a white-enamelled central disc bearing a black and gold double cagle. White breeches were
worll with black boots which extended to the knee, grey overalls (somctimes reinforced with black leather) being used by mounted ofTicers on campaign. Shabraqucs and holster caps were dark green with red external piping, with an edging of two gold stripes with a red line between; harnessing was black leather with steel fittings. Officers were armed with a straight-bladed sword with gilded hilt, a single knuckle·bow and shell guards, urn pommel and a grip bound with silver wire, in a black leather scabbard \\~th gilt fittings, and with a silver lace knot with black and orange interwoven. The sword belt was concealed by the lower edge of the jacket and the sash: the universal sign ofcommissioned rank, this laller was of silver lace or fabric, with three interwoven horizomallincs of mixed black and orange; it was frequently wrapped t"'~ce around the waist (so that more than thrcc black and orange lines might be visible). and knotted at the left side, from which two heavy silver tassels were suspended. Junior officers still carried a spontoon, with shafts coloured like the sergeants' halberds; and officers also carried a cane, though both werediseontinued in 1807. In the same year officers were given the shako. though the aClllal date of its adoption is in doubt (there is some evidence that officers of the Caucasus Inspection adopted it as early as 1805, whilst others may not have received it until IBog). It resembled that of the rank and file. with a gold lace upper band, and chains hung around it from silver or gilt cagle badges 011 the sides; the pompon was silver. Some sources show the shako at this period without a cockade. The bicom was retained for some orders of dress. Reforms of 1807-ISog In November 1807 diffcrent Cacing colours were eliminated, all regiments adopting red collar and Cliffs, with shoulder straps coloured according to the seniority of the regiment within the Division: 1st regiment red, 2nd white, 3rd yellow, 4th dark green piped red, sth light blue. In December 1807 it was ordered that the divisional number should be borne upon the shoulder strap, in yellow on red straps and in red on thc othcrs. For officers shoulder straps were replaced by epauleltcs, oC the shouJder strap colour with gilt numbers and crescents. gold lace edging and a gold Cringe Cor field ranks. In
Det:a.il (rom .n "n~l'1Ivi.ns by (;.,..1".. o( th" BanI. o( kip:uS: R ...... iaa illf... 1:r')' .d......ce. ted by ... office.. wbo ;5 d;lItia_ s;uisbed by hill .,...1 and 0'"'''1'1111.. wo.... "'ilb Ib" (uJJ dress ..ballo. As ...u.aJ, all w Ih,,; .. IIhako on......"nl.. willa DO CODCtlIlI;On 10 lb. riSo o( .cti"" ..,.....· ;ce.
December 1807 the shako was restyled by the addition of a black leather top, upper and lower bands and V-shaped side reinCorcements. The other ranks' waist bell was replaced by a white leather belt Cor the sabre, worn over the right shoulder; and a new pattern oC sabre was introduced, a straight-bladed, German-style D~gm, with a hilt as beCore, and a brown leather scabbard with bras... fittings. Bayonet scabbards seem to have become common at this time. bayonets ha\;ng previously always been carried fixed on the musket. Later in December 1807 new leg·.vear was authorised: in summer, white one-piece 'gaiter· trousers' extending over the tOp or the Coot, and in winter looser whitc cloth trousers with leather 'booting' which extended part way up the calr. One variety apparently combined the two, with loose 'booting' which could be buttoned ovcr thc gaitcrtrousers, the 'booting' carried atop or within the knapsack when not WOI'tl. InJuJy 1808 lhe shako cockade was replaced lot' musketeers by a grenade badge with single name (as worn by grenadiers Irom 180S); grenadiers now received badges of three-flamed grenades, thc same badges replacing the circular plaques on the cartridge boxes. The cylindrical knapsack was replaced by a rectangular, black leather case worn upon the back and supported by white leather shoulder straps. The rolled greatcoat was usually slung over the left shoulder, atop the knapsack straps and shoulder belt; Crom April IBog the knapsack straps were connected by a horizOlltal
,~, ...... N.,J."
Russian troops 510r...i"g a d ..f....dM poliition at Monl...aru·" in .8'1' Thil> conl..... porary C ..rman prinl illustral.... a f..alUN' of Russian uniform ...issing i.. th .. c::a ... paign dr..ss of oth.. r nalionli' Ih.. us.. of all shako ornan,enU, .. v.... on c::a ... paign. All .....ar the concave-IOppM ,8". ki"'l'r, with Hile compa.. y plumu m th .. background; t.h.. figu..e wilh upraisM "wo..d rillhl) hal the disti"clive white pl.. me-tip of Ihe NCOI'. The carl..idg" box.... all Ma .. Ihe nume::ral'47'."" p ...... umably Ih .. unil rc::p..e::se::nls the:: 47th Jiaige::rs. All we::ar full field e::quipme"l a ..d while 'gaile::r_.rnUll.,rli'.
sllspended around lhe cap from the upper sides, with a small tassel hanging at the left and two long cords and 'raquettes' at thc right, hanging to the level of the breast; on campaign they might be looped up around the pompon, or secured by passing under the shoulder strap or tied to a button on the jackel. The cords were white for privates; mixed white, black and orange ror NCOs; and mixed silver, black and orange for officers. New pompons were introduced: white with a green centre 1'01' a regiment's Isl Bn., green with white centre for the 2nd, and red with yellow centre for the 3rd. Officers' pompons were silver with an orange centre bearing an embroidered impcrial cypher. In 1809 the NCO lace was translCrn.'d to the top and front edges or the collar, inSlead of the rront and lower edge as berore.
breast-strap, and the lell knapsaek strap was ordered to be worn over the rolled greatcoat. For officers, a new gorget was introduced in November 1808, smaller lhan the previous huge pattern and bearing a crowned double cagle with the shield ofSt. George still upon the eagle's breast, but no longer cnamelled; the gorgets were silver for 2nd lieutenants, silver wilh gilt edge for lieutenants, silver with gill edge and eagle lor 2nd captains, gilt with silver cagle ror captains, and entirely gill ror field officers. Al this time the colours of the halberdshafts and drumsticks changed, the 1st regiment of Refonns of 1810-1812 each Division having yellow; 2nd, 4th and 5th, In 1810 all grcnadiers were ordered to wear red black; and 3rd, white. Halberds were withdrawn in shoulder straps. In February 1811 the huge 18og, all NCOs carrying muskclS instcad. grenadier plume was replaced by a thinner variety In June 180g shako cords were adopted, (as worn by the Guard since 1808), coloured as
before. In thc samc ycar NCOs adoptcd whitc shako cords, and ofTiccl's' cords became silver throughout. New pompons were decreed for the shako, dincrentiating a regimcnt's battalions: lSI 811.: grenadiers, rcd; tirailleurs, yellow; muskeH.'ers, whitc with grccn centrc 2'1/d 8n.: grenadiers, rcd ovcr grcen; tirailleurs, yellow O\'cr grccll; muskctccrs, grecn with white centre
3'd 8n.: as 2nd, but light bluc instcad of green The s\\'ord knot now had a white strap and fringc, with thc 'bell' and its upper and 10\\'cr rings as follows: 1St 811.: grenadicrs, red bell and rings; tiraillcurs, yellow bell and rings; lSI musketeer company, whilC bell and rings; 2nd, white bell, blue rings: 3rd, white bcll, orange rings. :md B".: grcnadiers, red bell, green rings; tiraillcurs, yellow bell. green rings; 1St company grccn bell, whitc rings; 2nd, green bell, blue rings; 3rd grcen bell, orange rings. 3'd 811.: as 2nd, with sky blue replacing green Also in lSI I, the greatcoat currs bccame coloured (which do nO( appear to havc been uni\'crsal); and in September a new foragc cap was introduced, a dark green round c10lh cap with a widcr tOp and red headband. Piping around the lOp was red for grcnadicrs, whitc for muskcteers of the 1st Bn., lighl green for Ihe 2nd and sky blue for the 3rd; piping on the head-band was similar, except that tirailleurs had yellow piping. A glazed leather peak was worn only by officers. The final major changc in uniform occurred in 1812, with the adoption ofa ncw shako, a scuttleshaped cap with concave top and sloping sides, with leather top surface and reinforcing as before, (This is coillmonly tcrmcd the kiwer, though this is actually merely the Russian word for ·shako'.) Ornaments, cords and plumes remained as before, though all shakos now had hrass chinscales ,,'ith circular brass bosses. Though authorised on I January, the usual delays in adoption, exaccrbated by the French invasion. resulted in some units wearing Ihe previous pattcrn as late as 1814. Also in 1812, thc jackct collar was lowered and closed, concealing the stock; and in the intcrcsts of economy, officers were allowed to replace aU their silver lace (sash, shako cords, pompon, CIC.) with worsted. The black dummy boots worn in winter
G ..... rds offi~r, campai!" drKS, ('.18'4' nis shows a common campais- wlifo....., dark flrer-o (rock coal wilh searlel collar. cuff" and liniDll> flold collar loops .nd subahcrn!l' rpauJell~ WOrD wilh • hicor...nd flr..y ov......lls wilh red !ltri~. Black knapsack and cavatry"lyte waist belt with lIilt fininll'" The G rdsm .... in thehackllrou.. d~arth... S." Ihako with cords r o ...ed. and beill" lI aleolllll wilh lcart..1 collar, culT.. aod shoulder st.... ps. (CO mpo.... ry prinl)
were now cxtended 10 the knee. Uniform changes instigated in 1814 again suffered long delays before their implementation; most notably, a single-breasted jacket with nine buttons 011 the breast was authorised, but was nOt actually adopted berol'c thc cnd of the Napoleonic. Wars. Grenadier regiments were ot'dered to adopt yellow shoulder straps instead of rcd (grenadier regimcnts having a red initial all thcir straps), those infantry regimcnts with yellow straps adopting blue instead. Weapons Russian muskcts included a varict)' of patterns; cven in .812 there existed 28 dillcrcnt calibres of musket, plus I I varicties of shoTt rifle and carbine (issued to t6 men Ixcr squadron of cuirassiers and dragoons, and 12 10 the NCOs and best shots of
boots. The sword \'Ias worn in undress, but the gorget and sash were usually omitted. The wear and tcar of active service usually rcsulted in a ragged appearance, and lattcrly little attempt was made by the more enlightcncd commanders to maintain regulation uniform. KUtllZOV once stopped a unil from polishing its buttons and pipec1aying its belts during the 1812 campaign, saying: 'I don't wal1l anyorthat , .. A soldier has no time forsmannesson campaign. He must rcst after his tiring cfforts and prepare for victory'; and to Denis Davidov, who apologised for wearing peasant dress in KUluzov's presence: 'Act ... with your head and your heart. It doesn't matter to me that one is covered with a cap and not a shako, and the other bealS under a)'QlIwj; lsmockJ and not under a uniform'.
INFANTRY REGIMENTS, 1807-14 There was considerable re-allocation of regimenLS to different Divisions during this period; regiments are listed here alphabctically with twO sets or symbols, the first for 1807-11 and the second 1812-14, Shoulder strap colours were red for lhe 1st RUS$ian c:ourtesy, .8'4' Tbi$c:onl~mporaryprint ~ndlled Ad""u regiment or each division, 2nd white, 3rd yellow, d'lm Hu,
1: 2: 3: 4:
Grenadier, Preobrajenski Lifeguard, 1799-1801 Officer, Malorossiiski Grenadiers, full dress, 1799-1801 Infantry private, campaign dress, 1799 Grenadier NCO, Duke of Bourbon 's Grenadiers, Armee de Conde
1: 2: 3: 4:
Musketeer officer, Lithuania.Regt., 1805 Private, SemenovskiLifeguard, 1805 Musketeer, Rostov Regt., 1805 Musketeer Sgt., Ukraine Regt., 1805
1: 2: 3: 4:
Grenadier, Smolensk Regt., 1805 Drummer, Azov Regt., 1805 Private, Pavlov Grenadiers, 1806 Sgt., St. Petersburg Grenadiers, 1806
1; 2; 3: 4:
Private, 5th Jiigers, 1805 Private IstJiigers 1809 Capt., SchlusselburgRegt., field dr Private, Smolensk Regt., 1808
,1 09
1: 2: 3: 4:
Grenadier, ummerdre ,1 0 fusketeer,' inter dre ,I 09 Grenadier, 1812 Carabinier CO Jager 1 12
1: Fliigel-Adjutant oflnfantry, campaign dress, 1812 2: Field officer, Infantry, summer dress, 1812 3: Capt., Izmailovski Lifeguard, summer dress, 1812
1: Mu k teer, field dress, summer 1812 2: Grenadier, field dress, winter 1812
3: Private, Moscow Opolchenie 4: Private, St. Petersburg Opolchenie
1: 2: 3: 4:
Private, Pavlov Lifeguard, summer dre ,1813-14 Private, Litovski Lifeguard, summer dre s Infantry NCO, campaign dress, 1814 Jiiger, Russo-German Legion, 1814
Ladoga r:IY!'.111\\": I.ibau :lIG/7\': Lithuania rB!:.!IY, Mingrelia rGBjIGG: ~Iinsk IB/I(;: ~Iohilc\' s\\"f;jY: ~Io...co" ]\\'/7\\': .\Iurlllallsk 3\\'/3\\" Nacheburg 11\\"9R: X:lIYa I~\\' 1:1\\': .'\a\'ajillSk r 1(; r IY: :\'l·uS(.'hlnt 16Y ltiR: :\'l'\'a :.! 1Y:~ rR: .'\1'\\ I ngcnnanland 12B'I :.!C: ."I"ijenonxl I:IR c!GR: .;\"i~\ G\\' (iY: :\'U\goriKI IGR/-. Odessa I rH/'2]R: Okhotsk 16\\" 16\\": Old In~crlllal1bnd fiB 8\': Clonetz I.1G ~nG: Orc! 126G: 0111:1 2SY :.qY: Ouglil7. (iY/G\\'. Russi..... '.-oops nn",";nJ: V....,.;s in ,8.". 11rou~h pri...... ril)· ... Pensac!'lB 13G:IJc'l'll1jR,jR:Penlo\ '..!IB IIG: carlooo "";licisioS lh.. Rus~i... n "'rn')"' habil or pluad"riag, uni(ornu. "r", porU'a)''''' ,.""unu"ly. Cos""ca..s nd ..........so r Ill·tronk .!l \\' :.!l \ \': I>O(lolsk 7Bit Y: PololSk in "h·ilia.. dr,,~~ an: ia Ih", b;o"k&round. and a Gu rd.ll officer . ..h.. riShl (aole Ihe 'Guard OiIar' On hi" hols.er-cap); Ih", "nnnr.1 c!C .!IG; Poha\'a 138 :.16Y: Il~kO\' ]Y/7R. 6JUrO!S an: • sn:nadirr in a lypi.,...lI)'.lons &n:.,,,......, .nd Revel fiG 3Y: Ri:u,an 17R 17R: Riask 9Y/9Y: (oraS'" cap; the olh"r ..........,. a j,i........ Both w"ar ~pri,!;s orrotia.IIl" in .. h..ir h..... d-dffS5 (a "·rlJ:.ric"lw" or 'r.",ld."isn'). and .. h" Riga 23Y '.!3R. 'lilH:ntlion hras"",rd' .round Che I"rl arm. NOI'" alS<> Ih" sn:n::o.di.,r's .-arlridse box with l";pl.,.na..,NIn:nad." Saralov '..!u hun'shOllldl'" :.tra psI I3\,': SchluSSl'lhun\" 8\\'fH\,: Seh:l:.tolX)1 IgG 19G: Selt.·guinsk :qR ·.!3Y: Shinall c!SR 2-1R: Sic\'Sk 5Y 5"': Silllbir:sk '..!]C: Smokll:.k I'..!Y l.lR: Solin 613 7C: lusdal 19\' 19"': Slaro:.kol ~.!\\' nY. Tambov Elm Iff\\": Tarnopol .!7Y: Tarutino Following til(" ahandnnmellt ur till' 'POlcmkin' lonnc~1 1813, '.!3nl Di\'.: Tdwrnigm' 3Y'3R: uniform. thcJitgcr:. re-adoptl-tllhe: bic"ru and light TC'llgllill~k 1.1\\' q\\': Tim:. ~lOG .10\\': Toho!!:k green coat ,,'ilh colollnxl cllns and falling collar; Iheir lealhcrwol'k was black. and the:ircanndgc box _~R -IR: Tom... k qYi'2,~G: Troitsk 20'"''2uR: Tula was carried at the: frOllt or the \\ aist belt, In lBe) 1-02 14 R . Ukraine 9\\" 8G: \'diki-!'olltzk '..!I R 13R: the uniform rescmbled Ih:.tt of till' Line:. with \'iazma '.!'.!Y'.!c!\\'; Viborg '12K ''2'2K: \'ilna sianding collar but no shoulder straps. and .I\\'/'..!]\\': \'Iadimir 7(;118R: Vite:bsk 15R/ISR: remained ligl\( gree:n with f;l('il1g-coIOllrl~1 collar \'olhynia IY/,,\\'; \'ologda 19B/1gB: \'ol'One:zh and cuffs (some SOIlI'Cl'S indicate light grecn 8e '25R: \\'ilrnanstrand 17G/I ]G: YakulSk turnhacks inSlead of the usual red); breeches wcre rHC:I~IG. whitc in summer and lighl gn'l'll with facingcoloured piping in wimer. Mosl othn delails For tBr'.!, the Cl'cnadier regimellts were: with- resembll:d tIl(' Line: JiigcI"S carrit'd thl' inliulIr'y drawll 10 forlll Ill'W lSI ilnd 'lnd (Grenadier) musket, except NCOs and l:l sharpshootlT'; pCI' Di\'isions; tht, regiments comprising: thesc were as company, who had rifled muskets; a sword-bayonet lollo\l's. with their carliel' divisional wlours in was also carried. In rUO'2 tIle bil'Or'l1 was replact:d by parcl1tlH'ses: a fC'1t 'round hat' r('sembling a shako but with a IJI (,'r/?//fldia DiI,,: Al'ilkchccv (formerly RoslOv. large peak extending around the side:s or 1I1l· cap, 14R1, Ekaterinosla\' (7R), Life 11K). Pavlov including the reM, with iI cockadc and pompon likl: (2Y), SL P('lcrsburg ('2R), Tauridc (3R). l.he infantry shako. Rank distillctions wC'n' as for the 2//d G,.('//(/(Ii" DirT.: Aslrakhan IgR). Fanagoria Line, C);ce:pt that 110 poleanns \\t'n' carril-tl. and (I2R), Kil'\' ( roR), Little Russia (I IY). J\loscow officers had gret'll-pIUllll-t\ l,it;ol'Tls. ~lusicial1s' (8R), Siberia (1IR). dislinctions were lik(' those or the Line. with black. (CallC;L"uS Grt.·nadiers !':wYlrc-nam("d Gcorgin drum hoops and Slicks. Le;\tlu:f\\ork n:main('0); at till" Ii-mIt ortlw waist
Jitger Ulliforllls
replaCf'd hy an inr,lI11ry pill(Crn on a shoulder bdt. ,hI' flap Of,1l1' box lwarillg it brass regimenlal numher li'olll 180g. III Septcmber 1807 IheJager eap was rcplaced by an inHlIItry shako: and in Nowrnbcr 18, I] a dark green Lim'-pat tel'tl unirorm was imrodLlced, with red cuffs and wllite collar piped rl'd for all. wilh while brecches in summcr alld dark green piped 1'I.:d in winter. Olliccrs' shabraqucs heoul1c dark green, wilh red stripes hCI\\'{TIl tht: gold bCl'S.
In 1808 shouldcr Sl raps were introd Llccd iII red rOJ" Ihe senior regiment in cach Division, and lighL blue for ,hejunioJ", bearing Lhe divisional number: these changed in 180g, the red becoming yellow. and changed again in 18JO-I~. Sword-bayonets and rifled mllskets were withdrawn in JlIlW 1808. the inrantry muskc' becoming Ihe standard weapon; in November it was ordered that the bayonet should always be carried fixed, as for the Line, Ihough (II a laler dalc at least it appcar~ that scabbards were used. In 1809 Lhe shako's evolution fottowcd Ihal orthe infantry. and collar and cuffs became dark green piped red for all, like the tumbacks. In 181 I the grenade shako badge of the Line was adOpLI.:d. and in February it was ordered Lhat the carabinier companies would wear lhe black plume or Lim· grenadiers, bUl laLcr in Ihe month it was discontinued for tirailleur platoons. The 1812 shako was adopted as by the Line, with the plullle again restricted to carabinier platoons. The newly-named Grenadicr-Jiigers of April 1814 adopled yellow shoulder straps; Ihose previously wearing yellow took light bIlle, and those wilh light blue lOok green piped with rccl. In Augusl 1814 lhe Grenadier~Figers were rc-desigll
Jager Regiments Facing colollrs below refer 10 the period hclore 1807-08, when the light green uniform was worn. Divisional tluml>crs givcn arc lhosc for 1812. "Ballalion' under Lhe pompOll~Cel1lre indicales lhaL regimental colouring was llsed: 1st Bn., white; 2nd, yellow; 3rd, red. Rr,!!.I, ColfnrlclIJfs
I'Olllj}l)1I Ullin'
DiI,. tw.
, ~l
Th" i"'l.r."."i,·" Russian gr"n,..li"r uniform was a popular subj"ec with "","I"l1lporar)' "rli"cs, e"l.c"i"lI)' during ch" occupation of "rane., in ,8'1 '5' Th" ecncral figur., h"r" i" " G",.rdSIll:on-n,,"· ,hI' ""glc 1'1"1,, on th" shako, th" searlec 1"....,1" .. ndp,.,'it;;-w;th:o P:ovto ... G""rd"m,,n III righI, wearing lit... "Id j ..ekct wilhout la,,"''' but wich lh.. 'Guard' loops. H .. "'ellrS """, ..... r 'g:oiu,,,-Irouscrs', while his companion has "·int,,r lcg...·c:or. The fig"r" at left i~ " "r"""ian.
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
pink red
ballaliOIl pink red
IlIrquoisc dark orangt: whilC medium bluc
IW'quoisl' liglll grecn white dark hilI('
black "prieot
b!:l("k lig-hl gnTIl
straw yellow
" "G 4
II >0
raspbary lighl uchrt,
light !{1'1'{'11 light J.:n;ell
15 t6
Iron grc} chamois violet
iron grey dlalllois \'iokt bmwn lilae dark gn,Tll red pip(..1:1 whitt" \I hitl' piped red 0I~1I1~1" pipnl \Ihilt· liglll grn"lI l)iIM...1 liL:hl hlue ~Jr;lll }dloll pil)(:d 1"'-'(1 dark bllli' pipc.-d n:d
19 ~o ~I
'1:! 13 ~I
19 3(' 31 3'1
IIlrquoisc II hill' r.~pocrf}
19 19
lilac I\hite II hitl"
3 :3
hlack li~ht
;) ;) 14
rt.-d q baualiOIl 16 hallalioll 18 ballalion 12 batlalioll 17 Ioallalion 17 !>.111.Jlion 18 I>iped ill the cull' ('olour for
black Colla'" \\t"f(' Ih;lu ~n"('n Re~lS. '!-; 3:! , Shoulder ~1r.lP lolHllIing ch:IIIW-d ","\('ral lirn~ bl'lwenl 18n; ;Ind IRI -l. For 181 J. IIIl' "'oluur I\;b }dlO\1 for RI"gb, I 13, III J.O. .13• .15. 17 31. and "9, ;llId light hlul' flll'lhe rt'nl.tilldeT. Di\'i~ional ll11mlM'rs ill 18u for lht bit... rcgillwlIts \lTre: 33nl. I 1111 Di\.; :H lh i. 3:)lh 6. 36th;. 38th 9. 391h 10, IlIlh :,q. "I~l l'l. plld .16, nrd 16, ,I ph J.I. E)lh,~U, '16th J:\. 171h J5. 181h I;. l!Jth ~i, :')oth J.;.
CLlrml UNiforms, 1801-14 Guard unilorllls resl'mhled thost, or lhe Line, Wilh the addition of Gllard distinClions; two Gcrlllanstyle yellol1' 1:lcc loops (fJrlli/:::.i) \\'orn on each side of" \h(.'collar and tllrc(' 011 ('ach culfflap,
'5n...-''' ,'i"w o( R .. ui di~cipli..", • di......... li,,, offie..r " nl Siool 10 ..... ch fficicntl) hi5h 10 !>Inke a G...rcbm:o.n, Th Ah Ihis contemporary "ri"l is encv.. nlered coloured 10 rep",""'nl Ih .. Pr..s",i.a...r".y. il i" .h" R ..ssi.n m ..thonic: W.. r ...
with 10\1r grenade'S in tilt' rornt'r~ tlf lhl' flap. ;'\CO~ had cOIl\'clltional rank in"ignia; offic('rs had gold loops 011 thc collar and ('ulrnaps [or ;Ioops' orloliau' cmbroidcl)'), a gold aiguikHc 0l1111l' righl shouldcl' and a gold shoulder strap on lht' Ieli. (;org-f·ts bore regimelltal battl('11otlOll"S; tide! ollicf'l's' shahraCjues II'crc red, hearing two gold lac(' bands with n ~tripI' or lhe collar colour bl't\\Cl'll (bllt whitt' Ii).. lhe Izmailovski), and bon' a SIal' nrst. :\ndt'I'11 Oil the rear('orncI"S and holsltTCapS, Shaft.s ol"h:.lIh(·rds and drumsticks wer<' colli:e for lht' !>n'olll'lj\'nski. hlack lor Scnlt:llo\,ski and while lor Il.lllailovski. The changes ill Guard ll11ililrlll Il.'>ll:lll) lollowed those of lhl' Line, In IRc.J7 quem'S and officers' spontoons \\crc aholishnl; from I&~ KC:Os receivcd cartridge boxes and lllu~kcts. hal herds being retained onl) b) S('r~('al\t lIujUl"'\. In 1BoH thl' shako plume Ixcanll' thilllwr nlTin'l'-'( rl'l:.lillill\\" tI\l'
'n-------------if/ A
~D I.efr Grenadier abre, lal" .8th "nfUry: 8.1cm 0 eraJJ. ouJd"d brass hilt with grooved bra grip' slightly curved bl de with black I alh I' cabb I'd with b ....d throa., belt-hook and chape, most of the Ian I' covered with black leather.
Infantry officer word a used throughoul the reign of Alexander I. Gill hilt Wilh single knuckle bow, shell guards and urn pOlTU1Jel' rip bound witb silver wi,·e. L ather scabbard with gilt chape and locket filted with a hook for suspension from the b -It-frog. 1l~r:/1/
'Gua.rd loop : the di linctiv in ignia of Guard regiDlenls lwo loop' being worn on each id of the eoUar. From top to bollom: (A) design of ordinary pc/lid' (8) embroidered loop \ orn by offic I' of IbePreobraj n ki R gt.; ( ) rnbroidered loop worn b)' officer of the c.menovski RegJ..; (D) embroidered loop worn by officer of the lzmailo ski Regiment. Cuff-flap loops w re of t.h same design but muc.h sborter.
larg I' version until 180g), and a br~ s double agle hako pial Wel.'; ad pled b I uard r· gjm nl . In 1 0. officl'1 . abandoned lh aiguilclt nd I' civcd paul He. for both hould I all thre regim Ilts ad ptin.~ red houlder lraps. In 181 the. hako rc iv d 01 p~r hin cal" 1 Q. shako cords Ie 'ame whit \ iLh Ila k rang and whi la" J • and mrs'· I'd I "am sil I' in pia f th ir previolls . ilv I' bla k and orange, The uniform in 1812 slill I' mbled that of th Linc, the t 812 kil er ha\ ing a large brass doul leagle pIal(" p I11p ns and \ I'd Knots w r like th Lil c; and < II \ re gn-nadier plum (I' d for '2 ) .1
mu. i ian. wh w I' rclinar' uniform Wilh y 'lIow v.riLh in! rw \'en I' d .trip ). Th 11l'!li/~i w r' I' y II w \"rilh a I' d Lrip I .iLi n d as b forc (n collar I op fc I' whos rank-lace upi d th pa' f Ih 'ncl 10 pl. nIcel' 'habraque W redark
PI' obrajen ki r cI n nc 'em n vskj blu piped r d lion> dark green piped red none lzmailovski ito\ ki r d I'd Lifc' renadier' Iluc piped red reel Pa I v dark gr n pi p d r d red h uld I' trap. r malO d I' d. Whit jJellit-i (gold for offi rs) had b n worn by th Life Grnaruel pri rl a hj ving ·uard.lalLl inl8lS' th Pavlo I' gim nl like..vi lev t d, Iso wor whit> lac (gold 1'01' oln rs) and ontinued Lo car th i.. bras' mit.. al '. Th ir m rs ,habraqucs had a whit strip b tw I lh ir t\ 0 Ja bands. h Guard Jagcrs originally I' th light gr II rth Lin Jager' ilh ran ollar and ull:' nd
yello\\' la : lhcir I 'alh n\ ark was black, the 1'1' maJ cartrid J'e: b x bcin . repla 'd b . lhe . houlder-bell ·tyle in 18n, nlike lbe LineJacrcr" th y \ 1" th infanlry . hako 01' lh oth r uard, ",iLh a \ hil pompon inslead or tJJe grenadi r plum . and n badg '. I n I 07 lh 'Y adopl d lark green ullir I'm \ lth eI, rk r 11 011 1', uffs and 'h uldcr :trap' piped orangC', white summer br eche wiLh gait rs and . rk grc n" il1l T br h 5, piped orange, wiLh lcaLh I' ral e boots, \\' apon er lik Lho e or lh Lin Ja 1'.. In 1807 lhe hak recei cd lealher I' in r 'ing and th lull -'a I bad e a 'I' lher uards reQ"imenl.: ",hen the carabinier' w're ronnd in 1811 lhe)' had bla k plume. Red plum. were worn by musicians, and in 181'1 lh n av topped kiwf'r wa. adopled. The Finland regim I1l \ or' th . am' un if" I'm hUl with r·d pipin o ', The Guard Militia battalion wore d rk green \ ilh red piping on lhe brea'l and hould r ,lrap.' lh·ir sir ko b r a opp I' gr nad , with a I' d pompon lor crrenadi l' ellm ror Lirailleur and 0'1' ., ('n r I' .Jag'r.
Opelc/Ie/zie (Militia) O('SpiLc e labli hmcm fear' l'armin lh p 'anlr (caus lb· m mori . or Puga hey's err Revoll) Ihe IJ/Joldll'1/ie or militia was I' al d in Novemb l' 180 lo lrain . I'D I I ngin t privat landowners: Ihe rew unit rc I'm d were di 'banded in IU07.Th organi.ali n w p n d I all III I' in 1812, nd 223,361 III n w re enr lied in lhal year thl'1' I' (' leming one f lh principaJ xpr sin nf"nationaJ cmhusia m. Training" a rudim ntar. lhnugh KUl IZOV (ommandin Lbe l. P lersbur mililia in 1812) mad it a: ' mpr h nsive a im allow d, empha i b 'ing pi 'd up n Lh abilit 'to hop and 10 hOOl' rather than to mana U\T , I' ani, ali n \\'a in' h 11'1. " probabl imilar 1 a pI' p 'cd 'NationaJ u rei' or 1811 in \ hjch l\ 0 pik ballaJi ns weI' to b mbined wilh a Ji er ballali n I'm d with mu. k t, plu. one grenadier company per cohort; pike companics W rc Lo be '1 tr ng, Jager 1'20 and grenadicrs 100. The follO\ ing inli:Ultr 'ohor were rc I'm 'd by lhe provjnc~: M em T\" I' and Jarosla five c ell' Kalliga and ladimir. ix ach' imbir'k,
Guard shako plate, ,807 '7' At Lhis period the shako plates of Guard infantry were generall ofLhis p It rn, witb on • 1head lower than the oth r. larger "a 1 \Va' authorised i,n .8'7, though reta'niDg the ame ba ic con.figuration.
1 iazan and lila, fI ur each: Sl. Petersburg 1-: N "gar cI 1_; K Slr m' f( ur and a hall'. Jag I' I' gimenls v ere formed in a lclition b: ~,loscow (lbJ'ee regl .). Tula (1\ ) al d Kaluga l ne) plus t a addiLional pike I' gim n: I y Riazan, The opolcheni \\'a used a a resen' (or lhc regular ome appal' ntly bing Ii lril lit 'd mung the r gular I' 'g-imclll', bOlh to perft m m nialla ki; uch evacuaLin ea ualtie or w rking 'l~ pioneer, and in anion La ex u l Lhc h rp.; irtually Ihe only lactj in \ hi h Lhey w r lrain d. \ 'ilson nOled thaI The very mililia who hnd.iu L join d (and wh , I in arm d 0111 Wilh pikes. lormed a third rank to Ih' ballaUon ) not onl L od a Lead und I' lh cann nad as Ih ir \' t ran comrade, blll harg d Lh salJ ing 'n 'm . \ iLh ardent 1'0 'ity'. \\'illgCll t in rCj )rt'd Ihal the. l. P t I' bur rp w~ Ii Lril uled am( ng lhe regular in October 181_, whclI 'La Lh dclighl of" v I' b dy Ih·s ward I' have f" uO'hl \ ilh . u h good will and courag' thai Ihey ould nIb exceeded by lheir comrades the old soldier:, t n I lh hay distingui.h dth m.c1ve· in I articular manner in columns wiLh the ba OIlCt'. B· Ol1Lra:1. n' habb -I oking miL' " ho wore 'I' ugh gr y c alS wiLhout a collar and c1in loth p, at Leipzig fired a v lIey in the air nel iml11 'dialcJy lu.rn·d on lheir h el., de.pil C'ul'.e)ii and kn L11blow Ii'om Lh i r fli 'CI .. Equipmenl was ruclimentary: il iLiall' only Jag rs and gr nadi rs I ad fir 'arms lh remaindcr pik sorcrlaiv -lik w'apon .. th ·P'LT:burg orp'al I a thad a;o,. nel.h v I., i:u'd at Kutuzov's re'lu l. Mo I \- or a p a, am kC!j(fl/l and eiLh r a rc II
hal or peakcd doth cap. with a haversack or knapsack: later, grey or beige greatcoats wcre used. 5uhr l>hows militiamen wearing peaked caps C{lv(:n:d \\ilh blad oilskin, and the Elbl'rli:'ld \IS, a round fur bal. Their universal insignia was a cross worn on tIl(" cap, inscribed 'Fur Faith and the Czar', latel' copit'd by the Prussia It LO/ldwl'hr. Officers wore illl;ll1t 1') LIlli IOrm. Exam plcs of" regimcntal 51 yles arc shown in Plate 1-1: others included the 'l\'cr corps. \\ hich wt)rt' Illedi um-grc) kajiol/s likc \ loscow, \\ i t h Jiigers, frnm a contemporary print of 1'•• Son, Onl" wl"ars Ihe lighl gr""n coal with I"p"h,. lInolh"r ....ith Ih., 1"p"ls do.. "d, NOle •.h., ""rtridg" box on Ih" fronl of •.h.. w"isl !>cit, •. h .. shorl gail"rs (wnrn also h)' ab.. offic.,r "lief•• iden.ified by his gorg.. I), and .h.. "hor! nn.. or carbin...
red. blue. brown or olT-whi Ie bellS and grey caps like St. Petershurg, bearing a cross badge over the Imperial cypher, and black t'C]uipmeIlL N"ovgorod corps wore a grey Ii'ock coal with grey belt, grey trousers with red stripe, and a grey pcakless C?..flpka Wilh black fur headband and the cross-and-cypher badge. Partisan bands werc formcd during the r812 campaign, often mobs of disord(Tcd pC:lsants who were reponsiblc for the \\'OI'St atrocities against lhe invaders. Some were armed Wilh captured weapons, bUIl1'1any h:ld only agl'iulllUral implclllellls;
Colours Russian infantry Cololll'S followed a most complex scheme and existed in se\'eral patterns, with old examples continuing in usc in mall)' cases. Tht: basic design was in Prussian style. wilh a cenlral disc bearing the double-cagle set UpOIl a ~J'Ound consisting ora cross !)(IlIft: ulXln a coloured hacking. In r797 Paul I authorised each regimenl to carry one 'white' Colour (corresponding to thc Prussian Ll'ihJaJmt: or British King's Colour), plus onc 'coloured' nag pCI' company. In 1800 a lIew pall('l"ll wa~ authorised, the main colour bcing' Ihat of" thc
Illspection; but apparently few were issued Ix:lore Alexander I reduced the numocr tosix per regiment in 1802, the 1St BIl. carrying one whilC and onc 'coloured" flag. and Ihe Olher baualions two 'coloured' flags each. III 1803 another pattenl was introduced. incorporating Alexander's cypher. In 1806 the first 'Colour of 5t. CL'Orgc' was issuLxI, being the 1803 pattern with inscriptions to reward some exploit, plus a 'cravat' of or.lIlge with thrcc black stripes, the colours of the Order of St. George. .\!lather p..'1ttel'l1 was illlroduccd in 1813, but as ~forc many of the old p..'1ttenlS COlllinuLxI in usc. The Guard rccci\'ed their own pattern in 1800. new rq.,rimcnts n..-cci\'ing the 1803 p..1ttern until 1813. when two new is...ucs were made, Colours of 51. George in April and in O(:cembcr a further issue of 'coloured' flags. probably one per battalion only. So many and varied werc the designs that there is insufficielll space to rcoount them here; the)' arc described ill detail in another tille of lhe prcsclll series. ~IAA 78 Flags rif Ilu -,"apollO/lie War.s (2). Terence Wise. 1978.
Tlte Plates A,: Grel/adier. Prrobmjl'1lski Liftgllard, 17S1.rJ&, The grenadier WC'lrs the Guard version of thc inf.11l1ry coal, the so-called ktiflllli il1lroduccd in 1797, worn open and without lapels; the fringed lace loops indicate Guard status. The brass-front<..'(( C
Jag..rll, .806 07, ...... ";.. g ,h"ir or;g;n.. 1 l;,;h. ';1''"''"'' uniform ..";,h coloured f.. c;n,;,;, .. nd Ih .. di"lincth'" ' ....und ha.'. Th" NCO (/rft) i,. di,..in,; .. i"hed by 'he lau- on cull.. r and c.. ffs, q .... n"rfl'! pompon .. nd ~n ..; h.. ~r";" a ~wl>rd_b,,)'o ....t ...i.h quillon ~ ..ard. Th... c..n,nl fI,; ....., rli ,I,,, undr..s" stockins cap ..sed by ;nfantry " ..Iii ,8, <: .1 ,·isibl.. is .b.. "ingl" h"l.on a. Ihe bonom of the b...,as •• ,,"u.. l1y obscured by Ih .. heh. Th.. Ji,;cr al righ. carn...... sock..t 1"')"On"l ...i.h •.h.. car,ndg.. bo" "'Orn a, 'he rear in" •.,... d of ... ,h.. fron. of Ih .......is. hell. (ED,;n...iD'; af' .. r Vi"ko ... 'o,")
with inlerwoven black and orange Ihreads and the huge gorget. CZ;lr Paul inlroduced a standard gorgcl far the clIlin:' arlll)' in 17g8. hearing an enamelled centre featuring lhe blaek double eaglc; onl)' during the cllrl'(:ncy of Ihis pa Ilern did Iht, Iwo scnior Gllard regimcllis Ins(' Iht dis!illctian of bearing the bailie honuur ·Na'....a· UpOli the gorg(·1. AI this dale, aniccl's still can'i(:d Iht' SlxIIlloon or half-pike.
"3: Pril:ot,. "!lantry. mmJ)(Iil!fI drm. 17M} From a piclure by Ihl' Gcrman ani!'1 \\'ilhdm \'on KaocH, this muskele('r wears what appears to havc 1)(:('11 t)'pical campaign dress ill SwitZtTland, Von Koocll shO\.'S figures carrying both hidc knapsa('ks on the back. and canvas haversacks OWl' tht' ri!{ht
Jager offi""r~ in undres" uniforn., ,806 07. Similar in ",)'Ie '0 ,he I.in.. uniform, bu' in JaS"r "oluuring, ,he sash and gorg", are OlllillM for undr" ...., (Engraving afl"r Vi"ko.·alOv)
shuulder, with l'artridge boxes without badgcs; the lapels arc opened at the neck and a marc comlortahle' llcck-doth replaces the Hock, Though praetiCill, such uniforms did nOI find li'lyour: Czar Paul r('fused 10 allow a reception lor homecoming t!'Oops frolll Switzerland because Suvarov had allowed them to cut oll'thcirqul:ues on campaign! It is likely, though, that units furthest from the Czar's gaze generally appeared in modified costume like that illustrated.
ILr (,'rmadier ACO, Duke oj 80Ilrholl-'s G'rtJ/adifrs, Anuee de COl/de An tmigri eorps of French royalists, the i\rmce de Conde passed Ii·om British to Russian service in September 1797; arter serving with Korsakov, it rcycrled to British sen'icc in March 1800. It included two cavalry and three infi:uHry units: the Duke of BOllroon's Grenadiers, the Reg!. Noble de Comic and the ·German M llsketecr Regt. Hohenlohe·Duriln{', All wore grcen Russian
infillltry uniform; the Regt. Noble de Conde with scarlet lining, black lacinbrs (including lapels), yellow buttons and blltlOn-loops, straw ydlow waistcoat and breecbes (\\'hit(, bn:l'(;bcs ill summer) and yellow-laced bicorns, The Rq{t. I-IohcnluheDurant had similar uniform wilh white waiSlcoat and breeches, white billions and white loops 011 the cull' flaps: grenadiers of these regilllelltS wore \\'hite· metal mitr<..'S with dark grel:11 rear bearing bla('k atld yellow braid, and white grenack-s upon tbe headband. The Duke of Bourbun's Grenadiers dressed similarly, with brass·!i·ontl'd ('aps with straw yellow back and raspberry h"adband: ydlO\\' buttons, and )'ellow lace with a red stripe on theCt& flaps. The NCO illustrated wears this uniform, the lapels dosed to tbe waisl in the later style, with the usual Russian rank marking: laCl' in Ihe bultoncolour on lhe collar and cuns, a cane, and a quanered pompon in white alld mixed hlaek and 01'angl', The bbd-enamclled cagle on tht, mitre was a diSlinClion oflew regiments: llloStjuSI had the device stamped in relief, The emigrant corps were not popular in Russia: as the British "'!(lIning C!lrrlllirJ, remarked on 9 October r798, " , , they are looked upon as ](/fobiuJ merely because they arc FrfllrJmu'II, The Arm)' of Conde has besidl'S, betrayed Ito small ckgrc(' of aversion for the Russian Rrgilllr, which is known to be, lhat of lhe (lIlie , , , Th is dillcl'enc(' oropinion has produced great coolness between his Imperial i"'lajesty and the ci-devalll PRINCE urCONDE·. 81.' .\!lIskelerr oJ/ifer, l.illul(Iliia Rrgimtlll, /80..:;
'fhis depicts the appeal'llncc or a typical infamr)' officcr or the t805 period, wilh the reel collar and culls of the 51. Petersburg Illspecliull, and the light green shoulder straps worn by the Lithuania Regiment. The grey breeches arc typical of field dress; grey overalls with buttolls on the outer scams were another allernative,
82: Prival,., Sl'lIlrllOl'Ski I,ifeguard, f105 The Lifeguard uniform illustrated is like lhat orthe Line infantry, but with the yellow lace collar- and culT-loops (pointed·cllded at this period) and ydlow shako edging, the blue collar and shoulder straps piped red identifying the 5ell1ellovski Regiment. The green pompon witb white cenlrc indicates lhe regiment's ISl Battalion. Equipmellt was like that of
the Line grenadiers, with the star OrSl, Andrew in the cenlre or Ihe cartridge box. I~F .\lILJk~((w, RQS(OlI Regimrll(.
This illustrates the lil'sl patteI'll of knapsack, the black c)'linckr which could be slung over either the right or left shoulder lthe right seems to have been most common). and a cartridge box IlC;:lring the rircubr plale 011 the flap, He wears the light gn..-cll facings 01" the Lithuania Inspection, the colour also being present 011 the 'belr of the sword knot.
Dr .\/usktlur s"gnll/(, (.'kraint Rtgin/ml, ,805
This sergeant has the i'\CO distinctions ofgold lace on collar and culls. quartered pompon, laced shako, halberd and e:IIlC, The jackct bears thc orange racings of the ~Ioscow Inspt'Ction, with the raspberry shoulder straps of the Ukraine Regiment. Kot being anll(,'d with a musket. he wears no shoulder bell or cartridge box, The glo\"(~ wlth shari culls were the usual Style at this period, the culls so low as 10 revcal the edge of the jacket cuff, Thcsc;lrh:t tuft al)()\'e the !)()Illpon indicatcs the 31"(1 Un,; some sourccs show the uplX'r (:dge orthe tuft as well as the cellll'C of the pompon as being in the regimental colour, which for the unit depictt..'d was ,rn'v. o . (;1: Grmadirr, SmoJew;k Rtgillletli. dkJj
Grenadicr uniform resembled thaI of the muskClccr~, with thc addition ofa grenade badge on the shako, the huge black bl/sell plume, and grenade badges at the comers of the cartridge box. The man illustrated wears the pink facings of the Ukraine Inspection, with the yellow shoulder straps and pompon centre of the Smo1cnsk Regiment. G'2.' Dml!ll/ll'r, A<;OII Rt!gimtlll, 1&6
Drummers wore basic inHtnlr), uniform with the addition or dark green swallows'-nesl wings with while lace lower edge and rour whitc vertical slripcs; six while chevrons on cach slccve; six whitc lace loops on lhe breast, and three on each cull' flap. NCO pompons werc quartered in red and white, and grenadier drummers wore the busch plume in red. Drums were copper with while cords, and hoops painted in white and dark green Iriangles. (Some sources indicate that drummers wore a shoulder strap only on the right, and lifers only on
Jag"r horni"l, ..,,806. iIIu~,r,..ing ,h" .....ord.bayon"t and th" ".rg" horn carried by 'he Jag"r regi"'''n's. (Engra"ing af'<:r V;skova'ov)
the lefl, bUI other iIlusl ra tiOlIS show the usual Sl yle.) Fifers WOrt: the same dn:ss, cal'l'yi ng: Ihei r I\\"0 fifes in a copper case upon a while belt. Kate the drum apron (usually oflight brown hide) wom upon the leg. Drum majors and regimclltal musicians wore sc\'en chevrollS on each slccvc, had scams and turn backs ornamen\(.-d with lace, and worc :'\CO lace and a white-aver-red plume. \\"hitc shako
scar.; alld bullet holes or Fricdland! In othcr respects, thc grenadier illustratcd wears ordinary uniform, with the red collar and cuns of the 5t. Pctersburg Inspcction, with the I'cgimelllal white shouldcr straps and pompon and corresponding red rear and whitc headband on the cap.
CF S"gtant, St. Ptl"sbllrg Gmuuli"s. IlJdj This sergeant wears the distinctions of a grenadicr regiment, the huge plume and grenade badge on lhe shako; rank markings are prcscnt as the lac(: on collar, cuffs and upper edge of the shako, lhe coloured lip of the plume. and qllarte!"Lx! pompon. The cartridge box (worn by those KeOs armL'd with muskcLS) is carried on the frolll of the waist belt; the badges on lhe flap include the ordinary circular plaque, plus Iht' cornergremuk-s used by all grenadiers until 1808. The tur
Russian office..... ,8 .... This con.e po... ry Freach pria. ;s ehi",ny or ao'e ;n dep'C'-;as .he 'Ii ,;oa brassard' worn by the offi«r a, r;shl, whose> ugl., shako-pia." and ,.nlir;;] show hin. 10 a Guard" ....an. Th., oriJiaal iIIustradon shows blu., racing which ir no, a colouri".'" errOr would indicate
cords wcrc adopted in 181 t. Here the straw yellow facinb'"S of the Brest Inspection arc combined with the lurquoisesholllder straps orthe Azov Regiment, the yellow pompon indicating the regiment's 2nd Battalion.
C3.' Prh'llit'. Pm,lov Grt'lladius, JlJo(j Duc to the usual delay in the adoption of new uniforms, the Pavlov Grcnadiers had not received t/wir shakos by 1807, the mitre remaining in usc dUling the campaign oflhat year. For their gallant conduct at Frit:dland Alexander I ordered that. alone of the infanu)', the Pavlov should henceforth rctain its mitres 'in the statc in which they left the I>.'lttldield as visible mark of its bravery and Our gracc'; thlls the same caps were retained to the beginning of the 'loth cel1tury, some still bearing the
DI.' Prjl'll/t, jt1l ]iigm. l&Jj The initial light green Jager uniform with facingcoloured collar and cuffs is shown here with the green winter breeches with facillg-eoloured piping. The frontal cartridge box was traditionally carrilod by riflemen and light infantry; it is sometimes shown carried at the rca.' instead. The curious felt headdress. halfway between a shako and a 'round hat', was peculinr to Jagers. Though some '20.000 1'ula rines were issued between t803 and 181'2,only designated marksmen and :"ICOs carried Ihem: the remainder had the infantry musket.
D2: /'ri!:att', 1St Jagers, I&>:; ThisJiiger weal's the restyled shako with cords, lhl' later pattei'll of knapsack, ami till' black leather equipment of theJiigers, illStead of thc white of" the Line. The wintcr legwear iii shown here; white brecches wcre uscd in iiumlllt'r. 'fhe Iilcings \\·orn arc those of I Bog, dark green piped wilh red. rcplacing the red cuffs and white collar which inilially supplanted the old regimenliJl facingcolours. D3: Captain. SeMI/sst/burg Rtgimrnl,jitld Juss. lOoy This depicts the officers' uniform after the introduction of the first shako, before the revised pallern with its leather reinforcing bands; it carries
a gill chain suspended rrom eagle badges at the sides. The COol tee now has the universal red racings, wilh tht.: epault.:tlt.:s ha,'ing a ground or the reginwntal colour (white), !.>caring the Divisional numher (8) in gilt. Also shown is thc 1808-pattern gorget. silver ,,'ith brill edge and cagle, indicative or captain's rank.
DF Prim/~. SmolmJk Rl'giml'lll, flkJ8 This musketeer ,\'eal'S the rcstykd shako with Ic..'l.lher reinforcing bands, and the grenade badge which replaced the cockade in 1808. Hc wears a typically voluminous greatco.'l.t with collar and shoulder siraps coloured as ror the jackel-no longer the InSIX1:tion colour as on prcvious greatco
includes the cOllcave-toppt.:d l.iwfI" sllako with brass chinscalcs. white corels and the ncw, thin plume (worn from J 81 1 upon the previous shako) in place of the hllsrlt. TIll' jacket has the new. lowt'"r and closed collar, and Ihe equipmcllt includes the rcrlangular knaps..ck which n:placc'd tilt' cylindriGU:II.rds offi~r, .8'4; :II conlcn'po.... rr t-n-nch prin, dcpicl.inl campaign uniform, indudi... ,h.. wc"ring of .. kn ck. Tbc original show'" .. cd r..dngs, ,;uggc,;lingchc Pr...,b jcnski Rcgc.
£'1: Grl'tlQditr. j-Wlll1ltr duss. IlJoO This grenadier weal'S Ihe shako with its changed orname!llS, the triple·named grenade badge, prior to the adoption or cords; the large husch plume is retained. He wears the ollc·piecc 'gaiter-trousers' or slimmer uniform, and carries the rolled greatcoat 011 lOp or the knapsack siraps. £'2: NII/skt/ea, willIeI' drrsj', /809 Though he wears the same shako as Plate El, the musketeer illustrated has the cords ordered inJulIe 1809; and the gre('n cockade witb white centre which distinguished 2nd Battalions. The legwear is the looser winter trOuser wilh the first pallem or black leather 'booting'. rcsembling dummy boots. The rolled gre;.lIcoat is now wom underneath the knapsack straps. in accordance with the order or April I Bog which introduced the horizontal breast strap. £'3: Gmladi~r, 1012 Thc 1812 regulation uniform illustrated here 43
Design ofidentif),ing lellers born upon the shoulder straps of Grenadier regiment '3-basieaJJ)' initiaJ letters in )'rillic 'cript. H"Xil/l~IIl.\~ (.) Life Grenadiers; (2) Pavlov Grenadiers (untiJ taken into Guard' thereafter Perno v); (3) St. Petersburg' (V Tauride' (5) Ekaterinoslav; (6) Mo -co"'; (7) Astrakhan.' (8) K "holm (to .8'4) Kiev; (9) Little Russia; ('0) iberia; (") Fanagoria' ('2) Gruzinski' ('3) Kher on; (It) Ro lov (Arakcheev).
al pall rn. Th p, ion f the Ru. ian oldieI' , r m a "': L:i une dt'seri bed carchi ng abanI n d knap. aeks afler lIsteditz finelin
E.j.: Cflrabinier. "CO, Jauer-. 18/2 Thi· N war. the final et ion of the Jager lI1iform, \ ith Lh 1812 kit er and ajack t iLh til' lnw'r lased collar in the unj" I' alJager colour 0 dark . en with dark QTeCn facin s piped I' d. Hi rank is indicated b the collar and cufTlac (now on the upp I' edg or the ollar in:t ad or th - lo\' 1') and the' loured top to the plum th latter only worn b lh· carabini']' s tion or the 'arabini r {' mpan n l by th' liraiJl UI' plat 11. Th - \' int I' I gw ar ha lh ond, long I' pall rn f dumm boot. 'xl 'ndill t th· kn '. I
Fliiuel-iJdjulanl oj hifaill/~)I. campaign drr ·S. 18/2 Th rank I' Flu el- djulant wa a taff appoin .zar. sen i e, equating in ome m f t in (h I'espc('\s ~ ilh French ojJiciers d ordo/lnance' it could be h I I b b th fi lei and ubal tern rank', Their full drcs I' . ml I'd Ihat of the njor om er of the zar _uitc- eneraJ- djUt311l -bul with iJver Ill:
11 12
in t ad 0[' crold 1;:ICC: a bla k-plull1ccI bienrll, dark gre>n stan' 'oat' with ariel ra ings ,nd loliate mbr id I' paul II ., and the usu,t1 . ash nd 1 oar. nell"s uniform compri d a clark green 1'0 k oat ( I' gr at at) \ ith s rl>t ollar, 'ulli nd linin . wilh silver paul tt f appropriat rank baring a gilt Imp ri'\! yphrr, and a 'ilver ruguiJlette on th ri ht 'hould r. With th doubl ,breast cI fro k oat was worll a I th r rag' ap (aft I' 18rl), dark gr n wim,. al'l t land whil piping and ·Iaz d lath r peak. Th· shabra III ancl h 1st r caps arc of the 'ame pall rn as thos> of infant!· of 1 ers but with ,'ih- ria c (in 'tee lorth d ubk lace with 'oloured . ntr linc). and I 'aling lhe Emperor's c}'Pher \' hich wa no usuaU pre nLuponul'hou ing'of'inlantryolTt cr.. pari li'om the ai
F3: Call/ain lzmailovski Lifeguard llmmu rires ,
Jf/J 2 Th ffi rillustrat·dw'ar'th larkcrr nfa'inO" and: arl t pipin a of th Jzmrul v. ki R gim III \' .ith Lh la I p 11 collar and cuff Rap lli h indicat eI uard ·talus. Ithough o[ficers or th
tItrl..' C scniOl· regiments had embroidered loops of rc~';melltal design (itS shown
among our black·and\\'hite illustrations), the patlem used by the other r.mks is also seen. The shako bears the largc gilt double-cagk plate orthe Guard regiments. with the cords in a COlllmon ·campaign· configuration. looped up behind the cockade. Russian oflicers carried slllall knapsacks Ii ke those of the 01 her ranks; Guards officcrs had blLlc-grey greatcoats In addition 10 lht· dtlrk green frock coat.
F....nch ~ln&1:l~n..... ,ulad,t!d by a b:o.nd .. rR,,»ta... poeasa..,.., .80:1:. Armed bu,!;.,ly ..·ilh alri.,,,h,,rat loob or ""'pl"rt!d ....,apomr-or wuporn; ,;.old 10 Ih.,rn by Ih., .,~·.,r-aSI:"I.. ~ ..sa"k---P"'as.anl bands ..·.,re ....spo..sibl.. for mOSI of Ihe mass:aCrfll p"rpelnlt!d on Ihe' r"l.r""I;"~ Gr"ndt' ·1,"":'. NOI pan or lh.. offi";"! ''I''Jk~tti(" and Ih"5 wi'ho"l conlrol nr direc:l.ion, Ih~ "e'rfs ,rsl>ond"d 10 app"at" lik~ Iho~~ or RO~I"p"hin, 'T..g..,h.. r w .. "hall .."lermina,.. Ih.. "ilia in. Glory 10 Iho..., who ,.,,,i"l. EI.,r.... t ....,..... r)' '0 .hu~~ who fall. \\'..... a' ,heLa.., J"dge .......' '0 .ho,,~ who .."",d"lh"ir d".y'. (Prin, ar•.,r Ma"rice On..g.,)
Ihin thaI Ihey cannot prolt'ct t1H'mst'lvNl li'olll Ihe damp and cold wealht:r'. Unable 10 rClned)' Ihese sbol"wgcs, Kutuzov could only prndairn to his blizzards alld fl'Osts orrt' you afraid of" troops, '. tbem, children of tht· North? Your iron breasts do not feilr eilher the st·vcrilY of the: \\'{"allwr or the wickedness of the I'twrny ... r<'tnt'l1l bl'l' SU\'an 1\'. He showed liS how 10 Ix·ar cold and hungt·r
G',: tllfI.lkrlfl'r.jield drl.H. J"II/l1Illrl' /8'2 This is typical of the ordinary in[;\l1lryman at the timc of tht, French invasion in 1812, though the issue of the r812 uniform would nOI have been univcrsal duc 10 lhe delays in implcmcnting unilorm changcs. The sky blue pompon with while cenlre identifies a 3rd BI1.: the sword knot wilh sky bltll· ·bell" identifies Ihe regimellt·s 8th Company of G2: GmU/dirl',jirM dm,s. uti"ll'I' 18/2 mttskeH.'.Crs (second company. 3rd Bn.); a dark This grenadier wears the second pallCrll of forage green shoulder strap with numeral '5' would cap, which replact."C1 the Frr'nclHI) Ie bOlm" dl' poJia. indiCille thc "'aluga Rcgimelll, 5th Didsion. Unlike the practice in 1110,t European armies. tile Shortages of equipment at the end of the 1812 use of shako covers \\'as limited: even in action the cilmpaign !cft many rcgiments wearing summer Russians usually wore the full cords and plullle. gaiter-trousers. ·and many of their owrcoats are so though in b..'ld \\catht:r {'lIId perhaps "hen on
The Russian army waS perpelually encumbered by enormous and slow_mo ... ing bllggage-lr.. ins; Ihe single-horse wagon wilh civilian driver and arched horse-collar is lypical oflhc Iype or Iran"I,orl in usc Ihroughoul lhe period. (Engraving afler H .. raee Vernel)
cktal.:hed dUl)') the b'1'cn
ojw/rhenil' included two ,Jager regieight foot and t\\"o mounted regiments, the in[ill1try sometimes described as 'foot cossacks', OITiccrs worc infanlry uniform: other ranks had grey or beige knee-length kaftal/s fastening at the len in peasalll style, and trouscrs with black boots; lhe dOlh helt might be any COIOlir. The cap bears a cross on:r the Imperial cypher. All carried a black or CilH;'kin knapsack all black belts, with a fur-lined grcalco:ll atop the knapsack; black or brown leather gloves were worn in wintcr. Ordinary companies carried an axe in the belt and a sevenf(){)t pike;,Jiigcl"s carried a musket with black sling, and :1 blnck cartridge box and belt, Companies formed li'om merchants and townspeople wore the same uniform but in dark b'1'een, with black lambskin lrim al lhe bOltom of the cap, The
G4o' Privati', St, Pr/rrsblllg OjJolc//{'lIie The SI. Petersburg opolclif'/Iir wore a green kaftan; a green loragc eap with black peak, I"(..,d band and the aoss insignia; green trouscrs with red stripe; and equipment as for Platc G3. Officers worc all infantry frock coat and the same cap.
1-11: Private, Pavlov Lifeguard, ,wmml'r dress, 181:J-14 Thc Pavlov Regiment was elevated to Gllard status in 18'3, when lhe)' adopted lhe appropJiate insignia: Guard lace (white loops on collar
/-/]." NCO, ilifallll)', campaign dress, 18/4 This figure is taken li·olll an eye-witness sketch by Georg Opitz showing the rardy·dcpieted shako covcr, worn with the NCO pompon uncovered. The long greatcoat is typical of the variation in colour upon the usual brownish grey; the canvas haversack was common on campaign, especially al the later period, It also shows the lISC or the white 'liberation brassard', a cloth strip ordered to be lied around an ann (usually lhe left) in February 1814-3 return to the 'field sign' of lhe 17th ccntury--to distin.l:!uish all Al1i('d lroops, Thl'
Rum: SfIIIJ II' Tsar AI('\{lIItlI'1' Ir,. "f' I&~i ,i dflj (A. Krijitsky & 1\1. Gayda, Paris 1955): and /.'Arm;, Rllsst (\\I. Zweguintzow. Paris 1973). Tit, Russial/ ;1m!}' l&xr-tllIS (C. Nafziger, Cambridg:e, Onlario 1983) is t,'specially useful 1'01' eslablishments and N.j: J(~e.rr, RUHo·G,mlllJ/ /"'gioll. 1814 manOCllVrts. Also of interest art' L·"ifor1/l.l if fhr TIll' Russo·Gt'rman Legion was fanned at Revel in Imp"ial Russian Am!}' (H. & J. ~Iollo, Poole 1979\: .\ug:ust 1812, mainly from captured Prussians, Tit, Russia1/ Am!)' 181:?-1813 C. \\'. Hansen. originally comprising all infantry battalion, .. Jager Copenhagen 1977)- lhis author's colllp.mion Tit, company, a hussar regimellt and a horse anillery Runiall A,,'!), 1805 wa~ published in the Danish balt<-r}'. I.atcr it expanded bl' lhe enlistment of periodical Cltnk(Jlm, 198s; Tltr /mlJtrial Ru.ssia" .Im!r dcst:rten; .. nd prisoners to SC\'cn infantr)' bat talions. 1&5-15 (\\'. H. ~Iurral'. :\"e\\ York 1965 : Russitll/ IWO hussar rcgiments. a Jiiger tompany, two horse .\IilitarySu-'Ordr 1801 19'7 E. ~lollo. London 1969 : and alit foot battery and a train company. In L'nijomlS oj Ih, Rl'lrtal from .\IosI"ou' I). J. 1\larch 1815 il elllered Prussian service. The Ha),thornthwaiw. I)ook 1976: C&rrrilo RlIs:lo infantry wore Rus...ian uniform, the 1St Brig-d.de 1&.5-'5: F(l1/1l'ria (I. Falzone & C. R.wa. Parma. having r(;t! collars and the 2nd blue, with battalions n.d. reproduces Viskovatov ('ngr.l\·illh"S. Apart dirren:uliatL't1 b) coluurc::cl shouldcrstr.:lps (rcd. and from the source listed earlier, flab'S are t'Ovcrro by yellow pipL-d Wilh rL"(1 arc recorded); their grey Draptallx tf I:.lalll/ards d, (Armit RIIJ"Jt..\'1'1, Siid, a trouscn; had rcd stripes. and all equipment was '914 \\'. Zwcguinl;f.ow. Paris IgG..j . ;md tll(· paper hlack. The Jiiger illustmtcd ([i'om the Elherfeld by LI.Cdr. R. O. ,\Iorris ill issue 36 of TraditiOIl. ~IS. dated ~htreh 1814) wears an ordinary kiwa Among many useful cmnp;;lign histories, among the ,,'ith unusually short plume; note the aiguillctle and most modem arc Auslrrlil;;, C. Dufl~'. London horn badge ,,'ith chains on the bell. The Illan carries 1977), Borodi"o (md fltt lI'ar oj 1812 C. Dun~,. tht' Russian·made Tula rifle. named from the London 1972), JlJ,:! (t\. Bretl:JamC'S, London 19(6) arsenal of its mallufacture. and Ellropt againsl ~ \ '(Jpoll'Oll (A. Brelt·J anH'S. London 1970). ,,'ilsou's n:ports.