206 OSPREY· MEN-AT-ARMS SERIES Text by PETER HOFSCHROER .. 'The%noverian ~my ofthe ilpoleonic mrs Colour plates by BRY FO E The Hanoverian Army ofthe ...
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'The %noverian ~my ofthe ilpoleonic mrs ..
Colour plates by BRY
The Hanoverian Army ofthe llpoleonic //Mrs
1I1trotlttctioll LaLe ,Lhat
BriLi h rown f
arri d it m r qllipm I1l lar 1 imilar to tho u d in th BriG h I'm. Th King rman L gion, fI rm d in J 8 3, wa ba d m r on an amalgam f Han v rian and Brili h militar tradition. ot all red oats arm d with Lh Brown B s auld p ak th King' 'ngLi h'-Ih' king rum If wa p rhap n t a pr fi i I1l in lhe languag as he 'hould ha e be n. me Oflh m st reliabl troop \ ellington had at Wat rl 0 were r d-coaled G rmans eterans of th K L. Contemporary waterco)ou.r, from the eries by RODDeDberg, howing aD officer (left) and l'rivauo of the 8th Infantry Regiment in c.J79J; fbi unit had garrisons at Cell", Gifhom, Bnrgdorf and Hnde heim. The red c:oat' was faced white, and button and lace were i1Vf>r aDd white. For general characteristics. cr. Plates AI, B3.
rian arm
w r
Tile ArJlll)' rfIII E~ ctorate oj·HallOv. J., 1792-/8°3
I 92. of Hat
be arne a pawn in the power n Britain Fran and Pru ia. t J w to m d rni. cn ar \1\ ar was Irill r gulaLi n . III infantry ot lh ir in '784, th a all' in 1787. Th a\'alr} ere particular! !Tood. he di tanc at whi h tta ks \ ere t be laun hed were re.lri led that th ommandin officer ould maintain lief ontrolofhi m n. r particular note is th fa l that h Ii hl dra n had the arne regulations a the re l f th avalry' th Han v rian h r wa lhu b r Ilk th 'all-purp , cavalry of the I th 'ntu lhan lh '. P iali t avaJr of the 18th. Omcerand ma.nofthe 14th lnfantry in c.1791, at about the Om.• of its return £rom the lndie but before it (and the 15th) WOft disbanded and used to form the new 14th Ligbt lDfantry. Th. red coat are faced reeD.; 'metal' and lace are i1ver and whit.. Uuusu:ally, the officer' lapel" bear lace loops' both meA seem to have lace-edged collars; and note the atypical lace trim around the top of the cu.£l'_the right-band man fDA repre ent an NCO? Plumes in tbi unit were yeUow/white for officers and red/white/greeD for rankers. (Ronnenberg)
h Ip w re arm m her
CZ3ataiHon lum &efecbt. K-O-O-O-UOU-O-K-O-K pp
AAA i\u
l\ Ko
her ware t emphasis on proper u'aining in lh Han v rian c airy, In f; ct th ann ommand nt a far a pp intin r '01 nr I lraill (Regimcnlsbel'cif r) OlraU 0 that a h
rf 'ment v a, :rain d t xa tl the am landaI'd. FurtbenTIor ,a tll orth errnan Plain is w('l1-
Bt TI'TTT '1'1' TT TT 1'T '1''1" TT
- - U lVI.AA All --L1 A
Hano erian infantry battalion in banJe formadon. up fO 180$ rhe key i as follows: Ko = conu:nander, M = major A = adjutant, K = captain, 0 = lieutenant or ensign, 040 = artillery officer, So = skirmishers' officer, F = colour, U = CO, All = artillery CO, H = bugler T = dl'11.lD.Dler or musician, Z = apper, A = gunner B' = battalion dl"lUllD1er, Ka = cannon, Pr = limber P = horse; long bars indieate rank of men.
kn wn rcr the quality of it h r A h Lh Hallo\' rian ah'y w' parti ul rI w Um unt d, . pile a lack offunding Han cr', m unt d arm
n flh be t lrain d and m unt din urope. al' und t1J am tim !'liller nd Engin I' . ho rc und d and a hj h I v I pI' fl ionali m wa n ura d' artill I' 1 attended rc r on ear, om 1 for thr . charnI
pra tical ll'ainin in Hano
h t th [am u reformer of th Pru ian rmy tau hI attlUs ho I; he had join d -tor[f cavalry r' 'menr a orn t (Faelznriclz) in 17 7 aft r
r(' 'iving iii lrUCli
fr m
\ illiam
r wa' u\
mu h th 'gran I omOlon in 18th
.'chaumbur -Lipp. hims If n f lh r at mililar think rs of this era. harnhorst on I . am nr fa gJ' up f ffi er d v 1 d 1 the
ref< I'm nd m derni ali n rlh Han rian arm . ill ludin lh th n- aptain F ri dl'i h \' n del'
cnataiIfon K
n An infantry blUulion in parade formadon. as in the previous diagram.
U-i\~ S~)lIf!CII
A. A
J\rLI 1\11
-11- 1\11
u 3.
u ~~oll1ponie
key ifi
-rrrn-rrn 1\
pre-I~3: the
2. Sl:ompanie
H --11
1\ A
I. !eOIlIPOllic
Konnenberg' watercolour of aD officer and man of the Militia regiJnenlll, c.li91. The red coats are faced white; Dote absence of lace loop on the ranker's uniform. Despite the generally advanced attitude to nlllitary training, the Electorate suffered from dwindling manpower, and these ten [.alldreginumur were incorporated into the Line in 1794- most unpopula.r decree.
unifi d mmand 'tru tUl'e like thal f th (hen h clivi in:. Thi' horl omin Y b came apparel1l during lhe \\:al' f lh fren h R voJuLi nand hamhor. t a' Quart rma. ter- n ral of lh Han v rian army , mpl in'd I ill rly aboul it. , ob d w uld v r b Ij ',he remark d. '(bal W am paignecl r 18 month in the area around M uron i-nia Werwikand ourtraivithoul havin a map of th ar a. and r ught baltic \ ithou[ prcci knowledg il ven lhough [ 0 ngin r ffi r uld have mapp d il in a fI da :.' Fr m 178 , the I' gim l1laJ arLiller \ a. mann d y . 1 l d m n [I' m a h baltaiion of [he infantry r 'gim nt ho rc . ed addi Lional pay [or lheir dUlic·. Furthermore a batt ry fh artill r va'
skinnishers. Some Hanoverian olTieers played an important pari in this debate, including Wissel and Emmerich; howcver, a lack of financcs prevcnted thl'Ory being put into practice. In common with othcr German states, Hanovcr slarted 10 introducc a light infantry elcmcnt into the ~ne formations. Du Plat, the Inspcctor of Infantry, ~ued a Rcgulalion in 1800 instructing his regiments to train onc officer, four NCOs and 60 men per battalion as Sharpshooters (Schmjschllet.;:m), anned with the light Grenadier musket. ~lort'Over. the third rank of each company was to ~ used as a 'Reserve Platoon' for the skirmish fight in faCtlhe Hanoverian army was disbanded before this Regulation was put into practice).
Organisatiol1 Infantry In t789 the Infantry consisted ofone Guard and 15 Line regirnellLS, the last two ofwhich were serving in the East Indies. rcturning in 1791/92. Each regiment consisted of two battalions each having olle company of Grenadiers and live or Musketecrs. The regimcntal staff consisted of one colonel, one lieutenant-colonel, twO majors. one regimental surgeon, one regimcnwl drummcr, rour oboists and the regimental driver. The 12 companies containcd a total of eight captains, two acting captains, 12 lieutenants, tcn ensigns, 24- sergeants, 2+ junior scrgcallls, 36 corporals, 28 musicians, 152 grenadiers and 480 musketeers. Each infantry rcgimclll had rour 3 pdr. cannon served by six sergeants and 32 men. The regimental artillery was commanded by a trained artillery ofliccr. The regimental garrisons werc as follows: Guard Regimmt: Hanover. lsi "!fRegl.: Mllcnden, Dransfeld, I-Iedemllcndcn, Uslar, HardC!.rscn. 2nd InjRtgL Einbcck, Moringen, Osnabrucck. 3rd InfRegl.: Hamlin (I-Iameln). 4th "!fRegt.: Stade. jth bif,Rtgl.: Vcrdcn, Hoya, Walsrodc, Bucckcl1, Rethcm. 6th II/j.Regt.: Nicllbu"g, Neustadt, Stollcnau, WunstOI"r. 7th "!fRegl.: Hamlin. 81h b!fRegt.: Celie, Gilhorn, Burgdorr, Hildcshcilll. 91h bifRegt.: Nonheim, Ostcrode, Gocllingcll. IOlh b!f.Rl'gt.:
The aecond and fourth coloun of the lOth Infantry Re~meDt; though DOt very clea..l), iIIuaU·.ted in thue ....productions f..om Schi..m ...., the)' ~ve an impre>lllion of the elabo...te deliigns used it! th .. pre-ISo] un,)'. 80th were dark green, with a white ceot...1 dilC and blu.. scroUa, the motifs being painted in aah.ral colou....
m j r (cu\'alr) and infantry}. t\ bri adr adjutanls ( avaJr ' and infanu ), n quarlerm.lcr g ncral veil cngine roll cr s.i glide, on[' taff rIal' wlth on I rk on auditor g n ral with on I rk n lafT haplain with on n d t r n ur on n waggon g ner I, n staffqu rt I'm, t r. Finally, til I' fi Id po I and m di al p r ann I. It-!:lalLlry: Th I' gim nl U d ~ r lhi. orp w I' lh uard, 4-th 5Lh tb, I III nd 1 I Lh .. a Il regimen! on-i I d of lwo ballaJion and \ as organi ed . r II ws: nior lafJ. I n I, Ii ut nant- 01 on I. t a majors. Intermediale and JunioT 'Iaff n r 'gim 'ntal quarterm tel'. lW adjutant n fi Id eh, plain. one audit r. on r. im tHaI ur n r im Iltal drummer ci ht bit lw driv' , on urer.
ffi cr
The econd colo.... of the 12th Infantry Regiment; in this unit the colou.rli, following the facings, were yellow. The Royal cyphers in the comer of the e colours CO • ted of a crowned GR' over 'Ill'. (Sc:bir:mer)
er cant, four
of the 'LX re .menu rcnadier Battalion. r nadi r ompani
Hano r. lllh Inj:Regl.: uen burlY. 12th hifRegt.: lz n, Lu n bur Harl urg. '3th J,!/Regl.: Ratz bur. I f lin, Lau nbur BI k d , Hitz ker, Dannenb rg u h w, ul tro . 14th irifRegt.: Ea t rndi . (U1 til 17 J I ). 15th lrifReot.: Ea. I Indi . (Ulllil 171:)1/2). he Hano eriau arm omribut d a conlin em 10 Ih Ui d army oppo ing lh into Hiland. Thi uxiliar 12-13 000 men and \" rani mera! loJf. n general Ii u nanl-g n raj f avalry, on g n raj f infalllr ,tw major-g n ral f avalry f Ul' m jor- n ral r infan r, n maj r- n r I f artillery. h n ral omm ndin . p ronal slaff on.i I d f nc ni r cavalr adjutanl n ni r infantr adjul nl ne adjutant g n ral and on aide-d - amp. . a h of lh 1J Ulenam- cneral had tv.' 'eniar adjulant ach of th majorg n ral' had one. Th r w r al I .. 0 bri ad
tll"O adjutant, on hapJain. n udit I' n rl'llimental urg on, on r gim ntal drumm r, tw drin' . one armourcr and one waggon rna t r. Each compan had on aptain two fir t lieul nant t.. ani n , on nt-major four )l' ant .ix c rp ra1 11(' c mpan I ur eon I a firers,lhr e drummer, I junior rporals and / 8 pril-at '" Each of the Jaeger ompanie ansi ted of one aptain ne fu' I Ii ut'nant tl n igns, two or am on armour 1', on fani r (i ur orp ral', onl ompan urg on two bugl rs and 8 ja g r, I'h regil1lmlolortillelJ' n i'l d f ix un rv d b
B m II, F r lh i d n
Four or Lhe Hallow/ian 'r nadi r battalion i led £'four com panic , a h with one aptain, n Ii ut nant, IW n, ign, ne rgeant-maj I' Iw ergeam' one njor orporal ne farri r hV orporal on ompany urg on. Lhr drumm rs t\ fill r 14juni r orp ral. nd 1'24 gr nadi 1', The afl' on'i I d of n omrnand r, n adjutant on battalion ur n n staff farri r n ma'L I' n arm urer and on dri cr. Th b uaJi n artill ry c n i ted ron 'er ant. two c rp ra1 and I gunners, The artillcr w mmand d a orporal who had ev n driver lind I' him. h battalion lrain on'i led of n dri er ~ r the merucal \ aggon four dri er iLh lh bread wa 'n. and / I ilh th pa k hoI' e , he th renadier Bn. had th am 'laff aruIJery and train lh olh r ompanie bUI had ix ompani ea h on i, ling f n aplain, n lieul nant on n ign, one haplain on s I' anI, Il
Officer and Ulan of the CavaJry Life Guard Regirneut, c.1791: red coats faced with blue, lined white, with gold 'lDetal and lace and white sm.allclothes; cf.Plate BI. (Ronnenberg)
one cl1Jor r: rrier, t\ 0 orporal on mpan drummer t 0 lfcl' I lUI I I' orp rals and 7 gr nadi '1", 11 f1v batt lion hared t\ 0 arrilJ ry omc r , Ea h fu k t r ballalion had four ompanje, Th lo ff nit d f l v a staff offi er, on re imcmal quartermast r on adjulant, n regim ntal .urge n, n I' gimcntaJ drummer on armourer, one waggon ma t rand ne dri er. E ch ompan con i t d of on' ptain, ne Ii uten nl two n ign ne cr ant-maj r. two ergeant, onc ni r orporal, n [arri r fi 'orporal one mpan urg on thre drummers 14 juni I' orp ra\. and 124 privat ,Th ba talion artill r nit d of c:!ln rg ant two orporal and ] unn r, "h tr in n·i t d fan 'orp ral and ,e n dri rs, h re weI' al 20 driv I with th baggaO'c and br 'ad waggons, Thc Light I nfan tr R gim l1t \ a r th Officer and man of the 5th Cavalry (Dragoon) Regiment, c,I791, in blue uniforms faced white. Despite the dragoon designation, the uniform is hardly distinguishable from that of the heavy 'Reiter' regiment, as e,g. Plate A3. (Ronnenberg)
th: taJJ: four talf offi er two adjutant r 'm ntal quart I'ma t r on regimental ur n, n b ttali 11 ur n, on regim mal drumm I' n armour I' on wa on ma ler, on dri er. ach compau),= n captain n lieu nant, two n ign one erg ant-major t\ 0 crgeant onc -cnior corporal 01 e farrier our orporal one ompany urg on twodrumme ,I junior orporal 74 prival . a h Jaeger compan),: n ap in on Ii ut nam, twO n ign on cr ant-maj I' tw I' ants nior orpor I, on farri I' four orporal, n ompan urgeon, t\ 0 bugler one armourer and 84J a ger, Regimmtal artil/elJ': tw 3 pdr, two amu ette on n ign (from the ,rillcr R gL) two ergcant our orporal and 28 gunn r. Art£LieIJ' traill: tw orporal , 15 d ri er, Baggage train: two d ri ve wi th th pa k waggon ight drivers with th br ad a gon, 0 driv I' with lh pa k hoI' In 1798 a an nom}' m a 'ur lh th and 12Lh Infamr R gt, W I' di band d and their om ers and m n tran ferr d Lo th lh rr gim nl . Furth rmor, v ry b ttalion was reduced in lr n th b iu krt I' ompan and th I +th Light 10 Lboth it. Ja gel' compani , in 18 I. From 1799t 1801 the9thancll~rhR t .didnolcxil; the thcr regim nt weI' I t I' numb r d until 18 2. Th uard Regim nl wa I' or ani cd a follow: '/(iff. on olon I on Ii ut nant- 1 n I, l\ 0 major I lw adjutants on regim mal quart I'm ' leI' on artill I' ofTi r on regim nLal ur eon. f4 ur mpan ur on' n I' 'gimental drumm r. i ht oboi. t' driv r. Reg£menlal artillel]': one 'ergcant lhr rp ral 24 unn r, renaditr compa7lJ'= on captain on mr ti utenant on ond lieutenant, one en i n on er ant-m Jor one sergeant one senior c rporal one farrier four orporal two drummer two fUel'S ix junior orporal 86 gr nadier ,Thre Mu keieer cOlllpal/itJ W I' 0 the ame u'ength a he Grcnadi r C pI tha h· had no fif4 I' '. Th trength of an Infantr regim nt a the am xc pl lh l it nl had on adjutant. The me ppli d L lh Li hL I' m III x pI that each a th four 'ompani , had thr R ruit w I' n rmall v lunL I' occ ionall ,unil w r br u ht up 1 tr n th b) forms of conscription such as in 1793, ub tilUl were not allowed, HO\i v I' rai ing men in u h a f4 Ilowin
ay pro\t:d loa time- on liming and ..-alLlnLeel 'f lak'n rr m LIl jail -whi h, I' Ut' I d to a dl lin in di ciplinal-y standard. Th ommander. or Lh I nlallLry r LIn n . \ ere il.-ftll \II: ',lIord Re ;mell/: 178 Prin' Ad Iph fri drich Duk ( mbridg . I
nl R'gim III: 1781-V0I1 ,fh 'th r. :!lId
LOckhau 'en, 17
1792-von 1 endorlr
-v n
18 2-V n
Oill'k1a , rd Regiment: [792-\ on
chei lh r, 1794- on • t('dJin , /f/l & illle1ll: 1788-von 1\11 ulio .1 7 3-\,on B thml'f.
jl" Regimen/:
178B-v n d
7 7-v n Hug,
B ck I 800-v
n Ha II. fi"t Re imellt: 17 - v n B', I 17 2-\' n Hamm tein. 711/ RfuimNl/: 1781-von de1' Bu che, 179 u PiaL. 81lt R lmelll: [76'2-P1'in Ernst or}\lI ckJ n I llf , 18o:'!-P1'in or' hwa1'zbur,g- onder hallS 'n. ,/111 Regiment: 17 n u rnhcim 17 3 -v n Wan coh im 1794-v n Duering 17 von Hu 0 17 . band d. ro/It Regimenl: 17 2-V n Diep nbroi k, 17 lTe 180L-V n del' W n 'e, 1 -r~numb I' d 180:'!
h Lill uard rc imcnl had five capLain, hI' a ling a tain, (Jv fir. t Ii uL naill' ighl ond Ii ut n nL., i hL . I' ant. i ht quart rma t I , ei hl trainer'. J corp ral'. 8 trumpeLer and 304 tro p I' . ' a h H vy regim nL wa or imila1' constilution e~,,(' pt hal il had onl) two a tin captain . ix Jr lieut nan and eight con L. Th" Drago n I' gim nL \V l'(' al similar, but had fi captain' tw aptain, ix r1r t lieuLenam and ight en ign. Tit slan' or a Drago n rc:gim 'nL e n. i.-led I' thr (> stalf offi r, one regimenL< I trainer, on I' rim mal lIr,!?; on, on I' 'gim n I \' L'rinar ' u r 11 k tLledrumm r, II ur 10i . nd n r gim >nlal d1'i\' 1'. The Ligh l Dra T on 1" • m 'Ill' had the me. Lalf a L1 Drag nand 1\1(' pL in" two a lin cal lain'. ix fir. L Ii ut nant· and ighl send lieul nant . The headq uarter r the I' giments were a. follow: Lift Guard: Hano\' r IJI Call. Regl.: The officer and trooper of the 9th Cavalry (Queen's Light Dragoons) in c.1791 display considerable uniform differences from the beavy regiJnent . The act design of the jacked cap or hat is hard to m.ake out; cr. our attempted reconstruction in Plate 82. (Ronnenberg)
nb. /I/It Regimen I: 178 ount Taube, 17 5-v0I1 Di'pnbrik 18 -1'numb1'·dlolh. /2/1/ Regimellt: 1783- n Lin ingen, 17 5-v n \\'ahhau 11, 17 8-ill ·banded. /.1lh I?egimenl: I 792-\' n Be I 1795-vol1 h i Lher, 1802-1' numb l' d IILh. I If" Regiment: 1793-\1 n Wan nhim, 17(4-V 1'1 i P I1broick, 18o_-1'enuml e.1' d 12Lh.
rcgim nL t IllpanJ
h re im mal LafT on i ted I' on· Ion I n Iieut nam- olon I ne maj r, on r gim mal trainer on urgeon, on I' gim nLal \ l I~inary ur e n, one keuIc-clrumm r on laff Lrump 'L r (IlIeI n regimental dri,'{'r. II
d lieu-
h [th Light th n d b tw jUI1i r
olurionar lr Ilglh Unknown Arti t' inlpres ion of aD officer ofa light cOlDpany of a Line battaliOD of the King' GerlDll.D Legion, c.18,S' (BoJl1ll.J1D Mu ewn, Celle)
m nl
the, , r gimenb quadr n r ur a r lb ~ [Jowing
n r gimenLal aI.
Re I.:
·av. Regt.: a . Reol.: 'a . Re L.:
Artillery & Train In '78 th rtill ry R gim nl on i ted of hvo battalion a h r fiv mpani. Th taIl niL d fane alone! n'lieul nanl- I n I. 1\110 majo : one regim mal urgeoll one cretai', OIlC regim mal drumm rand e\' 11 b i '. In ill I 12
six caplain d rce a a lOlal cn lieuL n m.s, 1 n n ign , 32 ('I' ('"'dnl - _ c rp ra.I'. (a drumm . 4 b mbarclie and 480 gunn r . I e r im IlL w il . on d ,in Hanov r Hamlin Ralzebur .. lade Jnd H rbur . Th u -ili'Jry rp' of 1793 wa join d b thr divi.ion r anill ry G L t I 2 'annan and ( howiLz'rs. 1 wo clivi 'ions ea h ansi, I d of I'n 6 pc! ., r. ur 7 pdr . and two 3 pdr. h iLZ r . Ea h
dhi i n wa. eli id d inl Lw ballcrie each or Lh same constitution. he Lbjrd ill ision can isted of all d' L' I' Horse ,tiller quipped 'Yvilh [our 3 pell'S. and lw 7 pdr. h wilZ r. Th manpo'Y er 'Y a. allocated a roll ow: fIor e ,lrldltT)l: our am r, two rgean' 12 corp rat·, on ran'ier two a' i lant rani r two drumm I' ,48 bombardi r and gunner., one arm urer, one "j Lant on 'ompan 'ur ·on. 1.\/ OJld 2/ld Diuision: E.a h 12 (2nd 1 ) orn rs e n . r cam, 24 corporal. thr fan'i I' 'ix a' i tant farri 'x drumm r. I 2 b mbarcli rand
apprenLi one drivcl'. i . ion or HOT e ampalgn.
rLill'r .....
rai d fi r
Survivin coatee of an officer of th 5th Line Battalion, KGL, c.18IS' Of scarlet faced with dark blue, it i laced goLd; the gilt buttons bear a croWD over 'KGL' over '5'. On the white tail turnback are dark blue dia.mond bearing a crOWD above 'KGL above crossed branches. (Stadtmus um Hannover)
one armourcr, one a j tam one uracon , nd clivi j n n1 ) LW mpan urg n. For ach h \ 'IZ I' the Hal'. Anilh-rr arri d: hi'll a round rani L r 17 in ndjari . and ~ I' a hannon, 13 I' und and rapshol. In 1". I' e for ea h h wilzer w rc 4 h,lIs 5 rounds canisler and Ihr inc ndjari f I' a b gU.ll11CI
cann n
und b t
grap hot. Ea b Di\ . ion , pdr. ho itzer, L 11 in ndiari ,. Ci I' 'a h 7 pdr. h \> ilzer-18o h II 5 round, or 'ani t 1', 0 in ndiarie" and rc J' ra h ann n-'210 round and grap shot. Th R gim ntaJ rtiJl ry had 136 round h l and 84 rap Ii I' a h "un' tb r nadi r Battali n how I' carri d 192 round and 128 ammunili n w
arried in
'9 2 mal
King's Colour, 4th Line BD., KG!., awarded by George ill in 1806 aDd carried at Waterloo. Made of painted silk, the UniOD Bag bears a croWD aDd a wreath of mixed ro es and thistles in Datural colours, around a dark blue cartouche edged with gold stylised foliate bordering aDd bearing 'KING'S/GERMAN LEGJO /IV BATIAUON' in gold. (Stadtmusewn Hannover)
: rp
en Ign on ~ ag n ma tcr raul' ergeam and qu rt rma tel' even corporal, one harnes mak r. n c mpan surgeon one v t rinar surg on two apprentice mith, t a appr nti wh 1\ right two apprentice saddl 1" and '24 train Idier. Ea h Hay Batter had a Train ornpany a Lh following tr nth: n aptain ne lieutenant, one en ign one master fi ergeant and quart rma t rp ral one harnessmak I" n mpan UI" can one veterinary urgeon on ma t I' smith and 111ree apprentices one rna tel' whe Iwright and two apprenti on ma t r addl r and two apprenli ,129 train ldi I' . h taff on i ted or I major on adjutant, one regim ntal qu rt rma t I' on ecretary one r gim ntal urg n. thr compan surg on' one bier arm urer one a' i tant, four junior armour -I' , raul' a sistant. anel111e regimental drummer. I n 17 thc H r ' rtil! ry wa equipped with 6 pelr . drawn by eight hal' After the RevoJutionar War w r er the artiller wa rear ani eel roHows: t\ a batt ri of Hor e rliU r alta h d to the avall"Y Di i ion.' lhre batteri or Lin reill I' atta h d to lhe thre' Infantry Divisions; one battery of Hea rtiH I' in lbe R erv; and two baLleri in the fortr s s. H r Batt ry r twO 7 pdr. h witzel' ix pdr. and ~ ur 3 pdr. ann n; a Line Battery ansi ted of two 7 pdr. howitzer and ix 6 pdr. annon·th R . I' Batt r can i ted or ix 12 pounders.
Engineers Fr m 1789 th Min rand app r mpany had it d P t in Hamlin th P nt on and Pion cr mpan in Han v r. 1 he L1xiliar Corps of 1793 had a d ta hm nt pion ers can isting or one corporal one drummer and IS pi ne r . Th had two mobile bridg . Th uxiJiary orps or 1794 had a Pontoon l"ainor24P ntoon withthene e arym-n lhati ix enginecr offi r in Iudin th two with the Pontoon ompany on rna tel' p l1loon r on~ ergcant two orporal' Il' ur Il, Il drummer. 50 pont n 'r and a Pontoon rain ompan)' r n ffi cr ma~ter harne maker on train urg- n, n veterinary uraeon , one a i tant l\ 0 train er eant .ix train orporals, 80 train soldier;
Th rtill ry had a Train rnpany whi h on ist d of on aptain, onc Ii utcnant one
h i '.
.\fler th R v lution ry War', th Enginr .orp consi led of one colonel, one licutenantwi nel, n m~ I' three captain even JieuIrnan ',fiv n i nand IWO ondu lor ; a 1in I' c.ompan· f lw I' ant Iv 0 rp rat two musi ians and 30 min I' . and a P nt n amp n of Ihe am tT nth. l
to 180 bl
k fill tri am hat
Bugler of the Sharp hooter section ofa KGL Line battalion, in field ervice marching order, c.a8as. The sbak.o tuft and cords are green, as are the bugle cords; the lace trianming on the coatee is blue on white apparenrJy musician' partern. Note Sharpshooter's white wai t belt with maU 'espeDs • pouch. (Unknown arti tI BoIllll.Dll MuseUn>, Celle)
Infantry Th bla khat W re trimm d with ilv I' la for Lineoffi er nd withwhjt fI r th rrank' L. el nd cord I' whjt for th ranker ih r for olIi er . Th uard R gim 'nt had old and )'cLlow Irim in tad, ffi r pan d a black co kade th m n a whil 10 p and bUll n. Th colour of th plume di tingui. h'd th I' gim nt chart b 10'1 ). Th I lh and 15th R g . had tall feather plum ,in r d/whjt / r n fl r rank rand '{'Uow/whit fI I' ffi .r. I' nadi . w r b I kin
I' I adicr wer' arm d wilh mu k t· bayon and infantr abre.· Line infantr (Fu ilier) ilb mu kcLS anel ba on IS; lighL ompanic \ ith rift and ba on' ; Lh .ling w r hile. The rank rs abr had bra hilt and a br -fiJrni'11 d bro\\n . abl ard. m ,. p' e v I' ilvcr-hilL d. with II w/ 'Iver knot and brown I ather 'aubard I' nadier am er v or abr (th w'r also
ail r·.
Unifonns of the Hanoverian Infantry 1791 (After Ronnenberg)
uijrd dk. blue I t 2nd 3 rd th 5 th -L1
7th th th I Lh I I th I~lh 13 th
14 h 1-
dk. blu gr en dk. blue bla k sk blu eUow gren elk. n dk. r n white white whit wrut dk. r n elk. r n bl k bla k yell \ ell " ·k blue 'ky blue green gr en r n r en
'/tou/del slrap
Tail strap
r d r n I' d " hiL ky blue red gr n \ hit trim II . whit u'im r d whit r I r I y 11 w red r d whit trim r eI, wlliL trim
m nt· had ei htbars
Hal plume/pompoll y 110 & blu whiL & gr n
old il r whit & blu ilv r whit & bla k iJ r whit, r eI, ,k. blu il cr while & ello siJ er white ' gre n ilv r whil & elk. green il er whit ' r d sil r ilv \ hit r d hit & dk. r n ilver whit bla k . r d ilv r ellm white, r d y II w . ilver hi , 'ilv k blue . ky bill gre n whit Irlm r d whit ' gr n il er il r n whil trim rei whit &gr n ellow gr n biu hiL . ky blue ell w gre I re n whit \ hit r n bla k
n their lap 1 ; and Lh
J+th aod 15lh had gr n
Unifonns of the Hanoverian Cavalry (Schinner, p. 183)
'I n
Reg/. Lt
Collar eI.
I.t 2nd I'd th 5Lh Dr. th r. 7th Dr. 8th Dr. th Lt.Dr. I tn LI.Dr.
elk. blu reel white ell rut
uffs elk. blue reel whit ell , ruLe whiL
ails wrut whil hit \ hite whit hit v hit hit hiLe whiL white
ail strap blu Ilu Ilu' blue bIu blu IJlu blu blu r d red
Uow II w & & ell w & whit & whil ' whit ' whil & white Uow 1I0w • "rut'
III aislcolll
wbit' whit white while whit whil whil hit ,",'hiL whit ",luLe
g lei old gold il r ilv r ilver .il l' il er
t1 , I
II T at
C .. c I"
arried fr m
with gre I' gim ntal
" ith
g ld
Coatee of a ergeant, grenadier company Line battalion. The huttons are mis ing from the lace loop on the false pocket flaps; otherwise this important survivaJ how clearly the details ofKGL coatees. The turnback ornament i intere ting: a hlue grenade with a red flame. (Bomann Mu etun, Celle)
kn wn th Leibia/me and as the same in n ad ever I' gim nt. Th I' I' f th Leibia/ml! di pIa ed ith I' th' I' ypher or the I aping hr. During th Fr n \ luti n
Regt. Leibia/me: \ hit Ii Id with th R at lion and uni om art I' f th R aI 1St
I' gim nt arri d 1 t Battali n w
a(- f-arm , I'd I' f th
malta: DEN
2nd Colour: Y 110 • i bral tar' Lh Leibjalme. 4/h Colo/lT' R man b tw n t\ pillar joinl'd I' t d wiLh thr laurel cutting with hi \ rei. M lto: I
Detail of the houlder wingofa private's c:oatee, light company of a KGL Line battalion, or possibly ofa Sharpshooter ec:tioD' the small applied badge, ia while embroidery OD dark blue, shows It buglehol"lL (Bo1WUlD Muse...... Celle)
Q! I MAL Y PE nd mealh that a blue band baring Lh m tt IE ET MON DR I .271d olour: Dark gr en fi ld. cli.. baring a \vord and wh el urround d b a in appr h d y a lion. b v it, a 1 ud and . r II \ilh th m tl l' N ED MALI. I'd oLour: Pr n, wat hrul Li n under the cripLi n \ I 1 ANTI IT. 4/h olom': nlm n.
arter wiLb the mOllO
I t
R gl. 2nd Colour: Dark gr n flying toward\ I 'E M RTE TRI
Fama holdine word : E, TE 'OtRl th Lei~faJlfle. ~Jj
2nd Regl. uibjal/Jl:
1St Regl. 2nd CoLour: Dark blue fi lei. nlr di c wiLh a cl ud ollling d \ n from it an armoured hand bolding a 'word inscribed \ I r RIA. b \ Lhi de i e, a cr II wi h the m tlo 1 DE PR N BI . QI I R 1 . jTd olour: Dark blu fi ld with lion.' 1 tl : OFFEI\TDO E DEFENDO.4Ih olour: Dark lu with agJol th t I r th Z di un m nand sta ..
ri m
min laur I I
a laur I WI' ath. Below that
field. \ hi te c n lre wi Lh lion roll wi[b the m no TAU!
r alh. In
band with th
a blu
3rd Reg!. Le£bjalme: . I t Regl. 2nd olour: Bla k' ibraltar flag, blue b',mel \ ith the mit: Mr LI 1 R HJ\l1 o IE. nd r th b nd a are r ck ins I; d ·IBRAL AR and ten floating bart ri urI' und d by blu
ljlh Rfut.
LtibJ(llm :
thal a blu
t R gt. 2nd oLour: r n. lion ~tlillglo \ ralh with a w rd. tl: PROFlDEREGE LI LEGE. 3rd CoLollr: s Lei~ralllle. 4/h Colour: Green. .\rmOUf d arm omjng out of a cI ud hiding a h I r pap r' on it the word JEHO AH. OU: I
Q I CON RA NOS, Hilll Regl.
Ltibfa/me: . I l Real. 2nd Colour: Dark gr n. Laurel wrealh around whit c nll"- di c. Armoured arm ming ou of loud with word. b ve it blue roll with mono C I V LT. 1n th m rs th RoyaJ ypher. 3rd Colour: Dark r n. R d bann I' \~;[h Royal Monogram, surrounded b lr phi . MOlt: BEY OrE EN AMI'. BERWTNDE 0 ER STERll· . [n he rn r, th Royal ph'r. 4th CO/OIII: Dal'k r n. Whit ntr ill surround d by laurel WI' ath. - 10num nt wi h troplLies. Over K'IeaDl.major of a KGL Line battalion, c.18IS. The doublebreasted coatee bears all gold lace; the shako cords and rank badge He also shown gold, as j the overall tripe. (Unknown 1U'iiS1: Bomanu Mu elUll, CeUe)
croll with Ih morLo DER TAP· RKEIT
11th Regt. LeibJahne:
1St R gt. 2nd CoLour: '\ ellow. Li n with w rd, I aning on II' ' tump. Motto: ~ ER DARF E MIR EHM . JrdColour: Whil . Erm.ine in [rom fa cavern surround d b a laur I wrealh. Motto: LI EBER
" 1'.1 .
4th Colour:
hil . A rd olom xc pt with tr phi around he laurel wr ath nd two chained lav', und r it.
12th Regt. LeibJahne: A
J Regt. 2nd Colour: ellow. rm ur d warrior arrying word. 1otto: DEC RI MI £1' R VIRTus.Jrd oLour:Y llow.Lion ilh'w rd.i\loll: T PA E AD BELL M PARATU . 4th Colour: Y llm-v. R ck. in . a with wind', waves and lightning. ott : TN· EDE MALI .
13th Regl. LeibJalllle:
R t. 2nd a/our: Dark blue. F UT rown with Ih m tt : PRAEM1A nknown. SPERAT . 3rd & 4th olour:
14th Rrgl. LeibJalme: Probabl a. 1St Re
l. 2nd Colour: Whi Ermjne urrounded by Jl w I'oll wilh LI m tla: MALO MORl Q 1\1 FOED RI. 3rd a/our: Whit . Li n with sword in one paw ad ath' h ad in the oth r. o 10: A T MORI AUT
olour: Un-
kn wn.
15th Regt.
ur unknown.
Cavalry Th Life Guard R gim nl" or' r d 'oats whil all alh -I' ca\'alry regim nt h d blu with whit oal-tail l Imback fa I J d tog t.h I' b m an' fa bulton. h oat lapel had f! ur but~on, th 'wedish cum- lW. 1 er wa al n hutl n n LI collar. he ragoon' had an addi ti nal bunon in III top mel'S o[lhe lapels and rina·d paul tt s. Th hal was trimmed wilh La fthe butt n I ur and had a I la k ockade. II had a ella and while plum. For th r gim ntal distinction, . hart.. BelLS arlrid b xe and 0 h r J ath rwork were white. The pattoat bag was dark blu fa ed whil . TI addl loth and hoI ter a I' w r clark blue lrimm d \ ith L in th button olour. In the orner [lh cl L1, wa th whit I a mg horse embl m in a red fi Id un' und d by a II w wreath and crown. The Lif! uards had a r d h I raqu \-\~th a yellow trim, Ihe corn r e.mbJem
consisted of the cypher 'GR' surrounded by lhe ganer with a crown above iL. The holstcrs had only the letters and crown. This regiment's greatcoat bags were also red. Artillery
GUllners wore a blue-grey coat with red facings and light blue shoulder su·ap. Bultons were yellow, The hat had a gold trim and tassel, a black cockade and gold clasp, The waistcoat and trousers were white. Bdts were natural leather.
Memion has already been made of the Regulations of 1784. A doser look at the Regulations of 1802 would pcrhaps show how the tactics of the Hanoverian army developed in the light of the experience of the Revolutionary ,",,'aI's. The central point 01" thcse Regulations was thc necessity to co-ordinate the Line and Light infillllry. Each battalion eonsistcd offour compan· ies. a section of Sdllut;:en (light infantry) and IWO cannon. The line companies were formed into three ranks, and the primary functions of the front IWO ranks were to dclivercontrolled volleys and bayonet charges, The role of the light troops was to fight in broken terrain; to cover the movements of the Line companies, especially from enemy skirmishers; to protect the cannon; and 10 form van, rear and flank guard when Oil the march. The third rank of each company was formed into a reserve which was to be used where necessary, particularly to suppOrt the ScJwel{t'fI. This use of skirmishers and the combination of Line and Light troops was similar to the practices or Other German states ,'II this time; readers arc rclerred to MAA 149, Prusnrlll Light II!fOl/lry, 1792-1815 for a fuller accoullt of how skirmishers functioned at this time. The ballalion deployed into battle order as follows: On the order 'Batl/llion. <,11111 Ceftchlrrlflgiffl!', all officers and delegated NCOs took up their positions. The leading officer WCnt to the frOIll rank, the colour officer and two senior corporals stood in the second rank with the colour. The captain of the reselve stood behind the eenlre of the 20
Cap plall! as worn on thl! .812. Belgic shako by. soldier 0(1'"
Lin" Bn.. KGL. (Bom.1UI Muwum, CeUI!)
baualion, his officers and NCOs behind their respectivc divisions. Thc cannon werc placed OIl each flank, the gunners and sappers j(wmcd up with them. Thc light ammunition waggOll was placed 100 paces behind the centre of the battalion. 1'1\( Scllllel;;;en stood in two ranks behind lhe flanks oftht battalion. Thc mllsicians formcd up behind the centrc of thc battalion. Therc wcrc two ways in which the Line inlallll)' (ired: by division or by bauaJion. Firing was by lh(' frOIll IWO ranks only, as the third rank was pulled Qut orlhe line and used as a reserve. Each companj consisted of twO divisions; firing by division lI'as from right to left. Bayonet charges were made as follows: a volle) was fired, and the battalion advanccd towards lilt enemy as quickly as possible. AI ten paces from thf enemy, the from rank wOllld charge bayonets \,'hilt thesC1:ond would hold their muskets in onc hand 011 the right side. Square was formed as follo\\'s: the 3rd Co) remained standing with the colour party behind it The 2nd Coy. formed the right flank, the .ph theldi
and lh I t ' y. J d til . quar . Th> r rv filrm d th third rank, on ann n wa pI d a th corner {i rm db th 3rd and nd
oy the other at th corn r b twe n the 1 I and 4th. Th ,c1wet en {Over d the ap around the gun and between the companie. h limb I' and ammunition waggon lI'r pIa ed in id the quare \ hcrever po iI Ie. J
R ulaLion I' 1787 r main d In for e throu h ut Lh Re oluLionary \ ar. he qu dr n w formed a Ii II w. h ri hl flank mpan wa formed from th t'ight L left, the Ht flank company rom the left to right. he bi :t men n (h be t and a ·te t h r. s \ r
pIa d in th fr nt raJ k. LV r fTj rt w< mad t have unili rmity of ize it the front rat k. n parad til captain I' d L pace in fr nt ofth centr , th Ii utenant nepa einli'ontofthe e nd.e ti n f Lh right flank and Lh corn t or en ign on pa e in IT nt rLh 'e ond Li n rth I rl. Th . rg('antmaj rr d b hind th rr nt n pac t th I' ar or the"(' nd rank wiLh th r company III r; the quanerma. t r I' d \ ilh th juni r mpany £lie r. Th mpan train rand tw orp ral' rod on bOlh flank orthe fir t rank and on the ri ht orthe e and. The trump tel' rode on the right Oank or lhe fir t rank. Ca\'alry atta k· ere made by regimclll it lin e h Jon and olumn. he ignaJ to alta k wa' given by trumpet. Th tanclard li III ac,k into the ecand rank and h ir pta in th rront rank waak n b '\I1oth r trooper. Th squ dron ommand r. r maincd in front orth ir quadran. Th r gimcnt ad anc d La walk th cond quadr n ivin th dire li [. h n cl . er to the nem, th \ alk became a trot; 200 pace from the enemy lhe order L gallop \Va giv n' and the narge \Va mad wh n 12 pace rrom th en my. Wb n chargin , Ln econd rank" a to double it di tan c from th fi l. be bject a an attack in echelon v L bit th nemy in th Aank. he alta k in column \I a made only wh 11 tb t'rrain r lri t d d "pl ment, th rwi' th lin wa' tn pI' fi rr d li rmati n.
The KiJ1g Gernzon Legion and" i bed betwe nan xp neli. Cf Fren.. h Empir and a grccd Prus. ia th tate r Hano\ er oon be arne a pa • in tb trug I s rtne reat Powcr . When war br k ut gain betw n Fran . nd Britain it Ma 1803 the Fren h invad Hanov r and r r -d b r army to adopt n utralit. gr up r patriotic fficer pan or d by th Duk f :ambridg etal a llre ruilingali r r\" luntcer Pu.>:illog contemporary plate of aD officer of the 1st Ligbt Bn., KGL .812., by aD unknown artist. It ~m to incorporate kn.own feanu-e of the uniform of both Lig.bt batuwo . The beadgear could be either the bako of the J t or the mirleton of the =d, but bas the gold cords recorded for the 2nd. The jacket has the three row of buttons recorded for the 2nd, but the pointed cuffs of the I st, and white or silver piping rather than the black recorded for both. 00 balance, thiIi looks clo ~er to the 2nd Bn. than the 1St. (Romano Museurn, Celle) '21
the L gion
on i ted of the
apt. J uliu Hartmann
n B k tl \'on ~1aj.-
Drag on Regt.:
Officer of the I t Light Bn., KGL, by Schwertfeger. This foUow the conventional version oIthe uniConn: greeD hako plwne and cords' gn:eujacket with two row of silver buttons and ilver houlder- cales; bllLel< facing and braid trim.
fr m Han v I' t 1\' th Briti h rown. fter initial he ilalion, I' eruit fI ad d to En land. rom I t b 1', thi earp wa d i nat d lh 'King' rman R giment" n 19 D mb 1', lh desrman Legi n' a ignation be ame the 'King ~ r e onsi Ling of e1emcnt ' or all arms, Th Lion onlinu d to grow, T~ a battali ns f light inrantry wcr form d the fav ur d I' rui min fr m the Hanov rian Li hl R 'm nl. Hanov Tian liard w re takcn into the I t Bn: and by F bruary 180 Lh L gion had a total f eight Lin Baltali n ,Initially n H a\' and on Light Dra 0 n Regiment \ re form d. 2nd and th n a I'd Light Regt. were ~ I'm d ub qu nL! alan with _nd H av' Regim nl. h artill I' . w in a imilar fa ·hion. Jnitiall " one Ho e and one t Ball ry rai ed ~ 110\ d b m I' a th manp \I I' I am available. 2
n. Karl y n . n.
i tor \'on
org v n R den
th K L amc under fork. The Duk hief [th L gion,and
1: Private, 1 t Infantry Regt., c.1790 2: Gunner, Artillery, c.1790 3: 'Ii"ooper, 2nd Cavalry Regt., c.J790
1: Trooper, U,fe Guards 1792 2: 1i'ooper, 9th Dragoons, 1792 3: Officer, 12th loiantry Regt. 1792
1: Private, 14th Light Inf. Regt., 1794 2: Officer, 14th Light In!. Regt., 1794 3: 'frooper, 10th Light Dragoons, 1800
1: Grenadier, Line Bn. KGL, c.1812 2: Officer, 1st Bussars KGL, c.1813 3: Officer, 2nd Light Dragoons KGL, <:.1814
1: Jaeger, Feldjaegerkorps von Kielmannsegge, 1814 2: Private, Light Bn. Lueneburg spring 1813 3: Bugler, Light Bn. Lueneburg, 1815
1: Private, Landwehr Bn. Osterode, 1814 2: Militia officer, winter walking-out dress, 1814 3: Gunner, Artillery, 1814
1: 'Irumpeter, Estorffs Hus ar , 1814 2: Hussar, E torffs Hussars, 18131 3: Hussar, Estorffs Hussars, 18141
1: Freikorp Czernischeff, spring 1813 2: Skirmisher, Field Bn. von Bennigsen, 1813-14 3: Corporal, Field Bn. Verden, 1814·15
colon I
on one
Schwertfeger bow this oldier or the 1St Ligbt Bn. the conventional bl~ck hako with green tuft, silver ~dge and green cord; green jacket with one row of silver buttons, and black faeu.gs at collar, c:uJJ, houlder trap with lllcrge black tufts and black lace triJn.
aplain l\ 0 Ii 'ul nam, on n i n fiv' rg ant', fj rp ral , on l1lusi ian (dl'lll1lm rin th Lin batlali n , I ugl I' in Ih Lighl), private and on pi n r. Th . mpani e1i,tingui h d by J II r. .. n
Drill and Training InitiaU Ih Hana erian and rei nln w r
Brili h th'
1'111 •
\r\ hen th· Legion' artillcr uII under Ih juri diction f th Bard of Ordnan n 1 U u't 1806 the B.'iti h R ulation" er illlroeluc d. The
avail' ' r had th
n intI' du d n IF bruary 1807 in b lh rman and ngli h nLinu d 1 nnan. d to th infantr ad pt d. Th Light infantry nev r u d Briti h R laLi n but d v lop d it, own, ba ed on Han \'crian nel Brili·h Regulation- as II, i p ri n fw r. e nih u h i I rd r w r command r lin Halk otLi h (h h d r ed in h DUl h Ii r ). Th r gulation. \ r finaL! publi. h d in print eI Ii rm in 1813. Briti h R gulalion \ ere u d fi r gu I'd dut and parad but when il arne La real fi htin Lh ld Hanolicrian R guJation \ r preferr d.
Th avail' form·d up in two rank with a fi ill Ii ap b tv n lh I' n . Turn w re made hl Ihr ,Th pi in f th t\ 0 roop.; commanded Ih dr n whi h wa divid d inlO four divi ion. h 1\ 0 lieut nam ch m· nand d a Ir p and'r d n i out id A nk. an riding behind them laking Iheir plac if n e. ary. The juni r ornet rod in the nlr of th qu dr n, n '0 b hinel him. Th rgean rod n th A nk. of Ih ntre di i ion. The nd aptain an I. ru I' rn t I' d b hind thr fronl ob er in th ec nd rank. J- ut hal' r made" h n 100 pa e from the n my: al th~ point. the \\" rd wa rai ed into the air. Flankcl' W I' nt ut 3 0 pa . to lh front and prcad
A recruiting handbill dated 1815: the use of the Engli h phrase on a Gennan-language document is interesting. It read : 'Through the departure of those men who asked to be dismissed when peace came, there are vacancie in the King's German Legion (note old spelling 'Teut chen' for 'Deut chen') which by order of hi Royal Highne the Prince Regent of England are to be filled inunediately by volunteers..Every free German man who ha the inclination to erve in this corps is hereby requested to report without delay to lDake up the
number of tbi corp as soon a pos ibh:. Each mllJl is I. receive four guinea bounty, aDd, from the day of hiJ acceptance, free board and lodgiug. English pay and board are so weU known that it is lIot neces ary to say anything llbow them. Auy soldier who is wounded when iD e.rvice or becomlt di abled by auy illne s will receive au English pension for Iif.. HanoveriaD subjects who are not liable for service ill the militia will be accepted.'
~urcl) ~
I!ntlalfung Mjtnigt1t 4J1lOllnfltafl, 'llbflticb nlltgtfuctl ~abcn, finb in bcr
mtj10llbcn I
KIN G. um
'{)rinJ • !lltgmrrn
friglanb fofort buret frrpllliUlge Wnlllmung mCfl IVtrbc!t {oUrn.
bd (Js
lturflte 'l1Ionn I IDtlcl)1t mrigung ~t I m blrfnn fo olllirlriltnrlrn (!orp~ nebmen , ~imnit aufg~bft't I flit un~tflusIicfl III elben I um bolbmOtl~1l fcbltnbr aabl lur qom~krinlng bitlr~ (!orp~ metl lU rr~olrcn. ~cber
Guinec .f,lonbstlb I
irM freoc ~flt
II ~
Ilogr (riner anl_
u , frror lO/fll"rguns ullb .cuam.
lllic cnglijcl)c CI1Dd bardkr lU
III II SUI bcfonnl,
fasrn. Xler Eiolkf I kr IIllibcmb friller llllmlticit burlt llBuabta I ha Xllcnft 6ugQognrc ~an~cit unf~ 1D1It I ~ bit f1Itliflt'c ~~a 3tidtbta•.
n f til·
c nd rank
t~ 0
ranks. Th b ttalion command 'I' and hi· adjutant w r l lh ri- nt f th b Hali I, lh' aplains n the right flank of their di,i in. lJ olh I' ffi I' tood thre pace behind the econd rank. The 'quar , a: h 11m and a lhr or fI ur ranks d ep. Th fir l I' fir t two I' nks kn It. th other ral k tood filing. Ba oncts weI' normally fixed bu lh Ii httr ap IX dlh ir nly wh nard I' d. harg w I'e n rmalJy mad aft. I' firing a vall 'y, the Lin Lr p ad an ing at 75 pa cpr minut ,th Light at 108. Th front rank h r d ba n t. Lh nd an·i d lheir mu ket in the right h nd. fanarri d ut in p n olumn r
Richard Knoetel's plate howing different ranks of the KGL I t Light Bn. in 1808 may be compared, with advantage, with the figure and angles shown in Plate G, Wellington's Infantry M', MAA Ilg.
contra tiog plate
uniforDl : again,
howing rhe 2nd Light 8n.'
cr. Plate G and COnuDeutary in
MAA 119.
lar ely similar to h w \ r,
the he
I CO: also M illuslralion .
W,lIiflglJJn'~ Infalll~)
(:,,). for further d tails
Ih 2nd \ hil and th I'd )'cllo\\; Lh' ) 'I ,mcl21ld had Ilow rr gin, th > 3rd whit; Lh I I ,nd rei had bla k rur th 2n I I it ' The i ht inC~1lr. \ I' a unifi I'm it m n rhoo ill . ~ t I' . r, the re I tuni of the I IBn, \1 err Ii Iller in colour than tho C o[lb _nd, ollars and run', w l'l;' black, 'b I I b d a 'h rHailed ja !i.el, the nd \ or d lman ,Tb ffi l' f h mrl had bla k ilk frog in . th ir III n did not hav an} Irogging but had thr row or butlon', BUllon II w fI I' g n ral, tafT ffi '1", l'11~n'" niHe I lh H avy alld ) l Li III Drag n th'. t and 2nd Hu ar and the Line inf, ntr" and hit for the 31'd Hu ,a." the 2nd Li hI Dra nand th Light Batlalion , Officers \\ith y II W bUllOI1 had gold embr ider 011 Ih ir coat. Th men' lunics had a while lrim which had a blue worm, I1i I' t nd d t w ar a bh k tri orn with a whil -over-r d fI alh r plum and bl k 0 kad , hom 1811 F I rtill'r (lj '1", Lan d to" ar the 'hak , H rs rtill ry tll r l d him l. ffieers f the Lill Ballaliol1' lancd I wear the hako from 181:.1, Th Liglll Dra n aJ ,hako, a did lh Hu' aI's al fir I: a bJa k bu b ith n'd ba" inLr du d later, Th 1St Light Bn, wor' a black hako, lh _L1d cap, n I' I. and lafT office)' war whil LroLl - I alld black H .. ian lot. Engi ne I' I' wore rcy 'rall \ iLh old tripe, fI at artill '1'y offi r. with I'd lIipe, 'unner I ad gre lroU er bJa k \ram r gait . and 'ho ,Th Horse rtill ry had whil lrOU' 'I' and H ian b IS, Th H a / Dra 011' had whit, trou:er' and long boots, The Li hi ra n: _nd and 3rd Hu ar and Ih infantry had I' y v rail', Th, I l Hu, 1': had d rk bIll v I' II, ffi I' had silv I' I' g ld trim, Th infantry orc bl ck leather gait rand sh ).loulllcd lroop had blue great oat wilh a loak ('ollar, fI Ol ll' ps gre . G n ral had aigllill tles b vron, and 01broid ry on lh ir oa taCr offi rs cxc pt the Li hi infalllry and Hu, ar Ii-in d paul tt . 'llpt in had a in I p ul tt n th ri III hould r uball rn had metal' in . The m nor Ih H a Dra n Lin and Li hi inrantry had II' II n win 0 ' di tincLion were g lel or 'lver he I' ns on the upper right slee e. The 'I' ant-major had four \ ith a rown abov tb m
ani thr c fan-i r and cad
I tw ,
on , (lj rsw r·asa-h:tb'l fth g nTal'wa'g lei and r d -ilk. Il Ih r ffi r' wor ilk, erg ant-m j I' had I'·d ,ilk ':Ii I' am' I' d \ 001. Hu al' and the 2nd Light Bn, had barr I sa h "Lh Lighl Drag n. wai I a It , Oni el. ofLhe Hol.(~. rtiller \' I' armed I ith a abrc \ rn with a old and red ilk portepee a 'abr'ta h n a \ hiL 1·1t r g lei Irap wh non parade nd a pi I I c rri d in h I I r. F niH ry ofliccr calTied . word unn r a h rt \ rdon. whit belL. ixc rbin sw I' .rri I n ach limb 1". Tbi urvtvtng coatee, uppo edJy of a corporaJ of the 2lld Heavy Dragoon KG!., and with the black (rac.her than blue) facings oftbat regilD nt, di.£fer from Knoetel in details of the yellow lace trim_my ODe chevron appear above the cuff edge; and the collar is unbordered, but bears two loop . (Stadtmusewn Hannover)
Officer of lh Hea y Drag n arri ·d . w rd in a t 1 al b rd on a bJa k belt. he lr p r arri d their on a wh.ile belt and were at 0 armed wilh arbin and pi LOI. Th ighl Dragoon and Hu ar cam d lh ur d abr on a bla k b It. I ca air lro p had bla k abr la he and white belt. n parad , ffi r w r l I anridg box n old r ilv r b·lt. he infantr r arm d p rtly wiLh riA ,I artly wi h !TIll ·ket : one third of the Li ht infantry w r' Richard Knoetel's plate how dragoons of (left) the 1St and (right) the 2nd Heavy Dragoon Regts. KG!., in 1806 field ervice marching order. The coatee are carlet, faced blue and black, with yellow lace tritn. cr. Plate E, WelliNgtoN's Heavy Cavalry, MAA 130.
w r
lh ' I
harp h ote r maind r f lh Light
thr pinol in a holster on the righl. Each cavalryman
also had a white linen bread bag and blue woodell (1)nlccn. On the left, a bag or oats was carried; on tht' right, the cooking gcar. The infantry had a waterproofed canvas backpack. The greatcoat was worn rolled on tOP of it and the mess tins on the back ofiL A bread bag and canteell were also carried. The sappers also carried a shovel along wi th a saw or axe. and wore a ",hitt or brown apran. Inilially, the Legion worc lheir hair in a queue, but lhis brradually disilppeared. The 3rd Hussars \I'orc sidclocks weighted with lead. Only tbc Hu~rs were allowed 10 wear moustaches: the 2nd Light Bn. saw themselves as hussars, how('\'er, and also sl)Ortcd moustaches. The Artillery, Hussars and Light battalions did 110t havc any flags. Each of lhe Heavy Dragoon regiments had a regimental 01' King's standard, l"ach squadron a guidon. The standards wcre rectangular and had a red field. In the ccntre undel' ,I crowll were the rose, thistle and clover with the inscription liONI SOIT QUI .\1;\1. Y PENSE. Along the edge next to the pole were the regimental designation and white horse. The guidons were like brge lance pennantS, dark blue in the lSI Regt. and black in the 2nd. They were decor:lIcd in a s.imilar fashion to the regimental colours. All standards I\cre carried by the junior cornel. Each line battalion carried tWO colours, the King's and the Battalion: the tonner was thc Union nag, the lattcr blue. They wen.' decorated in a \imilar fashion 10 the C
cyclHually absorbed into the reconstitutcd Hanoverian army, although nOt without difficulties and frictions.
The Mw Arm} t81J-t6 The dcstruction of the Grande Armel' in Russia in 1812 left a power vacuum in Germany. The Russian Army wali 100 weak to fill it immediately, and initially there was a degree of hesitation amongst Germany's rulers. In February 1813 the King of Prussia thrcw ill his lot with the Czar, and other parIS of northern German~' followed SUiL Vollllllcel' formations were raised in I-Ianovcr, pan of which had been annexed by a voracious French Empire in r810 and pal·t of which was contained in the puppet Kingdom of Westphalia, ruled by a member of the Bonaparte dynast)'. Three battalions were formed in 1813: the Laucllbllrg, thc Light Bremen-Verden and the Light Lueneburg. These were joined by a Feldjaegerkorps formed from gamekeepers and forcsters, which was initially twO, later lour companies strong. These were joined later ill that spring by IWO battalions earlier earmarked for the Russo-German Legion, namely Bcnlligscn and Roehl. In August 1813, the infantry was organised as rOllOWli: tst Light Btl. Luclleburg: LI.Col. von Klencke ~;md Light fin. BremenMaj. de Vaux Verden: 3rd Bn. Laucnburg: Maj. von Bcnnoil 4th Bn. Bcnnigscn: Lt.CoI. \'on ,{Jennigscn 51h Bn. Roehl: :\'!aj. von Langrehr At Ihe beginning of 1814, these were joined by: Light Bn. Grubenhagen: LLCoI. von Beaulieu Lighl Bn. Osnabrueck: Col. von Andenen Ficld 8n. Calenbcrg: Gell. von Hedemann These battalions varied in slrength. For instancc, the L'Stablishment 01" Bremen-Verden was: Stan:""-Iollr officers. one surgeon, three NCOs, I] prrvates. Each of the eighl companies-foul' olTiccrs, one surgeon, 12 NCOs. twO drummers. 120 privates. This st rength was never achieved in practice. On 23 April 1813 there were 5t9 men on the roll. Training was based on the Regulations of 1802.
Every twelfth Illan in the Line battalions was trained as a skirmisher-ten men per company. They stood on the right Oank and bad a bugler. In January t8l,~ 30 militia battalions were formed, based on lhe provinces and districts of Hanover. All fit NCOs and men of tbe former Hanoverian arlllY were required for duty in the militia. From I February t8t4-, the HanQ\'crians were no longer regarded as being pan of the British Army and started 10 carry their OWI1 emblems on their flab'S' On 4- February 1815 all field and militia baltalions were combined into regiments. BremenVerden was renamed Bremen; Bcnnigsell, Verden; and .~llllgrehr, Hoya. One field and three militia baualions formed a rcgimenl------see tile table at the bottom of this page. At first there was liltle uniformity of dress: volunteers brought their old uniforms, and de· li\'eries of new equipment were sporadic. In spring 18t3, Lighf Baffalioll LUerlchurg wore a green peaked cap with a light blue band; and a long, dal'k gl"Cen coat with a light bluc collar and Swcdish cuns. Trousers \\'ere light grey with a broad light blue stripe. Belts were tan. During the armistice of Slimmer t813, Battalion Lucneburg rcceiw.:d the old stores of the lSI and 2nd Light Baltalions of lhe KCL; all wnics issued had tht" three rows of buttons characleristic of that unit. Collar, cuns, wings, shoulder straps and belts were black; trousers and greatcoal grey. Headgear was tbe 'stovepipe' shako. The shako badge consisted of lhe leaping horse above a yellow band with the inscription NUNQUAM RETRORSUM. Thc roselle and cords were black, the plullle green. The ollicers' uniform \vas a lillIe diflt-rent: lhe pointed cufis were Reg/. 1. Brelllen 2. Verden 3. Hoya 4. Osnabrueck 5. Luencburg 6. Lauenburg 7. Calenberg 8. Hildcshcim g. Crubenllagcn 10. Gocttingen
Field BJI. Bremen Verden Hoya Osnabrucck Lueneburg Lauellburg Calenberg Hildeshcim Crubenhagcll FcI(ljaeger
decorated with hussar lace, as was the back oftht jacket, which also had black fragging. Trouse" were grcy with a green stripe. A red waist sash W:l!, WOI'l1. Another source shows the ollicers' tl'OUscrsas being cornflower blue with a silver stripe, the wa~t sash of ydlow silk. The Light Balla/ioll Bumell- Vudf'1I was also clothed in dark green at first. 'rhe coatee had black pointed Cliffs, collars, shoulder straps and wings; it \\':15 double·breastcd and the bliltons wcre )'elloll. Trousers were a vcr)' dark blue. The black shako had a yellow badgc with a crown and 'GR', a black cockade, a grcen plume and white cords. Belts lIen: black. NCOs had chevrons on lhe upper right arm. The knapsacks were yellow-brown. bread bags and canteens as for the KGL. The black cartridge box did nOl have a badge on it. Officers of the Field Bal/a!ioll Brtmtl/ had black shakos with a black cockade. grcen plume, black cords and a yellow hunting horn badge. The rro tunic had two rows of yellow buttons, and black pointed cufTs with gold lace; the lining was whitt. 'rrousers were dark blue with a broad gold slript'. The waiH sash was yellow and the sword belt whil~. Formerly the Han: Sharpshooters, the Bafloli~ G'mbelllwgell had dark green co;Hces with black facings. OlTicers had two rows of II yellow butlom. The coat-lails had two bultons alld a hunting hom in each corner. The black stovepipe shakos had.i yellow badge and crown, the badge bearing a hunting horn and two crossed hammers. Corth were black, epauletles gold with fringes. Offictl'l had a green cap with a yellow and white band. Later on, the battalion wore black shakos with a siker hUlHillg horn, yellow band, black cockade and pompon; the black shako cords hung on thelnl. Militia B,IS. Otterndorf, Stade, Bremervocrde Verden, Bremerlche, Harburg Hoya, Nienburg, Dicpholz Osnabrueck, Quakcnbrlleck, Melle Luencburg, Celie, Gifhorn Ratzebllrg, Bcntheim, Lucchow Hanno\'er, Hamlem, Neustadt Hildcsheim, UclZCIl, Peine Alfeld, Salzgitter, Springe Osterode, M tlenden, Northeim
mfl'officu I (Light Dragoon, KGL--dark blue coate.: faced raJ, gold lace and 'IDeW': cr. Plate FI, Wdlington's Light C""llJry, MAA 126. (Schwertfeger)
Officer I t Hu.ssars, King' GerIDan Legion--dark blue do1maD. and overalls, dark hlue pelisse, gold lace and frogging, red do1maD. collar and cuff, red and gold harrel a h, brown busby with gold lin and cords and red bag, (Schwertfeger)
he cl rk r' 11 oat c had a black ollar. pinled
'ufi" and 11 row
r whil
I llllon , , er cam had
.ilv·r paulett nd ail\' r 'a h; lh ir arm' w r a rif! and an ffi r' . p' . 1'r u. rs wer gr y.
Firld Bal/fllion Langrehr had a bla k- vcr d 'hako. The black Lill'wka c al had l\yO rO\ s of blue ollar an I Bran I nbur, um· llll" unit had gr )' troll 'r . bla k b'lt. and \ hit br 'ad ba . The lat I' uniform n iSleel a r d f031(' with while lail lW'nba k , and Ii ht blu' rollar. w e1i'h ull and:h uld r slrap.. II pipe I whil and. mall wing alla h eI CO Lh' :hould I' trap.. 1'hl ,t v pipe. hak had lIow filun ., whit ol'cls, a bla k rc ,ell and while plume. B ·It: ) II \\' bUllon
\ ere bla k. Fi ld Bal/alion Bnmiu.l'n r 'C i\"d whiLe-e \"reel 'ihako' riginally de igna[ d for u. in Indi . ft i nOI " ar if the wer' 'l \. pip. r B Ii., and laler ani t' ,how both. Howt\, r, th ') did h e
Officer, 3rd Hus ar ,KGL-brown fur cap witb peak, red bag, gold lines; blue dolman and pelis e witb Iillver wcrim and froggm , yellow dolman collar and cuff • black fur and red lining (0 peli e; red and gold barrel sash; grey overalls, gold tripe. (Schwertfeger)
r gim 'nL J 0 had a d La hm nt r mlUI1Le r who \ r clothed in bla k. Th 'hako
bla k plume yellow fittings and a iLh he r d 1'0 Bremen. ord b it and au ntlet ere
Identified as tbe dohnan of me ergeanl-J:najor of me :Jrd Hussar KG!., 181 16, r.b.i dark blue jacket b s yeUow facing and chevrons with ilver lace trim and frogging. (Homann Mu eu.m, CeDe)
* boUl -5, th Bat I
0 Han erian klier. p ri ipal d in rIo ,th Han v rian and K L
or ", at
Gunners of Foot a.nd HoI' e Artillery, KGL, in uniforms aImOiI identical to their British Anny contelDporariell of equivall'lll corp: dark blue faced r d, with yellow lace. (Schwertfeser)
A,: Privale 'l Injol/flJ' Regiment C./790 \ t pi all Bri ti h, lat 18th ntur' t}'lr
unift I'm. Th artridg bo i arried on a broad r . :belL the hang r on a ai tbelt. The I' 'm 111 green di tjngui hin otour i sh wn h r on tit hal d -taiJ· the lap Is and th' um. N le ci ht \ hill' Lap lops on rhe fan r pall'. (n lh lall r.
The Plate A: Hanoverian Am~y, c.17.CP hi plat i ba d 11 a ri' of watereolour . L1 II' l part, kn WI a PrachtuJerk v T' he even Year V ar p ri d. Th and pan onsisl of r9 pial s dat db t" n 1781 nd 17 I, 'howinglh arm I t rh turn
r th 42
n lll"Y.
I : Th bULL
moper 2nd olJab), Regimenl, (./790 dark bl u e at i aeed white wilh bra \ n b ring the regimel1Lal numb r. and blm"
3Jld- Id heart- haped patche on the turnba ~. ') h ld la and metaJ c lour i' een in the hat df'lail . Th br h· ar whit n d leather. N te double cr belt the upper and narrower ne with a prin - lip )01' the arbin, the 10 er on ~upporting a pouch with a whit - 0 er d flap. This rr nment to k par in the 179. ampaign in Holland.
B: Hanovman Ir"!)' 1792 Thi. pial i ba d n th onl mp rar \I'M rc I urs b Ronn nberg.
B,: Trooper, Life Guard 1792 The uniform f the L ibgard of th PI; n e ElecLQr i ba icall imilar to that h wn but in carl t with 1'0 al blu fa in . Th vali . loakbag I' impl I' II d cia k b hi! d th addl i hard 10 int rpr l-it ma b m ant l sh w th 'lpp aranc ofa \ bite-lined red cloak. old and red dt'lail ar ,'i ibl n th hat word-knot (.
A crude drawing in the Landwehr-en .... Freiwilligen eries shows this ha tily-equipped volunteer oflhe Lueneburg Light Battalion in spring 181:r-ef. Plate E:z for colour . This drawing SeeD1S to how the bayonet and pouch belts reversed from the usual arrangement.
f uniII rm of th h 1m l or ja k d
1Jj.' Officer, 121h 17!fCWII)1 Reuimenl, '7(2 Theo[ficer'scoat had bu ton but not lace loop on lh lap I. h lemon fa ing of hi regimel1l are rep at d in th form of a all I' pal h. Th il er melal and la oflhi' regim nl ·h win h hat trim and paul It . N t th ffi r , rdb It plat a il r wr alh d ph r on I' d ba kin .
Private, 141h Light he black' , rsican' dl wI p. h P I liar, p ibly piped J:
11lfallily Rl1fflmellt, hat had a re n gre' c at ha while' and dark
'79-1 plume and dark I' n gre 11 lim 43
D: The Kin
.I German Legion 1806-16 'he e 11gur are taken fr m ari u plat b} Ri hard Kno tel, and li'om urviving it m mo tl . in the Bamann Mu. lim at . II .
Df: 'rcnadier, Line lrifanlly. c.18f2 Kn t I mad a numb r f min r rr I , P rtiularl in'h win sh uld r win a blu' rath r than th correct red, and tum back a blu rather than In orre 1 white - though hi. ac ompanyin note acknowledge that Bearni h and on Brandis how whit. \ h v orr t d th P in . The unifl I'm \ a' fBriti h d i n and manufa tur . and virtually id ntical to that oCth Briti h inlantrywilh wh m th KGL wa brigad d and < I n id wh m u ht 'th uch eli tin lion. ee aJ M \.\ th J 19 Wl'lIingtoll's infantl] (2), Platc and H.
D2: Officer, 1St Hus aI'S, u813 Thi I' gim nt n rt d from th light dra n to th hu < I' rOJ and uniform t I in 1805. Kn t I ba cd hi 'tud n infl rmati n from B 'ami h wh '1'\1 d in the Legion. ee al 1At\ 126, rl ellillgtoll s Light Cavalry, Plate F fI I' hw r and Light dra oon unifl I'm in 18! •
hako, suppo edJy identified to the Landwehr Battalion terode 1814' blade felt, leather peak, conventional British bras plate of type worn on Belgic: shako, green tuft and cord . CF. Plate Fl. (Stadtmuseum Hannover)
D3: OJJicer, 2nd Light Draaoons, c.1814 Fr m Kn t I again ba. d n B ami h. Cr y av raU: \ cr "om in the ficld, hit bree h with full d re '. e ,I J , II ellington Heav' Carolf). PI Ie E Ci r thc uniform \ am b thi r gimelll b fore it can I' ion fromth h avydrago nroJein 181
Jaeger, Feldjaegerkorp von h -ie/ma/lllSegge, 181/ Rai. d from Ci r tel' nd hunt men in pring J813. thi. unit wor a tum I' A tin thal ri ·n. The a pi" rni- ivilian', r th 'hape all' ad w rn b\
Pru ian and th r rman tatc armi for undr and in \. lunt er and I1d-linc unit. (Alil'r n tel and Elb rfeld) Cj: Trooper, IOlh Lighl Drauoon', 1800 Anothcr figur 1 k n from Hcrb rl Knoct I who c rath r fre st I of drawing I a am qll ti n p i. un I aI', un n w r d. Th hap fth la a Knoet I c 'ms LO su t sam ,thin approachin a n rath I' than a traighl d ubl'd I P with P il t d nd.
£2: P,ivate, Light Ballallon Luenehurg p,illg 181) rni 'ture a national feature; a BI;ti h hakowilb 11 Luft and I'd a rman Litt'Wka c al ill gre 11 ith palc blu detail, pcrh p Briti h trous rs ith an add d strip', and untr at'd Icalhn quipm nt; h mu k t i Briti h. ( ft I' a plat· in the'londwelnen lind FreiL iligeT/' ri . nd Kn ld
ft.j: Bu,glf.r Light Balin/ion LI/en berg, 1815 can cali nal lInifi nn, b i n a Briti h 18[_ pall m hakodr • d with l' d tuftancl l'tJrd Briri h Rif! s coat e with acid d l' d-tllf't d \\in nd bla k Rifles qlljpmcnL-th u h n t thr imefe tin pair of mall p uehe' all lhe belt. The h n is f I £11 pattern. embled n the L w r Elbe in pring 18 [3 Lhi' unil rigjnall cquipp'c1 as rapidly as possil I ill th P tation of imm'dial a u n. .1 th ap w l' \ l'n al ng ide Briti'h't v pip hak ( L). DUlin . umm l' /813 tb uniform f th I t Li hl Bn. K L\ a1 mduall introduced lh u h with lh B Igi .hako. ( flel' Herbert KI lei) ,\ lI1u·h m r
1"1,' Private Landwehr BallaliOl1
0 terode 1814
Tb Landwehr battalions formed in 1814 a h wilha 'mall h-aelquarl rand fllir ompanic .nd u\'craging 0 or 0 men, w I' uniform d b 1 cal Hallo crian aUlhoriti , who ould dra upon Briti h t ks. The propo ed h ad car wa' the Bel j :hako ...... th 1I0\ m tal pial , hla k and cockad· \ hit (Iat r, whit -0\' 1'- II w) white rd. -hona of th /812 pall rn 1 d 10 fth 1806 to\, pipe' hako in man a uppl of whit hako mad fI I' Briti h troop, "rvin on lr pi £11 slati ns but infr qll ntl i 'll d. wa also mad· availabl . Jack l: were to b reel, I~ d bl with \ hitc 1£1 with a hlu stTip I' worm ( .g. th sam a' \ rn b the K L). 1n pm ti howe\' r th r er num rou xc pti n , \\h.i h ai' extended lO the Fi lei Bauali n·. Land~ chI' Battalion lerod (illu trated h I' aft I' Kn elel 'ib rne and 'uf\'i\';ng item) \ r ti ht r n facing,' not the shako d rali 11 , includin a plate h.ieh Knoetel show a clisli nell dim r nl li'om the. landaI'd British j ue. (Kn ('tel illusll'al d a I' ant, with old h'vrons, a sash .\ orc! and mU'k 1.) Th· knap'a k app al" to b uDtr at d hid. f a lan- II w had . ath r di cr panci in Iud d til. Fi lei Ballali n 'rubenha en \ ho w r dark gr n fa d bl k; Landwehr Battali n' Hilde heim and Pein had pal' lIow facin '. \ 'urviving jacket or a nIor ~ or Fi Id Battali n Bremen-\ erden h bla k r" in ib rn indi ales bla k fI l' the' I'd n' B~lIalion but Ii hI gr n for tll Bremen; other ur . indi a blu' fa ing fI l' th V I'd n . and R.i hard KI1 1 I how blue ~ r th 'Brem n-
'"'1f"".1ltt w.... lkl!ulm.'_' J~ Jm.\tlI
Metal-ring 'wing' worn by a membe.--presumabl" an officer--of Kielman egg-e' FeldjaegukolCp, 1813-15. ( lathm.useum Hannover)
V r len' unil. th r eli r pan ic whi h pp 'ar in ib rn .', h ma ar bla k ·quipm 'nt and I 12 shako ~ I' th Quak nbru k Bat eli n' dark blu trollS '1", bla k'quipmcnt and 181 '2 shakos for lhe Br m n Ballali 11.
F2: Officer HanolJerian militia wiuleI' )(dkillg-out dres.. 181-/-16
Richard Kn o tulll .
t 1 how
trikingly 'mod rn
1/tll/cr HonoreriOIl JrlillC1]I, /814
v rail
flhe ullifc I'm orlh rai' cl in I 8 I 3' e
l i t h nJy. urc lhe mid t nap.
r. r Lh
Y'i!rinal ulli I'm vtith
E lOrfl' HI/j.wrs, 181-1. Ba don th 'Lalldwelmm und Freiwilligen' ric, tlti sh \- lhe mol' onvenlional \' I' i n or the WUl' unifc I'm. fill. sal'.
fI: Battalion
VOII BennigJC7I he bj l r Lhis plate i La how the eI '1 pm nt of un.iform . \- ithin nc unit. 'rcikorp .zemi clt·1f \ a ab rbeel tb Battali 11 v n B nni n, which lal r b i lei Batlalion I'd n.
Traditional buglehom, typical of those c:arried by bugler of Hanoverian light for_ations. (Stadttnuseum Hannover)
112: 'kirmisher, Field Baftalion von Bel/lligsl'lI 181]-11 n jnt'r Lin uniform, tak n here rr m a rath r rude e rl drawing wllich do however make a point r howing a gr en rather han th m re u u J \ hite/r d turt, indi aLing Li ht I' kirmj h r talus. Th whit or white- vcr 'el hako Irom Bri i h t ksinl nd d r rtr pi al u i 1 ad' th Belgic t p , ralh I' than the 'stovepip' hown in R hlin s Il-kn wn painting r the oehrdl.' unit. 113: ·orpuflIl. Field Ba{{alion J adell, 1814-15 1'b \ (t 1'1 0 infanu man, mpl t'l British in appearan c unif' rmcd Ii'om Briti 'h ·to ks as an official unit of lhe Ro al Han \ rian Arm,. . ha f I' 'how gr en fa in ,aLh I' . urec blu or bla'k ;'e unci r I. Sources
plafe Abbitdllll f'1I der /lIIr-flOII1IOVerJch 11 Ami c- /li/Onllfl'. R nn nb rg Han v'r & L ipzi 17 I . DOI"lellullg del' vom.9 .I oVfll1ber 1813 bi 1111I 14 • pnl 1819 durch Elbc(/ld paJ,rieriell Trupp 1/, Ar ny1O, ( flen known as Ihe Elberfeld Manuscripl.) LondwelzrclI lind Frl'iz illigen 181 1815 \11 nym. (P ibl COlll mpor ry, mar likel a later op 'of 'ont mporar material. In the Lipperheid col· I Lion B rlin.) Abbi/dung del' nijomzC7l aller in Homburo til dell ]ahrm lIijOl'm
•1.' rmn/Jelrr, EXlorfj s HusstlTJ 1814 I known'. th Lu nburg or Prin eRg nt Hus"ur", Thi· trump I' i re on'tru ted IT m a primiLiv' dra\ in in the Elb rlClcl olle tiOlr he app , l ar I' I, d unill I'm Jour a would be C Ilvc-nti naJ r. I' trump tel' .
(,'2: HilS ar, Eslolf{.1 HUS,\(II,I: 181.'1.' uhr·· dra ing on whi h lhi: f1 LIre i. ba. d
[{Wi his 1815 eillquarlirf gewtJtlU'r Tm/'Prn. Christ. & Corn. Suhr, Hamburg 1815-18,10. Cnijormf!1lk/illdl' and othcr plales by Richard and Herbert Knoclel. Pn"Jled SOl/rers DIt Chur·brallflj'dllueig·ltlflleburgisc!u Armer im SiebenJ4thrigtll Kriege, Niell1cycr/Ortenburg, Beckulll 19i 6. Dit l1allllavtrsche Armer Ij8t>--I803, Niemeyerl Ortcllburg, Beckum 1981. Xu asptrJI ttrrenl! Eillr !'!uffj'kllluir drr IWllllOlJerscht'll .lrmrtl'01l16j/ his db3, Fr. Schirmer. HallO\'cr 19'29. .Ilililangrwthrl' 111/(1 Pi~tolell drr delilscht'll Stollieu
dkxr-J8jU, l-Ians·Dicter Goelz. Stuttgart 1978. Die Armel' drJ Komigffidls /-IO/IIIOV". Udo Vollmer, Schwaebisch Hall 1978. Ordell /Iorddrutsc!ur Siaolell des 19.]ahrllllllderts, Hans Georg VOIl Gusovius, Ct·lle 1984. Drs Komigs Dellfsche l.egion ,803 bis ,816, B. von POlen, Berlin Ig05.
Geschidtle der !(oelliglidl Dellt.schm Legioll J/k)~1816, Ilernanl Schwertfeger, '2 vo1s, Hanover & Leipzig, 19°7· .\/illheiltlllg {III' Gtschichle del' mililaerisdtl'Tl Tracht, Richard & Herbert Knocld, 1892-19'2 l. -?eilschrift Jller /-Irmsktllldr. Various issues.