Sustainability Action Plan Template for Business Plans Read the Tips for Completing Your Action Plan fact sheet before starting. Based on the targets ...
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Sustainability Action Plan Template for Business Plans Read the Tips for Completing Your Action Plan fact sheet before starting. Based on the targets and objectives your division/faculty/graduate school has set in its Business Plan, you can now develop the on-the-ground actions and initiatives needed in order to meet your targets. Actions can also be reflected in staff KPI’s. Note that not all the actions in this plan template may be applicable or desirable for your area. Choose the actions that look achievable and will help you reach your divisional targets and objectives. Some of these actions will require support and/or engagement with other areas of the university, such as Property & Campus Services, Information Technology Services, Human Resources.
Sample actions - amend, delete or add your own actions, as appropriate to your area
Tags to Sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Management & Communications Education for Sustainability Purchasing Choices Energy Waste Transport Water Monitor, Review & Continuous Improvement
1. Management and communications Review or establish targets for:
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water and paper consumption reducing waste disposal increasing green procurement reducing greenhouse emissions from energy consumption, fleet and air travel.
Review existing decision-making procedures and amend to ensure environmental assessment is reflected. Establish an environment committee to include (at minimum) senior management representative, office / facilities manager, operations, purchasing, OH&S representatives. Identify and establish staff ‘champions’ to assist with suggestions and actions. Develop environment committee scope of activities, responsibilities and timetable for monthly meetings. Ensure that environmental sustainability issues (eg. greenhouse gas emissions and climate change) are considered in reviews of the corporate or strategic plans. Implement a staff behaviour change program focused on reducing energy, waste & water consumption Implement a sustainable purchasing awareness campaign. Communication Ensure that website is regularly updated with sustainability initiatives and achievements.
1. Management and communications
Improve education and awareness of contractors, staff and students regarding the use of environmentally preferable products and waste disposal procedures. Promote sustainable practices and initiatives at internal events and open days. Introduce a reward and recognition program for sustainability champions / volunteers. Prepare case studies of successful initiatives and publish on website. Community engagement Develop opportunities to partner with local communities on sustainability projects. Ensure institutional representation in local community environment groups / networks. Work with local councils and community groups to include environmental considerations in community and infrastructure plans. Staff education and training Run workshops for all staff to inform them of your division’s action plan, objectives, targets and timeline of activities. Develop an sustainability induction program for all new staff and contractors.
eg. 1
eg. By Dec 2010
eg. Env team
All staff participate in ResourceSmart workshops
eg. In progress
Staff education and training Develop and implement a sustainability training program for staff to include coverage of climate change, greenhouse gas issues, energy efficiency, waste minimisation, sustainable purchasing and water conservation. Provide change agent training to environmental champions to ensure effective delivery of behaviour change programs. Build awareness of sustainability issues through professional development opportunities for staff. Encourage staff uptake of internal (e.g. Staff Environment Advocates group) and external Sustainability networking opportunities.
2. Education for Sustainability (EfS)
Gain management commitment to embed EfS into all curricula.
eg. 16
eg. By Feb 2010
eg. EfS Officer
Progres s
eg. Commitment to EfS across all schools announced
eg. In progre ss
Develop a compulsory sustainability induction program for all new students. Appoint an institutional focal point (a staff member or committee) for your EfS strategy. Ensure that EfS is addressed in operational frameworks. Ensure that increasing public awareness of EfS is addressed in the EfS policy / strategy / operational frameworks. Determine the percentage of subjects taught which include aspects of EfS / sustainability / environmental education. Develop a mechanism for multi-stakeholder co-operation for EfS. Secure a budget specifically to support EfS Provide economic incentives to support faculties / schools to implement EfS Develop graduate attributes that incorporate EfS principles (such as an understanding of sustainability, systems thinking or similar). Incorporate EfS training into mandatory staff development programs for teaching and academic staff. Increase utilisation of flexible delivery modes, including e-learning, onsite delivery and the integration of formal and informal learning. This can address barriers to delivering training in niche or thin markets and in rural and remote locations.
3. Purchasing choices
2. Education for Sustainability (EfS)
Progres s
Internal policies and procedures Establish an sustainable purchasing committee Create a spend profile for your area to assist in prioritising areas to focus green purchasing programs.
eg. 15
eg. By Jan 2010
eg. Procurement mgr
eg. Spend profile completed
eg. In progress
eg. 13 (ESAS commitment)
eg. May 2010
IT Manager
IT specs revised to include ESD
Not started
Gain management commitment to increase the purchase of 100%recycled-content office paper, toilet paper and hand towels. Gain management commitment to increase the purchase of fair trade, organic tea and coffee and locally produced food Gain management commitment to reduce office paper purchase and consumption. Liaise with other areas that have implemented such policies to identify their barriers and keys to success. Develop or review a purchasing strategy / policy (buy recycled policy) to include consideration of:
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environmentally preferable products (consider life cycle assessments if available) minimising packaging waste travel miles incorporate 'take back’ schemes into supply contracts
Develop standard environmental clauses for incorporation into contracting processes. Ensure that environmentally sustainable development (ESD) considerations are incorporated into purchasing specifications for IT
2. Education for Sustainability (EfS) equipment. Select highest energy and water efficiency standards when purchasing new whitegoods, IT peripherals and other appliances Engagement with suppliers Review supplier agreements to determine potential for switching to products with higher recycled content levels and service providers with a strong environmental focus and track record. Ensure that environmental specifications are incorporated into key services contracts, including cleaning, waste removal and fleet management.
Progres s
4. Energy
eg. 10
eg.1st quarter 2010
eg. Operations mgr
Lighting audits completed for all staff offices
Undertake an energy audit of the office space/facility to benchmark performance and identify key opportunities for improvement in HVAC, lighting, IT and office equipment. Run energy awareness campaigns, such as ‘Switch Off’. Ensure that signage re energy conservation practices is prominently located in staffrooms, lecture theatres, teaching spaces, toilets / bathrooms, student services, residences, etc. Lighting Undertake lighting audits to identify energy-efficient lighting opportunities. Replace lighting with more efficient technology (fittings and lamps) where appropriate. Utilise a lux meter to identify opportunities for de-lamping (consistent with Australian Standards) and liaise with maintenance staff to implement. Install motion and light sensors or automatic switch-off systems. IT and office equipment (see also the Energy Efficiency Best Practice Guide for IT Centres) Install an automated computer system switch-off. Install timers on all relevant equipment (eg. printers, copiers, kitchen boiling water units) to ensure that they operate during business hours only.
4. Energy Ensure that energy efficiency settings are maximised on all office equipment (i.e. computers, monitors, printers, photocopiers, etc.). Remove active screensavers and set monitors to sleep after 5 minutes of inactivity. Conduct a printer rationalisation review with a view to maximising the efficiency of internal printing and copying services. (This should include multifunction devices.) Install 7-day time switches for hot water and other appropriate appliances to turn off outside of operating hours. Adopt shut-down procedures for outside operational hours. Use power meter to monitor the energy consumption of key office equipment :
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Fridge, coffee machine photocopier/multifunction device computer, shredder
Evaluate and communicate the outcomes of activities, including ‘turn-off’ policy or equipment replacement program. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) Encourage staff and students to wear appropriate clothing for the building. Install a timer system to ensure that the HVAC is switched off after business hours.
5. Waste
eg. 8
eg. By Aug 2009
eg. IT Dept
All office printers set to duplex
eg. In progress
Reduce Develop and implement a printing policy, including setting all machines to duplex, rationalising printers / copiers, phasing out non-duplex machines, promote ‘think before you print’ and producing printing guidelines. Require suppliers to use returnable / reusable cartons and reduce or eliminate disposable/non-recyclable packaging. Require caterers and food service tenants to use reusable / recyclable packaging. Become a ‘plastic bag-free’ zone. Reuse Trial recycled printer cartridges to determine quality and suitability for existing equipment. Donate to staff, students or charities, old computer / electrical equipment, furniture and fittings that are still in good condition. Institute a policy that only rechargeable batteries are to be purchased and used. Recycle old mobile phones through the University’s Mobile Muster service. Encourage staff/students to use reusable water bottles and / or reusable mugs and Keep Cups. Reuse incoming cartons for outgoing goods or for storage internally.
5. Waste
eg. 9 (ESAS commitment)
eg. 1–2 years
eg. IT/ waste management
eg. 100% of electronic equipment is recycled
eg. In progress
Reuse for note-taking, scrap paper that has been printed on only one side. Donate scrap office paper to local schools for projects, etc. Recycle Recycle or ensure safe disposal of light bulbs, tubes, batteries and electronic waste. Arrange a dedicated cardboard recycling skip for large amounts of cardboard waste. Send non-working equipment for repair or arrange for proper disassembly and recycling. Ensure all bins have correct signage to promote best practice. Remove individual landfill bins at desks and replace them with recycling bins (this results in very high rates of recycling since paper is by far the major component of office waste). Recycle or reuse all electronic and IT equipment that has been replaced. Establish a surplus property redistribution program to re-assign excess furniture, equipment and office supplies within the institution and to charity. Monitoring and assessment
5. Waste Conduct waste audit / assessment of offices to measure amount of material being recycled and land filled, quantify types of contamination in landfill and recycling streams, and develop waste reduction targets and recommendations for improvement. Report audit / assessment findings to senior management team and staff, especially waste minimisation objectives and targets, and seek feedback on planned initiatives. Paper recycling: Eliminate recyclable paper from landfill waste bins through the office recycling program. Commingled recycling: Reduce rates of contamination in office recycling program. Mobile phones: Ensure that 100% of mobile phones are either reused or recycled. Office equipment, furniture, etc: Divert 80% of used equipment and furniture from landfill.
6. Transport
eg. 10
Operations mgr
Fuel efficiency of fleet improved by 20%
Not started
Fleet operation Continue to improve the fuel efficiency of the fleet by requesting 4cylinder vehicles, hybrid and diesel technology Continue to monitor division’s transport fuel consumption and regularly report emissions. Provide information and education to staff on fuel-efficient driving. Alternative transport Run an alternative travel awareness campaign. Promote bicycle parking & shower facilities in your area Investigate alternatives to air travel (i.e. tele/video conference facilities) and introduce incentives to make use of them. Investigate public transport incentives for staff Implement a car pooling program for staff and students. Explore opportunities for carshare service on/near campus. Join the Bicycle User Group (BUG) on your campus or help to establish one. Air travel Monitor, report & manage staff air travel & emissions. Explore strategies to reduce staff air travel. Purchase carbon offsets for any flights taken.
7. Water
eg. 4
eg. Dec 2009
eg. Operations mgr
eg. Opportunities
eg. completed
Reduce Purchase water-efficient appliances. Investigate opportunities to improve water efficiency of cooling towers (i.e. reducing losses through evaporation and drift). Install and retrofit at all facilities water-efficient plumbing, including:
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flow restrictors, low-flow shower heads dual-flush toilets, waterless urinals, shower timers.
Review cleaning practices to identify opportunities to reduce water consumption (eg. high-pressure cleaning equipment and low-water cleaning products). Undertake a walk-through audit of facilities to identify water leaks. Recycling and reuse opportunities Investigate the possibility of installing water tanks at facilities for capture and reuse of rainwater (eg for vehicle wash-down, irrigation, or sports field watering). Open space irrigation and landscaping Encourage use of indigenous and drought-tolerant plantings. Investigate the potential to replace open-space grasses / lawn with warm season grasses or mulch, gravel, etc. Utilise efficient drip irrigation systems where practical.
investigated and recomm’s made
8. Monitor, review and continuous improvement
eg. 4
eg. Dec 2010
eg. Environment
eg. Baseline data reviewed
eg. Not started
and 4 key areas of usage
Resource usage Review baseline energy use data to identify areas of significant energy consumption.
Review smart meter energy use data for outside operating hours (nights, weekends, non-function times). Procurement Develop a plan to target specific areas of high consumption (informs targeting of specific suppliers). Produce and regularly review a spend map that tracks institutional spending with a view to tracking spending on ‘green’ goods. Contact key suppliers to identify an agreed method to provide you with purchasing information. Waste Undertake annual waste audit of key operations. Undertake weekly contamination checks of key office and nonoffice waste streams over a two-month period. Develop and implement a behaviour change program to address the identified problem items or areas. Undertake regular audits to identify any litter hotspots or measure progress on any litter prevention interventions and to ensure that bins are not overflowing or damaged.
8. Monitor, review and continuous improvement Education for Sustainability Get feedback from staff and students on the effectiveness of EfS programs Compile a review of academic papers and institutional research published on EfS-related topics Review and reporting Establish regular (monthly) environment committee meetings as a forum to monitor progress of the program, including:
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progress of the action plan progress toward targets issues and opportunities arisen in the last period.
Ensure that the environmental program is a standing agenda item on senior management and division or work area team meetings. Report against key indicators quarterly to senior management, including reference to targets and progress on actions undertaken and future areas of focus for the next period. Communicate quarterly environmental performance information (including reference to targets) to all staff and students via a range of methods, including noticeboards, email and intranet site. Include reporting on environmental performance, targets and achievements in your annual report. Continuous improvement
8. Monitor, review and continuous improvement Develop a program or process for capturing ideas from staff on how to reduce environmental impacts. Investigate rewards to encourage staff to come up with innovative ideas on how the institution can reduce its environmental impacts. Establish a process to allow key staff access to professional development to further advance the environmental program, eg. industry associations and briefings, internal and external training. Review implementation of the action plan. Review targets and update when performance is significantly above or below targets, or when the target date is met. Conduct workshops with key staff to:
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review past performance and successes identify challenges faced identify opportunities and future actions.
Utilise information gathered in workshops to draft objectives and action plan for next period. Seek feedback from students, staff and management on draft objectives and actions. Finalise objectives and action plan and seek endorsement from senior management.