• UNIT-2 FORM AND SPACE • Elements of spatial definition • Form defining space elevated base plane depressed base plane • vertical and horizontal elem...
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• UNIT-2 FORM AND SPACE • Elements of spatial definition • Form defining space elevated base plane depressed base plane • vertical and horizontal elements defining space • spatial juxtaposition and interpenetration • depth and density of space • spatial characteristics of elementary shapes • qualities of architectural space - degrees of enclosure. • Analysis of works of F.L Wright and Le Corbusier.
Gestalt psychology – simplify visual environment in order to understand We tend to reduce to the simplest and most regular shapes Easy to perceive and understand
Gestalt principles
Gestalt principles
refers to a characteristic outline of a plane figure or the surface configuration of a volumetric form.it is the primary means by which we recognise , identify and categorize particular figures and forms. Our perception of shape depends on the degree of visual contrast that exists along the contour separating a figure from its ground or between a form and its field. Our concern with relevance to the term “shape” is with • • •
Floor wall and ceiling planes that enclose space Door and window openings within a spatial enclosure Silhouettes and contours of building form
• From geometry we know the regular shapes to be the circle , and the infinite series of regular polygons that can be inscribed within it. Of these the most significant are the primary shapes , the circle , the triangle and the square . • CIRCLE A plane curve every point of which is equidistant from a fixed point within a curve • TRIANGLE A plane figure bounded by 3 sides and 3 angles • SQUARE A plane figure having 4 equal sides and 4 right angles
Visual Properties of Form
SHAPE : Identifying character of the form
SIZE: Dimension w.r.t length , width, & depth
COLOUR: Phenomenon of light and individual’s perception of hue, saturation and tonal value.
TEXTURE: Visual and Tactile quality given to a surface.
Visual Properties Form of Form Visualof Properties
POSITION: Location in relation to environment
ORIENTATION: Direction of view Direction of position of object on ground
VISUAL INERTIA: Degree of stability of a form
All of these properties of form are in reality affected by the conditions under which we view them • • • •
A changing perspective or angle of view presents different shapers or aspects of a form to our eyes Our distance from a form determines its apparent size The lighting conditions under which we view form affects the clarity of its shape and structure. The visual field surrounding a form influences our ability to read and identify it.
Cube A prismatic solid bounded by six equal sides the angle between any two adjacent Faces being a right angle because of the equality of its dimensions , the cube is a stable form except when it stands on one of its edges or corners. Even though its angular profile is affected by our point of view , the cube remains highly recognizable form
A solid generated by the revolution of a right triangle about one of its sides. Like the cylinder the cone is a highly stable form when resting on its circular base and unstable when its vertical axis is tipped or over tuned, it can also rest on its apex in a precarious stable of balance.
Pyramid A polyhedron having a polyhedron base and triangular faces meeting at the point or vertex The pyramid has properties similar to those of the cone Because all of its surfaces are flat planes , however the pyramid can rest in a stable manner on any of its faces While the cone is a soft form the pyramid is relatively hard and angular
Sphere A solid generated by the revolution of a rectangle about one of its sides. A cylinder is centralized about the axis passing through the center of its two circular faces. Along the axis , it can be easily extended. The cylinder is stable if it rests on one of its circular faces , it becomes unstable when its central axis is inclined from the vertical
Cylinder A solid generated by the revolution of a semicircle about its diameter, whose surface is at all points equidistant from the center . A sphere is a centralized and highly concentrated form. Like the circle from which it is generated , it is self centring and normally stable in its environment. It can be inclined toward a rotary motion when placed on a sloping plane. From any viewpoint it retains its circular shape
The square represents the pure and the rational
It is static and the neutral figure having no preferred direction All other rectangles can be considered variations of the Square Deviations from the norm by the addition of height or width Stable when resting on this side and dynamic when standing on its corners
Cube • Six equal sides • Angle between any two adjacent faces being right angle • Cube is static form • It is very stable unless it stands in corners
• The cube remains a highly recognizable form
Cube • Visual effect • The vertical blank square neither invites nor repulses • Visually and physically impenetrable • uninviting appearance • Because the directions are equally emphasized , the mass as a whole has no directional quality and is neutral • Visual force is given by the edges
Cube •
Inside cube
• Space inside cube is bounded with plane surface lines and corners • Corners wont project towards the observer but recede away from him • When it is treated it grasps the attention.
Cuboid • Altering the equal sides cuboid is obtained • The volume is spread in particular direction either horizontal or vertical irrespective of the surface • Each mass has a longer side and shorter side • Surface lines are emphasized than corners
Cuboid • Horizontality eg - street • One doesn’t tend to stop unless an opening or hindrance is created • Horizontal internal space stimulates a horizontal movement, so space becomes a street , corridor or a passage
Cuboid • Verticality eg - high rise building • Both physical and visual tension makes it dominating • Vertical space stimulates vertical movement when filled with staircase or lift
Water cube - national aquatic center Concept - Bubbles symbolizing water Conceptually cube symbolises earth by chinese
Cube • The zollverein school , Germany • Organization of the openings, windows in three different sizes, create an unusual interaction with the surroundings and the interior. • The building has four floors with ceilings of varying height as well as a roof garden. The Idea of stacking open floor plans was developed in compliance with the demands • Made by the various functions.
when Rested on one of its side triangle signifies stability When tipped to stand on one side balanced in a precarious state of equilibrium or unstable to fall over onto one of its sides
• Pyramid • Made up of tapering and inclined surface and gather together to form an apex , a corner where the whole mass culminates • Eye will travel towards the corner • The directional quality is stronger than that of a rectilinear tower • Pyramidal form shows the spiritual character
• Flat topped pyramid reminiscent of sumerians and mayan forms • Accumulation of force at the upper edge which encloses the square plateau above and hold it in a kind of visual field force • Any major activity taking place upon it will appear to posses a higher importance to those below and strongly attract attention
• Derivatives of pyramid • Fan shape auditorium– acoustically helpful and viewing angle is maintained
• Pitched roof – dwellings to throw off rain water
Stable introverted and self centering
Center of field reinforced its inherent centrality Placing
circumference can induce the a rotary motion
CIRCLE • The Circle symbolizes unity, stability, rationality. • It is also the symbol of infinity, without beginning or end, perfection, the ultimate geometric symbol. • It represents a completeness which encompasses all space and Time
• Sphere
India, Pondicherry Matrimandir
• Sphere is a body that consists of regular , continuous surface. • It has no lines , edges or corners • Neither horizontal or vertical emphasis • It is a form which is closed within itself.
• Emotional effect • • • •
Lack of concentration Restleness Diffuseness This diffuseness also characteristics the external space surrounding the sphere. • Total effect on observer is lack of sense of orientation
• • • • • •
VISUAL QUALITIES: Pure convex form externally Presents impenetratable , uninviting appearance. It displays visual quality of repulsion . Has no points of interest to focus Defined by vague outline of circle , whole mass appears as immense dot.
Inside the sphere • • • • • • • • •
There is a dramatic change inside. The bounding surface is continually concave. It opens to the observer. Invites attention. Attraction is from all sides This results in equilibrium of forces. Center of this equilibrium is center of sphere .the center is imaginary. It arouses sensations of Concentration , repose and orientation.
Amazons green house for employers at seattle
Designed by James Law Cybertecture. This building is also called as Miniature Planet Earth. The building is located Dubai.
Icon Hotel Dubai
• Cut horizontally in half. • Cut portion forms an edge , circular in plan.
• The dome and the edge portion give the visual character Internally • One concave surface and a flat base • Interior is circular in shape. • The attention to the observer will be to the center but a sense of movement is experienced along the the edge Visual effect Diffused quality in the sphere, but continuity is terminated at rim. Emotional effect
A sense of circular movement set up by the rim. rim
Inverted hemisphere • While sphere leads to disorientation hemisphere leads to circular movement. • If the base is flattened it would be horizont al arena towards the which attention is foc used. • This would be an idea for viewing a central activity . • An amphitheatre is an oval, circular shaped semi circular area surrounded by raising ground used for performances , exhibitions , games etc
Roman Theatres
Openings • Interrupt the continuity of the domical surface • Decreases the visual impact • Weakens the rim • Connectivity to the interior and exterior • Attention fluctuautes between interior and exterior
• Focus is lost
Australian academy of science ,Canbera
• Location: Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh • Founded By: Maurya Emperor Ashoka • Founded In :3rdcenturyBC
• UNESCO World Heritage Site • It is a simple hemispherical brick structure which has been built over the relics of Lord Buddha. Surrounding the main Sanchi Stupa is a path, used for circumambulation
ALDAR HQ tower in Abu Dhabi
• Inspiration from the Human Eye: L’Hemispheric in City of Arts and Sciences at Valencia, Spain; Sketches showing the derivation from the Human Eye
Transformation of forms
Subtractive transformation a form can be transformed by subtracting a portion of its volume.
Dimensional transformation A form can be transformed by altering one or more of its dimensions and still remain its identity as a member of a family of forms. A cube , for example can be transformed into similar prismatic forms through discrete changes in height , width or length Can be compressed into a planar form or linear one.
Additive transformation A form can be transformed by addition of elements to its volume the nature of the additive process and the number and relative sizes of the elements being attached determine whether the identity of the initial form is altered or retained
Depending on the extent of the subtractive process , the form can retain its initial identity or be transformed into a form of another family Cube is still a cube though a portion of it is removed or transformed into a series of regular polyhedrons that begin to approximate a sphere
Form & Space To comprehend the structure of a visual field, we organize its elements into positive shapes perceived as figures and negative portion serving as a background for the figure.
Letter ‘a’ is a figure having distinct profiles, placed against a contrasting background. As it grow in size relative to their field, however, other elements within and around them begin to compete for our attention as figures.
We should therefore understand that figures and their background together form an inseparable reality – a unity of opposites- just as the elements of form and space together form the reality architecture.
Unity of the opposites
Positive and negative spaces
Walls are usually read as the positive elements of a plan. But, the white spaces in between , should not be seen simply as background for the walls, but also as figures in the drawing that have shape and form
Figure ground
Even at the scale of a room , articles of furnishings can either stand as forms with in a field of space or serve to define the form of a spatial field
Figure ground
Relating the form of a building to the space around it
• Form a wall along an edge of its site and begin o define a positive outdoor space
• Merge its interior space with the private outdoor space of a walled site
• Enclose a portion of its site as an outdoor room and shelter it from undesirable climatic conditions
• Surround and enclose a courtyard or atrium space within its volume- an introverted scheme
• Stand as a distinct object in space and dominate its site through its form and topographical positioning – an extroverted scheme
• Stretch out and present a broad face to address a view, terminate an axis , or define an edge of an urban space
• Stand free withitin its site but extend its interior spaces to merge with private exterior spaces
• Stand as a positive form in negative space
The relation of the building to its context is of utmost importance. Architecture should never lose the natural and meaningful connection with the surroundings
Elements of form defining space In architecture we manipulate three generic types of planes Overhead plane Ceiling plane or roof plane
Wall plane
Vital for enclosure of architecture space . Active in our field of vision
Base plane
With ground plane the building can merge , rest firmly or be elevated above it.
Horizontal plane
Base plane
•Seems to be figured out when there is a perceptible change in color , texture . •With edge definition •With surface articulation – eg carpet , lawn , paving, tiling etc.
Horizontal plane Elevated Base plane •Elevating creates a specific domain •If surface characteristics continues up across the elevated plane , then the elevated one will appear part of surrounding plane. •If edge conditions is articulated by a change in form ,color , texture, then the field will become a distinct plateau ,that is separated from surroundings.
Horizontal plane Elevated Base plane – spatial & visual continuity
Edge is well defined . Spatial continuity maintained. physical access accommodated
Spatial continuity interrupted. Visual continuity maintained. required stairs for physical access.
Visual and spatial continuity is interrupted. Elevated plane isolated from ground level.
Horizontal plane Elevated plane
•It can be a result form site conditions or constructed to elevate a building from surroundings to enhance its image in landscape. •Used to differentiate the sacred space or it defines any important typology. •Elevated plane can define a transitional space between exterior and interior. •A section of a floor plane can be elevated to establish a zone of space with in the large space.
Villa savoye , Paris
Horizontal plane Depressed Base plane – spatial & visual continuity Vertical surface of depression establishes boundaries
By contrasting form , geometry or orientation
Remains an integral part
The space is distinct
Horizontal plane Depressed plane
Horizontal plane Overhead plane • • • • •
It is similar to the canopy of a tree It gives sense of enclosure. -Overhead plane defines a filled space between itself and ground plane. Edges of the overhead plane define the boundaries of a space. Vertical linear elements , edges of overhead plane , elevated base plan and depressed base plane aid in visually establishing the limits of the defined space and reinforce the volume. • Offers protection. Determines overall form • It is determined by the materials & structural form. • The roof planes can be the major space defining element of the building and visually organizes a series of forms and spaces beneath the canopy.
Horizontal plane Overhead plane Roof PLANE • •• • •
Can be hidden from view by wall or merge. Can be single or many Can extend outward as overhang Can be elevated to allow breeze to pass through Overall form can be endeavored with a distinctly planar quality by opening with vertical or horizontal edges.
Horizontal plane Overhead plane
• Can reflect the form of the structural system. • Can be detached from roof plane, suspended ,Can be lowered or raised to articulate spaces. • Can be manipulated to define and articulate spaces. • Can be manipulated to define and articulate zone of spaces. • Form , color , texture and pattern of the ceiling plane can be manipulated to improve the quality of light / sound / directional quality. • Form can be manipulated to control the quality of light , sound / within a space. Raised to let in Light Lowered
vertical plane Single vertical plane • A vertical plane has frontal qualities. It has two surfaces or faces which it fronts on and establish two distinct spatial fields • They can differ in form , color or texture to articulate different spatial conditions. • The height of the vertical plane relative to our body height and eye level is the critical factor that effects the ability of the plane to visually describe spaces.
Provides little or no sense of enclosure. It defines the edges of spatial field
Provides sense of enclosure. It allows visual continuity
Separates one space from another
Complete sense of enclosure
vertical plane
Linear elements •
• • • • • • • • • •
Vertical linear elements such as columns , obelisks and towers have been used throughout history to commemorate significance events or establish particular points in space or to organize spaces around it. Vertical linear elements can also define a transparent volume of spaces. marks the corners and edges of spaces. Linear members that possesses the necessary material strength can perform structural functions. They can express movement across space. Stand as column supports for entablature. Columns and beams together form a 3d framework for architectural space. marks the corners and edges of spaces. Linear members that possesses the necessary material strength can perform structural functions. They can express movement across space. Stand as column supports for entablature. Columns and beams together form a 3d framework for architectural space.
vertical plane
Linear elements
Single linear element - creates focus
Row of columns – encourage movement
vertical plane Linear elements A row of column supporting an entablature – a colonnade is often used to define the public face or façade of a building – Advantages • Being penetrated easily for entry. • Offers a degree of shelter from the elements • Forms a semi transparent screen the unifies individual building form behind it. • Columns can define the edges of an exterior space. • Articulate the edges of building mass in space. • pergola can provide a moderate degree of definition and enclosure for outdoor spaces. • Allow light and breeze to penetrate.
Openings in space defining elements • Openings are required for visual and spatial continuity. • Openings determine patterns of movement ( door) • Openings allow light to penetrate the space ( window)& illuminate the surface of a room. • They offer views from the room / interior to exterior. • They establish visual relationship between rooms and adjacent spaces. • They provide natural ventilation. • Depending on size , number and location they can weaken the enclosure.
Depth of space The most and common effective indicators of depth are the Texture gradient and the phenomenon which tells us that an object partially hiding another must be in front of it. In painting , deep space or shallow space denotes the depth
Density of space Space not only has depth , it is also more or less dense. According to the function and aesthetics , density is created . A dense space well rhythmed and modulated seems more reassuring and earthly
Dense space – interior of cordoba mosque
Spatial Space within a space A space may be contained within the volume of a larger space Interlocking spaces The field of a space may overlap the volume of another space
Adjacent spaces Two spaces may abut each other or share a common border
Space linked by a common space Two spaces may rely on an intermediary space for their relationship
Spatial juxtaposition and interpenetration
• Elements of spatial definition and openings characterize types of spatial relationships
• Juxtaposition is nothing but the well defined adjacent spaces achieving privacy • Interpenetration connects two spaces together, creates continuity from one space to another
Refer ching book for details and quote and sketch examples .
The spatial qualities of form , proportion , scale , texture and sound Qualities of space Form
Colour Texture Pattern Sound
Proportion Scale
Properties of enclosure of a space Properties of enclosure
Surface Edges
….................................................................. Configuration
Degree of enclosure View or outlook ….…............................................................. light
• Openings lying wholly within the enclosing planes do not weaken the Edge • Form remains intact and perceptible
• • •
Visually weakens the corner boundaries Erode the overall form Promote visual continuity and interaction with adjacent spaces
• • •
Visually isolate the planes Spaces loses its sense of enclosure Visual emphasis is on the enclosing planes rather than volume of thespace
The sun is the rich source of natural light for the illumination of forms and spaces in architecture.
Varies with time season and place
Through windows , skylights the radiant energy falls upon the surface within the room, enlivens their colours and reveals the texture
With the different patterns of light shade shadow, sun animates the space and articulates the forms within it.
Colour and brilliance of the sunlight can create festive atmosphere or more diffuse daylight can instil a sombre mood
Intensity and direction is fairly predictable , its visual impact on the surfaces , forms and space of a room can be predicted on the size, location and orientation of windows and skylights
Digital simulation of classroom model
The size of a window or skylight controls the amount of day light a room receives. The size of an opening in a wall or roof plane however is also regulated by factors other than light , such as the materials and construction of the wall or roof plane, requirements for views, visual privacy and ventilation the desired degree of enclosure for the space and the effect of openings of the exterior form of a building. The location and orientation of a window or skylight therefore can be more important than its size in determining the quality of daylight a room receives . An opening can be oriented to receive direct sunlight during certain portions of the day. Direct sunlight provides high degree of illumination that is especially intense during mid day hours. It creates sharp patterns of light and dark on the surfaces of a room and crisply articulated the form within the space, possible detrimental effects of direct sunlight such as glare and excessive heat gain can be controlled by shading devised built into the form of the opening or provided by the foliage of nearby trees or adjacent structures.
An opening an also be oriented away from direct sunlight and receive instead the diffuse, ambient light from the sky vault overhead. The sky vault is a beneficial source of day light since it remains fairly constant even on cloudy days and can help to soften the harshness of direct sunlight and balance the light level within a space
The location of an opening affects the manner in which natural light enters a room and illuminates its forms and surface. This condition can induce glare if an excessive degree of contrast exists between the brightness of the opening and the darker surface surrounding it. The uncomfortable glare caused by excessive brightness ratios between adjacent surfaces or areas in a room can be improved by allowing day light to enter the space from at least two directions
When an opening is located along the edge of a wall or at the corner of a room, daylight entering through it will wash the surface of the wall adjacent and perpendicular to the plane of the opening. This illuminated surface itself becomes source of light and enhance the light level within the surface
Additional factors influence the quality of light within a room. The shape and articulation of an opening is reflected in the shadow pattern cast by sunlight on the forms and surfaces of the room. The colour and texture of these forms and surfaces in turn affect their reflectivity and the ambient light level within the space
Views •
Internal focus or a outward orientation – views – visual relationship between room and surroundings
The size and location of these openings determine the degree of visual privacy and outward orientation
• • • •
Small opening – frame a view , close up detail Long narrow opening – hint Large opening – broad vista Large scene – backdrop
• • • • • •
Corner – diagonal orientation View from only one position Upward sky and treetops Sequenced to Fragment a scene – encourage movement within the space Can provide views from one space to another Should also provide inward focus and focus elements