U-impact introduction

AIESEC in Taiwan NTLC Who are we? U-impact 是專⾨為⼤臺北地區國中⼩舉辦的假⽇營隊,籌備團隊為我們 與外國研習⽣。 在這裡,你可以接觸⼤量外國研習⽣,並⼀對⼀地成為他們的 專屬夥伴。 ➤外國研習⽣是誰? 簡單來說,就是參與專案的外國年輕⼈ ➤他們透過什麼管道...

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1 About the Introduction 1.1 This Introduction explains the basic principles and structure of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system. 1.2 The Introduction is intended to be used in conjunction with the Glossary and the Manual. The Glossary def