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Osprey, Men-at-Arms #406 The British Army in World War I (3) The Eastern Fronts (2005) OCR
Osprey, Men-at-Arms #406 The British Army in World War I (3) The Eastern Fronts (2005) OCR
The British Army in W rld War I (3), The Easte n Fronts OSPREY PUBIISHIN( • • • Men-at-Arms· 406 • In The Eastern Fronts The British Army World War I ...
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The British Army in W ,rld War I (3) The Easte n Fronts
Men-at-Arms· 406 3
INTRODUCTION • llllpt'"rial and 110."",••, <"'"''l{t~''' ,I,.. 100"''' '\"m_ "d....- aIm ..'" ,~ tI... t "'IMI ,-
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The Eastern Fronts
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• It, \.'> .tr",our,·,1 c,,~ _ '''''''''' S.. 'EI"I""
The British Army • In World War I (3)
•• •
• \li""r f,..,Ill.
• lI,i,i,h & Flnpi, " I, "m,'''' .". '''' tI,,· L,"efll &
....""t"·m """n• UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT
Mike Chappell
_--__ ... _ ... _---_ ... _-. _---_-..._ _--._-_ -_._--_ _-.-___-----_.. .... _--_ .. _._ ... _-_ .... _---.--'--. . _. ---_ ..------'" .. .... .... .. ..... --~
'" Ltt:a, rn fron'. ,t..,,~ .. ~'.. ",I",r """.."n of ,,,....,,"u,, t...rc ,I", lIri,".h \In" I<,,'!th' f"~11 191~ '0 191~... lid ", "'11.,,,, u.,,,,,,,,,,l '0 /illlil .. ,h.. ,\nll"'K" h.•d ,,,"d.~1 h,.."h,,,·. '" "r..llCt· a,,,l II<'IK""", I",.., of 'h.....·
'O,I...r ·n",.,,,.., (." "'" ,h.. ","",,,,,1,'1(\ of ,h.. oft;";"1 I".'nn.·,) M'''' ill ..h.II "",,b, nlbl ,h,· \1"ldl,' b ..". or ill ,h", pan o( ",,,'I...·,,.,.."" ~II'"I''' L"O"" "" ,h,' Il.olu" •. (I, i, "~,,,ri"l1 'n ",,,,' 'hal '" ,hi, I"",l " b.,i"l( ..""..." 90 .....'" af,.. r ,h.. ""'Ill> .kovril>t.~t. 1I,,",h .....;,-.......0 a,~
<><' ""n "'011(" '" 'P~'''''~''f{-duU<.... 'lkn ""'''' " ...'" w- (mm ,I " f..... n,. in pl
dn'M><" :.t> l>onll<"rT1 11.,....... \ '\:.o"b" "l uo, Ion I'«ltlfic ..oa>t. n""... \fnn, ;uKl ttl<" '01"11..\\..... ruo or I..d.... -n... pu'p<»<' of Ibn boo&. '" bri
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«........... h fOt'l(h' "' "'...... thnun ..... ~ a m,~,ut't' of ........ frum ttl<" don,,,,~ and ,;,.. el,l.... ll.o-"I>Il l."'I"'~_ 'no....., roo,u"!l'<"'l' ..... ,~ dr " frum ,I"';, I........""'" .o.n"1n /i" 'nllh. colt"".,1 It,,,,,lan''''rin). ""I,,,...,. ,,.- "",rr.i",1 '''''''..mlt mam 01" lIlt'm ..,..... I,~t I.. K,i,~,h ,~li..,·,~. "h" h.,d ,.. be famili.,· "i'h ,h,,"' ,,,,.,,\ 1."I;\1.,g,·,. I'"hlli"".. di",.", p<,<,,,Ii"I'i,,... ~"d n"1<"'1> ln~n,,, (",~I ...... (~" .. dl,...,i,r. ·n... Knn.h 1I.'1!',Ia,· ·\nn' a. homr .."" ,h.. Ih", I<'ll" '0 ,t.., \\'....... n h,,,u. rlt...... f(~~ 1 b. "n'l. from :l> , ro,,1d br t'dinro_ -\ll>cr~l~n.
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-_... .. _._..----. _'*---...... _---. "....-, -, _ ..... _tt,
110'..... Uptdll'O",,,, to.".. 0" ttl<" n<'d 10" grnl dtgrtt a IJ'Uh IIoIl>h
,I", ..
"'..,.,......, 1I"'Tl"'''''.... ...-, To II", \\
" ..II ;11", " ... n ,t.., nlOf\nl """"'....
I< _ "'" ........."""''''' ttl<" ~ ..;» of..... ..u u... ""'" :o>~ I.... '0\I0n" 0-0-..,.', p;orU
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l'IB ..;a, "''''
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........ old
'""" ". dr<'1" , ""'h a. TuRn '.. '""" .0"'" 'ri>cnrl< ....... 10k l""IJOMf'\'" .::Uh op<"rau"". to. ,t.., fo« ....
of C"'~t Ilri,~in :0,1<1 h..r :011,<,> (01 :"'.. "'c J>O"''''''') i'""oh,,,t th.. "'l.... "'",. of u,nn,,-m', .. 010"..... "' M an
dloOtl'.......... Mnca. part of .... Gull...... n",,....rou> P:onf... ,>b..
. ",wi ~ "'a><'
U~ AU ..,...... pod" ...,,oed b< Allin! mili"''' "'Id "",.... fortto. ,n ,I><'
<' 01 tl><' rnn<<:>oion ..,
tin fighu"ll af....· ,I><' \rm..uec in Europ<' Oil"""'" TUlt.n ...,.. ..ounro bo. both ..... Clnt.... r.;..."" and ,I><' Ent...,,,,, It...- dn:iMon '0 lij(ht aIonp>dt Gnman, and A d"'" 8ooi
<.. of t.... So.l<'r Canal. tl><' oilf kb of ..... f'<'r
<1 ''''0 no... c:Inlp;ugn> to Lnoc" ..... Turb (IU' of ,I..- ..-;or. Inh' ...... aI.o <......,NI bo. hr~h dt-nd.nl': III 191" '" p " ,I><' Allits. When" loolcd ... 'of a.. 1t~,Ii; d<'f~ "t At-blnan "'w:I Gc,m;m Iund> ....., ,mm",..", '" 191i. " bqcc 8ooi>h Anm' .. onu"ge'" "<'Ilt 10 her m, Brioi>h
io>.. "-"'" n ....i>c ...... to "'h"t bcC"~mc lno>o"TI "" t.... M
111<1 ,,,It I~' ''''" on II ... 11....1 "Will. Their ",he",.. f.,iled; li,,· T"rl..> (o"gh' 011 """I la,.. 1911~. II>' ,,'hkll ti",.. Rll"i~ had mll.I....·d il\'o ".·ml",io" ~Il
_ . _.......... -..'-....... ..,-.. ..
_ _..... _-
......... ""'
Tile In die .. lor"', In ",am' of II""" "''''p;Ull'1> fonn.a'iool> •..- th.. Io"ti~"
Ann,' ..tt.. ,"'pIo>-..d. and
"" ""1"'""'" to """"",be. th<'
.-..w pb>-..d bo. &111""
><>Id>cn ..,
bon ... "'!'"....., '" h Ind&an Anm' brigadt!\nu"".:b ,,2< moM of th<' artin...r. tlut wpponro 10><1..." l.nn,' ronrw........ all t .... ..omrrund and ~ ' p i.. h",ti;>" ""''''- <10>0" «)
and i.... ludi"l!
...,.. .,,,,,rn>otd
b< 80mh office-.-.. it ..ill bor ....." tI""t
i" ~," b",,10 fough' II> tl... 111<1,.", \,,'" , >ignif"""'t J"'Ol>Orlion '''-'1> ..0101",,, ..,,'" Bou>!, On t.... outhr....l of .."', K"".h T.. m",>riaI t'"",.. inf"",,,' "'wi ""ilk" ,,,,,t>o n><>
f)j,-; " ",n, ,., Ind>a to ."1",,.. Rt-gubr An", "mb lor """.... 0" t W etll rro", .,..1 b'..r ", Ca!iipoli! I" 'hi> ..... t.... """n
<' lo>d;:;u, A"",tl... """nl<'1'laJ1U of 0I'dM- .."h'n the "',b-«>r'u, , _ «.nlinucd '0 bc p.-.I(>m"""
OI" lo~ t II' "roo" and ., hn-... (11)<- .. old. mudd> """""..... of 11., pro> llOIllO be , "","',,,..... t ,n wtuch IOcmplo> ,"" and u... ..n'<' _ h -.. 10 ,"" \I>ddI<' F...... l ~, rcawunlllll lo>di:o fU> tI",,,,,,..,.,......
Ol'pn,""". and lord «) a
• ~mr-d from....,·manu! .........· of lowi'" .."h carriuI aucnlion p:ud '0 ~ bo. r.t«, , ~ and ~ , , .......... 1><'....... '0 ~~ BriU>h <>IT a'wil:'>9.IOO 1nd1;m oK""""" and "'...... r....,l., ,,' 191~. u... Ind"'" An'" added a ,otaI
IT...." a'w:I " ""mher of ..",ha,» Th.. ",,,,,,..,,,~ . . . . . M·.. IItllalh .."',,'·"'''''ullord. ~nd in " ""lie, of I",bloe ,,""'" ..x".."t"'",. I'. ."r 1<-.<1.",1,,1' "nd Gcr"''' ".pi,cd all'\;O""" "'1'0'''. ,,'1>0 "'..re "nhaPl" ....... l>Ia'.-I foo' th..
_ f..n....· Mu,lim" Si",il~r I~,·.l
. 11c",,,,,·,·. II""" lI,ell "f the 5,h .. I", .... '"~i! ... <1 1.".,1 "'ellt 0" to ""''Ve ill ,\f, ....~ "ilh,,", fll'the' U\l"" for al~,,". De'pite !i".", i",lat,-
d""ng th.. 19~5 .. ~, "h.. n I"
Ollie, . .mi •• of Ih. I!m"lre I 01 t 8ob>!' 11""" 10 R""",,·, call ,n dJlf"""g ....... n,..", had """" ''''penal dC'fn><.. (oou"'n>
and :>;.,.. 7~ funned "" '""'" """Jl'>. popubrn Lno.." ... , ' \YV.OO'. and tr2n>pO<1N1 , 10 [ll'J'l. u... """'''' •..-f do-pIo
"tt. in EJ>l'" fU> ..,.... and
'mihtar>' of th<' II..........0loi\ '" >.r...........".., "' pol .. Ibi>Cd ,,'w:I 'r.u.-l to I.n-p t , ..'n·" pop"b",oo]> In 0«1.-,. , . ....... "cithn- "'luipp.-d ..or !""I"'.-..I r "8"'''''- a rrood6n """'. II... d,rr...ulu"'. .T..."',,".....1'" t~ .\f, ~ , "",,,,cd up the n..nI f.... 1
_--_ .... ... _-- .. _._----......._--_
"",,-European "'hieh f,,,,,,io,, ...1 1><',( ill (ha' dim,",·. and ;I 1'1'1'1("'''''''''' of rcrmiring a"d '",ining """ 1'''' i",,, a"';"", TillS in(",,,,,,,~1 'he """"g'h of 'he N"g', ,\frica" Kill .., Ir.-fold. "nd dre" in 400.000 " .. ,,,,,, '" ,h., 1.•1>0,,1' ....·niee 'h.1I' I",,,i,kd ,I,.. ,-;'al logi"'ic '''I'I"m fo. ,I", tigh'i"g roh""" •. In ",,",hen, Mri"" 'hc troop' mol)ll"<~ll,, 1'1,,· l' "i"n of Sou,h ,\frie.. ",'ere ..n ,,'hi,.. "le". Africa", ""'re rni ...·d f", bl~.", d",i.." .."d 'Capc colo",,-
:""ab"d .Il\d Kh",te,i.,. 1:I"""'here ill ,I,,' Empirc miltria, le";,,,,;al .",,1 "."·...a"'-~I '",,''' ",'cre ",,~,;h,~~t ,,, allm, 'he RC):"br go'''''''''' II> he .....", ,,,' acu", "'''ice. ""IIIC of 'he form~" f",'''d ,he;1' "'a\ '0 rh.· " .•r fnmlS. Sol",,,' i.OOO Mall'''''' bbo' .... .,., "'r",d a' (;"lIip"h, 13.000 C,'!"i"r "",I~'l<"<'''' """cd ill .\lac",lo"ia, 'he 110"11 "-ong a"d Si"~"'I""e 1~" .... " ....·n<~1 ill t:lf'l>1 a"d I'al~... ",,~·, 'he Fij'a" I--"bow' (<-"I" "',,<~I ill 1'.,1" O'er 10(1,000 lIIe" "'''I'' "..-nti,,·d i,"" rhe [g>l"i,,,, I.,b"", ("'1'" ....· "ing ,nosd\ ,,' I~,b'i"e. a",1 ~5.000 f.lt\11ti.u" ....·""(~I ",irb 1'1",,, Cam'" T,.an'I""" CO'l"" troOl'" fror" ,hI' \\',...1' I"di". ,,'n"d i" ~:l-"pr. 1'al,...,i",·. ~b«-
<>p>. a" ""gbmoro", roo.- bu' on" 'ha' ",,-, a"""I"rel, <-.·",lal ill ,he bdo.... "hol',>,'k n"~'h.II,il:ui",, of al1ni..... V"h"",..." Cdme in ,h~'i, r~'''' of ,1"",,,,,,,1- fWIII C"""'I';~", o"hide 'hc llriri,h b"l',re. "o'abl\ from :,.,,11'1. ,\,,,.'ric.• and II,,· l 'v\; h,,' rh~...· "w,· illdi' id,e,1>. ,I,.. ""h fon""d lI"i' "..illll ,h.. ,\n,b Seo"lS, rai,,-~I i" 191" i" ~k'''p()'''",ia fo' in,elligc"ce .. "" n~'"",,,,,,,,,,,\Ce"'0' l. ,h~'
A_.. . . . . _
"II:" .. 0'1_""" .... _ w_""' .......... 'Ion_ e....... Ift ,ou,
SEIZING THE GERMAN EMPIRE A, ,h.. 1(1"'" inro 'he rok of a ""rid I"'''''' ", ,h~' 10 ".,,,, 1"lIo"'''l': 'he F,""e.~l'm"'i:u' \\,tr. IA""""" "'0111,1' ,~,., ,,''', Ix",,,,,,,i, "" '" her '0
'he dignir' of ,,,II<." [<""1""m impe,i,,;;,,r na'~"". II, 'he 1&10< 'here Wa-' liuk I',,,,t,,o'i,,, len-;,O" kit in ..'I"" ~" "'""" ,all 1'1.,' n\1
b"d.'hc C:mlCrooo, and Gen""r' Sourh·\\br Africa in 1l*\,1. a"d Gen""" J::a>, Alrica in 1886. S~"""g \n 1884 ,he ""-111',-<1 ,he lI;,maIT~ Archi!",la~", in 'h" 1'..cific. a"d a large of N",," Guinea. Th.. ~m"I'" "f i,la,,,I, '" 'hc "o,.,h..,">1 "'cre 'a\'e" 01' p"rch.,,,·d. incl"ding Sam,,,,. ,1,.. .\I'''i'''''''. 'hc Solo",o,". rhe \1''''h.,I1-,. 11,.. (;ill~·r1,. 'hc Caroli"" .. ",1 1'1,.. ~Jh«' h;,,,,,I-,, I" Ill'l8 l..,.,d"", .11,,1 i" ,"n"",,,linj( ",,;,"', "'~'re I"''''''d from Ch,,'a for 99 n'""'; he'" (;.,.",,,.,,,, buill a
n.".,,1 00,., f01" a "1,,,,<1,,," "'I"".' 1''''1>0><> ".,., ("
"... buih a( K;a<:1,,,,,' ,~lIed 'r,i"K""" alld (hc'e 1':"''''' "I' "ro""d i' " hMbou'. rail,..a,.,. dn d,oc!c,. ""d " fnr"",\c ",'c>n "f fort, .",d defence h,,~·,. II> 1914 (he,< co,"ai"",1 .">.~ he"" g""'. i7 I;;::h,,·, g"'" a"d
, 'he c ... ·".. "rr ,hc ,I"p:> ,,' h"rlxKn'. and '''>
,""on;:: 'he e",1
"<>OJ'' In",\ 'he in'en,",i"n,,1 fo'ee '" rie",.i" " ....,> ."mmoned. On ,I Aul"'" 1914 'hc "a,-"I "1,\1"1",,, 1'''' (0 ....·a. and ,he 1§,,'ri"'l\ """i"'d it> f,,,c. Chin • • nd th. P.elll"
'n", j.,,,,,,,,..., g",.,.n""cnt
had ,o/Tcr<~1 '0 ';~";,,. Gr""r IlIi~,;" ,,' deallllg "i'h Tsing~'u..•"d I" '\"1"'" 'h<"<' ,k'li,'c,,-~1 an "ltimar"m I'll<' Genu,,,",, "Il'i' "... ignono<.l;J:l!~'" 'kclaowl "'.. ,' on 23 ,\<11(1,>1. and h<"g".,." • n",..1 bIoclade of Kiacl""., fOIlT da,~ I,"c'. TIl<' j"I","e,," had heen pr"""ring fo" ,hi, "1",,,,"iun for so,"e ,illle; 'he) had dctaibl in1dlig,·",,· un d'e e:<,c", ."d I"",,'ion, of 'he Ge,man defence<, ""d had an "SI",di,iu",,,,' force al,,,,,
oa,->. 13 ",ine,"""l"'''. 9 I",a,d
1'1'1"''''' f1~...1. b"d for«." of 50.000 "'en. 12.000 h",,,.,,. Ut2 h<:'" lor"" ,,,,,I ho"'i"cn. 42 fidfllf'm, .,,\d G aircraf' "'~'re read, II> I", l~n,l"d. '1;-' ,h;,
,,'mhc,. Jap;"\",,, ""-,<,ah",,, ""re 1.4:>.'> lilk~t ;I)(t 4.WO ..",,,,,bl; 'he llriti,h k"" 14 ~ill,~t and 61 """,)(k·d. '11,,' Gen"a" d"f""den 10>1 onl> rome WO 1o.i11e<1 and 500 "'O,,n,hl I><-for~ ,heir , .. pi,"la,ion. [ : : ; af,c' ,,'hieh 'he ;"1';\"0" ..'ere ;"rcnlCd ill jaj"'"' . L:nhle c"pti"e, of 1he Japa))~..., i" World W;>, 11. ,h~"\' ,,'ere ",dl 'realed, llefo,,' 'h" fall of T
CiflC empire. a"d 1'" h.., hope< of di"ding- 1I1i",i,,'s Ike'.
_ .. . _br_.. ". . "..
".. >136>/0 1Ilkh
_ "''''''-_ "'---. _ .__
.. ToIngIOo, C
~'OO ~.",,~,,·a"
\11;':-.." "'"'1''' ,,' ...Itl;,,,,,, 'n a police fore... of
Ihi,,,h ·\"m ill dC"~ring {",m""n fo",e, from ,I... ,,;1., Ill"" " l"u 'h» ..'''' not d,.. c-_ ,,' ,he C
r~, ,..r'Tutlntk<1 b'I lr...... h \\"'" Afn<~ ~nd ,he !\ri,,"', (01"", ul ,h. {"-*I (;0;.,.,. '11... (",m""", h...:I bern in TogoLmd .."c. 11I·H. blu I t not Ii""" iL' fn.. "i<:.. "ntil 1m. '" ..·hioch Ii"", d", I...d ""n.J"''' " "u" a "..-.del colo", h .."" linaocialh "ltlep..n
r I rot'''''. a.ltt e"ure" .."Iw.."
prd that. '" ,hr ....... " of ..",. ,,'" .. h" """.klll" ~bot" thcir bu>o"""" '" ''''1;11 ~"d «()I,ft"....... M.< <>pt'T''''''''l> to, ,:,,,,•.,e. (nftlf1,,,,,,,,rk r".- ,hr (~in T""""'Jd. ""'" I...d ~ po_.rul .." ,..........."'.... ~, a..d ...... Souoh ·\dmi",l" ...." "l<'d " ' ....d ,hr of (....-nt:l,n , .."Ofi
.__ . _,...... -, ....... _.. --
-,"'''-------_. "
.,. ------, T
"''' ,,,-cum",.-..,
\ "nail ... """h f.....,.. clOt [uropr:ul> and 150 \foro", troopo cr<:»><"d ,nl<> T~ "" 6 \"!l"'" 1911. clo>eh folloto-..d b'I ~ Britt>h rorer cl !>i offl<..... ;uJd '(:Do. 5:J,j .....ri
0 l:ondrd a, ,hr port of
r' (","""'''' IIrd inbnd ;0(...,. rrl nlt' tnnl>. ;ond ,hr 1\<"..., f<>ll<,..rd lhem "p. rb>hinp: .."h lO
brf...... ........."'....."11 "'''''''''h'''''''.. "" 2"! \..",..... 8t .h.. u ,""!\riU>h """ Frrnch c nll"''' h;od rombonrd. and" «M,fU>rd
Ikll""''''' """
"",lie ..""
f~' on dnt>r junf:1e ..tu
rl 50 """"nded
~.""l\u>t .....
dr-rr... rd
,br" .."........
"" "'."'" .. nd """I!'" ,.. nn ""'Ih "', ....d. n,,~ "nconrl,fioo. alh'. W"hin ......b .h" comDJ<"rrial hr.. of .hr colo,,' ............ merI. und...-
1\nU>h <""",-of.
TI,. Cam.'DD'"
{;cnnan," '<"C
Arrie" '0 c.-t ..... ,.... C..m ""'''...·hl
"n ",.... and
combi" . f"..... g"'.... rn.d :.00.000
In ,hI> ,....,,,,....,.
Togoland 11,,· """I,·."...", or ,I
·\fnuIl,. 1Il~"''''IIlIl'~ b .. and on:l.... I" m'·~H> uI " for'«' of Sd,n''''''I>PJ ... "It
alld :-:(:0. alln I.~',(I
10 ~."fUpC:"" ,lId I.~X, Afr;",,, cur",ablc.., {....man h"I"'" 0' l",",~ kf, '0 lo[e. 011 ,,;,h 'he t.. "m._ of """""~ ,tIl-i. "I'n>'''''''''-.l'''' ,,·ck .\...l.ed ,h,- Kriu.h a"d h .."ell m""" plan, h,,- II' ""-,,,'011. "Il.ell drc.. on agn· ' .........Cn of ,I", II ....' .If.-i " fron';". fortt (the '\1 \f"'") ...-hi(h ..OI' ..-d of :!~:! oIflCer> .."d 1111 'Co.. 1 from ,h.. I\riti>h -\m" .."d 7.753 \frit-an klieu _ n>. 0.",1> ,~ ,,1'1 tn erc III 10" imp".-i.>l jtc'J
'UlC'l>l l\IH 'll...... BnU>h colun"" probrd O'l'.... ,he bonkr f,om "l'Ie"".. \U ..-.." up .,." OOC.. lArTrUIl oppooouon. """""""'~ h
,h" ",..
~ r~nlt
im~ bq(:ln ,n s.-pe.. mbn" whn> a ~... "'luadron appf._h<-> k> thor pon of 00ua1:l pno. I<> ,...,
bnd"'J{ of ~ ...mbuM"d ..\n~."""h Cam<-roo<" bprditionM> Fo.n Th........ und...- 1M .omrn:and of ~ 1\nU>h ~ off... n-. ;ond ~",I>I>
<>lU'OI 0Il2'i s.-po..n."". 191-4 llw lO
¥(."..... m,~ 10 ................. WKondi~. af"", ........" ,""•. 1"" ~rung hoof> ..,., ~<>n>IIirnoI*. hoooo'n'<'f. ~nd " ... tud<-d ,..., port bnb"", '1.000 -.. of .l"ppinlt'. ~ bo...." of !t"n. ;ond ~ tloa""lt
1...0.1 '"~ (,0(, ,ntO llw in, ~lt rat! and .......... I"",", imi\Jnlt ~ JIU""''' ,hr""'llh ....... of , "'"""'"',.... _ inno.p.",1* tnT.lIn '" ,.... ....n put a.ohor.. ffom ,h'P' of ..... ,g,...1 "'1,0:,001"",.. , «>I"",,,. cl ..... CfJ foug'" ..... tnn.in ;ond dnn~...... ..",II :0> ..... n><1tI\ . ~ Ono<- offittr ~bo'd (onrIuion> ,hU>, \\~ found ,.... 'mop> ...n "lt from ,.... rif...... cl ..... ,mille ~ ... . .,I<':lll ""," (ompolnrh in ,..., dnt>rdr-plw', V- thfOUl(h ..h h off................. Ind thrir """'. """"' of ..tK:>m >IK;ro.-..d '''!In. of 1w'K'''lt' bo
h >;>i!on ~nd ""'''"''' ·( .,1 " pro>tra,rd a"d i" p;ol* off,,"...... ¥'tior..... U>rd ,h'oult'h ,OOr .. ~,"""'. III dr~gginl/: , I ~"P"'-'ndrr gun ..."'. ,hr m"d "....L ",,,d "I' '0 ~ h,lI p<>YlJ()f'I ""dn- a bl;uing >U".' n... grim 1"'....." H""",,,,·d. I"",... "h CO"'....b ...... bonn .... h,.. .ha, a. ,hr ",.." of Ibrr ,.. Ma,d, 191'\ ,hr Briu,h Io
<>Id ,..,. Th<- "" of ,h, "" "'a"",' ....1'.... oprrauoU>. and d""nl/: ,h, lun m. ","' 1 mduding .10.. .'nh India" Ligh' 1"I"n.n "1li"",", ,..", h...:! """""",1 ", Slnlr~p",r) ..nd (""'I',m,,,,, of d ... \Ie... I"d"" K'1l"''''''' ·n... "Mtlp;oiR'" ....."mrd in Oc,obrr 191',. "',,h Kri..,h .",d F",,(h n~u",,» ,om.rgmg on ,he German. from ,,,•. nOllh. ..,.,., ~n.1 ~ ..., ,n d ... f",.. of ""bl>o,." op",.. i'ion. Th~ cuIOl"" ....I"'·d.
_-.....,-----,,_ . -----....... .--. _..---_-.... ..
. .....
r - .._
0' , . . . _
'I ..
... ---. ,
''''''R '"
"",,,,t ..
'·....."n.Lo. fell ...., I J""""" 1916. :d'e, die c...""an> h;.d /Ietlou Ilio \Iu",. a s,..""h """,.,....,,,. rmln "'hit:h mo,.. Iha" 800 uf ,h"111 "."" 1"'''>pOI'<'ti to i"I..,,,,,,.. nt '" :.p;ain. I" II.., fa, ""nh ,h.. foo, 01 \Ior.. continocd to hold ...", ...."llhe 'en", of i.. c",,,,,,,,,,d,,. "".... ,,"" (II..,... included a Iua" uf (UlOO t" 1'"' h;" ooId......). 0" 4 \la"," 1916 II... (""""""'l> "..... d'w"'d tor...""" ,he 1IotJ>h and """ f .......h. ·n.., ....."p>i~ hat! .."", ,he fonnn 4.600 ,","""",I"", of "IIIcll I.~ dl<"d. ,........h r",,,, tI, n ... f ......-h tI<-ad numbm:d ~..:>6i II,,~ ~ litling. th.-r.-fuo- lha, f""rae.. ,00/., """ brgca- >har.- of "'" foomer C""""", roMJo"
G.,m S ... th·W••1 ..,trle. If hat! b
till,,, "'"
. '\..... hoda<', "'m;""') "" br>otit' ,iI<' c<......... l'",orr, uf !>On,h .\ frica- I" 19B I..... r> Ik>t Iii<' L"'o lina pO,.... m"'.,.. , ....1caw
h 1I.'1C"1:a """101""" 01 and r.. ,>Cd a S" 10 M, , OM..' .......... 'C<". 1 ,,<10" '<"l~<'ti ,...........' for 10 ....... German SOU,J>.\\ Mr1<'a alld ," .., .-.... Tht> """ """"otI ~ coIoo". bn' """ "I"'..... h popub \:It na'''.... :.,otI\:It rC"'....,h"" 1".000 [u".If,,·an ,,1.-.... ",d"di"g a" oil-European Sd'uV""1'1'" uf jtt>l ~.OOO "d .....,""1 Iho..",,,d ......."".......I""1>lc ul ",,,,b.Ir,,,,,,o,,. Ahho,,~h 1 11'11 .. fon,.. of , ' .. Ih..n Ii,,, ro" ,I...i. ""mho·•. ,I,.. (;.om,..n, "." .. "",Ii,tenl 'h..llh : "onlel!>t· a ,e1 llron I.. Ihe It.ocr'> ,,{ tI,e L'nrn.. ,., ..,oU ~, II",,,,,,', a""",Oon ".." d""1'Icd bj II,.. ".,,' '" .:mopc. 0,,1<' I ~ ",..,. Io",t c-I.'p,..~1 .",c,· tI,,· ".or 'h.•, Irad ,·",t,·,t lk~" ",pi,,,,'i,,rr, "f ind"l,,·,,
,. Lord "ild, .."e,.. """. "ill '00 "'''' '0 be .",,",,01/,·,1 In II", ,,,1...."1,,'·1\1 11"11""0'" 1I,"\'h illl""",,..nt in :><'''Ih Al'i arid ,h.. g...IHlrr'g of polrlic-..I r,eedo",.. Sot,tI, Arric'.." "'\<,,, i",o ( ... m,,,,,, had ..,..., ..d, 1"1/"" "'1..." <.I......,••. !>ddl .. n~u",n 01 Sa'Klf,,,"ei,,. "hit;h "-'" o"uongh' \:It... c...rman f".u "."t forc..d '" nUl ..p ,he ..'t",c flag 01' :''6Scp
' "'" Roc.... Some 11.500 ,did> toOl. "I' an", ''It''''1>I Ibnr g
t ... n-l.lOO kjlled and "uundcd a' a ti,.... .. t...n "" :abIc-bodic
III Mr1<'a and 10' Eurupor. I, ..." " 10 bc _0 ;"'0 o...,..mbn bcfoo .. ..... i ~ hat! ~ quoclled and alt£ntion could ........ """"' bc foo:u.cd "" c..n..... 1)OoI"'"W \fnn. n... South -\II....... fo lhat .... ou' roo- " _ond "',..... pl a' apturinlt ,iI<' colon' ..,., a m""'" tug. containing no .-Icmcn, al ..... BntJ>h.\rrn> oahrt~ -.....oIf n>;."d ro.m... ............ I.. "m"C3m<" from South \f.......11 P.-rrmaa " rOT«". ,\etil.. Cit~ foo(.. ",otI \"oIun from the 1)OuI/t,\f1"lClrl . \ , _ Corp>. ""' >lIppon ........icn and "'" Soudl \fr1<'an Polic ijl<" """ C....-ma, ,,,,,, ""'or ... 6gh1. ;dl ...."... "h" .. " ...... 1"..,... ,ohm'<"<"n and pol............ from ~ and ",,,,, a """"Iron of......-u<'ti C2J' from the 11.",,,1 '''''' r ..map> II><" " ..... «aIotl,.f,,1 U"'l> "n-.. I.... O>mmatno. ... t.... "-Iouul<'d Bntgh<"r ("'..orp>. ,,+.-0 ""•., d .......... and "'l"if>P"'l i" muc" II...........
"""ord"" .."
",w, ,..
,..,m.,... _
rn~nn.. r ... Ih,.... "too toad r"ullln Ihe IIoII,h 12,·",,,,,, !>•.for... rt"", "er.. nOl the ..""n"" 'lOr tI", I..", d'>c.p1rr>t'd -oldie,., in Ihe '"'''' I,t '0 a '''''I",mpor~'' ........ ,,{ ,he f....-.", In>t" 11... fUlu", ' \Ia,-I,al~, \nhu, ·800".......- IblT;'; 'Il",,,,,,,,,,,, a'KI ........ ,"'1 '''''''PO a 00' anraj«". ""h , ..marbl>l>' f....' "~C"plK"'" da",n",tI bIod """"""..,n anti ,Lo,,",,'(1 I..d -tIt:>tl-' "h:tl t.... ~'h ,\rric".. ,~, b<1nI ill pol,>!, a'KI./.in ,hn 'n ... "p for Ill"""'" num.............""I...lmlflll: """ Cor""",,,:uwl lorc"'l1 , , "ncondJ........... "OmCIt-<- "" 9 Jllh 191~ :d'n- a .......... uf I""'Mbb and .harp b,mJn. ""'" wnq....... uf .(""""",, !>On ,\..... " hard" a .. bu' «>
'0 ",,,," 'f...rm:u, £asa'. " n''It'" in ..........-. hat ,,,..
G.tman Ea.1 ..,hle. Gnman t:
o .'\rna. (naodcn, d,n matnl:and TMl'.;anu.. 1I....... >
h b>l (kon") and '0 I -'Ih \:It ,iI<' Pon"ll'lt"""" roMJo" of \l~Iao
'1"'- i ,mlhol1 "....., g
r>Id"", "IId a g.-rKb.rmcnc ul ,:> t:u,,~ n' ~"d 2.15'1 Mrican .0"..... bIr>.' To "'1"";01'.. ,1<1 01...... t II.... ., "",,'Cd.... gIl' ",on,h, lri....-.. 01...
o",ho',o" of " ...'. Oh.",'lru'nan' I·~"I Emil ,on l..c" \''''·...... k. 0 hrilliarr' ~rrd e".·,w·,it: ."I
~,nc",or. ~"d ..n ....·" ,hc ho,dcr 'u ."..,<:l u'll"" in Ilri,i,h .~"I Arri"A. ("·",illlll~,,rr. in " Cololl" ,,'lrklo ".., corr'ple,ci, Illlpr"IMrt'tlto defend ;,,...If. In 0 ....,... ul1",t1it.roic f,· '.. rr' ,I 11';1;"10 mlorri'l< """m!>k~l mhrn'tcr ,,,,'h ' Ik..l'\.",,'·, 11o,"". 11'•..,.,1", Sco,," ..,,01 \\ .. Ar..b>. r'·..n"",II, ....... of """" .. ~Ol ...' "".... f",,,,,,,, ""0 'he r.a.. Arr1<'an lI.cgi' n' a'KI tI", r.a.. .\fric".." \1"',,".... Rltk<.. to "',,'I II... 6:! 110""" oIf",.." aiM! 2.319 a>lall> "'Iao rnacIc "p ,iI<' ""',, 01 ..... Nng', Mr1<'an RlI~ _ a fOf'«" 011 i .......f>all"'" tli>p=cd "'....- "'" 318.!HI "Iuar<' m,lc> of L'pnda and f..a>t·. n... Ii", .........., ",dI Grrrrnan Irt>OJ" cooled ...................... 01 """" 'o/w'lrr:<"n-. b'''3 thntt ..,dI forr- L.n.... \'OI'bor'Ck·. 'oOidicn. W....n "'" llO"n-norr of 8o",h .;.;.,., -\frio<:ll -.gnaI1ed l.ondon forr- :o»I>Qrae I"obklll"''''' rdnT.... 00 "'" Indi
rOT«" '(:. " .... ",l<'fI<1c<110 rnnfOT«" ,.... ,'Or1""....,,, a,1t! Jovut III ,iI<' 110,,>1< roIon, . ,,·hi hid",,, £.lq><"diuonat> .-....... 'B' tud the ....... of i -..
..-................._--,-----.....-.. ---_ -.. .-- .- ...... ... _ _ .. _ _ laoI
a""'''''''' '''''P'''''
.-_.... _. __ . ,.....
1"'1",';"1 ~"';';-~ Bri~ (a (oomall"" from 'h,
Ineli:", pnnceh ""'co). a
"lOtI"'.'" 1>:0,,,,,,. ..."t>. On"
1>;0,,,,110". ~ and .upporllnll;
"''';0100''. 'h<' 2nd 1.....701
~...h .........,.,
."00'' <
0;0,., to b<- p<'Ol cd honlbh ... ronlt M ..... bnd"'l{> a. til<" p<><1 QI T.n~ on 'Iw nogh' 01"2 :\ '",...mbn" 1914. \IlLen', 8.000 ....... ..,...... """.>(11\ br:.'Nl 1» .... ".,..·\oo."..,L', \,000
....., -n...
(~nna", and
a.Lon. "' 00<' 01 ,.... m<'" >h>nd,,1 !'"fonna'K.... "'...,- fff<>Ided b< forr'" of ,10.. 8ri,;,h em.",. \Inh f....... ~«·I>lio", 111<' I",han '"''''F''' l.<'I,.'nll>:o
a"don",~ 'h"i, ",..ar"''''. ~b", nC"",... " .. I'.. ,,,I''''''l,,,,",h ",,,,I '-A"lIi"lI from 1",<1 Icad,·"I"p ,,, 'he .pl"'llirll{ "d";",,, ."rr<,e ,h.. In,,'1'" on ,h.. to Af,ie'..: hill ,,-h,n fort.. '8' I'C'C",b..,Led 00 '> ',,,.. ml>c,. h~"o~ .,,11.., ...<1 811 ca>I<>.Jl>C'>. ,h ·........"Oll ..~ '" Iu>" 11..' 'Ik-. ~Io;ondool<"d r~lloun
---"-.. :=:::::..__ ---------- _
___ n1I_. ,
.. _
;>mm""'''on. "1l'<>.J
"'pn>ocm:and '''''" ~nMMln..
of dOUlII'll Gcnn'aI A
nt' loomC' ... d~ bu'
c no ~ """'JI'l'llfl 1'hC'n- ...... """""'" "- lull "' ... ~ ..,lh .-.. :and .... ~ dun"l""o.." , '.-\'oriIoc'Cl'<'t{COUfI't'd hI> fortt'l. Ik """""'.- un,1> lrom ,du" -hom t... M"nl<"d ~"d dr<:s>cd .. "h tt... ....... 00 c~pt",,,,,~,T~n~ I>c obu",..d 'n> 10..'>nn /lUIl>:and ;unmuml><)n from ~ ( ~ .."M>o!lip brfO«' " .."" ,,""IIk'd; :and b< btC' 191.'> h.. 10f"C'" "'" ,...,1 2.998 I:."ropc~". ~nd 1 1-'00 ",bon... II....... ,,,, """""'" ;to .0
l him ... ",~n' 11"".h lotc.,.. "'" po»Il:Jlc. "'00 .. ,,~h, 001.......' .... fillh' On ",I..., fronl> _ "n
.hi>. p;ol1 "l,h.. ',d ....\R. " oI'he UM \fn<"~" Rqc, ~nd 1"'" nMMln"",n llu'l>-"!>ou' 2.000 """0 '0 :o.ll. 10 "- bV;>1T" .. ~ ' .. mi";"'...",, 01 ""ll'" in ,he \\~n, pnm.........b lhC'-n gn"n '0 loot u... .<.."" u... ",,",,'J<)n ~.nt ''''0 ~ dn",""n "'1'. rcpott> 01 .. h ...h found ......., ..,. ","" u... pn-.o "-, loomC':and ,n u... Lni~ St>t.... 10 tile >!un.... ~"d dl... n-d" of u... 8mDh Von I" b,.. 191" (;.cn SO. 11one.. ';omth-Oooncn - ~ oold.... of ll'C':M :o.l>ilin. ..1>0 Iud bN-n _kd frnm , .... \\ .... nn rmn, foo- poo.."nll "", '0
"f,.., "
10 "'r..... nt ..;,h
• IIn'<>h bnplc. " S"uth Af....,.~" hrilr.>
r':IU ......... Iopcd OIl ,he 0"" "lid h:o.d "" be ..."" ....,cd. In hi> pbc... u... rormn 8uct 'C'bcl
0 Iud bttn ...... of thc boIdnt :and moot ....-.ruf,,1 of u... 8oc, Icadcn. Oo""''llh.. ....... "'I'" 0146. hc found Ittm>C'lr t ,'OUngoo. 1.............."11...'....,.. '" u... I\o-'U>h \non. eomm....d"'g roK dw .......... gro..U>ll III h.......' :and .....,........ ,,,,,,,,,,,rro lO d>o
(~ ad<~ In h.. I'bnnlllg Son".. «>n6dC'd lO hl>....n ....., 1M' ....tloC'd ." ",00<1 10;0,,1<>0. cspc
~ ';o,,'h \I""'" ..."<>.J"",,..... t..d no dc-.I .... lO '''h'no home .."h ~ ,.,..,u'J<)n '" ~ I.. ,,
..... ho ",.,(I,,"fi ""d (OIIn'"n""n:h....1 in .>1 'he C.. ,m~" colum1l> III ~ t.·"...,i" :all
1e 'h'" '''''<~ ,l
""d ~ni"",b i" ,I...,r te'" of ,hO\c..~ nd.. fI,o, n,,,1--1916 'he \lIloC'd fore.....'C,... >llffcrin@31 non·....'tk ca>I»Jtics lot .,,, ,,"'.. bllC'd '" ,ndc-d b< cncm' \bLuu. bb
",,, ...,,• { " worm :and chW" ;omong u... pnlllcnlial horro'" rn:., 'IUIl.ed th""'llh
n 01 u... p" , ..... "'rnmcd up b< no .._.., 'I' .."" "" ", ""'" """""'f{ '" be k-d <1lI< :0.1 0 ""'IIh' :u , , of u... """f""'l;" '0 ~.... bttn :0.1"""" ~, u... of h.. ,C'>(lOJC€d; ",h.1e ith ....... tooIc of ..... I\n'<>h Iomptrc behind , .. p"""',k '0 rcuI"" ... · I" J:U"'~"" 1917 l.lt.ocn :)rou" h:u1dcd "' hI>
'ic l"e<1i<,"", ,,-., nH' ,har~d In
'.""""",,1<.>0. ,.."
'l.o" _
{ ...·n ll",k"". Ih.. (,)O"",,,,,d... r, .. ho
-_ ..... _..--
_, • ,--", 'ao_
_----------_--. _ao"
, ..
'. i
in ,r~lI' .e'I\\" lo"l-n..edcd '·.,(o'mo; indudcd 'I>c rcpl.oc....... nl of "'h"e un'l> wi,h Mnc:on 'roop>. ~nd 'rnp<"'...",...... ",
~ ~ do"',"!! ~nd
,ccnulJllCn, of moo" panom.. H:udh h:o.
c nIMIc frio \frX:u'<
th:u1 hc
h.. PO"''''''''''
( ..... ,,.,, 1),..,
,epbccd t..
' .......
--_._-""""II Alli..-.. n, .. h" c<"ui"u,~1 'he I""""" of t1", (",n"an ,,,1<,,,,,,,. cn~a~",~ ,I,..", \n " ",·rie. "f 1>I,.. ),h <1""1".,, """,II, f""~I,, "" lI'""'''''1 ,~ I.... ",...,\,,,·I....-l\
"010: belli...l hi> >i<:l and ..w""k-
(Offe .."" do.." ,,, ':!(l() t:"n~ ...an> ..nd :1,000 ..., b..., h'" hr (ou"d tIw- poor" defended 1'"""It''''''' ,.",,,,Ib..,,,,, 1"111"""'~ .."h 'he arm>, """"'''ni'ion """d ",ppl 1..I" l.o,.. "'f>'.. ",ber 1918 I>..- r........-d b:>rk nliO 'lOrrman t · .."d ."",...... ~I 1<. '"""",,,,' ' ... d",rn I(h<>
bot -Lirmi>h "Uh .. JW'll,h ro..er. ,>no" """'h..-d h,rn of ,"" Arm"""'e.•\, .. Cn'
'''' .-.t ""0 h"",,, ..11<1. ( 10....1 ." 1'.. ,,1 '"01\ I....., ··\·"rb<-rk ( 1" "'ITr,,,I<,,e<1. Ik fned bo. hl> 1I
ml~"''''m .. h"h tIt:t, ll""""'tion of t:ng\i>hn",n e....1d IN'
-_ _00__,..._ ." .._----...... ...----_ ..... . --,., .. -.. _.. _--"-". . __ '4"_ -. = - - '
CAMPAIGNS AGAINST THE TURKS 1'.- 10 IflU ,..... Oo,orn:on t:mpi", ~
tho,ndlcd :» £uropran ' .. k... " '.......UUOll ill 1908 _ ....' lO rq>br.. an In and «t lui, (un....r d n~ "', mf>"": bu' Ilu~
(,;r.....,... and hal> im-.dcd Tnpol' I~ ft'<' paid '" , .-. (.... ,II<" ..... of' land>, bu' the """"'" d h'tIc 00 _ Tu.li>h 0Ul~. "'.....2< brolr ' in ,.... I\.
d T.... b-< had ..... all.1>1:.w-t>p..-an terri"'" bu' (0< a ..nall """,, ..-n< ofO>II>Ul""..,.,.... "'... t .... ,..-I Iri' bo. ,.... Tllrl.> btt:osnc til<" poh,lG>l hoobc-d .. h"h >parkd ,"" rom,"I: Work! Wa.-. \,-".... " brol...- OU'. Turb-< prorbimcd ,,,,,,,r,,h,,: bu' pohlir ...p",;"', f"' ....rnl oJ-..- (..-nn:o.n>. "00 had ,,,,,nro Turl..o>h I<-ad<......"h n"~lTI<"TI' a..d fur oJ-..-or ann;"'" Bn",,,, ..,... F 'K.. ..'t'«' bo. alJ...-d .."h Turl ·• tnd" ...... Cltn1l', R,-.ia, and { '" J"O""''''R ,h.., '''..." "'~ h Elt'l" '" ,.. ",m I T"rl joi"ing I (' ",ral r ·,..... \\ncn "'''' ( rn' hip> all '0 ",il fourn (~"",,,,,,nOOI>l<- '0 bombo.rd R, " p"rt.'. the Allin d,....l.orro ..-.or "" T'n ~ ..... ", ..art. ' ...·rml..., 191 t. SI..- ',,-,po"tkd b\ ",ooi"R all an." 'u ..11...-l an<1
. ---'--"'"''
"'4·111: Ih. 51 ... 1 .nd M•• opohmla In I.." 191~ 'hi> T"rk"h rorl''' of ~'O.OOO TIl.." a"d ,,'n I.. ",ri" of ..,,,II,,, ma.dl<,<1 ""ro;.s ,h.. S",a; d,...." '0 ""iL' at 'h" e",aJ a, ,·:"iOlc, I"';"" a~,,,~ ;l' k"Rtll Il'" ..... r.. ",,,, an<1 d.. fra,...1 b\ .... "'f'> of th, I (hh and 1I'h D;,isi",,, ,.r thr I"d.." A"",. a, ..... 11 ,,-, b\ th" f1r.. of the h .. nrlo and lInu.h """h'l'" >ta,"';,e<1 in , .... (::'"al. Ib<~"'l( tl I"d,an fon"",i"". " ....., ,h.. r",... ,onal. of ot t:.<.l 1...,.......1" I>..,,,,,,,,. a,,<1 of tI... ·\ 1;;", 8.: S I..<,ld An",' eoq,. (,he ·AS-/.A{,"). h,,' 'M ttp<"l"'0{( 00,,/0 ..'. .......un bo. .r,.... Inoh:... ,\nn' Iloxh oiOes dUll a,,,1 ..,.-...I dckne'" "U" .. h...h ,,,,,, tk
<, {;."If in 19U .... """,-,,,, the ,"""'Il.o........ a,ld uil rcfi :os Ab:o<:Ltn. 11K" Turli>h fOro gua.ding ,.... :oppr.-""" ... .......r"''''1. ,.......". bndcd••, ar,... a '" artion> oJ-..- Bn f u oooL I""""""'" of I\:»n, bo. T"rt.., on ~I ,"" hn. A kIOIhokI had pncd in th..- Turli>h ...mton· of ~1"""f'O<""'oa, \,...<1'" ,"" t>
Il""'" en..... T'Il'" and t:.. phr.uo (,<>
h rC>l'Cn rangnl;>pi , and
I pol...... I" Dec Qurn.< t:lkn af,.... a b>u"ll: ""'.......1 -h off and 1.000 '" thnr lTI<"TI ......" ngtJc pn>
a>hato ofrorn:~ma
h polO"""" at R",... I" -\pril oJ-..- '1 urI.> ..""'....... ,I>..- 1I
Mb. """' oJ-..-ll
h Iotooc.. .......... 1"" a, 6.000. [;0,1 'cp<>n> Igd rnchcd ,he ll
h of a ct>nr.. I1l UOII '" T".Lt,h \ ...b (oren , ,II<" Abaocbn 011 po-pdi"" in ...,.. 1""""'A .. nall (orr.. >cn' ... "" 1("1<" ..... aml:>u.hcd and "" h "",,,Icd. al,... "'h"h ,.... Tu'l.> no, ,"" pipeline..\' th.. bID(' a r"""lI'" '" '<)mm:os>d ,001. pbc..; .he .-- m:tn, G<-n So. John SiM'". """"RIl' .."h h,m f.",h d"....';,.... f....... Arm, IlQ ... l)rIhi on ,I (U'b'" of ram~'. I..... c-ad of , o
al..""" h.u.. \1""",,'h.1
a 9.000· :m rorr "'''' to d , 'h" T,,'I.> uff,h.. fHpcl",.. at'" gr' i' back
"','I' •
,_-nI ,"" 'h:o' ",tot" """' "'"
----.---. __ .,-_..... -........-_ .... _-----------_.__00_"'.. _--_ '_00_..._.. -. _---_c."".....-
~."--"",,,,, _ ... =, ..........
,.,.... ,
.• I
_ _ ......... e
"'.........0 ..
I" Ju"" 19J~...ft... ,,,,"h ,.... ,II..<""~ 'he h,I(I....' .... <'1•• "~,,n '. forr"' ....' 0'" "I' , , . ,,,. 'hr 'lil("''' fil(h''''l( .. " ...,,,,<1 h;o"k a' Qunt I" Jul>, all ,u,l~."m ......'''a'''e. the Turl.> '" .tt",·n fr '" 'heir I"""'''''' at An I'",iri,..h .
1'," _
Anthoril" ,,~~, th"n giw" for J'ixoll to
<.~l On the 6th (I'oona) l)i";,iol1, ,,'hid, h" com",.nded. i" ptll,ult of ,h" Ttlll:.<. "'ho obligingl, !dl b.ek to all",,' him !O ext,,"d hi, lillc, of (o",,,,,,ni,,,,,ion ,,"illt '"''''' ",il" hi, '''''lfAll:t' IIp th" Tigri" AJ A",an,h """ t:>kcn. ,,,,"ing 2,000 1"rk"h pri«"''''' .lId mul'h boo", MI'" a I"'''''' III huild "I' mct\ a"d m'''"r'''\'. T'-"""lte"d 1""h"d "n in Sel""ml,,', to""',,1> ,d,,,rc 'he Tmk' had prel~"rd def"nc'" "'hich h" later d'"i<'rihed .. '""." of To,w__Ved"', like'. The I.."i,· fo"ght I"'for,' tl,,·.... On 28 Septemher c,,,t thr Ilriti,h 12.000 c",,,alti,,, to the T"rl:.<· ~HIOO, So-wnt""" 1,,, ki'h ~\II" ,...,.". ~tkl't\, h'" th" ,n",m re"r,~1 frutn the f,dd in g"ud ord,·r. f"iling I>;
0" reinli,rcemenb "'hil'h i"r1"d"d t"'O fre.h di,i.i",,,, III l\ri~,in a"d ]nd~. an "'''' "w" '" then f"co....d Oil til<' I"i,,· of I\;.ghd••d, a ci,,· of 110
tn To"".ltend f",' an a,k.n"" to Bagh
<'r mark"d th" li,,"t 01 'h" Briti,h a"""'I" to tali." Il;,ghdad, TIl(' n",n of d,,' 6th (I'<~",a) I)i,i,ion "'''''''l(cd to take the Turli,h fmtH lin". b,,' it tumcd ,n" to 1.>0' a I'nrhic 1;C'O'''', lIocir I",,,,. "w, "" gr"'<1 tlta'. ill 'he fac" of ",,,,,,,ei,,g T"rli,h ",i"fo",'m",,,,. TO"''''h,,''l onlen·d. "ithdrn"",lto Knt. The to"'n ,,-'" n'al'h<-d 0<1 3 Dcee",l>rr, a"d T""""hend d""lar,~L '1 n""" to dcr.-nd K,,, "' I did ChitrnL' III 7 I><''''e",l>rr th, T",,,-, h"d ""circled ·1""mJ,..nd ",,,I hi, "",n. a"d ,It,· ,i'1;e had borgu". T'''ppcd in.ide ",e," 11,607 IIriti'h a"d Indian trool'". 3.;,3(1 ·foll""",,', and d", 6.000 A"tl> i"h"bita,,!>. A"empts at the rdief of K"t ",'n' 1''''""",d "'ith gr"'" c""""ge In on, :"tad J" the 2nd B1:od W."eh, for exa",],le, ""I)' 2 offie"" and 15 men '''''';''cd: Ih,'''' "'er" a""c1"'d to Ih" '''l',·i,·ors of a 11""ali,,n of Seafonh' ",,,I c"lhl 'tl", Itighla"d 1\1"alion', In "II. fo"r a",·",p'" ,,'ere """Ie ",hi"h C"" 23,000 l~tl1l, c"-,,,,,lti,,,. "Ill COllllt;ll!: ,It" 'i"k ""'''''g th" r"h",i"g force. Ilc'pite the",," ~I",,,-,, "'I"·,h",,,an cITor'" it be.,... ",,, deal' 'hat 'he n'iti,h forrr ,It K"t "·,,,,10.1 ha",' to 1:00: I,·ft to i<, ["c. ~"go,iation, fur ""'retHler l>rg-"n "" 26 "pril 1916. "'ith To",,,.hcnd oIT"ring 'he ""elll)' hi, f"rcc',
....._.. ____--. .. __ ,_ ... . ,_ _. ...,""'_<---_w _"'-_. .... ....._ -,,-_ ...... __ ............._ ,.,., _w. .....-_ ._..... -
0P<'0&Tt _ _, .. _ 0. . _.
DMoIon _
, , _~" ~.
..'_ ....-w_ ....-.
, ,.
E_._' ,. -., D_,,,_-,,-,""'l
we"l"r",. £1.000,000 a"d ;I" ,'xch''''II'' ",i'h T""ki,h I'ri>on'·'.....[."." in "·tu,,, f"r" I~,rol,' to I"di" for lIi",,,-lf a,,,1 hi. '''''n, All "'rl'" ref"",-"
:".-nso".Il th" ti"'" uf th" ."rn·"d,·,. 4.000
1i';1\ fro"t 'l('~I"l'l ,,,,d em"''' ,,' Tmli.;.h ha"d<. ",d,,
o"""ia. a"d a 1',,,i,,,,' of th" t:,,1i.< th,,) ",..... to ,,,,d"",,kc,
1815, Galllpoll
F"r a"·.t, to 'h" north....,·,t .noth,,' I';"... c....np"ign .•g;,in" tl", Tll.-J,,, had h"t·" 1">1. T"rli.<~" e"'....' i",o the ",.r "n tI,,· .ide of th,' (,,,,,",,1 I'"",.,~ fun"",-~I Ill" "'''I''"t f",m K""i:l inJan"".... 19J" f,,, ·di,·"....ion,,,l' "-"i,t,,,ce'. \\",,,,tOH Clo"rrhill. th,·" FiN I..onl of th" Ad",i".!t,. lr",l..,l1I "",,,hil" to Ix~"hanl 11,,' at the ell""""" to 'h" l):.... b"dk<. tIl<' ,""i'" leading fro", th,' A,):""" to Se" of .\1:.... ",,,... , Om,~,,";n0l'le. the IJ,o"I,ho"I>. th" Blal'k So'" and th,' I~'rti of "out hem K""i". \\1,,,,, Ch"rl'hitl ....d other ·t::",ten,..,,,· f"il,~1 '0 ~et "'PI"'" fol' b"di"~,, al the 1):....1:ondi,,,. he "',,'" flcctlO forcc 'h" l~l'-'''I:T. ""aid"d h'I i" ~·"brt"lT" 1915, Mlrr ",mr initi,,1 ""c"", in ""hich T"rli.i.h ,ho,-e I";",e,-;,,, "'ere d"""Ul,,,1 '" g"nlire allll I"ndin~ p"l'ti'" t>f ",ari,,,,,. ,10,' '\nglo/f""nch 1'0"" "".l> '«'I'I,,-~1 on 18 .\Ia""h b' .' r",nl,;",,,i,,n 01 mine' a"d ~"",fire ",'hich li.ill,,,1 700 Alii"d "·,,mcn. "",k tlm."e 1~",I,,,I"I" ''''d l'ripl,irtl th",,· n"rt<· It "'-.l> d""r to all that 'h" I)"r
ea...,. lho a",;,,'d at th,' Ix,.., 'I' I....·mn<)< to li,,,1 " >t'cn'· of "tter eonf",,"on. I k i""nedi,«d) "rdered hi' ""n1l corp" (th,· 11.",".1 .-:"".ll)i,·i,,''''', "t..""."" of 11><' '\~7.M: and ,10,· 2'),h I)i,i,ion of lIri,i.h feg"Ia,..,) '0 E~l'" i" ,"'I.... ,n rcorg:mi,,' ""d pn'pare for a" ."-,,,,,11 "n the C,.lIipoH 1"·"i",,,1:o. W'''l'hi''g the lire'" of ",""sl""l> ""il ""''''. the h,rl:.<. wit., k.d I>r,," """",i"I,,~J '" tlte f:"I"re of d,,' ""...1 fore" to pre'" ho"'"
<:t "I~"" prel'",i"g f",' the wming i",,,,ion,
_ . _w .- ".. . _ _., --_.-. _.... _-
,IS<> .... _ _ '-""" .., .....
............ >rom.2nd
.. _
.. _ , . . _
- . _ . . . - . . . . '" w.._
0PI'0SIl'E _ _ . . -
\\l,clI Hamilton', forcc .'eamcd bad '0 Ihe I),rdandk.. ,h,,, had a >0,,,,<1 pia". The ~.'9th I>i'i,ioll "", '0 land a' Cap" Ildl,·, to ",i", the lllrl;,!.n ,he no><. ,,'hils, 'h" A~ZAC. ""re to land a' 'he lIam,""e" pan of 'hc pcni"'''b '0 clIl orr 'he Tlltki,h f",'cc, facing ,tt..- 29,h, "Il,e Ruml ,".,,,1 I>i'i,iu" ",,,,1.1 Cwale • dill'",ion f,,"he< IIo"h. and r"'"ch forc... ,,"'re to lalld on thc A>,an 'ide of th,> I>,,,da,,dl.... \\'ha, too~ plac.. i, ., impl, dc"'rihed, I)"'pi« grea' colI ...a ge and endm'rncc 'he IIriti,h forr,.. ,,·,'re comai""l in 'heir beachhead>, frolll ,h.. time of 'hc landing> in la,,· April 191~ un,il their final <'\"""a,io" inlanll:,,", 1916. IlI.. prle rell,forre",..,,' I') fil" d,''',ulI' alld 1,,,1I"'r lan
\i",ng _ 1,-... tha, ('
aid 'hat if the i'""""" of .he Callil",li 1"'nin,,,la had been plalHH'd ,,·tlh 011" tcn,h "fth,' "arc gt\"C" to;'" ""Jella,ioll. i' "ollM hal" '"Ncnkd'
",·"n"";",, ,,''''
1(115_17: lh. S.n
l .. prl.lng and lh. Sinal
In th,' LI>j"" ,k"," a f"' """ l>ci"g """IIIbled to la',,'elt a ',,,,h in the hock' "p'·... agaill>' 'be dcf... ,
of 'he SlIez Calla!. BI No',eml>cr 191~ ,h~...., had b.-e" I'",I"ced eon,id,·,,,bh !.n' 'he demand, for reinfo'","me"'" for Gallil",li ,,,,I Me""I"''''mia. and the defence of l::gjl"', "e,,~m froH'ier had been I,·ft to 'he l::!:'l"ian coa>'g<.am, Slin..-d "I' ~' Tmli,h al("'"on and an"",,1 ,,;,h modcn, ,,'Cal""" ddi,,,...,..11:>y ('.ennan "'bm.'ri" ...... 11 ,,"'" a, ,hi, tin'" that S;,jcU Allllled. 'hc (;...",d Senl1""i. eho>< to send hi, tribe-
El':'l>lian oo...le. to r.ri", jiNul and '0 bring abo
j-.l No'" anllOl~ red "''''. a,,,l a ha1tel)' of 1/.(",,1 110..... I\'lillel); , B,' la,c I\",'em1><'r 191'. 'he force had 1>eg'1I1 con· • ","IU"'Jting at Me,"", .\I,,,,,h. .' atld ~ earh' I"-"ember had ,,,,,.,,,,1 probi"g "'e"""rd in "'arch of the So·"""i il\\-ade", Af'er a scric; of
_-_. ---..............
,--_ ...................... --".,........ .... ...-., ......... _'31>0 _ _ lIMob> •• _
................. -..._, -.. ,'"
-,._ ~·tt_
t _ _....
"M••• " ...... _
--, _. .... _,on....
an. _ _ ....,
t.- .. ,.... _
. . . _topI---
. . ..... I'>riJat. _
........_on._ ............ PWMl
c1a.,h,.. the ,,.-n forcc' me< in hattie a, Iialalin ,n la,,· Jan"a" 1916, Af"" hard nghtillg the Si~h. broh' 'hl'ough 'he Socn""i lin" to bri"g ahollt tlwir rell'ea,. TI", figln c"" ,I,c Ilril~,h 21 ~,11",,1 and c"JI ""OIlI1
(' and o"c--third of t1><'ir office,s alld U"''', ,nd hi a Tllrki'h officer ,,-;,h ,I", S."",,,,' relllarl. 'C'e" m,gnifi'lue. lIIai' ce " ...1 I"" "'lOll k, regie,' ('It'. ",ag"iliccut. 1><" it', not in ~cep,nl' "'ith d'e nile.), n,e Tllrl i. ",id to h"'e been a ""dent of",ilil"" hi"o" Th" Senll".i f",xce "'" l"'''Uc
l"iall fromier ...,d illto lj!.n". 'h,,' I,uning an "'HI '0 ,hi. Tllrki,h-;".pired all"mp' '"
, ,
'>' ..,., . -
......... ,I... tll'pIO:tJ1> in'o ~ hoh "~r ~nd ''''btlhon "'lC"... r1>IlInt»h
h ",u 'onfrnn'nl TU'b>h for' ~-;"ll nublnlo.-d ~ "ron~ dr("~",,,, """'''''''~, ~ ....,.. 100 mlln ~ or , Sur, 1.... u1. ,\ r.li"'", h;od pmhrd up to
........ "'I,..b,
'0"' di,i
"' F......... nl> 01 th ..... 1InU>h mf...,tn " (11" I'bod, 52nd /.; ,,~'
I, , .."II """ A:'>/.-\I "","",....1 bri~ and '161(\"'<' I" ""1'1. '\"1:"" 1916. n"lJ,h """,L ..-..., "'>1""'n,..1 ,"'d d"f"a"'<\..",,1 .' of ,II" r.,r'·'''''j( T,,,Li,1I fort...." o""'h,o"..1 hi 'h" nK,o"" ..1 \'/~\C, d"""l. l,dl"..~II" 'he tlriti,h ;"f.I1'n 11\ ""d·,\ul:'~" Ih. "fu',,", had ber" 1'I<"'I'di bilcL I" I'J Ati>h, ,hri. -un",!: poil1', I" llo:
t. A .....-.:><>d .......L 011 IoU" ,n \pril 191; ""'" " .... boC<:l hi • "",forr...1 '1'".L"h gani,on. .n"cipated ""0 1'.,1,",,,,,,, ,,, ,I ... 1'."'"' or Jen'>al"m had h,"<" h.It ...1
-.-,---_,"e_ -~ .... _ ...... _ _ c••
.xto"''''' , .. for """,. ,,"',. to ""'lC.
__...... _ , .'• ..n.. -. . . e-.,o. .... _ C
' m'..,'" _
'" ,
, I
191(1_1(1, M••• pot.ml. . . .d P.I •• tln.
In \',"",,,,,",,n",, 'he W.r 011;"'.
Iud ...."med nmmd ,,f ",I"''''''',-.'"e
"",",n "'" ..dl ... opt,""lJon•.•nd ," Augu>t 1916 1,1<..." t',S.'1.,>
01 ",,,,-.0\ otr...,., '0 h,m. M'n """"nnll ,...., ,I><- bot><- a, &..r.r. funr"",,"'Il rffoc"''''h. I><- ."....,.{ Iuo ~ ron. ;and bow. .-.....p>"'''ll ,I><- f"""n b '0 hom (one BriU>h .rod 'h,- l"d..." Antn dn_l. lO J'C""" _ ....m'''''1: ..lIh ..... ...... ..~ bt"'ll ...'" k1 M"""'f'OI""l.... 8. the CfMI ' " 1916 'hen- "",'''' 2~ rnod.-no ....,.bnn .....b ..... h"n.•,od I(\'e'" impr'....ITl<""b ..' "udc '" d'" I".... '" <<>mmuni<'oouon, In ti",.. or
: ..,. . II f,od, r"lh '''1'''1'1''''' ,,"d prop.rh 11"""..1. ~h:di",1 ,,f.II,' a"d ''''p'''''N!. .\1,,,<1,'.., (.,~,,'rl, "f1iC
O"'''''~'' hl"',h""""" F"r<" ...,., f,,,.
.-<..m",,"r 1916 I,.. b",... hn:l ~" oIIe"........ hirll N" Fcbnl:lJ"\ 191 i. 8aRhdod orrupird in \Lo.eh. _ Turb pu>hn:l bo:.o
ned rlM:ol<-n "nd dord, bu' h.. 011" ". "'CI\' on, rrk"tlrooJ> pr~"I: ..... Turlo bo:.o
bbx"h, 00' t.. ,I><-
.......... <...,...,-.a! {)(Tocn < """"odi"l:
"''''le" '"
,id d'
,i..... ,.............. f",,,,,
ann""''' '" Onob<-r 1918 t .... lin,"', .,(f""';'".;n
~'''''''P''''''I1'' h:o
:;"'" .lfoll III • ,~, of 'h' .. <>rid ..' ' .."'I"".'''r
III p"u,,
01 , ......'ou"tkd - f,... 11.....
c,' r.udr<1 .'" 'OIl'''''. ~nd 'kpr><> ,...., ......e ....,,, ,,, bt poool> gu:trtkd. (h,.. n1"lj: dooon 01' doe bnn '" rornm""jo"K>no oroopo .. 1>0 migh' ~,... ~" bffn ....,....cd :u. thc ff'Ol\l-
• •
l1>r r-lnptW> bpnlitionan Forr.. h;od abo Iud. ~ .....S'" ll\
hndqw.ncn from Cairo '0 Ibfall:&rod , '" 'mil f""l"iU.'KlIlO for ~ f"n 011 t.... T..ria>h I"""';ou,~, Bror.-.l....,.. and ("",,- n... al ...." on furmcr btgoIn on ~l 0<",0/"", 1917, ..ith AlknlJ, " 111r.",,, coLng doe ,,,....,, M,ncn f.. l~ on .. h,lr ,," "I" ,,f ,h... Ik....·ll Mounted Gorp> ... el" "ro,,,,,1 '0 a't:o
;" <"lIn,na«-d ,,' a mo"rned eh~rg" b> ""i~, of A",,,,,lian Ligll' IIun<' .. h;"'h ,,,.... 1" 0'1'" ,,," Il''', of Turli.h " ...,och,"" tl) "'p'"'' tlttnll"h;l ..i,h 1>,100 pri..,l1en "nd I,. gnm. In .... rt, ,,,,('In""'r, A1k"lw launehcd an :a.
<- 1lnU>h foe "'.... """'..... 1" dnt"n 10 thc ~ Bri""h Ann>' .,(focm ......'" ~'''''mpt.ing ,o.ur \"'b TC>i>lan<:e .... ,he T",!:>. Oa>e '" 'hne ..... c..pa
_un_.. .-
----._" _--_......,_«. _ - ,._._ ...-----_., .. .. _...... -Ii'......t._---_-..-_............._.. _ -__.w......., __ _ __00_--_..-. _ _ .. D..
_ _ _ ,,_"-1
.... ...
_ _ _ e-.,o. "'_'"O<_'.'~
, :t/,_.....-- " ," -.
•• 4
_ .... _ ----_ -_.____. --. . ___ . _------.. -,--- . -_ ----poo'... _. ---_ ---. _-_ .. ----_. . • ... ......... _ ..._.__-----_. .. 0l""'0SITt _
TE.l~I"Ymcr. I""·,, '" bt· ,I> ·l~l"',r".. of
lie 11 ..,1 c:orlicr
I",ell i",m""""'.1 ill P"",,;w:I"'1C "" A..".h 11m,,!, ,,, ,...id and uI"""': ,he port of All"I>.. •11 ~h .... ,('''....'11 .. Iol
.""11'1<,'" ,..Ch'll<,
cu''''Il( ""' roo""'un;c.. . Ii<.><.. on II", 1'",l..i>J, '("H '0 ,I><' ",,,",,,,II un ,IJ<, <;;..0. fk<,,,,I><'ba Ion.. , I......,.",".. ', \no!» ... roK' f..oiln1. bill ,I><'" ...,,,,,, ...-kn"nt '0 h~,e ,i<'d do.m 2:;.000 Tutl:.,>h ''''''P' .. 100 "'ljI;h, n.h ' ... Iu,.. <>J'I""><'d I\n..>h f.,..c.... i" P~...... ,"" and \ I ~... \Ilnlbo kpc "p ,1M' Pf"'OU.... on oh.. "'''''''11 Tu,L.. ~OO bo ~ lk<:e... lx, 191; ,..... lion'..... Iud d",nl 'I...." bac:1:. '" ~'''' .. h"h ,"'" ~I<"'d """',," a fig:hl. \,Il;u" "" ,1M' mntn"'ll ol9 I)...-..... t>n""0 ... ~'" of oh..? 19th I..."""... RctlI ...... ,.... fLog ollnlC.. pam' oIfcrirljl; tIM' ","",Min ol ,1M' ot\. ;u1d "",, da., bin- <..... -\ll.-nl>< ..." ..rc-d ~ on foo. ;u1d f"'<'J
< h" f<>
........" ....... III \I~ alld aodut1l:' ......:\nb 01' "ll""'" a '1 wlDh t."'I""e .. h"h Iud Io
pb<... of M...Ibfl;hd;od "">II ....... Jeru.:alcm, To , 0.""""" pcoploo of ..... "lI>cd ""11
_ .. h..-h I>< then ",duded l'S,-\ _ ,.... ul:.Jm: ol ""'" hoh c'I\ I"""idcd ~ hodh nttdcd
bfl "'",.".., no.:, 'pflrtll; and >WIlDI<"I" of 191~ "'e'e ......n' on
,.... 'O'UIll"'m",.,-.
and of ,.... fOre.... ,n p~"" f<>< .. firuol ofkn.
on-... aoo "" "'"'"
to , .....
du...-'ion of .\10""''', '" thl> "...... Al.....1>< h
di'l""""'l fou, ",,,..,.... di".""" .. ud 'he ......'" of .. illh, ",f~n'"
....wI h-..och c"''''''IC''IllI, t"olk...illll
f"l1,· , pb.II ..imed ~, coII,io..i"lI 'he Tnrl:.o ,h.., he .. >tnl:... .., th..ir ki,. A1"',,1;> ...", c"o,rind .wq
- ____...... -_. -,,,,1<1
, ... ....
Of _ _
_ _ ", _ _ &MI.
'0_'.'''_'' ............. .... ..... ,
., -, _
.._ ..-.-_.--:::::. . .___
.• I
,.,._ ....
~--- _IOn, .. _,_,.
hi, main "fton a"~jn,, 111.. '111I'k"h ri~hl "n ,h" (,0;1>1,,1 pbin 0" 19 xp'c",l>
"u"ltl dub 'Megiddo", f
('". h;, ......, .1". Io'h>
10<11 "" 10 [>am""" .., "nlCnnl! the d" Oil :!5 Ocl
f"rce> hJtt ",I>.ll("'\ 360 ",ok>. Iillhll"8 ,.]] ,he "",,, and illflining 80,000 ..... ''''hi., on "'" -ru'l.>. 8nll,h ...."a1un re 850 dc;od a,,,1 4.Wl ..",.",<1...<1 II h",l bn'n " ..·.'...""""11 1>;<,,1<': Turk im",<'d,.,,," ,U('d f...- f'<"'Cc .
THE BALKANS In cam 191"
u,K'"...' .,..,..... pr...•••d..d alonl( ,.... l>:.nube. In ,he
P'"C'iou>.~ t-I cjr<,nt oh.. .\'l>t'Q-lIun,:uuII ""...Ieo from .......r kJngdom.:u>d ""'" oh.. ..... am" .,r.. r...u'll one ;u,.MIM'r dnoo... ac.-.- ~ b.-.-l "'-..r, 1\1" ,he ~,,,ed ,I><' obouor .... ,,( ';crl>I;>
remn.....d .n <>
t,,,ngilicn cum"'u"Ot>ol'l> ... "h ....." ;olh, TUf ..... o..n'lurn ......., nude 10 Ilulg>on... 1"''''''l>Inl( "''"''10 '" '1""..d"III" i" ..... urn f<>< dccbnng r..- ..... C..nlnll P ~ "nd "">oCung ,he '><'rl>o.. "" .:\llinl ror.... of 1"000 t"moe" and Rn, trOOf». ",... ,oded 10 aod lhe Sc,b>.. ........ n' \0 Sal"III"" ,n 'lac....I,,"jo, ,n Oc>ol>
d ~ f..n "1"'" x.bu from ;olI .......... d"'ing >Old...... and 0,,1...... ;d,1;c- ac ,he ""'don .."h ,-\Jb;Ini;,o III ~ cn.>
1916 ",.., ......... crntt..riotd on -\IIJcd >l'up> .. h,,1> , them 10> rtfuge '" L<..-f".ltah.;u1d 'ocrh Afn<::l. Co.....,'''''' . ~ 01 Sonbo pcn>hcd dunllll I.... <$
'" fOl'CC thaI " '" ume \0 'l)l).ooo ........ '" 1;0", '916 the> ......., onee ;og;un ftl:hu"ll on Sc.-bO;rn ..,a.' no.:, (;",. Snll>h fonn:won 10 be ...nbroUt<\ '" th... thea, of opcr.auom JllIh (1 1 l>r>>>ion ieh dI.......,b;u'\..cd S;don'..... ,n , alIn
hc',e 01 ""....na"''' (.,.......". ahhoo'llh .....,hoic"aIh r",.....,...d {;n",.;d ....... :u>d .... A11J«1 force .......... h,"ll "' <.......1:. m"'.... 10 gn '0 ,he border ..,th s,.,bia dod h" '0 ..,,, them ........ '0 ..... Allred M,n Cb>JIl''I( ..,th ",penoc IltIIprian for""" Ih ]\nu"', a,od F...,..-h ..,thd..... '0 .... "'1<""-" arou'od "-
-.. Bnll'" •.nd .h,..... fren..h di">lol1, bo Ike ",bc, 191.'> In 'he '''''''''lin", S;oIoo,;L;o ..... 'un 1"'"0 au .."' ,... .....,1 bao<...i,h • 7(Hllil.- def... I<.. , ,;" ,,,, "<1;"11 ,I... pon. A> r....... ,I", oo,.,,"''''!.
",.wh ..,,'"
,""i, -
c..."",," ,"
... .. ..
,h<' \l1~ Iu
rid': bu, ,t... dtof.."".... ",,,,,,,n! ,h", ....",.. ", Iot
.."",kl'''...... 1\;0,.. '0 "'''Ito.. ,~l,·
d hllrri<'tl .... "''''n;on
~()d " ....... III
S:oIo" . k.t ,n " .... In ",",, R"""~l1 ."d
tft>op>aho.on. ...1 to numb<..... "" ,.... SNbI;tn \nm Il><"tf. .-\11 "bou, th.- .');,Io..u .... rq:oon ....... hrd l
, n ,bn,
n>c""" ,....
.. uh ,,,,Ino..:.l dl."''''''''''.
_ _ _ _ _ NCOO
.·.101_...........·_.... _,---"_ "
.. _"_,_ _"' _..00 .,_ _ ------_..,.-_-"'-..",
-_-----. _-- .. --*----_ . _-... _ . _-_ . '--Tr_","'_.
.' ----..--_ ',---..... -~
..i,h (., ........ on ,I... ,,"nl 01 oilil ...., .. h,k til<" <"Onm,.,,,k... 0( ,I F....nd' fon...... "''''W,,-~I to h... nll h<"1" III on ,h.....,k of ,I ... ~.l1"·,,t ... F tn all "r ,I".. ,It... II.. ni,h CUll U"Il,·,n i" "".""md.", >1<".1 a"",r. aloll'" am,d" 1I1t· 1>o~1"'1l of '-W,..." and .-..... , Ir ...010,,",", fro", '",d, Mric'd .",d In
:",;;,n, a..d "'''''11>. I.' L., i" ,l>c \III<'
fun:.. "' rroorl~ bu' t .h >tr<>ngt> brlonnl \be""""" 10 be " th.<:o".. .. t.n.. th.-u·"'r.all' "'o"ln... bkM. \0 " t R< ..,,,,,,,,,,,, 00 L"n! I"'" I <'1'1<" ,I......., "" ,Iwc or ,I \Ih.... ,f ,"'" l,n"",h••1 an oIf n"",. '" ~I ......d,,,,,,,. tl... "r.."eh ..... ,.: ,,'.. II""'ro. M.,,,,·,, ",.... 1>00"1/1" 1<> a 1,..;1<1 "hen an ,\""m 11"lgui~n "ff"",i,·e ..... L""",h<-d :og-~in .. ,he ,\llied el1c1a,'" in '\lIg>'>! 1916. In ,he l1/Chull/C ,I"" .......nt ull,,1 Sep'e","..r ,h<' 1lri1l,h fo.ma"",,,, l>cld 'hc-i. pallo( ,Il<' b,... "-, f>VI"nl! 11;.. n! alOund pbc<,> ..ith ~ ...... h 'Ik><>nhoc lIill' :and " ..... h"l.o.". 8> mid&pt<-mh<'r \llin "" ,.... off.....""......"h the ~""'n 1>1 \,n" dl1\ing ~I"""""". I" oro.....- '0 pon _ .. ,.... on>op> 0f'I'0"'1" them the l'InU
! ""....... lor.. ~IaLl1lo 'e"'\..oj. R;ri,,,U, JUtTl.> alld T"",hi"" ran,,; bu' lilt' ,.,.ri"'I> l1l(h';ng .....'
"..... king the lI"Ill'.lOan I''''''uo", ber"r...'r"ua"ir. "'hid, "ccupi.. d on 19 ''''...m1><'•. When ..inte. 1"" att end '0 oper"uoU> ..honl> afl..........."" , .... Sc,t>. had .uffcrnl Zi.OOO .......wu... - ",,...,,rth 0( ,hc-ir func - '" capo""' ,.... ............t ~ ........ in s...bwl M..........."a. 8> the..,.,ntI: or 191" pial.. had lwoco n...oc (........ off.....,..., I:-.. ..... on>op> or :oil the In" All...... ''''UOIt1> ...... It1 S>lorltu.... """'" 01 a' 1..> .....' .. to be .Iong. 14().r",lc (ro"' ...111. ,he IInlt>h """'uluttg J><»;tiol1' across the 1>,n'tt1a in ,lte ..;c'l; bitt th .. Illil;,h eom",.",d,·,. 1.t{~t1 .\lil "",,;,1«1 ,ha' Itt> principal dfon >hould be a r ' .... ",,","uh on ,he m:un Ilull(ari:ln
,_ _ ,..JJ,
,,_.-.... _,... ~~
,: _ ... r.>oondol .... ...- _ 2:",,-',,1I'Y ' .. eo.lW\,1t•• 0Un0~
.,-_... _-GAU.JPOU a
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~".. • .. l-. .... _
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1:'" '-"-_"' __ , . . _ .....Ulo OOC .... _ _ ...1 ,r
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* ..... """... ,
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---~, ""'0 ... _ ..... c.....
,"th"ppell -
,uo" ..-.., ,H,e of 'he ,""'" fomndable ,,,,,,,,,,,1 fOflr<:»n ,n £urope. a >lICe....''''' of fonifi...1 ridge> c1,mbong ......... ,I>;on 2.000 ftt' alx>'l-c ,he lake. Iln"n 'he off""..,'e bcg"~" in la,,, April 'h" Rn">h a,uck ..-a. rep'"I..,.J .."h h " '" .."'" a ~""d a"('f1Ip" ," carh .\b' l1><>e fail".", "er" p"a' 1 all :do"ll rhc I",c..."h 1",1e '0 >how for 14.000. \Ilrcd ......al,....... The ",,,,,,,,,r
aloo'lt ,I><' fr0"', bu' ..,th", ,I><' ..\Ilrcd enda'... ",,,,,m ""',,..... cd """"'g """ t'n'neh alld 'mopo. and ;n ""nocular """"'I{ rhc Itu!o>
<' ."''011100....'' 3Igi ," ,I><'II hon>ri.;u>
' .. p ...., fire !l"ucd ,I><' ok! ......" of S..lo",l.a. dntm""g ,I><' Bnu>h hcadqu:onc,~ and .....'("(;11 ba..- f ,Ii.."". ("Jun~ In com"""rid ..... tl><' part"re of tlie ..",oe "" Gorn ~,I _~'" ""ic of lup ",>
cc,n dv ""''''''' of mucli of ,he dixon n.. and ",,,,,,,,..11, a F•...,.,h 11...""' ppoonrcd ..t>o ..b to loin" an decmfnr'/l: cffK1 0<1 ,t>., ~"I.a f c . Gct>craI r"",,,,,hct d· " "" arm"" '" Jun" 1918. ,,'Id unn>
for an off " th:ir' ...... to L_l llull{""'" ,.." of rhc ..;ar. Tho> ...... l'm.",,11r'd III 'lcp
' the 17th of ,I... mon,h a ""I ...", .. ~ m,k, and '.!O milc< broad "ad bet" d",.." ,m" ,I... I\.ulga"",n 1'.....,..." •. On ,.... lilth 'he Rri'i>h ad'a'K.... "lla", '" ' .... I.a.ke I~rau ""':,0< "nl> ,,, be r"l'"I>t'd a> bcfure. a"d ..;,,, "'I,.all> h ' ......." ...I"n; hm "" '.!O p'e111h... 'he n",,,,, bcg-a" '0 , .. ,rr.. '0 ,...." "" in ,he;I' ,ca'·. a "' ·e" '" ,ha, hca"'" a rotU.o Alh.. ,! "'" helta" ,h.. '""ce'"""'11 aud ·..,1,,'.. omered I>' d·bl'.·' , I'm",~..~t I" I'. ."~,,, ..... ,,~,, "8'''''0<> ~"d a",i..."" dlll_, ,h..· 1I"1~", ....,, coll"I''''' f"II"..,.,..1 't",,.kll' An",,,i<.. 'alb oclI"" 0" ~II ""1>W",lo"r .",d h",,'ih'i'" cea,,-~! 0" -'O,h. '11,,' ",,,,,, 11,.,,,,h force ".~, ,he" del~''l'",1 1'...- a pos>,ble march Oil (."'...."""01,1... 1>0, .n:.,!,,,,,,,,, led hi, FI'..,...h "rid Snoo" 0/, " of 'h" Gennan ,,"d A,,,,,ro-ll""ll"nan fo...-... 'ha' ruched Ikl~r...k on I I\......"'be., In "",,,,, "..d .., hi> foK'" had ...t.-anced O'ler..oo "'ik>. •'0< ,h.. 1I,;".h Ar",' . ..,,,ic,, "" 'he \l""r<\on", fron' had ,aricd from thebooe
iml"'1l'''''* n>nn'l .....lI(ln> around Uk l)oJ~' All d tho. ..b cnd'''ctl. on" t<..rhc rroop I<) be rcd a -.hare on rhc p..;.:- "<'<'P' throuf;h ,he &Ibn. on theDanube'. A1,t-ogtt ...... ......... """" ttMXltd ... ',1><' ~ of S;alon,I.a·. for rhc Rnu>h "'".. ,...., '"''''' 'IJcre ,he lbll.an from had bttl' ,... e,,", ..;ar,
_... _---_ .--. ...... _ .. ...... _-, ...... .......,.-----_--_ --- . .....__ ....... F'
, .....
"'F11."_' .., . ............ \ , t _ _ ..._ _•.... _ k
, ,_ -:
...........k _ _ .. _
_. __ .. -.... _._.--_ ... '-:'~':':~~~ --.. -_. '-. - .... -_ ... ..... ...... ._. - .---.. _ _
__ n
00-. _ _. __ "
'11 IL~h.", fmn'. hl,· "ta, in Sal"nila. "'..., .. e. ~no,he, '0 "'I"eh tlri,i,1> f.II·e ,",'. . r.. """" '"' he" :"n alII .....,"'..<1 al>oo." '0 be (""h<~1 I" ,h,· f",n. ul ,h,· C"",rdl I~"'·e,.. It ....., ~ fro", ,,·h..
,hat 1"'><1"...,d f....·lt'lin' for a hull:"
tria-llunlP" ...,"'.. 'I..... · rnple .\I1..."ee' 0( lllll:! In \la.. 191.'> d..dared .."' , \"".... I hmll:dl'l. '''''''ed boo \11....:1 """''''''' of \"",rian af a def ,
\m1ri:> _ .n ;or.... ,,·I>"'h. 'pan f " ~'O mil<'> "" "'<1 ..de a ,...... of mountain> '" .. I>",h II... 0(, =t>gco>uo W""'..t\.lI'l"k ,.... ,"""'" .. A,,,,,na,,, Id " If"",", of both 'lKI.-... f""¢l' for 1"'"" 0.. 0( .iul pt'A4 'iMo I '" I'm"elted , ...." fiR.! ""':r"" ofl'. ......·e
'""'" r"n"n,t<'
to e""",".... ,h lui..., (ore...
<""''''''''''11 '0 lxttt . ..... \ .....na.. def ", on ,....
..... 'Founh Ball,," 0( ..... bonzo' dl<'d """'n '" o.",nnb...- 191.'> ........ h ......... t'CIJt;ijncd .. tJ.... bent ;at , .... roncl.- of Ii..,. onh ,
..-...In I
Ro,"" '""'"
_ ....... _. ... __.--_ _ . -. - -' .. _ _ c...o_'"
_ ......
_ _ 10.
__ ,e :
b<>th si<\.", bepI ,,1.. \ fifth \t;t"k I:>c-g;IIt In "la.eh 1916, """'t!h no< 0( , .... .ale Ot' ",,,,,,,,n ... ,h<:oor- of II... pt<"l'iou> ""at. Ottcc "-". , no 11:'"''''' The eouD.ge d >elf· _Iir",e .h",,~, bo. ,It.. told ", of boo.h "debn:" Irj(nlCbr., bu' ,I... '....'..11 'lCOk..... d
\I i,1I IIl1dllg"IIc<' "·.... hillll: ,he h.• lla,,, ,h~, 'hc .'ll.·,llI " ...... bllil<1"'11 ''1' II",i, f,,,·ce. in Ihc "~llh..,,, ·hrol. tlltlll."~",, ""re ",owd f",,,, ,h.> I.'H'I
'> ",,,I J"ne. -\hl""'Ilh ,he Ios.>o:.-s 0<, both 11 1 1"""," a". thn "'ere ,,,,media,,'k "'" 'Cd "I " tI IL.b..". Ltllnd....1 e""nlcroff,"""'" ""e,,,lnl '" '''II:ain ,IK 'em,,,,,, 10M 1tI ,iMo frentll'''. hM...... "nee a(r"''' ."ili,,\( a' ,IK \",,-rld'" "" ,iMo I"",,... fron,. R\ ,iMo time ,~ b.l" ......,..re ",,,,,,I...lnl in , .... Lt.e a,,',,"'n oll916 ,IK e"..", I","", \t;t,tk-> h:ttl ri",n to on...... , a,,,1 1tI ,.... I........' fOt'r.., ... ttl ..., u.n. Itt frun, f.tlh"lI: otIan""n:h R\ ",mmn1917 "''''' ,.. \t;t,tln h:ttl httt, f..-.ugh' ...'...., h.. {o< ..1I "I(11,f",..", 11:'"''''' bu, I"".." I1oo:Jpo '<'mOUncd 1 lIn • btr.abht'OUl;:h Ott .h.. f,.....' _ ,Il.. lIIn<' .."h , 1 of f........,h "'''''"' ptQrtll'Cd b< 'I" :.oll~ In ..... T,...",,,o ."ll"", ",'""""'" ....... ontt moo'" ,e:td'o"'ll to '-""" ou'
;...... to " front th:ot ..... I...... hlJ(h e"""""'" nttned. :umtd to ~pt n ........·• pbt>Ir ..,th :on din"'..... tlut ~ m .I 1917. _ :och .".. li,tIo' bnund • funltt-o"'''I'''''''''Il of I~ blood f........... pl tinJl
< and
- --
i, did 0<, ,10.. II .......... FronL
................. -,._ ......__'(".1II ..,. __ ~
-_ ., . _---
_........_-_ -........... -. _EO"l"
. _. _........ -----_.~-
C""""'"';'1 I""" ae"",..
pWp"Ir"",b .."hi" lI,~" r""k; .." ,h.., rae",l ,h~ pr""l"'<' r>f ' .., ",,,..,he, ofr.."",... "" d,.. 1..,.,,,,-, _ ,h..
It",,,,, '"
~11l '" """ 10 II"nh 11,.. """.., "f I'll.", 16. It-. ..'<".r I",~I "I' t" it.. "' ,I... WIn." <;... "01' ",e""... I1> "'ole ,11""'l(h 0" bl .. lltl~
th'" ,r.,dl<'d .11 ,......'" ".."II
fItd. Onpole h"ll" 3.000 gu,oo, :;.000
",,,,,tun.. It""" :onlorn :on
onl' .... ll.Il'I
WI""'" nI,,,,,,. a1h.
'" III ""''''''''''''' ..... fiN
. ""M! '" ..-... h On:..."bn ...... """ 14m ....... a _ n l ..... Pu<... Iron,:or \-oc... ,a.. RnlJ>h fo..-.. ",",a:dh 'OO\>bU'dnl~hnr orKl .\rnn... t>
O'nIIYDd '\1\ (""17lh,:!3rd" ~I .. [ ) n _ l _ w...-'\I Gorpo 15th ". _ On_I 0nR' ..... IIAIaro tronl \Qbofur
nl. Slne hnr Il""'" """ !>robIl:h' 'hmt ." ,..... Pi;n.. lin., in .."' .,.,. 1917 \lI",m-Hunpnan. """ hr-ft1 ,"',,..'" 10 .... "I' aIonl '" "", (Onman ....,. follooo'''R 'hr' roltap><- nI RUS>i>. ''''''l''.-
f>O<1, .............. , [toli:.on Anm _ und.-r a lin. COD1nwJ(\n-. and """'cd "I' b< a 'Id.- nI ,;o..ali>o r....""'r a, I>onw:- - """ ........"J'<'d ""rprb"'llh ,,·..11 from ,n.. (;apor... 'o d~..... lln.p"......a" fighu"ll ,....., 1",1<' ..,." p"trd '" ,.....\""'rUn•. and
dri"""' ...,.
......... p"I>
n... flo"'" d",,,,,,,,.
_ .....,-.._-_ _._ .. ,- .... -- ._....
,..-....l""g [""'P". '" ,,,,,, "fler Lar-<'''o tI... 1",1... ,,, Iaonrhord ~" r>If. ." ..... ;or,..,.. 11 I~",... 'I"'a......"d"" '" ,h.. Hn,,'" :-'1\' (Alrp>. dm'''g t<"'"rds \ IIlorir> \ '.. "....,. A, fi'" ,h.. ,1'e-u·... II""ll'""",,. ''''''''ord, bt" b< oh....nd r>fOr,obrr 1918 'h", ""r.. "' di-.o'r.... ~"d ....,d r""I"""'" :of,.., lo'mg a"",h.., ~,OOO d..-..d a,,,1 ".... ",lrrl "nd 1~7.000 I"'.on", .. 11\ "a,h ""''cm!>rr. C:l.por""" had br<-" ,....."'·. ..cd ~"d ,Ii.. "aha" An'" SlOO<1 on.... 1I>0re .." 11", 10.0"'" .." ,h~ A""'i~", "':.or"hcd ho",,,,
, ..... ,
, • _ _ .......
Of" _ _
"~:.::'::::: II
_ _ ." "'. _ _ .. _ _
nn n,.
~." -•
=....--. . ,
_ .. _ ..
..i,h ,.... r.. ",~
;~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~; ~ ...",il,,!!w_ ....... -
'''''''''''''1'1 ""
:""d "'J'<"",,'cd ," , 1I;o~" Mn. It ..-ao, 1>000"' ..r'~r L.II ,.,.... T_... !tnt ............ IIoIot>onl~ ,~" «."rluooinl " ~ ...
Of _ _ •
1918 bri.,.... lO Rn"m' .. nd • U"" of ll... \lxhil'" ( " (;... \"'. "'~''''''''' lll<'\ r"',,1TO<'d 10 OOl"h Il., "" ...... \'~ ......" ( ...If.
' . . ----. _ -----_ . _ . --' .. _ . _----------..... ,--_ ..... -----._. --. _.. ----_ . ___. . . . . 0_ .------~~~or _ _ .w ..
.. -.
fo..-~ d~n
Ih:,o' Rnt:u"
frum ,II<' \U..,d ,""""'.. F,.. ' ..." n tru<>po '0 Il.,o-;o '" of n>(II.... "'Id ",,,,h ..... ,n'>d ,,,,,0;01 m _ nI ..... npordJoonan oroop> ..~"'prnoc<:,~ ......,,:on ron"" ,.......,.. ~ the c...,,~ fl'O<1\ .. Il1-. 1ttIo :of,.... , -\nni>ti<.. nI , ... """br< 19111 wn.. ord<'lcd '0 "'l'l"'" .11<' \11",..' for«> ",U filI:h\IDil ...... Rnl' 11<""""'\4. " -\ for<.. .....,. 10 \ lad""""",,, ............... bn\a. '" " " ..~ """n" j~1ttIoinriudtdlW08ntt>bbanalOon>l,""'1 "Ithlbmpo.h"n",M! ..... X>
g<'< fIouolt ron""fI<"" ....... 1<> I""""" ...."m..".."., Ruooi;o f...... "''' ( ........... ..a.~J"'" ao: p
of RO'
U·...:u «
, ....,..
Rnuolt om<.... "" ,.... fro"'.
''-'1:<'''....,...,,10 ).llOO .1'........ a ..... 1.'00 Iww,.. I.~'OO
"""" .",,,,,"..,d ill Ii"" on ,.... A>ago I'b, o bur.. 'Ionr ,har.. nI , fillh""g. d..,pI,.. rnam oml> b<-lDg .."U brlooo '''''''Il,h d .... '" , ",fh...",.. 1>a,Klcmio: d ..." AI,
,.... <"'IC""'"
r....", th", r""l(hi In >l'pr"n'M ,10.. Itu""". f""'
"'h",h i"duooinl pot>Olt g:o><" '"K"!.... ..hoch Iw"", m;o,L ....... no pror """. ,.... ("""""'" ..,...... "" f -.(~ .. ..-hio:h drtJl., '" " n1ombl"'g hali:.on "'Kl bo'arn<: moll ... ulll....... ndonrd Ilonr P<""lIOO~' _ ........ f 10,000 6..-..... ~.OOO ~'ii;.OOO "'
1I",.,h ""... ,,, "',,,. '"
",_r" II", "l,~lr",,, ,of K<"dl 'a,-"I ,,, Sc"K" d,m"",,,,l r.," «"'''''a",kd I" • 11,;",11 ",,,,,,1><', of ,,",,11,,,,,,,,,,. (~lr O. l.o<~..,·l ..unp."" R"»I~
"'m...... " f',,'" .'
I'",hl'> 'h",
--_ .. -. --_ . __ ------_..-.. ..... _.-_ ----_ _-_. "'---OPI'O!SIlt _
(:......h•. Srrrll> ",Kl I'''''''. ",Id ;00 F....och, J..
,,-,,,,,,,a,,rkd '" \laj: "
"'Kl fro'" Or','h.... 19111 '" \'''1''''' .:'I"""KI Ir,.. ,,,,,,,=,.
I" 1II'l<' ,It..... f"rln""'.... ,~l<'U,,,.,,. '" "", ,ot
,h.. III",~ lUlU. ,,' ,h.. .,.."': I.." ,h~ local Ih",'a" ""ah'" tL, find
",'a" r..
... "o,,~11 ..'ill",~ IPn"m, w ....... d '0 ~oll .....,'il>li",,> and ll\ "mlln"r 1919 "'''..... tI~", half uf ,h..." m,'11 .. ,"", 1'1"""1l:all~.·.1 R.... t An", I'''w'',·". I" Jllh 1919 mlllim brok... U
• •
_"''''I' ..
MI .. o,lr... t.
_-_ _ -. -....
,.It. "".....
nnt '"''' ,of Ilw",
_._-_ -_..--.....,. ----_ ----_ . --_ . __._----_. -_ .... _---,
--_--_. . _-.. -.--_ ... --_.-. ------------.-
_. ... -. ,e.tt_ ___oo_. _.
II tt ....
lI'A' ".".,Il. "",,""....
1 ,hc ll'·.~,M,I"'eAI ~hao, <:a",...t b> III.. fAn uf fm" ..rnpor.." ill 1917_111, 1'h..... ,,,",,d..d Ih" '(:h~IlAk (:n"" .. I"", Ih.. lI"'l-l, , ...""..01 ", ,,"hdra.. Ih.. i,o«up;l'iot, Inrc,,", flO,,' r",L... , unre... III fit''!'" a AIJIOI'Il ~"a '" A"d 'PC:><'"
_ _ _ ....
on 1914.a u.... ""luirnla no,I..,......· i" L....... "ll: lhoe pna". \\1lh lhoe ..,lhd
>ota«d ,h<11 e~:uod "pin 1916 rn , '.:-r ItrilI'lhon' :alu-.¢I th...."'" q".d." "'I'P'< -.:I. a l:a'1l'" '0' "'" 'n;un .... l>I"d '" I,..bud (';a/,.... al ..... "'"pt"........ , lro"b. \\ "Iun mol1th, ol,hoe .-\nn :an . \ nglo1t......AI b<'pn , '" La.l ..n,,1 19'.!1 ......" ,.h lrrbnd dn>dod. ..... I\n""" AmI, q , I.... , "'<"3,nt '"'" Stale ....... lhoe l'cg.m<"nl> ""' ,Io...n·. I ("""",fir.. 0/ II 'oo "'bn- 19111 h:od brou/l:hlli"", """ .. Tho .."" :a1w , .-...... 1....- ,....... '''It',, ,.. """;0,",,,<1 01' ,,,"t..\\~ r,,,,,, , .of ludi:>. I'hc..- Iud >C'<'fl \1"", ",,"In... ""'..... :ag:a.i'", uib>J ......,,,"'" f " 19U In 19U1, alo
Cu'<"C'" Iud ,II.. \\ Id War e'KIo'" .. I...n a .."" ..,,10 Mgt"""""'n b...l.c ;,,1( ",-",'C.-~I Jr"Ii:tn Arm, d"",,,,,. And ,lie rna", Irrbnd Iud bnon '.. a ....' ... 01 un,
l:a,'Il" 80llth ""I,,,",, '
o"h ,h Whll.. R""'311 """" 'luI ...." d-rJ...-,..d s..n",... III r>< h... ,n R....... ...,.,. not 1"'1',,13' .. "II Ilnll>h """" :'.11.1 31 1<-. ... 0Il<". , ..... 6th R",,.j \b.m... LgIII I"f~",n. m..u"'....1 ,,' Juh. rd...."lll<, lC" i"'Q , ..... au;orL ..'...... On tI>..- <>Ih...- lund. "'Q \ ..-,..... (~ ......, ........, .,. m..-n 0180""" .. in no,th Itu>-...... OIl<" IJl Cpl .\nhLl' .,.,n"",,, 01 h \lIl
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and ,n ( ..., .....'" " f"" ....' .\fno-..n c ,""'. .-...- ,I... 80,»1> \rm' ,h.., "a. ",,,ch ,,"KI. '" do bc>'<>I>
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UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT In thc ~ lOdoth.a.o
I 80..... upniitaoll3n III f""""" :and ~ Iud .hoe b' nfln. ~ machi gu '""', h'l'lh-n<"""" mW'UOOIl. If...... h IIItloI't:lB. :anr>p cq"' "L .-cr.olL un"" Iu"..-..I ,~ n>onfic;d :uod CDJI•.....-ri"ll £onh""" ,Iu. ,t...... c mod>".." h.-c_ ;n-..ibbl<-IO ..... Briliob .................-;"Il ,n·......... thta, · l nl,1 ,h<'n ,hn nud.- do ..-;th a ,-:u>n> 01 '"""'P
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British & Emplro form.tlons s.rvlng In Eostorn & Southern tho.tros
M-:><''''''''.., .."" ' 0 b;o,l d"" ..
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I.....rc .....r rnall' cue,n 'lor 'unif".m· ,uk... ,,,,,,,",,ioolh ''1P''drr'll h~...t..'~~. \1 .d.-.l" rr"''K<1
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Roo'" '''''''
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o"" .lltn-.. .." .... al _1"""."'l"H"..... e....", ,,,,,fflr'•. , ~.<' •.•. """, ~l1d !P,,,"I ~"d '(;;",,:adian
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""""I<" ..
"Il,.. !>auali"", po:»'ed '0 \'Iadi\(",,,~ ...·(el\<"
in a '''",,'' "'
lo"r> (bI....1. "'" alld bro....,') •• ~" ........ ,,1 """,n,,,,,, f"r c-~I" ~."... "f 'h" "an",,,' "p". ~"Ue,
\><.0'" ...
Th" cold """,h"r ek>,hing i,..,,,d '0 Cd, Loc1"... 1... ",f"O"·' m"n of ,lie 1I.:o..-\S Anno"red C"r l)i,·i.i,.., .......... ,,1> ,,, ....,,, "00'''' fro'" Ad",i,.."I" 'f,,,,1 ..·. . ,'h"r· "oft"< ""d con,,,,,ed ",,,,,,h "I dllffd ""eh ""'"". ",,-boot> Ral""!",, """'''1<'" helin"'"
I..... I...... M • In.llInl. \lim ob>olct" p:l'1<'no> of pen"",1 "'lUI!"",,'" ""rc p<......-rl i",o ","">ce. ,,-,h 'k 1903
Rand"",,r "'lUI......."', "n,il curr"", p;otlen", broc-..",.. :»:ailable, The p;o._ 'O>Cd b< .......... \frr.u' uml> in 1911 _rc pan>
h of 'butle '''>
rn> in llah. \l""nlon..... Pal "'.. and \Ie-opolami:o. Pall.i. _ ,h.. ''''h''H,.... b;"dmg> "'''''''Id 'OP<> or lrit ....1>....... ,he plac.. d..-n ,,, di.pb' coluured IWC ..... on ~mcntal cokou or M",... ,...., ....... p;on of .. f.........'ion k",.. of bo."le '''''ll''i.L (AI) ""iform dod not Icnd ,he "'txh...... of coloured clo
tr:otli:on dn..........."hioch ll<'0l1" id...",fied un" "'Id ~ .... • coloun and dni>ion boo ' ..... r oJupc>... In :..ok>n,b ..npo of coloured apt ........., ..'OtTO around haw of >h<>uklc. nld""" .. ,"" """',....-., d,,"ISion: 10th. 1" ,,: :!'\!.Id. bbcl; i'6th. b1"..; 27'h. buff or ,d.....; ;rnd 28th. red. Som.- of ,he d" ..,,,,,,,1 ... g'l> .. h"""" .... fon""uom """;ng in .h.. w, had ,"'......""g "nIP"" Th.. ,,~,h (Loot .-\"gli:on) Oi,;.io" ..""""" ~n ""'brdb 'un...d inwde ""', :d,... , .uccessful (;lid on ~ li"Li>-/J I"""K'" ~, G",.. rodcnallK'd "Lmbrdl~ 11,11'. Th.. '·hh ('.... man" I Oi"»OI'. an ",b",,, form"ion f<>rT1K'd f,om d""'''''',,'cd '"",ma"" ''''Ilull<'nl>. 'ool ~ broL..n 'F,,'r~, ,h..ir .ign. Th.. I)", .. ior,·.. l..n rcf..rr..,J '" lI",i,· of 'dM Sam,,;I. 'd", Tomb of Sam""l" _ .. 1t",~11l ..n",,,te,,·d d ... l..n ,,, the T"rXi.h def.. n.... of j"n,,,,,I..,,,. "Il,.. I hit ('>.onll"lI1) n""",,, ".......n,,,¥ ,n [lrl" .. -h.. n ,h.. ord..r ":as .."oed 1<, "h",.... "g"'. ",,
. of Lif..·. "Il,.. I"h
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(h"hanl 1)""''')1' 1I.,d ••, i" ,ill" a" ,....,-rian lioll _ ",." .11" ti,.. \11""I""a",,a. The 18,h (h,di,,,) ""'1,1>
SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY \ILm"'n. < T. TN .... ""10\ lin........ 1914_1918
O"h" 'h",,,,, 1~"Kk", 11..<"",,,.
l'~!') (, II • lid. 'N ~ • 11n_ '" ItAh
U'"'I'I"'II, \IIL.-. Hnt,... _ f.~ ... fl/-' 1914.... /.\ \k"....- \nn. !!<2 «~ l"t,hh,J""g 1966\
Ch.. ppdl. \hk BntuJI I~.,......I?/-' f9l1'>-]lJlJlI. \lnw,· \no" lOll 1O>prn
l'ubl,oh",g ~"OOOJ
o..Jbo.oc. (~~ R.II t>(u... 6fJdIllw>_ IV11'-" fJR>1 (Gel> .\llen & l·n"'n. Loo""", 19'1il llucllc> ll.ord. ( __ 11..-0 t>( I4r Hoot t lIibi, f ) n _ '''''')/9/4-.-/8 (\\......... \ltil LId. <..rtLlt 19'1i, I)"rl.... \\""el (.~ 1M ;~tJt, 1_,,", (Jot- .. ,»-...J '"-*' U"hn \h...".... l.ondon 19221 F.........ll, l\>ron. TJ>,(_ 11_,.-,\jr>«I19H--191.' (\\ 1\ ,,,...'" l'lilfil ."".J\\ i.'T\k\hlbn, no.. ( Ir~ 11..-0 t>(u... HiIttal . \ _ (Jot- (1""""'" pubn. \I....... lI9191 ........r ( .. lLn,. <.. pt, no.. \oorI t>(u" ~ 1 m (T'..hon i.e Soo,. l.ondort 19".51 ( .. boon.
fr. no..-f?aJ '1_/.JIrtalf)........
111/f-191RI(:o.,ntn 1.4.., Londoo' I~) H:»lhom'h....", Ph,lip J.. TJ>, """'" l\
bco i.e ("A l.ondort I~I) j:runn. \l.n~ FA., ORE, TO. BntuJIIVp_ 19/f-18 (Sa"...... Roob 1.M1. 19Thl "'.m.....-.I"',. 1Ml.........~'-19J4-.-IW,. [I".. 7r.. (0.1"'" l"tol~I"'i"tl!OO1) n'OO"I",,,,·\I;o
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